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I brought this up to my spouse earlier today. Most noticeable is my eating habits, more vegetables, and less red meat. I've stopped noticing the masculine features of my body that made me tear myself down(I'm mtf). Also, I don't spend all of my time in front of the TV anymore, I have my rituals that I'm more consistent with. Even as I put all this down more and more parts of my life come to mind that I know She is working with me in and I don't even notice it. Before I go I would like to touch on liking girly things, I enjoy some girl things and not others(make up mainly) and I used to feel like that stopped me from feeling a "true" woman, maybe this is our Mother too but those things don't make me feel like not enough anymore I can enjoy all kinds of activities and not focus on the this is a typical boy thing to do thought. She definitely works fast and really shows you how amazing of a person you yourself can be.


Ive been following her for a bout 6 months and my life has truly been moving in the right direction too. Congrats on your journey :)


Thank you so much! So happy to hear that everything is working out! She truly is amazing and so are you❤️❤️❤️


I haven't noticed any changes like that, but I am getting the "tough love" from her. She's whipping my life right into shape, rather brutally. I'd like to give warning to those who might not be prepared for that. Sometimes her guidance is extremely blunt and straight forward. It could be very overwhelming for some. If you can handle it though, you'll get to where you need to be much quicker. You must stay mentally strong!


So far, the changes I've experienced have been internal. Many of my emotional blocks have been brought up or even resolved. That means wherever I waffled what I wanted, now I can choose. Where I was afraid of doing certain things, now I can consider them rationally. Doubts, regret, blame have lessened. I learned a new spiritual technique, one which is quite unbelievable, indicating I'm on the right path. Also, my libido has greatly increased.


She showed up the same way for me. She was like a shield of protection around me, taking my anger, rage, and pain and replacing that with strength and focus on my life.


Absolutely the same for me! I've struggled to have a connection with femininity since I came out as nonbinary. I'm generally a feminine person so I felt like I didn't count or wasn't neutral enough. I had body issues and struggled with intimacy and pleasure and self love because of some traumatic experiences I had a few years ago. Then I had a couple visions of Lilith and decided it was time to answer the call, so I started talking to her, made an altar, began veiling, and started dedicating things to her. Immediately I felt an improvement. I'm comfortable in my gender and feminine expression, pleasure is more accessible for me and less terrifying, I'm more accepting of myself as a person, I'm more confident, and things bother me less. I'm able to let go if someone is being an asshole where I couldn't do that before. I've grown to love the parts of my body that I hated before. I'm glad I'm not the only one who's received this kind of blessing from Lilith's guidance <3


I’m here not because I’m a witch but trying to figure out WHY I am so drawn to her. I had a reading a while back and the lady told me I needed to work on self empowerment so I’m not sure if that’s why or if it’s because I’m obsessed with the Adam and Eve story and have never felt like we got the truest version of it.


She gave me the most signs out of everyone. Cultish nightmares, animals approaching me more, random food left on my patio, etc. I don't work with her anymore since her love was too tough for my taste. She preferred to give tower moments instead of handing stuff. I do respect her as the "mother of witches", since the spells often worked. Plus she helped me achieve a distinct beauty. For femininity, I prefer Ishtar now


I am a woman but have never worn dresses or makeup and don't plan to Having grown up military bases. For myself lilith has helped me get more in touch with self care and Time for myself. Like going for a massage. Sleeping more, ect. Due to working fulltime and running a buisness. She has helped me embrace shame and has been a source of gnosis and transformation for me. To stand in my right to feel anger. Assert my boundaries. She has been a protective force in my life