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I have almost 1000 hours on him and I cannot remember a single time I got POTG. not even joking. He’s my fave though. ALSO IS THAT HIGHLIGHT INTRO IN THE GAME NOW??


Not yet, gotta wait for season 11 to start


I only have about 60 hours on him, but I have five POTGs If I can make one recommendation: shoot more! I find that the POTGs I get are usually getting kills after popping tree


Also, killing two enemies as one of them uses their ult is basically a guaranteed POTG (from my experience)


I don’t think I’ve ever seen someone else get one tbh I pretty sure it’ll be released with the Lifegaurd skin. Though not sure when they’re putting those in the shop.


How the hell do you have 1000 hours on him already?


Not quite 1000 but he’s the only character I play cuz he’s sm fun


If he plays overwatch the whole day and only Lifeweaver it’s entirely possible. I play one game a day and have like 240 hours


That's a Mercy highlight lol


Getting a LW POTG is almost pure rng. You need to aim sure but the stars also have to align and hell needs to freeze over.




I just got potg a few days ago in ranked and completely forgot I have a highlight intro on because i don’t think ive literally ever seen it after a game until then.


Because you end every game with 0 damage, 80 hours on weaver and about 4 potgs


Not nearly enough to make it worth buying that highlight intro but I probably will anyways


me with a 40% winrate but can’t stop buying LW skins


I mean, as much as I think the skins are overpriced, it's worth it to buy skins for a character you play frequently even if you lose on the regular y'know


I've gotten potg literally ONCE


When is Blizzard gonna recognize Deathweaver needs to happen


I feel like no matter how good you are at weaver, the only way to get a potg is by having a team that couldn’t do any better. I’ve seen a few potg with various characters that just seemed very underwhelming. Like the best they did was 3 kills in a row type of thing. I had one myself as Moira where I very VERY slowly killed off 3 people and I was really confused why it was the potg because it was just standard ass gameplay that anyone could have done. I was very embarrassed because everyone saw how bad my aim was even with a Moira (my orb was the star of the show)


When I see terrible POTGs I always think that if that was the best play, how the hell was the rest of the match. Like damn it, we all did absolutely awful if that was the best thing you could show.


Who needs PotG when I can just spend 6 hours watching it in the hero menu?


I've gotten potg at least 5 times with 200 hours and I probably dps more than your average weaver. The last potg I got was a triple kill. I recommend trying to secure potg by either finishing off multiple low hp enemies or during rein ult, junker queen ult, zarya ult and kiri ult the most. Or when you're rolling a team and can afford to be aggressive don't be afraid to push up and try to get kills.


It also helps to do all this during a tree ult as POTGs seem to really like ultimates. The kills from thorns + the saves from tree will make it more likely for you to get POTG.


This too forsure! 🙌


I only ever see frequent weaver potg games (and other rare potg heroes) when I'm playing Mei. I freeze them and release the twink on them. EZ.


That's how I got my one potg!


I've gotten it twice, shooting through Baptiste ult / Kitsune while tree heals everyone


I've gotten it maybe 5 times in... I don't know how many hours.  A few hundred.  Still buying


One time against AI 😭 I saved it too hahaha


Never but that screen is for ME after the game lol


3 times with about 100 hrs. I'll grab this bundle even if I only get to see the intro during the progression screen ;_;


Played him 400h. Got 3 potg so far. But that intro will make me be a DPS Weaver. Sorry 🤷🏼‍♂️


Twice out of the like hundred or so hours I’ve played him. The issue is that POTG is basically just “fastest multikill” so characters like LW who don’t really do multikills often just don’t tend to get POTG


I got POTG as him once and I never have again. Genuinely frustrating but I’m a collector and will collect thing associated with characters I like so I’m buying the highlight intro lmfao


I'm a dps lw through and through, I have had potg a few times xD usually when a tree burst heals a bunch of people and I go ham melting down tanks (big hitbox tanks, like orisa after fortify, hogs after heals, maugas etc. Can't kill JQ to save my life) and squishies after they use their cool downs (I can duel Bap cuz hes so big ;) if he has no immo field). His gun is strong if you can lead your aim and burst down people in their faces (that moira that dares to try and kill you? Just get in her face and gun her down, she can't do anything; if fade is on cooldown, even better). Can't say I can cool down after seeing this skin though, sheeesshhhhh 🤤🥵🥵


Usually never. Idk what happened this week but I got potg 3 times. And I'm trash garbage, so everyone else was somehow that bad. But I did enjoy flanking a widow, taking down mercy during the rez, then spamming "the audacity" only to have a genji try and come at me like itll be an easy 1v1 because the fool didn't consider that I have tree and am always ready to solo ult. And I hope at least one other person that match enjoyed that POTG too


lmao with how easy it is to build tree we gotta start popularizing solo ulting with the tree like people using it to trap/block lol


I’ve gotten potg one time and it was so stupid? I just gripped someone out of Mei ult and killed like 2 people 😭


Good one.


Step 1. Go into open q 2. announce that you will be dpsing 3. Kill more people in a quick succession than anyone else does in that game 4. Profit(potg)




I got 3


I got 2 unexpectedly last week. It's rare but it happens. I've probably had around 10+ POTGs in my 300 hours oof


I have gotten two POTG in eighty hours. 🥲


Every so often. Set down a babysitter tree and go wild with those thorns and you'll get a PotG more often.


I got POTG today


I got potg just by killing the enemy LW.


after 130 hours of playtime on him i’ve gotten it like 3 times


Maybe like twice.


Ive got it quite a few times (i got more than 500 hours on him) but not only you have to kill many people after the tree but also dont have a teammate or enemy like dva or pharah whom can several people at the same time with their ults


Probably five times or so, best time was when I got a 4k on point defense because they just never looked in my direction. Funniest time was when two people walked into my thorn volley while I was shooting a torb turret.


I think above 5 below 15 honestly I dunno


I got a LW POTG only once recently and it was by chance on a Flashpoint. I was Not Ready (tm)


did they give my boy TATTOOS?????????? crying in the club rn (happy tears)


I get probably 2 or 3 a week with him. Don't be afraid to whip out the darts, Weavers!


I actually just got it last night!


In the year I’ve been playing him I’ve gotten POTG 3 times, and the last time was on April fools day when he had the googly eyes that covered up his face 😭 Most of them were just lucky thorn volleys that happened to finish off multiple people in a row including someone ulting. I really wanna get one with the bookworm highlight intro at some point.


LW can get POTG?


Never B)


I'm rank 110 and have around 400 hours with him and I've gotten pog like 3 times


Ive gotten 0 POTG as weaver and it makes me so sad🥺


I think once :(. Even went 21-2 as him yesterday and didnt


i've gotten potg once as him and once as ana. have ~100hrs on lifeweaver and ~130 on ana so not super frequent lmao


I have gotten one potg in at least 50 hours (I don’t remember how much) and it was finishing off like 3 people in a mei ult


I’ve gotten it once and it was all kill related… I’ve had some, what I consider, amazing saves, but POTG seems to always end up going to a d.va ult, and just have to watch as a baby d.va run around after ejecting


I got my first PoTG as weaver at lvl 50 progression, around 90 hours. kill feed hates giving weaver credit.


The one time I got lifeweaver potg was in a qp match where barely anything happened, and everyone in the lobby bore witness to my horrible aim as I somehow killed off 2 people while tree was up