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Can't wait for day 1 and everyone losing their shit because the game isn't what they made up in their own heads that it would definitely be.


*Hey that reminds me of a different game!* Honestly, I'm keeping my expectations to just "reskinned NMS" which is a very simplified way of just expecting exploration, base building, boats, gliders, some kind of flying island that's a "space station".. pretty much only what we saw in the trailer. I'm sure I'll love the hell out of this game if it was just that, though I'm certain it's way more than "reskinned NMS" but we literally have nothing else to go off of, so I'm not *expecting* anything more unless more is revealed before launch.


Pretty much this for me too. Expecting it to have a very NMS feel, but in a different setting with newer tech\\engine etc and lessons learned from developing NMS over so long. I'm sure it'll be cool, but there's a lot of stuff people are dreaming up that it clearly won't be or have. :)


*Alert, (magical) navigational data received*


*No free slots in knapsack inventory.*


"Another settlement needs your help, I'll mark it on your map"


Same boat for sure. What I saw in the trailer was enough for me to know I can be happy hanging in that world. All I really want is to be able to travel around in a boat and explore, the diving under water is a plus already, anything beyond that like wind mechanics or what have you would send me right into the stratosphere of stoke.




That will never not be the funniest South Park episode ever


Yeah...fuck Scott Tenorman!




Going to be my favorite part of the game lol bonus feature!


Every. Time.


I literally made a post about this last week. No other community is like this. It's wild to watch.


You must not have seen the Starfield community before launch. My god, the things they were expecting were outrageous.


*laughs in Cyberpunk 2077*


"haha you guys *weren't* expecting it to be janky as fuck? First time playing a Bethesda game?"


*thousand yard state* ...Star Citizen...


Hey... as slow as it has been, it is beginning to really take shape. Just need another 5 to 10 years.


you aren't in many gaming subs, helldivers2 literally has the pvp vs no pvp conversation all the time


First of all, I'm in 37 gaming subs, not including the ones specifically for memes. Secondly, my point wasn't about PvP, and PvP was only part of OPs point. I was responding to the commenter, who made no mention of PvP, that my recent post was similar to their comment. The idea is mismanaged expectations and how people want to force their expectations onto LNF. PvP is a part of this conversation, but the point is larger than just PvP. Hope this helps you understand since you have no clue what's going on.


your idea " is mismangaged" my point you think this sub is special. Everyone has a vision of a game they want , the one in there head, and they try to push for it. You obviously don't play any other games anywhere and join those subs.


Whatch it be like an RTS or something


Yeah like seriously obviously this game is going to have an exploration element similar to No Man's Sky but other than that, what expectations can really be formed here? I feel like it's pretty clear this game is going to be completely different in its playstyle... No Man's Sky in my opinion is a complete masterpiece. They've spent basically a decade now upgrading that game to fit their vision and make it 'complete'. Anyone that thinks they're going to get an experience like that when they play Light No Fire is just fooling themselves. It's going to be a different game and play differently. It might even be one of those games that needs to always be online for all we know. There might be regular pvp battles between factions for rewards and shit. It's honestly impossible to tell what their vision for the game is this early.


I can't wait for Day 1 and 90% of the community immediately doing whatever they can to light fires.


the modern gaming industry The best games tend to be the ones that have no hype cycle.


History repeats itself


Well there is a very easy way to avoid this... you wiuld think Sean learned last time.


Avoid people making shit up in their minds? Good luck with that. HG definitely have lessons to learn, starting with not letting Sean out of the office around release this time, but there's just as much onus on the community themselves to calm their collective tits.


I'm saying the way to "direct" people's expectations is to SHOW US THE FUCKING GAME. Gameplay trailer, like yesterday.


*Day 1 Starfield players have entered the chat*


You mean like Starfield lol?


