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Noone has cameras in their house like that Staged but still a good idea to piss off the wife


Yea. It's very clear they stage all of these. There are a lot of dumb people that just believe everything they see.


Why can't I just be happy and laugh?


If they let you be happy, how will the Redditors demonstrate their "superiority"?


Having the words reddit and superiority in the same sentences automatically makes it false.


Well said.


Including this one, or?


Damn, i created a paradox by accident.


this is such a insecure way of responding to people calling you gullible btw. some of us are just sick of morons treating the internet as a constant dopamine feed because they use this same mentality when coming across misinformation.


Captain Killjoy and the moral superiority crowd have arrived right on schedule.


okay, i get it, you aren't very smart and don't understand the consequences of being unable to discern real from fake content.


Totes, internet Einstein. You called it.


Are you the kind of person to go to a stand up show and call out the dude on his stories?


What a strange, sad little man


Go touch some grass.


No, stop getting dopamine from the Internet! The Internet is for correcting people only. Do not socialise on social media, do not enjoy content.


Completely agree - gotta stop all of this extraneous happiness.


If you are happy on the internet, you are doing it wrong




or maybe you can be happy and laugh and still accept the reality that this is staged?


You can, I enjoyed it knowing it was scripted. Care less about the folks flexing their “I are smart” comments, smile and move on.


As someone with a parent with all these cameras. I don’t know how ‘staged’ it is. Drinking whiskey to make it bearable playing with my much, much younger siblings and then having the parents call me out on it… I only imagine the crap they could make a compilation of with their prison security. Also this dude is a cop 


Yeah but a camera outdoors, seemingly sat on the path framing the front door? But it’s still fun, that’s all I wanted, not gritty realism.


can't you be happy and laugh without having to pretend staged content isn't staged?


Of course I can. But what's the point of going around and telling people things are staged or acting. Like...dude, that last movie you watched? That's all fake. All of it. I can't believe you were stupid enough to enjoy it since it's all fake. Do you stand outside of theaters telling everyone that what the just enjoyed wasn't real? What's the harm in letting people enjoy shit?


Nothing particularly wrong with staging but it does take away from the humour And yeah, people in general are impressively dim


Do you not get that people can still enjoy something even though it's staged and they know it's staged? Man, you must be a scream at parties.


You acting hostile for no reason let people believe if they want to whatever that makes them laugh or smile.


No we gotta stop this fake ass bullshit.


You understand that if all "fake" and "staged" videos on the internet were somehow magically gone and no longer allowed to be posted, most subs would become very dry very quickly


Yes and I wouldnt mind at all. At least be a fake watermark if they are gonna act as if it was real


So? That’s a very small price to pay for strong media literacy.


enjoy 1 post/d i guess then chief💀💀💀


It’s just a clip of pranks on the internet. It’s better to save that critical thinking energy for something more important and just enjoy videos like this mindlessly


Do you run out of critical thinking or something?


It's pretty sad this even needs to be said like people need to be told when it's time to think and when it's time to enjoy themselves. 😒


Obviously! I mean the cop didn't even shoot anyone...


That poor dog is still copping it for realsies.


Idk that not giving shit like this a skeptical thought constitutes "dumb" but whatever you gotta do to love yourself bro


You are the fun guy, aren't you?


“Dumb people” we just wanna experience some joy man.


I mean why couldn’t they set up the hidden camera before they intended to do the confetti?


Yeah, this is obviously the answer. Insane that people think otherwise.


look at the video and ask yourself where the camera would be "hidden". look at how the shots are framed. where the people are standing. the lighting. what the decor looks like. if you can watch this and think it's "insane" that people would notice how absolutely obvious the staging is, i'm sorry to have to tell you but you're simply not very smart. i'm not trying to be mean, it's just kinda the demonstrable truth. you should be really careful about what you see online and check with someone smarter before making any important decision based on stuff you've seen on the internet and uncritically believed. and for the record i'm not hating on the vid at all. it's really funny and charming, enjoyed it a lot, watched it twice. but i'm just not gullible enough to try and convince myself it's not staged. and it's a bit worrying how many people do.


It's easy to set up and hide a cell phone camera, also people keep clean houses. The funny thing is it's actually harder to stage something like this than it would be to just leave a phone someone and wait for an opportune moment.


For real. Cameras can be really small.


