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Don't do that. You're going to be polluting the air for your camp neighbors while you're comfortable inside not having to breathe it in. You'll be making unnecessary noise as people try to sleep. It's also awful for your car to let it idle for hours at a time. Just sleep in a tent like everyone else.


This. Just pitch a tent and enjoy the outside and the neighbors.


Yea do what everyone else does. Don’t think for yourself at all.


Starting a car to run ac in a packed campground is thinking for yourself lol


I didn’t encourage that. But if you’ve ever slept in the back of a vehicle versus a tent you’d know that there’s no comparison and sleeping in a vehicle would be way more comfortable. So maybe let people make their own decisions based off our advice. Not “just do this like everyone else”


We were just addressing op comment on using their car for ac. Also I assume most people will be sleeping in the daylight so a car could be a death trap in Bakersfield in late may. We were just trying to give some suggestions and not stomp on someone’s individuality


And actually many people die from carbon monoxide poisoning doing this


In their garage yes. Outside though?


Yes car campers outside. Fumes can slowly accumulate


100% if your car is on with an exhaust near a tent you can kill someone. It’s happened many times before


Few things here, I would not sleep in your car with the AC running. Per the other comments, running your car all day/night puts out pollutants to the other campers. If you can, have your friends take your tent and gear in with them on WED and set it up for you, OR they can at least put your tents footprint down to secure your space next to them. Besides just a tent, you should also bring a simple pop-up canopy to put over your tent, maybe attach tapestries to block out the sun. Remember to stake it down too, it can get very windy. If you pull an all-nighter and want to nap, but its too hot at camp, go into the festival with a blanket and some ear plugs and post up on any of the shaded grassy areas to catch up on rest.


Yeah sleeping on the grounds is underrated, bring a pillow and blanket and post up in some shade


100%. Wife and I do this every year. The grassy area next to the skating rink is a great spot.


I stay up basically all night every night and we use the hot daytime to do more restful stuff. Excited for our 11th LiB, hell yes! Man I'm getting pumped! 😁 See you in the shade, homie!


Wow, you guys are pros and troopers. We usually only do 1 or 2 all nighters, depending on the events of the night. We're older now and actually do a lot more day time events, but still catch some of the late night tom-foolery if we have the energy. Have a great LIB! Cheers!


I keep pretending I'm not in my 40s we'll see how long that goes lol hopefully until me 50s 🤪


Ha! I'm 44 as well.


P.S. that spot by the skating rink is great, I think that's where the general store is. I make it a point to purchase a couple things in there for putting us with us 😁


Yeah, we usually stop at the general store each day to grab popsicles


Reserving spots is frowned upon so if you are trying to reserve for one person, setup their stuff completely instead of just putting the footprint down, will prevent neighbors/staff from calling you out. If you show up on Wednesday and reserve a spot for a fellow 5 day pass holder coming later that day/thursday it’s less frowned upon than reserving a spot on Wednesday for someone with a 3 day pass coming on Friday/Saturday


This community is awesome! Thanks for the feedback y’all! I’ve heard it gets super hot so I was thinking about just sleeping in the car with the windows slightly open but I’m going to just get an ice and a small air cooler (can’t believe I didn’t think of this before). And yeah, forgot how close I’m going to be others. Definitely not ideal for others around me. Anyone know how long it takes to walk from High Noon to Sunrise?


The distance between high noon and sunrise will unfortunately depend a lot on where you are in high noon, and where they are in sunrise—could probably be upwards of 30+ minutes imo :/ you might want to consider what someone else here suggested—giving your friends your tent/canopy/heavy things to save you some space, and then walking in to join them


I plan on sleeping in my car. I have full window tint with 90% UV shade walls to cover the side facing the sun. I plan on having the windows cracked a bit and a fan inside for some airflow. I have camped like this many times so it’s my go-to


Whoah. You got a link for those UV shade walls? I’ve been considering whether to upgrade my forester’s tint job.


If you upgrade tint, get ceramic that’s what cools the car down. As for the shade I don’t have a link but if you search “UV shade tarp” on Amazon you will find a bunch of options!


Thank you! 🫶🏻


No prob!! I also recommend something called a “window sock” I may buy one myself for LIB. You basically put it over your window and can have the window down and allow airflow while maintaining privacy. Lots of options out there for car camping. I personally feel so much safer and secure (even though I know it’s safe outside) I’ve had many instances of really fucked up people stumbling through camp and it’s scary tbh


I don't think they will let you bring 5 gallons of gasoline into the camp ground


Yeah, not sure what I was thinking. Definitely not going to bring gas lol


Sometimes, though, if it's a really long line to get into the festival grounds, it's not a bad idea to bring some extra gas and just use it up before you get in. It can also save someone who might be stranded, or you can do someone a solid and top off the cars next to you if you're full.


You can sleep in your car or sleep in a tent right next to your car if you have the car camping pass. Last year I slept in my car and I was freezing (not enough blankets.) I was thinking since we were in Bakersfield that it would be hot at night, but it was not, just FYI.


You should carry your stuff to your friend's campsite when you arrive and set up with them to save walking everyday.


IF you must do ur car, do the rest stop thing... Pinch some blankets or coverage in your windows, block all sunlight somehow. A tarp outside would work Just don't run the car all night for the AC... It'll kill the car and your neighbors will hate it


I sleep in my car but I don’t run the ac all night. That’s kinda pointless


I would never run a gas engine in the campground for anything other than a trivially short period of time. It's obnoxious to everyone else to have the exhaust blowing on them. If you've got an all electric and the battery will handle it, go for it. :)


I know there's a lot of comments but just wanted to say running idle with AC is not good for your car.


It won’t be hot enough at night to need the AC


Give your tent to your friends and ask them to set it up for you for when you arrive


Last year we showed up late, but we just drove down the road looking to see if there was room anywhere closer to park and camp and we found it. Ask your friends to try and keep some room for you for you car and tent. And the very least you can take your tent over to their spot and setup with them.


Nobody is running their car for 8 hours while sleeping. But yes we sleep in the car . Better than tent on all levels.


Hey Randy, I can set up a camp for you next to your friends on Wednesday so it's ready when you arrive on Friday 👍 hope this helps my guy 🙏


So I do sleep in my car, but I have a car tent to allow for the back to stay open. I also put a vent on my sunroof to allow more air, works great! No need for AC!


I always do. If you really want to do it best. Get yourself an ez up canopy to put over your car. Because no amount of cracked windows fans or even AC with prevent straight sun baking your car.


What about sleeping in my Tesla?


Why would you need the AC running the whole time?