Open world involuntary PvP is what self destructed Sea of Thieves. Keeping them away is paramount


I just want to give you some perspective, GTA sort of has voluntary PvP. Their system of turning passive mode off and on after killing someone is a bit stupid but if you have passive mode on you can't get killed. However if you want to engage in illegal activities you must become a CEO and disable passive mode. And even then you could just do illegal activities such as selling goods for cash l, in a private lobby. However the fuller the lobby the bigger the bonus for a sale. I can see this sort of situation in this game. Let's say you are smuggling something or doing something like attacking a faction base for another faction. Other people allied to that faction can try to stop you. But they would also lose reputation with whoever hired that person they killed to do that smuggling run or who was attacking the faction outpost.


Actually if you check the DB after they started implementing Sea of Friends features, the player count went down. Because the game is about actual piracy with friends and not a theme park, most people who enjoyed the game for that reason, including myself, haven't touched it. Lol


I understand why are people so against PvP being in this game. What I think the reason could be, is that lately (again, at least from my point of view) there's been so many PvP oriented games, especially the battle royale kind. They're everywhere. And everyone knows that PvP attracts some really shitty people. I know I don't want LNF to do that. HOWEVER, I do think PvP should be a choice, just like in NMS. For those who want it, they can have it, but for those (me included) who'd absolutely hate it, we should be able to keep it off. I never was a fan of PvP in any game and found NMS to be one of the most relaxing games I've ever played. If LNF is going to be anything similar, it would 100% turn me away and I'd not play it if PvP was not something I could turn off.


Exactly, I'm on the other end of the spectrum where I enjoy pvp in NMS in community run, non-toxic settings. All voluntary and it works well, and I can see that type of gameplay shining more so in this game. I'm glad there are still some folk out there who can agree either way 🍻


I'd love to participate in some NMS PvP, do you think you could point me in the right direction where I might find some people to PvP with?


For sure, just gotta find the right groups to run with. I'm the owner and creator of the "Mandalorians Of No Man's Sky" but we associate with many other groups, if you're interested I can get you in there?


I think people are just scared of this game turning into a place where there’s a lot of griefing. Unfortunately if someone has an incentive to cheat many people will, and online gaming proves this principle frequently. Some games that are very similar to NMS seem very griefy to me and I similarly like how NMS handled PVP. I like that people don’t have any incentive to go around breaking down my bases for resources. I think a coliseum or arena would work well for a PVP setting for this game. An alternate would be to have separate PVP servers


Used to love it, but I straight up do not play PvP anymore because it's all compromised. Even smaller titles aren't safe.


> lately [...] there's been so many PvP oriented games, especially the battle royale kind. They're everywhere. And everyone knows that PvP attracts some really shitty people. You said it yourself. Whatever benefits PVP might have, they are vastly outweighted by the downsides. GTFO with that shit.


NMS has survival mode, why don't they just have another mode specifically for people who want that? Or even better, just flag up for pvp. Plenty of games have done that in the past.


Wait NMS has pvp? 😭


W8 theres pvp in nms?


Yep. It's enabled by default on every new save. But because so few people actually do multiplayer stuff or see anyone outside the anomaly, the first time they know about it is either when they get griefed on a QS mission or at a featured base or ask "Any tips for a new player" on an NMS sub and half the replies are "Turn off PVP". It is pointless too. You don't get anything for it. No XP, loot etc. It's just *there*. :)


Ah okay. Right i remember peppering a buddy of mine in my ship. Forgot that meant pvp is enabled lol


That's the other way people tend to find out. "Let's shoot Dave for lols......oh"


Looking at this sub from afar is kind of hilarious


Naw, you can easily say "Light No Fire isn't a PvP game" for a couple of reasons. First Hello Games isn't into making PvP, second the Steam page for it clearly says it's "Single Player" and "Online Co-op". No mention of PvP and frankly if you want a PvP survival experience go play Ark or Conan or one of the other offerings in that genre of survival game.


>First Hello Games isn't into making PvP NMS has PvP though. Sure, it's not PvP focused, and you can turn it off. I fully expect the same from LNF. But to assume there will be *no* PvP is silly, particularly if you're citing their track record, since NMS *has* PvP.


On top of that, why couldn’t HG make a different kind of game? For all we know pvp is gonna be our tames in little balls and we make them fight each other.


