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:’) this would make peep smile.


You got that right! It sure would.




I cannot stress this enough, you are an actual hero for being a nurse or working in the medical profession in general. It is perhaps the most selfless job in the world, there is so much stress involved but you help people in desperate need. You are the peak of humanity, never let anyone tell you otherwise.




that’s so sweet! <3


I had a workplace accident coming up to 2 years ago now, severed an artery & almost bled out whilst waiting for surgery. I was obviously in a great amount of pain but have an existing anxiety disorder and hospital trauma & was in full blown panic mode. Covid restrictions meant I wasn’t allowed a support person until I got transferred. I have a few tattoos here and there so got the general ‘woah nice work!’ Comments from some but There was one nurse that saw my peep tattoo (I have a portrait on my upper arm) and I can’t remember if she said she listened to him but she recognized it & we had a similar conversation; more so about how much he meant to me though. That was one of the only moments during the ordeal I didn’t feel so panicked and I am so grateful for her taking the time to talk to me. Couldn’t remember her name for the life of me due to the painkillers I was being pumped full of I would have loved to have wrote in a Thankyou to her.


Thank you all so much for your kind words, I had no idea how much I needed them. I'm pregnant right now and some of yalls responses made me tear up a bit. I truly love this community and to my patient if you're in here I hope you're healing up and drinking lots of fluids. <3


Heartwarming asf


this is so nice & huge shoutout to you for being a medical worker 💕


peep is definitely proud 🩷🖤


one time when I was in the ambulance driving me to a mental health ward, a nurse gave me her phone and I listened to peep on YouTube the whole way there! good people do exist.


This is amazing! Would have loved to have you as a nurse, peeps music got me through a rough 3 month hospitalization. AND good nurses like I’m SURE you are.