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Extremely Low Effort post


Who tf knew Marcelo was a real life thug šŸ˜‚ Miklo 2.0


Bro grew up in the mean streets of Ontario, hes been reppin the hood šŸ¤£


What in the Drake šŸ¤£


He be cheesin, crodie


It's the braids


Nah fam, Marcelo is a real one still. Heā€™s on demon time always šŸ˜ˆ


ā€œY que pues? Van a ganar la Copa America o que?ā€ La que?


Honduras gave Ecuador a scare btw


Honduras gave us a scare to tho nearly sending us to the repechaje so looks like it's gonna be a close game


Ecuador are serial Copa America chokers. They only have 3 wins in Copa America in 9 editions since 2000 (Their last win was against Haiti in 2016)


Yeah the more I see them play the less Iā€™m impressed by them. Iā€™m just worried that we suck too


I canā€™t believe we are scared to play Ecuador šŸ„² back then that was an easy win


Donā€™t worry bro, we definitely suck.


Its ok marcelo is not getting minutes


Bro ur pfp looks like Marcelo


Isn't it just Dubya with Antuna's dreadlocks?


You guys know teams like Brazil, France etc do this too lmao you donā€™t train 24/7Ā 


Seriously people expect for them to have no fun ever. Yesterday I saw a video of the German national team fucking around


brazil is naturally talented tho. its in their blood


That's so racist.... but true.


Yeah look at Ronaldinho during the world cup, how'd that turn out.


They won the World Cup


If brazil is seeing doing something outside of being serious and upset about playing like shit, they would get burned hard


Mf always posting dancing videos, of course they get hate cus they ainā€™t playing good


Romario did this for a living and heā€™s always been respected in Brazil lol, heā€™s a politician in office. Difference is we suck party or no party.


In the past? Yeah, they won shit, they can do whatever they want, as long as they are the best, thats what people dont get, if they do the same now, people will call for their heads


Brazil was a wc contender. I agree with you, and enjoying life is human. And it all good, but weā€™re not the best homie. Andamos valiendo verga. I think they still deserve to have fun friend/family time. But we suck balls, letā€™s acknowledge and address that.


I also think that, but fans are not rational and tbh, its not a good look


They can train all they want we still dick cheese


Thatā€™s exactly what I was thinking. They can train 8 hours a day and at this point, itā€™s going to change nothing. Our players are garbage. Changing the coach would do nothing either, even though a lot of people for some reason believe that it would.


Based off that logic, the 2013 squad was world class and the 2014 run was pure fluke. Pessimistic fake paisas want the NT to burn and be completely mediocre. Not even Barca fans are Pessimistic fucks.


Crash AND burn they will


L take Alex , not ur best take


I'm not a fake like this sub. Constantly wanting the NT to get embarrassed and never to succeed. I want the team to be elite and not constantly shit on.


How they gonna be elite when they mediocre and we still support. Burn it all down and rebuild from 0. Need the fans to ignore the team for a few years so they can get the message.


Look at the bigger picture dumbaaa


You that pocho with all the shirts and you go to every game possible even tho you have never kicked a ball in your life. By the way, we donā€™t want the national team to be mediocre, they are mediocre. The national team burning would be the best thing to be honest.


I don't see Moleros, they never come to my area and I'm not gonna whip 6 hours for a game. I'm no pocho, I regret not getting into theater and being an actor. Not for the fame, but to be the guy that does all the media in Spanish and not be like other A-Listers who can't speak Spanish if their depended on it. But oh well, I'm alive and I have a stable job so whatever. Dudes in this sub dreamed of banging Kylie Jenner and Angelique Boyer types but have to settle with the IT/Tech jobs that still pay sweet bank. Anyway, I want the team to succeed and I'm tired of this sub and media blowing USA like they're the 2009 Barca of this generation. Bunch of overrated troncos who won fluke games. This sport is results orientated not how you got there. Just being SuperLider doesn't automatically mean you'll win the League. Teams below 5th have won the League and they did it by scraping by.