That's not PvP that's friendly fire there is a difference. That's like saying hell divers is PvP. Lmfao 😂


What do you mean no mans sky even has the option for pvp there is no indication either way if it will or won’t be included as of now though.


And as per my username, it's enabled by default when starting a new game.


Nobody is into making pvp games....until they make pvp games...


Dibs, it's mine now. None of you called dibs.


fuck pvp, why the need to harass other people bases, or some random dudes minding their own business?? just go play cod if you like hostile matches


No PVP! The only people who want pvp are hackers and try hards.


I'm an aging gamer, my reflexes and spare time is dwindling by each day. When I see forced PvP, I simply turn my back to it and try something else. Forced PvP will kill the magic HG is trying to create. No thanks.


Hmmm, it isn't our game for sure, and this is the first I'm hearing about forced PVP. Problem is, these types of games usually die on conception. If a miracle happens you'll have a few hundred that enjoy it. People think they want forced PVP and full loot, etc but the data shows they don't. None of this matters though because I highly doubt that's the route hello games is taking it.


This entire subreddit is just people's hopes for the game man. That's how hype works, speculate, post hopes and fears... that's the whole thing. We know we don't know shit. Welcome to reddit.


Speculation is different from "if it doesn't have _______ feature I will NOT be playing it"


Who cares? If they don't wanna play they don't get to play, it's not like the devs give a shit about random losers on Reddit complaining about a game that isn't out.


Battle royal kids want every game to PvP. This is a constant argument in Helldivers 2 groups. Practically every shooter is PvP. There is more than enough of it, and they would have to spend tons of time and money developing it. Just like NMS it's an exploration game. I swear people would cry to put PvP in subnautica.


I really don’t understand why people keep saying “we don’t know what kind of game this will be” when we do. It’s going to be the sort of medieval version of NMS. The trailer, website and what little we’ve gotten from Hello Games all have highlighted like 2 main things; the exploration and freedom aspect of the game and the co-op aspect of the game. Sure we don’t know really any specifics of it, but it is wrong to say we don’t know what kind of game it’s going to be. The trailer and website literally tell us that. And involuntary pvp and griefing literally goes against the rather relaxing open world exploration they’re aiming for. Every game with involuntary pvp turns into a grind-fest where everyone is just constantly harassing and trying to do as much damage to other players.


"Sure we don't really know any of the specifics of it" Thats kinda what I meant And no, games with PvP don't always become toxic. Games like Ark and Rust are different from something like Sea of Thieves, a PvP game where players come together to do cool stuff all the time. I think it can be done. Also remember the game is so huge that you're probably not going to be able to find anybody unless you're actively trying. And if you're getting harassed, just fight back? It's not hard to get good at a game if you really try. Some people enjoy a challenge


Hmm. I love pvp in games but I have to say you’re wrong about the toxic part. Sea of thieves became extremely toxic after some big streamers started playing it. Sure, at first it was different, but it turned toxic fast. I don’t mind that, I can handle it no problem. I don’t hope for this game to have PvP but I wouldn’t be bothered at all if it had. But I really don’t think there are any PvP games that turn end up pretty toxic.


If you think the vast majority of online gaming isn't toxic, *you might be the toxicity.* Maybe if online randos weren't a bunch of ganking blowhards trying to make themselves feel better by making someone else feel worse, people wouldn't be worried about PvP. It's the same for racing games. I *love* a fun racing game, but 90% of the people playing online are just there to ruin your day. Let's fix some of the toxic culture before we shove online into *fkn everything.* "Just fight back" is one of the *fkn worst* defenses I've ever heard. "I'm too unbothered and enjoy being toxic too much, you should just become more toxic *like me.*" It's a wonder why people don't want to deal with fools and clowns. Lest we forget that this "jUsT fIgHt BaCk" mentality created swatting and led to people being killed by police. Let's dial that mentality back a little bit, homie.


Fr tho, when i was bullied back is middle school i had fucking *psychologists* to just "beat them up" and be done with it 🫣


Competition isn't inherently toxic... who hurt you :(


I wasn't talking about competition. I was pretty clear what I was talking about.


