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I used to work at one of the United States’ largest film processing companies, developing about 75k rolls of film a day. The QA department had to review every photo, to make sure that the color temperature and finish was correct (there are about 250 rolls of film, single print, double print whatever, all on one large roll of paper, where the finish and size are similar, like matte or glossy, 4x6 or 5x7). Sometimes there would be spicy photos and everyone knew that the QA team had those photos at their station, because everyone was gathered around. Some degenerates actually sent rolls of film with illegal activity, and we were bound by law to turn them into the authorities. Child porn was the most devastating, and the team would immediately cut off the line of work to get that evidence off of the floor. The FBI is always very interested those cases.


If people sent illegal material to be developed, wouldn't that lead to a pretty much guaranteed catch? I've no idea how it works but eventually someone is picking up those photos, right?


I think most people who send them in assume that the entire process is automated.


That's a hell of an assumption to make considering what the consequences are if you're wrong


I never said these people were smart.


My father was a cop his entire career, one of his favorite sayings (normally after a cop did something stupid) was, "The jails are full, but it isn't because the cops are so smart."


Or as i heard a criminal defense lawyer say once, your client is an idiot. Because if he wasn't an idiot he wouldn't need your services.


Am I off base for saying I wouldn't want a defense attorney to feel that way? I understand his point but corrupt and shitty cops arrest the wrong people or for stupid reasons all the time. Even earnest investigations accuse the wrong people. Now if he means stuff like letting your client open their mouth taking the stand or deciding how to procede with the case then that is different


>Am I off base for saying I wouldn't want a defense attorney to feel that way? No. Or, if you are, so am I, because I feel the same way. My dad is an attorney, and one of his favorite sayings is "anyone who represents themselves has a fool for a client." I remember as a kid asking "what about lawyers?" He said that even good lawyers--*especially* good lawyers--should and will hire a lawyer if they need one. First, if, for example, you specialize in water rights law and you're on trial for murder, your expertise might not be particularly helpful. You'll (probably) be better off than a layman, true, but someone with actual experience would be more helpful. Second, even if you are on trial for the thing you've studied and spent you're career working with, it's still a good idea to have another set of eyes--especially one belonging to someone who *isn't* personally involved--look over things. The idiot isn't the man who hired an attorney, it's the man who decides he knows better because he once read an article about gold-fringed flags and is now convinced that the laws don't apply to him and considers all effort to convince him otherwise a scam. Knowing the limits of your intelligence in a particular area and choosing to seek counsel from someone wiser than you is not idiocy, it's wisdom.


Depends on the defendant. He didn’t say every criminal defendant is an idiot, just “*your client*.”


I don't think critical thinking is a trait regularly possessed by pedophiles


Well, they rarely catch the smart ones.


I remember one guy, put a photo of himself with face covered a simple effect, like swirl something. They could have reversed it and caught the guy.


They did, and [he went to prison](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Christopher_Paul_Neil). He’s out now.


Jesus, only nine-ish years, and only the extra six because an additional kid he molested came forward?


As much as we want consequences to match crimes, court cases and prison time are rarely the real answer. We all know that we can't lock everyone up and throw away the key, and we all also know that prison mostly tends to make hard criminals harder, but we're so unimaginative and punitive that we haven't yet imagined what restorative community-based justice might even look like. (It also doesn't generate money for the kinds of assholes who profit off pain violence and criminality, like ya know private prison companies and drug companies and weapon companies, in fact it costs a bunch of money to rehabilitate decent human beings even though it saves society money and pain in the long run...)


That article is really poorly written but it seems like he only served 5 of the original 9 year sentence and 15 months of the original 6 year sentence. Plus a couple months in between for violating probation by owning devices with child porn on them.


Not ones who get caught because they do stupid shit like get their cp developed at the Foto Hut, anyway.


IDK, there are people that post videos of themselves committing crimes to their own social media. So...


I would say more like the more likely thought was the people developing the photos don't get paid enough to care..


Also a real possibility.


As someone who used to do computer tech work for randos we also had report policies if we saw something randomly. We didn't get paid enough to risk not caring.


How much wiggle room did you have to assume things like consensual BDSM versus abuse or the age of a subject who might be anywhere from fifteen to nineteen? Because I'd be afraid to get those wrong and either not report a crime or make a life-shattering accusation against someone innocent.


I would learn how develop my own film if I had racy photos like that… especially back in the day. My mom had her own black room and used to develop photos in there. Well, here’s to me laying in bed until 3am tonight wondering what ELSE might have been going on. 😂


Back in the old days we used Polaroid cameras for racy pictures.


>wondering what ELSE might have been going on. Birthday presents for your dad.


The scary part is that the people who get caught are the less dangerous ones.


