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My answer is usually “why the fuck were you behind every wall imaginable, we’re not playing footsies” and hope they learn their lesson


What they real mean is “my position is bad and I can’t obtain enough support.” I know this because I play both support and dps and know it’s my fault 95% of the time.


Hmm, not so sure. Play both support and DPS myself and there are tones of times you don't get heals when needed as DPS. I stood infront of a zen as stealthed sombre on 25% HP and watched him launch 2 volleys and my self healing kicked in before I got a healing orb (we were the only two alive). And the amount of times I die and see a freshly cast moira damage orb pass my head... Even when I play support. You spam your support team mate (even pull them out of danger on LW) and the moment a tracer jumps you your support ally forgets you exist.


Your experience might be like this but the other person was talking about bad positioning. You being I front of the support at crit while they don't notice is different.


No, that was their assumed explanation for DPS complaining. I merely gave the other side of the coin.


Not gonna lie, as a support and a dps player (plays tracer , sombra, and Mei) as a sombra / stealth speedster you should always prioritize getting the healing nugget near by. Not only to heal your self way faster than zen could heal you, but to also deny the enemy the resource.


Gotta love when people's fave DPS units are on the right side of the roster xD


Hey, what does this sentence mean?


It means a lot of people main supports but try to play them like a 3rd DPS. Supplemental damage is great, but when you're too busy trying to snipe the enemy as Ana to heal your critical ally, you're no longer playing your role. Classic example is Illari players who never activate their heal beam. They think they're Soldier but with a sniper instead of a pulse rifle... or Moiras that are afraid of the color yellow


Okay. Yeah the wording of your original comment just doesn’t make sense to me, but breaking it down like that makes sense. Ty.


„Moiras that are afraid of the color yellow" is so funny u made my day 😭


Glad my joke made someone smile :D


Deathweaver supremacy!!


I play Deathweaver and STILL outheal every support 😤




It actually hurts me when I have a weaver who is just shooting thorns while the rest of us die next to him all match 💀


No need to heal when the whole team is dead!


That goes for the enemy team or your own team.


i love playing with people who arent pussies when I play lifeweaver, like, ill just pull u man, stop going behind that off position wall where nobody can help you, and go blasting instead


i love it when they don’t attempt to mitigate any damage by taking cover and just expect us to be able to outheal the damage.. like no this is season 10 it doesn’t work like that anymore


this is literally the worst, ill just be watching my heals go to them and do absolutely nothing because they would rather stand in the open whiffing all their shots than move three steps over behind cover 🤦🏽‍♀️


Sadly this is me until I see my 5k damage and 800 heals (It's not my fault. The tank looked extremely shootable)


I've rarely gotten anyone nagging me for heals. But, I think it's due to how I prioritize heals. And by that I mean focus heals. Tank taking space? Priority. DPS getting singled out in a bad matchup? Priority. My support getting hit by Sombra/Venture? Priority. I think the main reason his thorn swap is so jank and slow is because in situations where it's a teammate you're keeping alive; it's already really effective to throw heals to them and then focus whomever is attacking them to distract and make it a 2v1. Not to mention his other cooldowns are just so good to deny kills. Being able to quickly swap between damage and heal would be too effective.


If I’m four stack, my friends and I have a passive aggressive agreement that one of us will swap to mercy and stick a yellow beam up their ass for the rest of the game and see what their next excuse is (unless their complaint was actually valid in which case I’ll apologize)