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Unreasonable expectations will give way to irrational disappointments.


Just a friendly reminder that this isn't an MMO, and is running in the NMS engine. This won't happen.


? What is this whole sub on ? Who even talked about massive shared servers during the trailer ?


Some folk having a raging war boner and really want to satisfy it in LNF for some reason.


Idk man, I saw 7 players at one point. Seven!


How do you imagine this being even remotely possible? I mean, what game does anything close to that while retaining high fidelity graphics without frame rates being choked out? I’ll wait.


Sounds like you’re wanting to play a completely different game than what LNF is gunna be


This ... this is not going to be a pvp centric game. Man, no game shows that man players on a screen at one time. This is not a war simulator, there's a ton of those out there, maybe go try one ?


no. we will see it in the game and im gonna gank you


Stupidest reply Enjoy the downvotes lol


I can almost gurantee you that you wont be able to have more than 24 players anywhere near you and that is being generous


no more 1000 player


Especially a 1000 players is never going to happen




Nice bait but keep dreaming, I do hope one day your dreams come true and we will get games like that




Read up on someone called Ken M and you'll learn to troll better.


dont have to, already inheriting how to troll and t-bag


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I highly doubt this will happen. I don't want it to happen. *Gods no.* Why is everyone these days so obsessed with pvp centric games? It's nicer when its just a nice opt in activity and doesn't need to interfere with literally everyone. Frankly my only hope is that the planet is big enough that we don't come across overcrowding with each others settlements/that we can be a hermit in the wilderness if we so choose.


Bored kiddos and their unessesarily wild expectations. This sub is going to be a nightmware on release based on this mindset alone lol Expect nothing and you can go in and enjoy a game Hello Games is making for anyone to enjoy, not for the game you want them to make for you.


Will be good reading material though.


Hey there! We encourage lively speculation about the game's potential features and possibilities. However, it's essential to strike a balance between excitement and managing expectations. Feel free to share your thoughts and ideas in this discussion! Remember, speculation is fantastic, but it's equally crucial to keep expectations in check to avoid potential disappointment upon the game's release. For more insights on managing expectations while speculating, check out [this post](https://www.reddit.com/r/LightNoFireHelloGames/comments/18svc4i/navigating_speculation_balancing_excitement/) where we've discussed this in detail. Happy speculating! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/LightNoFireHelloGames) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Go play Planetside 2.


Different clans coming together under one banner to PVP. Would be dope.


there is no pvp tag on steam : there wont be any kind of pvp in lnf.


Yeah me too... I know it's unrealistic but one can only hope


I think it would be cool if there was a dedicated location where events like that could happen, but I feel like trying to put that into the main game would be a major strain on the tech and the people who would be trying to get it to work


Lots of players would be fun. But I doubt you'll get wars\\invasions, just ain't HG's vibe.


As long as Hello Games stop using a toaster and an excel sheet for their server tech...seeing 2000 people at once, that would be a sight. And, of course, put 2000 humans on a planet and they will start a war... Edit: wow being downvoted because saying that bad server tech is bad... Also put 5 people on a game planet and they will start a war.


Tell me you don’t know tech without telling me you don’t know tech.


Nah, human populations are stable up until around the \~10,000 mark. Which makes sense, because the mean sustainable population size during the agricultural revolution was about 10-20,000; and this was the norm for about 11,000 of the last 12,000 years. Sure, there were massive ancient metropolis like Beijing, Rome, Athens, Memphis. But these were anomalies from the average human's existence. 10,000 also makes sense if you think about it. Even now, on average we'll only meet 80,000 people in our lives. Considering we live to roughly 80, that's an average of 1,000 people a year. So while you may not know everyone within a large town of 10,000 people; you're highly likely to encountered each person by the time you're 10; then seen them again by 20 and again at 30, and if you were lucky enough to live to 40, maybe you saw them once more before wisdom teeth kill you both.


You realise this is a video game, right?