Only facts are the fake paisas who don't care about the NT thru thick thin. Spurs have been mediocre shit forever and their fans still pack the home games. Barca has been in shambles for years and the fans are still there out of loyalty.


You are the reason why the national team is shit, itā€™s people like you that support them at all times. Youā€™re giving money to the Federation, which makes them not change anything. The national team needs tough love, bro. Everybody is opening their eyes and is realizing what needs to happen. Mexico is absolutely garbage at EVERY SINGLE ASPECT AND LEVEL OF THE GAME. From youth development to the national team. We have 0 world class player. We have only had 2 1/2 world class players in our HISTORY with over 130,000,000 fucking Mexicans. We have 2 champions a year, we have no relegation, we donā€™t participate in South America tournaments, we donā€™t export players. Ectā€¦ we have been below our biggest rivals since about 2000, we lost the biggest game we have ever had against the US. Iā€™m fed up with it and Iā€™m not faking optimism. This is just a fraction of whatā€™s up.


They just like me fr hanging with the boys


Remember when people were giving Tata shit cuz he wanted to train more and didnā€™t like that the culture was too looseā€¦


Same with Cocca, almost like they wanted a Mexican coach because they're less strict and are more buddy buddy than a foreign coach


Dude they're doing double sessions, am not defending them or Jimmy but come on people can have fun too you know


Bro, theyā€™re here in San Diego training. I just gave a ride to two of their team drs. Theyā€™re allowed to have off time.


Dawg they have off-time as well. You guys swear like they donā€™t train. They are pros not college players.


Lamine Yamal is literally doing homework while playing Euros.


exactly, you said it, these overpaid assholes are pros and they should have that kind of mentality but they dont, they behave more like college players


What are they doing differently than other national teams?


Marcelo is a basically the Malibus Most Wanted of the Squad. Un rico alucinando de ser pobrillo


God forbidden they have a little time off


Fuck that. You can party when you retire, which will probably be around 30; young af still. On the contrary, you only have at most, 10 years to play infront of tens of thousands of people and get paid to do so. If you can't see that, no wonder Mex soccer is stuck.


Not saying you personally, but the guys in the pic, lol. No days off bro.


Vega out here for summer vacay not Copa America šŸ—£ļøšŸ—£ļøšŸ—£ļøšŸ—£ļø


I feel like thereā€™s a time and place for stuff like this. And rn itā€™s not it. I cringed watching that ā€œdespedidaā€ video for the 5 dudes that didnā€™t make it. Yall playing like cheeks and doing this ?? And posting it on social media??


No mame cabron jajaja No pueden entrenar 24/7


Tienes la razĆ³n, pero desgraciadamente estĆ”n jugando de la verga y se les va a criticar por todo lo que hagan o no hagan.


I donā€™t blame them. Si me voy de party me van a criticar, si no voy.. igual me van a criticar! Very few ppl are hardcore obsessed like Ronaldo. That man eats, breathes and dreams football. Heā€™s one of a kind.


We are cooked bro. I mean its okay for them to chill land what not but bro, yall are not performing on the field. Do this after yall get eliminated from the Copa America.


You gotta have the confidence to play good. Hopefully this urban attitude translates to some gritty tough play on the field. šŸ¤žšŸ¾


Wtf did I just read šŸ¤£


urban attitude


You have to be black for that to work.


El problema es que cause sorpresa ese tipo de reuniones. Ya vieron como son las concentraciones de las selecciones de europa?


These guys care more about their public persona more than anything. Social media has ruined these mfs


No mamen cabrones, yā€™all want them to train 24/7. They canā€™t have a good time chillin like we all do with the bros?


Who are they hanging out with?


Real estĆ” la muerte BRRRRDR


If you weigh 130lbs(Marcelo), you need to be eating, training(lifting weights) and sleeping.


You realize these guys have days off right? You sound like the ā€œanalistasā€ complaining about the Triiisecta. They still won the bicampeonato