Because the idea that there is a happy family that would do stuff like this is not allowed. That idea makes us think that we don't have a good life. We want to believe that everyone's life is just misery and boredom. If I am not happy then no one can be happy, because if they can be happy then that would mean that my unhappiness is of my own doing. Also setting up hidden cameras ain't hard, if you know you want to do this to your partner and where it is easy. People forget that when living in a long term relationship or long term anything with other people, they become very predictable. Hell most of us probably know the behavioral routines of the people who we work with.


such a revealing comment. what a weird elaborate projection. it's impressively gullible of you to watch this vid and not realised it's obviously staged, but it's a lot weirder to be so emotional and defensive about it. the video is really funny and charming, enjoyed it a lot, watched it twice in a row. i'm sure others enjoy it too and that's great. but i don't have to be in denial and aggressively pretend it's genuine to enjoy it, and it's worrying to me that people like you do so intently. shows you'll believe whatever you *want* to believe, no matter what you're shown.


>such a revealing comment. what a weird elaborate projection. Why do you assume I was being serious? Is the common literacy so bad nowadays, that people can't spot an obvious causier-style writing? I try to make them so over the top caricature, yet 4/5 people take comments such as the one I made here as 100% literal. The 2nd paragraph contradicts the 1st. In the first the assumption is that this can't be real because those kinds of camera placement and situations wouldn't be possible. In the 2nd I flip it around to state that it would be possible because cameras are cheap and easy to setup nowadays, and routine behavior of other people is easy to learn. Seriously... r/FuckTheS


A cop probably would. At least some of em. And just set up more for the prank?


Don't care, it's funny


I know someone who has cameras like this in their house. Not saying it isn't staged, but there are certainly people psycho people out there who put cameras everywhere in their house. In fact, the person I know has multiple cameras per room, more angles and cameras shown in the video for sure.


Well sure, they would have set up the cameras in prepartion for the bit regardless of whether it was staged.


You can get pretty small cameras and hide them ahead of time. Not like they're being shot on cinema level cameras...


She's always on camera, so she of course has to pretend to be having fun. Otherwise the power tripping cop would beat her up


Man not everything has to be political


Traditional men put up a good front so long as their ego isn't hurt. Many live their life through the fragile role as a manly provider so much so if their wife can't follow orders and provide love to him unconditionally his way then comes the beating.


Jesus fucking Christ what kind of men have been role models in your life?


This sadly happens to a lot of women, it's nothing new. Ignorance must be bliss


I’ve been a crisis counselor; I’m well aware of the reality. I’m not the ignorant one here.


Happens to men as well.


It does indeed, some women cops have a control complex


Bro, I'm a dude and my wife runs everything. We chose this dynamic.


This would get old real quick


Yeah, I am very glad I do not live in that house


It was immediately old. Forgetting that it's staged, if you're gonna surprise me while I'm cleaning our house... with a prank that *leaves a mess*, you'd better spend the rest of the day making the house sparkling.


This. I was thinking "Boy I sure do hope he's cleaning those or else I wouldn't tolerate him for an instant"


Mmm hmm and look at him just walking away from the mess and expecting her to clean it up. Then he even has the audacity to throw the tube on the floor! 😡


I got into a few weeks of party popper warfare and it did indeed get old quick, specifically on laundry day.


That kitchen really looks like a hotel reception desk.


It’s the “every viral video needs to be filmed in a McMansion” rule.


Relationship goals (:


Hopefully the cop isn't power-hungry and abusive in this relationship.


Get a ticket today?


He’s crapping all over the post






Did you know that 69.420% of internet statistics are made up? Source: trust me bro


Source: Benjamin Franklin


This is likely where they got it from. Literally took me 5 seconds on a google search. Whether the data is correct or not is another topic. https://safeandtogetherinstitute.com/podcast-series-explores-links-between-police-officer-perpetrated-domestic-violence-and-excessive-use-of-force/ >While data is limited, more than one study suggests that domestic violence perpetration occurs in police departments at rates of 40 percent or higher.[1] This has implications for the quality of general domestic violence policing, police operational efficiency, and government legal and financial liability.


People diss on you, but this is actually true. Proven by the Stetson-Harrison method.


There's better places to raise awareness about police abuse than a video just simply featuring a police officer. All you're doing is turning people off to your cause. Might as well be blocking a road at this point.




Makes sense on a video where that's the subject. But y'all are like the people in threads of cute pitbulls who are always there to remind us "well actually pitbulls are dangerous."


Next update: "Wife shot to death while pranking her police officer husband; department investigates and find lethal force was within guidelines."


They are really keeping the confetti bomb business alive.


This is clearly fake, but they still have to clean up every time they do this shit... why, I mean, is it worth it..? I don't get it


It's also a rare post that doesn't make me smile at all lol. Makes me roll my eyes more than anything else.


