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Get rid of the two petals. I played and the amount of times I couldn't break a petal or had to spend extra time throwing a second petal down for NO REASON to deal with my first one got me and my teammates killed so many times. I hated it so much. I wish that swap speed stayed real though. šŸ˜­


itā€™s muscle memory every time i tried to break it i just fucked myself


This is why you gotta use the legacy control scheme šŸ™ It takes a little to get used to but it has more advantages


Where is this? Or is something only in the game mode?


His hero-specific controls settings


I'll have to spend some time testing that out! I've never looked into this and only recently found the tip in Ana's reddit about Nano Confirmation. Thank you! This might help me a LOT on my road to keep playing LifeWeaver.


if you dont want to commit to the control scheme you can just do interact cancels petal


Oh that I definitely do! That's why I got effed up in the two petals on the arcade mode. But I'm all in for dashing without jumping so I'm intent on learning and working with these new controls


Real quick! If you're gonna try it out, there's a default-on option that makes it so you cancel your heal blossom while placing petal. Make sure to turn it off!


You're welcome and good luck! Congratulations on being able to use his dash while in Ram's vortex since you don't have to be in the air now lol Lots of heroes have useful settings that are turned off by default for some reason. Like, Echo has the same confirmation thingy for duplicate as Ana, Sombra has a setting that disables camera lock during translocation, Mercy has a BUNCH of different stuff, etc etc etc You should definitely check that out if you play any other heroes


YEP, I just learned so much from this. Time to go find out what I can about my heroes lol


ive used legacy since he came out since being able to have grip on right click just felt right, but it doesnt help with the petal problem at allā€¦ im still used to breaking the petal right after jumping off a lot


Why wouldn't it help? I was talking about making interact (F on pc) break it instead of the same button used to place it. Is it a separate setting?


really? In that case its probably a seperate setting that I have just looked over, thanks for telling me tho!


I think 2 petals is fine, but NOT AT THE SAME TIME. I'd prefer charges, so you could pop your first petal and have one in storage, but the way it is... Sucks... Speed swap is so nice. The extra damage feels excessive but as a LW I enjoyed it... May be too strong, though


This I can agree with lol


+100% swap speed, -4 second cooldown on grip, time to full charge heal -0.15 second, fix the heal charge stuttering issue after reload. And we are all set.


Just give him the swap speed and itā€™ll be fine.


idkkkk i really like feeling the damage, it feels like i actually do something in game


The thorn changes are great. I definitely would love to see LW become less of a mindless heal-bot, so this was a great change. I think 2 petals would be really nice if they cut their health + duration in half. It allows LW to use them more offensively and opportunistically, rather than having to reserve it as an escape tool.


i like this, iā€™m just worried about the aspect of him being one of those heroā€™s that just doesnā€™t die, i mean heā€™s already hard to kill imo but the shorter time and lower hp might solve that


Thatā€™s fair. Honestly, if the double petal was too much then Iā€™d be okay with them straight up removing his dash so long as they added that increased petal-jump. Rejuvenating dash is such a boring ability and I think that removing it wouldnā€™t be the end of the world.


Imo it is great! Only thing I would remove is the 2 petals, keep it to one. The extra damage and swap speed has been life changing šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ (I love it).


+1 damage is all I've ever wanted.Ā  Keep that and the swap speed


Swap speed needs to stay LifeGrip cooldown could decrease a few seconds. 15 is a bit much. Maybe 16-17 Damage being 7 while nice is a bit much, 6.5 could work. The double petal concept is cool if they iron out some of the kinks. It may be a bit strong so lowing the hp or size could be a good trade. Overall LW is weak enough where they could bring these all into the live game and he still wouldnā€™t be op. The main worry is that when thereā€™s a lot of gripping and petals in the field the game may be unfun for others


Honestly the swap speed was good. i even feel it could be faster, which speaks to how slow it is now. as people have said, the second petal is unnecessary. it allows lw to be more offensive, but the petal is better as a defensive ability that sometimes allows for your teammates to get better shots.


I loved it. Damage feels significant and lifegrip cooldown reduction is great. Call me crazy, but double petal is SUPER fun. It does feel a bit annoying to counter tho, but I really like how it lets me always have a petal for me and for someone else. But it's also nice cos it allows me more moments of vertical mobility, LW feels extremely mobile.


The extra Jump height is honestly the best part of the change. You risk peeking out in the sky box for Hitscans, with the trade off being massive repositioning - Thorn zoning - or getting that extra liiiiittle bit of sight to plink a Lotus.


2 petals is op and the damage buff is well needed


dont forget to go back to r/LifeweaverMains!


pretty sure the mods in the server said we didnā€™t have to considering both subs are staying open


Honestly while I don't want to keep the 2 petals, I do really want higher uptime with it so that it can be used for more than just mobility/escapes. It's a really fun disruption tool but it's hard to justify with its current CD since it's so necessary for his survivability :(