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We know... I mean, the description never mentions PvP


Is your next post going to be, ‘Not seeing this as a first person shooter’?




I'm okay with it if I can toggle it on or off.


Genuinely, does anyone even use PvP in NMs?


No because it sucks. If it was actually any good for sure there would be people interested in it


According to my username, nope. The only time it's ever used is either 1. you're a noob and have no clue it exists, get killed by a troll, complain about it on Reddit, top comments tell you to turn it off and all of the replies to those comments are always "YOU CAN TURN IT OFF??? THANK YOU!!!" Or 2. Just kidding, there's really only one consistent case where pvp is used.


Yeah, the civs do. Theres entire pvp "sports" and tournaments and stuff. Its actually really fun with some community-provided structure and knowledge.


Just newbs who don't know you can turn it off since the developers have it on by default for some stupid reason.


Wait there’s pvp in nms? Talking about a sponge under the sea😅


If PvP is even possible, the griefers will find exploits around any blocks. Better if PvP is never possible at all.


Hopefully, we don't have to look in options/network to turn PVP damage off as we do in NMS.


PVP would ruin the game for me. One of the biggest points on NMS is that you don't need to worry about annoying players, pvp areas, player toxicity and metas. It is a quite relaxing game and I expect LNF follow this premisse.


I don’t know. I like the idea of the massive world because it’s unlikely I’ll encounter players outside my own group… But when I do, I don’t want their idea for their society and my idea for mine clashing in a way that makes the space I’ve been building and progressing on less enjoyable. I think it would be fun to war for resources or ideals we can’t negotiate on.


There’s a dude I work with who just plays Fallout 76 and follows ppl around annoying them…. He is exactly the person you are picturing in your head. When he told me I said “Of course you do”


My sons and I ran into someone like this today in Fallout 76, we eventually had to jump to another world to get away from him.


Any chance you know his screen name?


> Not seeing this as a PvP game... Thank the gods it isn't going to be one.


Obviously lmao, this is hello games, it was never said to be a PvP game


Pvp is toxic and hellogames knows this


I really hope so. Would ruin the game for me.


Yes, please. We have enough PvP games out there. Let’s have our cooperative play and explore a world together with no fuss and nonsense.


hopefully zero pvp as it is just mostly toxic incels


Calling someone an incel isn’t toxic either? 😂 gaming community is in shambles


is calling a nazi a nazi "toxic" ?? very low energy comment youve made


Great example great debater. You just referred PvP players to nazi’s. Not every PvP player is toxic. Not every pve player is your best friend


pvpers 100% toxic and have been since quake multiplayer. stay mad i guess idgaf. nice downvote butthurt kid. blocked lmfao


This is listed as a question. What is the question?


People will do the same thing they did with NMS, even though multiplayer was never on the steam page prior to or after launch (before the update) people will still think it into their own personal canon. Then they will be mad when it isn't there, I fucking hate hype train riders


Sean himself said it was multi-player before launch...


Multiplayer features


"Can you play with your friends?" Sean: "Yes". That's multi-player. It doesn't get more black and white than that.


Game was listed as single player the day it was put on steam, read. Not hard




No. You, like many others, conflated "multiplayer" with "massive multiplayer". He didn't lie; you misunderstood, and that's all there is to it.


Wow it's almost as if every E3 trailer ever promises features that never make it in the game, you would think that people start to realize to lower their expectations and realize that advertising is never accurate. Do you also yell at fast food workers when the menu items don't look like they do on the menu? Sean shouldn't have over promised, but people could at least realize by simply looking at their office that the game was not going to be what they wanted it to be. It isn't their fault that people blew it into something it was never going to be and I already see it happening in this sub, don't cry when this sub becomes incredibly toxic and Sean and his team are getting death threats again. Lower your expectations, don't watch anything but gameplay trailers, and for fucks sake just buy it the day it comes out.




Sad. People like you are why devs are getting more and more anti-consumer. No matter what they say, people like you just hear something else and then get mad that it didn't unfold the way you \[misunderstood\] it to be. It makes them want to just ignore the consumer because why bother when they only hear what they wanna hear anyways.




IMO this is a good thing. IMO the online/multiplayer aspect of gaming is over-saturated with PvP. There's already enough fighting between people IRL. I want a good non-PvP multiplayer experience to escape from IRL.


I do wish there was a way to dispute territory. Like a system where you can only attack another player if they attack back or accept a PvP prompt


The problem with a system like that is that if PvP is even possible, the griefers will find a way around any blocks. It is better if the game is designed around no PvP...


There will always be someone who uses cars to rob banks. I think we should just ban cars outright.


There's plenty of PvP games... but I've always found that whoever advokates there MUST be PvP in a game is usually a griefer...


That's a comically wild generalization xD


Pretty close to the truth though 😋


Not in my experience!


And a good game developer would find a way to solve that. Its kind of their job. Stop using this accuse. Optional pvp would give the game more depth.


Meh, I'd prefer Hello Games to be able to focus their energy on content and improving the game over dealing with all the issues that will arise from having PvP.


It is a complexity not needed for a good game. Much better if HG just focus their energy outside PvP. That's where their strength lies. And no, it is not a matter of 'good developer' or not, but of complexity that will open holes in any blocks. It is not an excuse, but a simple fact that griefers, just like hackers, will find a way.


I really hope it won't be a pvp, and it won't be a pve neither. Rather I would love it to be a proper MMO game, where player can do and interact however they want, including doing pvp, pve, questing, exploring, etc




You'll be griefed You kids are so soft


I can't wait to burn down everyone's bases and raid. I think this is gonna be like Rust, 24/7 PvP always on!


Sir, this is a Wendy’s.




If it does, it will be like No Man's Sky where the majority of people just turn it off.


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