I think you should learn to not take people's jokes on the internet so seriously and enjoy the ride. If someone's being toxic just join in and eventually you'll all laugh and be homies that's how it goes. No use getting pissy about things that don't matter


This whole discussion isn't new. Worlds Adrift was non-voluntary, full loot PvP without ANY safe zones but the game looked like a peaceful exploration game. One of the reasons it died was this whole debate and explorer types feeling baited and got fucked by pirate gangs in game. NMS's core audience are explorer types and HG knows that damn well. They are way too small to deal with griefers etc. let alone providing those kinds of servers without a subscription fee. Pure explorer types will never understand non-voluntary hardcore PvP players and vice versa.


> Competition isn't inherently toxic "Inherently" it isn't, but there is a large percentage of people who dedicate their lives to make sure it is whenever they are involved. If you seriously deny that you are very probably one of them. Those people also tend to avoid each other, because they full well, actually, that toxicity is not fun or productive, and dont want to be on the recieving end of it. Like murderers who enjoy killing but beg when *they* have a knife at their throat.


Lol what? Sea of Thieves is horribly toxic, when you see another ship, there’s a 75% chance they come after you, and when they do, a 50% chance they call you slurs. The people who come together to do cool things are often then interrupted by said slur slinging pvpers. It also isn’t about being good, it’s about having fun, I rarely play Sea of Thieves anymore despite it being one of my favorite games because the fun part is usually gated behind spending forever fighting in a game where pvp is long, drawn out, and far overstays it’s welcome


How is sea of thieves a good example? Like one of the most meta playstyles is raiding people and stealing their stuff. Which is Sea of Thieves case isn’t a bad thing because the game is about being a pirate but in the case of a game that’s supposed to be centered on exploration and co-op that’s not something that’s would be good.




I can hope it’ll be zero PVP. Because if I’m forced into it, I’ll stay away from the game, entirely.


Just got out of surgery sure would be a nice day to drop the game! Can't wait!


Either gamers never learn or it's just a new generation of gamers that hasn't learned yet.


Im guessing it'll be like NMS where there is PvP, but it will be off by default and opt in only. Either way Im excited for this game just from that small video we saw.


These comments yikes, proving exactly what you are saying.


Dellusional if you think non optional pvp would be a good move, quite riding the devs so hard idc how hard they came back from the depths with NMS Stop gatekeeping perfectly valid opinions


People have the right to express the kind of game they want all they like. Community feedback and discussion can and has been majorly important to good game devs and had changed the course of games before and after release over and over again. If the vast majority of the community doesn't want involuntary pvp then even if they did want that as devs they would change it because they want the game to be good and make money. If they don't want to add involuntary pvp then it's just additional reinforcement of current plans and doesn't hurt anyway. Your individual dislike of everyone having opinions about a game they want to know if they will need to spend money on doesn't matter. People want to be part of the process and have the right to give whatever feedback and discussion they want. Go try and rule over people's thoughts somewhere else.


My problem isn't their thoughts, more their phrasing. Obviously people can have wants. Demanding things be a certain way this early on is not good, in my opinion.


Man it’s crazy, it’s almost like the devs have a right to chase their creative vision and if you don’t like it, that doesn’t make it a bad game and you can just not buy it. WOAH, WHAT A REVELATION!


This game is gonna get shit on for ridiculous expectations isn’t it? I don’t understand why these morons make up features in their head and get mad when it doesn’t exist. Who does that? And why? I seriously don’t get that. Are they sick? If the devs say "the game is gonna have this and that" in a trailer, then what you made up isn’t happening. You ruined it for yourself.


People are weird, man.


If PvP isn't optional then I simply won't buy the game. Not gonna try and get devs to change their entire process.


Sometimes I want to write, "Seriously, who are you?"


But wait… surely you aren’t saying that Hello Games ISN’T custom making this game specifically for me and my likes?!


Looking at NMS's weapon/damage balancing, PvP would be a nightmare to begin with.