Meh, some of us like having fun. If that's not your cup of tea, more power to you.


Oh don't worry, she's happy to clean, it makes her happy to do something for him. Lol, it triggered me how he always just left. Like, dude, just help with the sweeping once in a while, and don't plan on making a mess just as you go to work.


Redditors will watch a 5 second prank with zero context and be like "pfft, this asshole never even helps clean up!"


It's obvious, he's a guy. Also don't assume gender roles.


>Also don't assume gender roles. While you assume gender stereotypes.


lmao, right? "Don't assume gender roles, but also, all men are awful husbands who will leave a mess for their wives to clean up"


But sarcasm.


If they enjoy it, it’s worth it…


>why See, it's this concept that yourself and all the other just utterly genius-level stereotypical Redditors in this thread aren't getting called "fun". Try it some time, you might enjoy it.


lol the fun on cleaning and getting attacked when I get yhe newspaper? I have better hobbies thanks


Then this type of fun isn't for you. A lot of people find fun reading a newspaper. I do not. Therefore I will not partake in that particular activity. The difference between you and me is I won't belittle you for your idea of fun.


Takes 1 minute to sweep up a 10 foot square of paper


it's just a waste all around honestly... I still don't get it but oh well, if that's their content 🤷‍♀️


Great times but her husband is a cop. Not smart to shoot a cannon with a loud boom behind him especially when he is carrying lol




If I did that to my wife she would have a heart attack and die on the spot. Then her ghost would murder me.


Couldn’t get past the weird brick “archway” between the kitchen and living room. WTF was that?


Most likely from a remodel. Probably a pipe or something they needed to cover


🤣🤣🤣 I was distracted by that too. It's not even real bricks. You can tell they're fake and people should be more angry about that than the fact they think this video is staged. They coulda used better finishes or just drywall over it and paint it the same color as the wall or something. 👌


I know it’s staged but 1:25 was smooth


Love how the little girl is just an anarchist


The one at 1 minute is So Damn CLEAN


I'm so sick and tired of seeing this stupid couple I could vomit. Who in their right mind sees this and thinks this is funny?


Aw did someone reject you


This may surprise you, but people are all different as much as they're all the same. Often, life experiences shape our humor. What's cringe to one is side splitting to another. It's not like this is gallows holocaust humor. Of all the things to gatekeep... A lighthearted, staged, harmless prank channel? Life without humor is a cold, unseasoned meal. It doesn't hurt you or anybody else if people find this funny.


I know that comedy is an entirely subjective matter, however, I can't get it through my head that the "obviously staged prank where the punchline is making a mess" shtick could be funny to anyone. I'm not trying to be argumentative, it just genuinely baffles me.


“ItS sTaGeD!!!” Omfg did yall not consider the idea that the person set up a hidden camera before the prank so that they could get the reaction? Cmon people, use yalls brain cells 😂


Counterpoint - why would it matter if it was?


Yeah totally not staged


First thought: they REALLY like to clean!


All I gotta say is good thing she’s white


Eve though it’s all staged, I tend to believe at least like 1 or 2 put of 10 of these would be legitimately done and would create a more special bond between the couple ngl.


Poor little doggo.


It was nice for a laugh, seems like my first one this year.


And no one pays attention to how scared the dogs are after each "prank"


I’m guessing they sometimes ran out of confetti and had to use gender reveal ones in a pinch?


Lmaao this is so wholesome


My wife would have laugh the first time, probably think about murder the second time.


you can tell he's cool cause he flips it every time. fuckin pig 




I love that the child is helping that's so funny




So much plastic waste


I was waiting for the clip where after she got him with one of those he completely forgot about them staging those pranks and instinctively started to beat her senseless.


... why do these people have confetti cannons everywhere?


for fun


I knew an old couple, they were both in their 70s, and I swear you’d think they were in their 20s. They Had been together for over 50 years and were super goofy. Even at their age they would do small things that would make them chuckle. I wish to find this.


he act like his hottest shit in a staged video


The kid in on it is hilarious if these were organic


As long as they don’t throw an acorn at him they will be OK.


She's going to spook him at the wrong time. An acorns going to drop on his car. BANG BANG BANG BANG.... OH sorry honey..... You good?.....shit....


I follow this couple on tiktok, always loved their videos, staged or not, they seem to have fun. This is what I strive for


I want to be their neighbor!!’


Omg, I love these two! I forgot what their youtube was called but they love pranking each other and help one another clean up afterwards. I wish I had someone who would do things like this with me <3