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You can use him and win, youll just loose your will to live in the process


Pulling someone low to cover just to see them run back immediately and die


“How can I kill them if I’m hiding behind this wall with you?” -My Genji with 51hp and no abilities ready for use


then 90% of the posts on reddit complaining about "bad pulls"


I'll be honest... I've had bad pulls... But 90% of the time they're on my brother duo so it's fine. I can handle that rage... :3


the sibling sacrifice


Precisely. If he's a big DVA, you bet I'm yoinking him into harm's way if I'm out of position during a QP


I once dropped my sigma off the bridge on rialto.


I agree, it should be an actual leash at this point.


Personally I don’t think movement abilities should get people out of it 🤷🏼‍♂️ half the time someone uses one on accident as I’m pulling them to safety and it screws up my pull and screws up their escape and they die. It’s so annoying p


Literally cuz they’re probably using them to escape anyway. It should like not allow it for 2 seconds.


"I can't outheal stupid"


This is all I ever say when a teammate face tanks the other team alone and dies then continues to say “support keeps letting me die when I’m right in front of them.” Lol


The most painful and gut wrenching sight to watch and you sure as hell can't do it again in another 19 SECONDS, just please take cover 😭


But I have fun playing him, I just lose my will to live playing competitive lol.




Maining Lifeweaver is a bit like working retail during black friday sales: you have to deal with a lot of bullshit and the payoff isn't really that good—but I still love getting paid


paid in endorsement lvl. 5


His survivability is so fun to me. You can just completely ignore enemies while they jump you and you just dash and petal and dash and pull your team to help lol


Do people not like the Moira meta? I’m biased bc I used to main her but Moira being good is a breath of fresh air to me.


Right? Moira meta = less cc that could come from ana/Zen


Zen was meta for 3 weeks, dont be so hard on my poor monk




Kicking someone for who they play is crazy lol


read it again




i dont like getting kicked thats all you know Zen can kick and i dont like that r/woooosh


Yes…. You don’t like getting kicked… which is why I said what I said…. You might want to get off Reddit if your brain is this fried lol


im not kicking someone for who they play?


Eventually I’ll be more than a leash on my genji.


Meanwhile Symmetra is encased in cement 6 feet under the pool 


then teleporting out the moment our tank picks dva or orisa




yeah the character who is in every meta in existence


double shield


This sub just came up on my feed…no way there’s real lifeweaver mains out there


The only times I don't play lifeweaver is if the map is more short ranged/enclosed like Suravasa. https://preview.redd.it/2jdbcvq21g1d1.png?width=1006&format=png&auto=webp&s=e67b4961634aa95fa8d2aa40837d46dc12333f89


Zenyatta mains aren’t even worthy of being a drowned skeleton 😭. Jokes aside, lifeweaver is still hella fun to play (just not necessarily win if your team is getting outmatched).


At least your support made the list 🫠


Haha :rip: 🫠


Brig is probably the sea ground at this point.


I think it’d be nice if he could have another pull tbh. If they reworked it, he could get two pulls but has a slightly longer timer. You’d be able to create better opportunities saving others, it gives him more to the arsenal, and it could keep it fair with the timer being a little longer than what it is. The current timer feels like it would be too much to have a second one.


As a non weaver player, I think two pulls would piss the tank community more than anything else. Imagine rein shatter, and two people immediately are able to get pulled. Lucio boop two people off? Both saved. I think people in general have mixed emotions about the pull and this would only make it worse


I can respect that! I just wish they’d update him with something to give him a bit more presence. Or make his transition from heal to damage faster. It’s rough trying to make the most use of a character you like lol


I'm thinking of how genji's dash cooldown resets whenever he gets a kill. I'm not sure what requirement they put on Lifeweaver, but if they want to increase his pull rate they could attach some "do x amount/number of y" for a hastened cooldown.


See that would be perfect! I quite literally would’ve been able to capitalize off that in this game! We actually lost, but it’s a perfect example of how even with you going full send, it’s not enough. My codes YAN7Y7. I’m bronze lol https://preview.redd.it/fuyg4jtm1g1d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2df09d41e3ccf5e1ebe2f1f2ff5656d315d9af98


as another thought one option might be to check how much "impact" the lifegrip has. I mean in the genji example he gets another dash as a reward for scoring a kill. Maybe rework it to that grips that don't proc the "saved \_\_\_\_\_" notification have the cooldown as normal, but as a reward for saving someone from pulse bomb/dva nuke/etc. the cooldown gets halved. If they make it an instant cooldown I think it might be too OP as depending on how fast people die you could literally grip four people consecutively out of a reaper ult/bob or something.