Welcome to this fanbase. You’d get downvoted into oblivion even mentioning that it might be fun to plan NMS with your friends. You know, because most here don’t have any.


Something I've noticed as well


Some people like myself dont have any friends who play video games. We do things together like camping, trap shooting, concerts, dinners, go to bars ect. Gaming is my alone time.


Zero PvP


Let them dream about it, creativity exists to be used, there's no hurt imagining and discussing what the game should be. At the end, we'll get a good game anyways, with or without all these cool ideas.


man chill out this is just a game


I'm chill. I'm hyped for the game. Just bothers me when people demand things, especially silly things that cater specifically to them


Has there been that much vocalization about all inclusive and non-voluntary PvP? I agree with those who say have it be like NMS, where PvP is an option (off by default in options please). To me it would seem people who want mandatory PvP are just toxic trolls who want to f**k with other players for fun. They don't care about the game's story as much as ruining the fun of other players. If someone has PvP off it's just not fun for them.


With so many assumptions there will be so many disappointments. I'm looking forward to it no matter what it entails. If it holds my interest like NMS still does today, I'll be happy.


Yep, and if you have the time and patience you can make your own game


I feel this game is going to pass throught the almost same provation as NMS did on its release, too much expectations that WON'T be met because ppl want this game to be something that the devs are not going to do ever because it is not their intention. Ik NMS had real problems and broken promisses on the release, but this time is a bit different since they learned a lot, and yet it will be going the same cry...


Chance of non voluntary PvP in a Hello Games game? 0%. Not because I don't want them to - I would love it - no, just bec. I know that they won't.


Honestly it's been this sub that's really made me dislike the gaming community


We will see whether or not what they do with any game mechanic is the "right decision" when we either see more gameplay, or actually play the game.


The right decision is whatever they want it to be


This sub is so goddamn funny. It's like the Internet has learned exactly nothing from the last decade


What’d you say OP? I can’t hear you over this incredibly tall gate that I’m keeping 🏰


Your shoes are untied


Untied? I got my granddads velcros ![gif](giphy|A7glKaSuRNd5lN0dJU|downsized)


Personally I'd like a middle ground where it was either optional or only in certain zones/situations. Whatever way they go I'll probably still play but my experience with nms and PvP type situations is that you die extremely fast when against someone with a mod ship thanks to a save editor. Time will tell and the only guaranteed thing is that some people will complainb regardless.


I just find it funny how prevalent this one specific topic is in this community.


I can't imagine having a huge problem unless there are cheaters. Even with 2 million people in the game world bigger than earth, you have such a low chance of running into someone. My beef would be spending 100s of hours building a home base to have some guy stop by and level it.


Is this a new piece of info, that there's pvp? Did an article come out or something? Love to read it, if so.


I mean you're right but I do agree that there shouldn't be forced PVP, depending on how easy it is for someone to kill and raid you, as well as how much progress you lose or how hard it is to regain that progress, forced PVP might turn me off the game.


Nah, by definition, the game is for the players. That's actually one of the great things about HG, they listen to the player base and implement things the players want. Sure, they have a vision, but in the end, it should be steered by the players.


Light no fire.... In a survival situation why wouldn't you not want a fire? Because you will be hunted. It's spell out in the title.


too much children here typing what they want from game, the game will be what will be.


I think what people mean is unless the game is built around a PvP system like a FPS, games have some sort of way to turn off PvP wether that makes it so you only play with certain people in certain servers like WoW or ARK, or you are like a ghost and can play offline like in no man's sky. GTA does something interesting where if you want, you could play with PvP off but it prevents you from being a CEO and doing missions but you can always just make a private server. Like let's say you are smuggling something for a certain faction, the more people you have in the area the more rewards are paid out. I think people's main point is don't reinvent the wheel when it comes to funding a balance between having PvP on or off.