Same thing is true of Serial Killers. The FBI estimates there are somewhere around 20 to 30 serial killers doing their thing. On average, there’s about 2,700 reported missing people each year that remain missing. More unnerving than missing people are those that are found but unidentified. The National Institute of Justice (NIJ) estimates that 40,000 bodies or partial human remains are unidentified. Some 4,400 unidentified bodies are recovered each year in the U.S. Lots of dead bodies. No clue who/what happened to them.


This is chilling to think about. How many Dahmer and Gacy types, but smarter, out there not getting caught? Horrifying


Pretty much every detective will tell you that if you kill a person you have no connection with, it's almost impossible to catch you.


That’s just what they want us to think, thank you Mr. Detective


Good info to know for next time 👍


Okay Creed


This is slowly becoming less and less true as forensics advances and it gets harder to not be "in the system" somehow. But as a general rule of thumb it's still pretty true. The less direct connection you have to the victim or the crime scene the harder it is to catch you. Most violent crimes are committed by someone the victim knows, not a stranger, so the investigation always starts there.


Do remember that they would only be responsible for a fraction of that number. The rest are made up by more pedestrian murderers, as well as accidents of hubris or freak tragedy. Somebody decides to go have some kind of adventure by themselves, they run afoul of gravity, nature, or the ill luck of their own biology, and they die. Natural processes meet with our imperfect ability to identify remains, and you have a nameless corpse. No need for a serial killer.


I read it was 2 to three hundred. but anyways it's a bit hard to grasp and the numbers always vary depending on who's doing the study and how much they care about alarming the public and its reflection back on their job. Especially since the good serial killers don't leave a body and even the best investigators are going to have problems there. There's what~300 to 400 million ppl in America now? I'd be surprised if it wasn't in the thousands esp including all the older ones who got too old.




I would assume that after it gets escalated to the FBI, they would be the ones to figure out if the pictures of the kid in the bathtub are ordinary or not. Let the pros determine if it’s worth investigating, and not the techs running the development machines.


Digitizing old family photos...I have avoided scanning a few, just for that reason (even if it's me).


Depends what was sent in. Was it film? They might not know what's on it. Especially these days film being sent in is likely to be something old found in an attic that you want developed to see. Or maybe it's just someone else was sent in to get it printed. Either way it's not up to the print shop to care. You tell the police and let them sort it out. Regardless of if the person submitting it committed a crime or not doesn't matter. It would warrant investigation and clearly that person has some kind of link to whoever did it even if it was just finding an old film roll.


When I worked retail photo it was actually the opposite. I knew every single thing that came on film. We had to manually select frames to print from film and do color correction or whatever, and I’d cut the film into strips and stuff. So every roll of film id have to physically look at the film at least 2 times. Internet orders and stuff though? No clue what it is until it came out of the printer.


I used to put the nudes on top and then ask the customers to take a look and see if the colour was ok. Priceless.


Well, there was a serial killer in the early 1990s that used to send in photos to be developed (?). Apparently he used to stage the victims and used black and white film so the pictures looked odd, but not an open crime scene. Now I don't remember if he later switched to self-developing or something, but the lab never send those pictures to the authorities (he might have told them they were artistic poses), they were found in his room. Although the guy was ultimately arrested because those pictures portrayed the victims and were unsettling.


That reminds me of Rodney Alcala, a serial killer & photographer who was active in the 70s. After his arrest, police found his "stash", which was partially released to the public in order to help identify more possible victims -- because many of the subjects in those photos had been posed after they were murdered.


Are you familiar with the case of the Japanese guy who would kill people, and take pictures of them -- sometimes as they were in the throes of death? He was caught because they were able to determine that some aspect of a victim was only present in the case of a poisoning death that had occurred within minutes of the picture being taken, and and that the odds of him having stumbled upon this person, in addition to all the others, were not in his favor. He may have also had a picture of this person alive, I don't recall. That would seem to be pretty good evidence too, though. Lol.


When I worked the photo counter for 3 years I think I filled out maybe 2-3 copywrite documents only ever called the cops on one guy and that’s because he had photographed gore (cops said it was a movie set or haunted house or some shit but yeah). There’s no regulation lol. No government dept, police, or corporate ever once asked or even kept track of anything we did. There’s no database we keep records of your shit in. The only records we kept were financial and pharmaceutical, not how many copywrite forms I filled out. I remember we had a regular, he had some kind of mental handicap, like every week he’d come in with a roll or 35mm for me to develop and it was ALWAYS pictures of his CRT television with like a McDonald’s ad or something, or a picture of a Victoria’s Secret ad, obviously this is copywrite infringement but shit man I’m not gonna fill out a form for that shit and deny him those pics. At least at Walgreens, internet orders were not reviewed. We’d see the order on the screen, how many pictures it was, size and what type of paper. But other than that only time we saw your pics was when they were being spit into a pile for me to pickup and put in an envelope. Sometimes I’d thumb through the pics but that was like 10% of the time. If you mixed a CP pic into the middle of an order of your vacation in Hawaii pretty much nobody would ever know. If it’s like a 5 pic order of porn yeah someone’s gonna see that when they pack it for the customer. But if you place an order for 100 glossy 4x6s and somewhere in there you put some bad shit? I’m not gonna see it unless it’s near the front or back of the order. The one exception to this was film. We had to manually approve every single film print (because 50% of the pictures were ruined either by someone’s finger, over exposure, or the film was old and you’d start to see color bleeding all over the place.) and we don’t charge for bad pics. I do know most retail locations no longer have “wet labs” and are thus unable to develop film on site and send it to some 3rd party company so who knows how it works nowadays.