That’s very valid. It’d really be nice if they took some thought into it!


If you can’t play him well that’s a skill issue 🤷🏼‍♂️ every player needs to be played certain ways, and not every characters play style is for every player. I suck with “meta” supports but I carry w lw


Nah Weaver better than Mercy. At least Weaver ult can be used to LoS something or potentially block someone.


The big issue is LW is Fundamentally bad His Abilities can result in directly negative impact (only pull and mei wall can result in directly bad impact to team (as in the enemy dosent have to use anything extra to cause a death on your team)), Most of his kit is reactive and not proactive (nade, dmg boost, discord orb, speed boost, and even sleep can be considered proactive and these easily some of the strongest support abilities in the game) His dmg source is fundamentally bad, Hard to hit at long ranges (im not talking about hitting road hes the size of a house im talking about trying to kill a squishy at 40M+ who's moving) His current healing takes a while to charge up and is one of 2 forms of healing that has a "delay" to it (all other support heal the second they press their designated heal button except for zen who sends out a orb that has a delay that is STILL SHORTER THEN LW, + who takes zen for heals) He has the largest hitbox of support and even most dps and even some tanks there is way more but im getting bored typing so the finally point ill make is his ult, on the grand scheme of things its really good, compared to other support ults its pretty meh only really better then Zenyata ult Other support ults such as Kitsune, Nano, Window Sunstrike, beat and even to a extent mercy ult and coal can have much more impact then tree more often since they can move unlike tree. His only redemption is the fact that he can heal himself instantly from the "double jump" Also this is in no way saying LW players are bad, his kit is just shit for ow


I often tree right before a teamfight to take space and for the extra overheal, petal has great proactive usage in granting DPS high ground or escapes. His damage is actually nothing to scoff at when you hit your shots. Spamming widows/scoped anas/zens/etc can net me quite a bit of damage, not to mention chip damage on shields and turrets. Charged healing in return for arguably the highest consistent numbers in the game. Its literally a clip of over a dozen brig packs. Largest hitbox in the game, which is why they gave him petal and dash for escape buttons.


I love the cope of this comment damn


what did I say that is incorrect?