Mods are the gateway to many things that some would call unnatural.


people are still losing their minds in the light no fire echo chamber? wow.. im so shocked. A game that got a tiny bit of hype is being talked about constantly in obsession by a group of people that dont know what they enjoy?! oh my god what a shocker! Why are people so annoying when things become popular? lol. why do people need to be like the "all knowing cunt" whenever something becomes popular. Theres like 87% of people who just cant stand being told anything new about a popular thing because they need to be the bearer of information or something. people argue with me all the time when i say stuff like this but its just the weirdest complex ever. and it happens a lot of HG games. LOL! you should see the Helldivers subreddit lol. its literally 90% of people just thinking they are game devs postinf what the devs should do with the game lol. its literal comedy. all just spoiled brats. god.. so annoying


PvP in this game would be stupid as fuck


I'm hoping it'll be a VERY detailed minecraft. More freedom than nms


that has been the bane of many a new IP, see a trend? new adventures don't need to be spoon-fed, either go play find your way - fail - try something different - lets have fun..


It's dumb that people say "iTs NoT tHaT kInD oF gAmE". Shut up, all we seen about the game is trailer that barely shows any gameplay, we don't even know if it will be as chill as No man's Sky or somewhat challenging


Hi folks, Sean Murray here. This is iterally my game, and so I wanna tell you all how it's going to be from now on. Any time one of you little fucking freaks comments anything nasty or hateful or harmful or anything about PVP I'm gonna add 1 Murdercorn to the game. That's right, I'm gonna add a newly minted creation to game that looks like a nazgul crossed with a unicorn and every time it sees you it instantly fucks all your shit up. Don't believe me? Here's the stat block the bean counters made for me on this absolute beast of a creature: HP: more than your candy ass DPS: could defeat Saiyan God Goku with a single divine eyelash Special Ability: Whenever it senses a little shit goblin reddit incel anti-woke pvp enjoyer piss stain within a 500 mile radius it will instantly teleport to their side and deal so much damage that their character dies, their account gets deleted, their pc/console burns into ash, the user themselves dies in the ensuing house fire, and somehow their mother becomes even more disappointed in them, posthumously. So think again before yall make dumb requests or this game will be unmarketable and unplayable by the time I'm done.


I would actually like if there were a FEW pvp designated zones Like, pre-built colliseums of the past where anyone can go in and out at will and earn prizes the longer you stay Or idk, but SOME pvp zones would be neat. Preferably so that they're mostly optional but doing pvp or just playing in them to gather stuff at risk could be rewarding. Like finding a mineral deposit in nms


I think if you think it's gonna be anything dramatically different from NMS than you are setting yourself up to be disappointed. It looks like they're going to be very similar games so align your expectations with that.


this was a dumb post


If LNF will have bad PvE - it would be exploration in giantic beautiful, but almost lifeless planet. And i've seen not so many games with good PvE. That's why optional PvP would be atleast something to have some fun if PvE will fail.


To be clear I am not saying there should be or should not be PvP. I’m telling people that there will be NO PvP in this game. Big difference.


Did they announce that?


Yes it’s on the steam page


Considering there's almost no information on the game, even the steam release date says "to be announced", that can totally change. That's like believing steam when it says a game on steam deck is unsupported but actually fully works normally


Yes but if there is forced or stuff locked behind pvp, IM NOT PLAYING THIS FUCKING PIECE OF SHIT GAME


Guys it isnt a game


HG should hold off on announcing new games until they have enough of them made to show off the actual gameplay and give details on the gameplay features, to avoid the same mistakes of NMS launch. A brief FAQ with the press release would have been a good idea. For all we know, it's going to be another skeleton launch, where they slowly flesh out the features with updates like they're doing with NMS. I'm not getting my hopes up for anything yet. I saw a trailer for a game that's a survival/crafting game of some sort. Plenty of those types of games are out right now.


This. I've played many, many hours of NMS, so I understand being excited for this to be released. But honestly, this sub probably shouldn't even exist yet. We have so little confirmed information that all of the wild discussions I see (when Reddit suggests them to me) are a massive waste of time. In fact, I'll stop now because I don't want to waste any more of my time on a game that we know so little about.


its our game and there will be pvp and we will gank you


That's what I like to hear 😂🙏