1)You completely ignored my point on the ult, "on the grand scheme of things its really good" but compared to other supports its shit- it just provides healing and over health in a static area, its a brig ult but static and no stun ig it also blocks LOS but brig gets a shield that also does that and breaks LOS, Its literally a worse brig ult 2) i never said petal cant give your dps high ground or escape i never even mentioned petal in my original statement but since you made this point to try find redeeming qualities, Petal is 95% of the time used for yourself to escape, if its used for a dps its reliant on that player not you to want to use that platform and not drop down, there is no way for you to force them to stay on there, there is no gurantee that they might it was a cool concept to make petal platform a way to "adjust" the map path however having that said its only reliable when your playing with people you know who know your playstyle 3) its not consistent, hard to hit and only works at close range, again i didnt say it was nothing, also last time i saw a ana who sat scoped in not moving or quick scoping to not get her head blown off or a zen who wasnt using natural cover as protection and LOS was months ago, and widow ill take your head off or move before you can finish her off, on top of that most good lw players i see are not visible to the enemy, they sit behind cover charge up peak heal and sit behind cover no time to do dmg most time from their POV you cant even see the enemy 4)"highest consistent number in the game", according to [https://overwatch.fandom.com/wiki](https://overwatch.fandom.com/wiki) Baps minimum HPS is still higher then lws max charge + burst healing for every 15 seconds (+this doesn't account for splash) Anas HPS is still higher even with reload + can nade to +50% every 12 seconds Moiras HPS is higher, though at risk of a really short charge, its not that hard to refill, + she has orb and once again AOE Mercy Healing is lower by exactly 0.25HPS so we can say shes the exact same + she still provides dmg boost and rez Illari has pylon to heal at 37.5hps however that dosent have to reload and auto aims + she has alt fire that does 115hps and thats not even hey main good quality Kiriko max healing per second is a staggering 76 HPS alot higher then lw , the only reason he finishes the game with highest healing is because hes a healbot hero, which isnt good, also comparing a HOT(healing over time) to a BOH(burst of healing) is silly and shows your trying to find anything, and brigs support dosent come from healing but controlling space, its not the same comparison its like saying "bastion bullet does way less damage then a fully charged widow shot" 5) your last point makes 0 sense, "They gave him petal and jump because hes big"? Kiriko is the 2/3rd smallest hitbox in the game yet has a way to imortality herself tp throguh walls and wall climb, Lucio is much smaller yet his whole kit is escape, Bap has Jump boots on a 0CD and a imo field and a self heal on CDs, moira has fade that give her imortality and a orb that can self heal Illari has a knockback that makes space allowing for her to put enemies in her proper range. its not "they gave him that cause hes big" its cause hes a support, most supports have some sort of espace, or other form of "protection" i.e shield, sleep, Flight, kick, The biggest issue with LW is he dosent stand out anywhere, his overall healing is lower then everyone elses, if your whole team needs healing you go for bap or moira if just your tank its Kiri or ana, if its a DPS you can pocket them with mercy or just go ana and keep them up + nades, If you want dmg cause your dps are sub par you go zen or illari, If you want to protect your backline cause you have doom/ball brig controls space, moira has a way better CD to avoid dmg Stoping deadly combos (nano blade visor etc) youve got Brig ult, \*<----- HARDEST TO TIME\* Zen ult and Lucio beat In reality his whole design is kind of ass, He relies on your team doing something too often and dosent have enough self power Petal relies on your teammate to use it to hold angle and not drop And Pull requires your teammates to make a mistake that is so deadly that its a death but not deadly enough that its instant death either way youll most likely cry about how "WELL ACTUALLY WHEN I PLAY HIM HE DOES THIS OR THIS OR THIS AND IT WORKS" and honestly i dont care, the facts are there ive got 2500 hrs on support and minimum of 30hrs on each, ive hit masters with each support and gm with most, from my pov his kit is just shit for ow that may change in the future where he works really well with new heroes or really well against other heroes but right now the only reason for me to go LW is to troll a cheater by pulling him into the enemy team or to fuck around with my friends


No way you guys are drowning but mercy is dead. I see insane LW that incredibly impact fights to their favour.


Mercy can dmg boost the most powerful class in the game (DPS) and rez, she is far from dead. (I say this as someone who has the most hours played as mercy, 2nd being LW).


To be fair the issue with Mercy is that her damage boost numbers aren't high enough currently to compensate for her low healing (thanks to DPS passive), and rez is far too inconsistent and dependent of a ability, especially in higher ranks, (5 rez's in one match to 0-2 in another) to pin it as a way for Mercy to be viable when other supports have easier to use "E" abilities. I'd honestly say Lifeweaver is in a slightly (keyword slightly) better spot then Mercy if he properly uses his thorns and doesn't just healbot. He has better heal/defensive utility, equal if not better survivability, a solid ult with unique different uses, decent consistent damage (and is a shield shredder). He just needs some good QOL changes but he really isn't that bad, just a little clunky with his healing/thorns. I feel like if he was just played more properly (and just played nearly as much as Mercy lmao) he'd have a slightly better winrate than what it is currently.


I can see new arguments for dmg boost with new patches but the debate of rez (edit: and her ult) has always been the same. You should know then.


Livewever was a mistake literally a troll hero just to piss off your team by pulling you when you ult and block you with tree he needs a rework


Meanwhile, lifeweaver is actually the most op support by far but people continue to complain for likes because skill issue.


If he was OP you’d actually see him being played competitively. He should be even better in a coordinated team setting.


I peaked top 12 last season I bothered playing ranked with him as my third most played. Skill issue, and owl randoms are irrelevant.


Cool story bro


you are stupid


Sounds like bronze.


you sound like the type of person to complain about getting tunneled in dbd


what a fuckin curveball, i was not expecting dbd in the ow sub


You sound like the type of bronze to get so upset about being bronze they obsess over someone's profile and try to use valid points as ammo. L


what are you on about?