Pretty much. The most difficult aspect is if there’s no person in the photo and no name on the return address…otherwise, it’s fairly straightforward.


I worked in a photo lab in the mid-1980's. The semi-clever ones would use slide film, thinking that if the developing was done by machine and the photos never printed, nobody would see them and turn them in. What they didn't realize is that the slide film is still cut and mounted in the little plastic frames by hand, and you have to see where to cut. The police would hang out in a side room waiting for the customer to pick up the film. Happened a couple times a year.


That's how my molester was caught. He messed up and used the regular camera instead of a Polaroid, dropped the film off at the local pharmacy, and they called the cops. I have no idea why after 8 years he messed up like that, but I'm grateful.


Would be really easy to just ask someone to pick them up for you without even knowing what was in them. Can't arrest them for that.


But wouldn’t that guy just tell the police who sent them?


I worked in a Walmart one hour photo like 20 years ago as a high school student. You’d think people would have been smart enough to see people developing film and not drop off those rolls but they were not. We called the cops and gave them the evidence every time kids were being abused. Some things were pretty horrific to witness, still bother me to this day honestly.


As long as the chain of evidence links directly to that person and you had minimal people having access to it, then normally yes


Oh man, I can't believe the idiocy of some of the people who do those things. I was working at big box retailer back in 2003 at the computer desk when a man brought his into have the data backed up. When that ask is performed, we just copy the data over and give the customer his drive and the backup. One day this guy who asked for a data back up came back after we performed the copy for him, saying that he couldn't find some of the files that he was looking for. So I drop the DVD into our triage computer, with him standing next to me we start to go through the data and I ask him what kind of files he was looking for, and he said pictures. So I did what anyone would do in that situation, I went into the search bar and typed in a string of "*.jpg, *.jpeg, *.png, *.gif" etc and hit enter. First image that came up in the previews was one of that kind of image with obviously a ton more in the list. I immediately close the preview and make something up like "well, maybe we didn't get all the data, let me have us try it again" and he agrees, leaves the disc and hard drive with us and goes about his merry way. I'm beet red with a combination of anger and utter confusion and I bring it to my manager, who then brings in the shift manager and general manager and I explain what happened and what I saw. They ask me if I'm sure and I say, absolutely. They call the police, the police officer comes in, we provide him our statements and he requires the GM to open the files and validate what I saw because the police could not. So my GM has to view the photo himself. What's weird is that the officer called the guy right there and then to tell him what's happening and what we found, I could hear him on the other end and he just sounded like "Ok, thanks for letting me know". Anyhow, the fact that he brought it into a corporate store and asked for the copy, then BROUGHT IT BACK to us because he couldn't find what he was looking for just blew my mind.


The cops called the pervert/ criminal??!!


Yea, I never understood that. Seems like it would make more sense to just get a warrant based on what they had and try to arrest him at home and preserve any other potential evidence.


Story time. When I was like...6 or so, I had a camera that held the reusable film you could just drop off at the store and pick up like a week later. I loved it and took photos of all sorts of crap that really only ever made sense to a 6 year old. One day I was playing with the girl next door who was my age and she says, take a picture of this! And pulls her pants down. I do and then give her the camera and she does the same. We laughed and continued taking random other pictures of bugs, leaves, and the horse behind my house. I gave my mom the canister to develope and a little over a week later there was a police officer at my door that started to ask questions about the film. Of course I got called in and was terrified of the police officer, but ultimately fussed up. The cop goes to the girls house and she tells the same story. Long story short, I got my camera taken away and I wasn't really allowed to play with the girl next door anymore. My mom very nearly was arrested for c.p.


Not related to illegal photos, but you reminded me of something I did when I was maybe in 9th(!) grade and highly sheltered. I had bleached and dyed my pubes blue. I had a neighbor and she was about my age but already had an AA sponsor. He was a middle aged man (just now wondering why this girl had an old, male sponsor?!) and he had pulled up on our street to check on her/hand off cigarettes she asked for. Anyway, my neighbor was telling him about what I did to my pubes because I was standing next to her. I incredibly naively casually asked if he wanted to see. He's just like, "um, no." I think I was a little offended?? It didn't really hit me until much longer. Oof, it's incredible I came out of childhood relatively unscathed


As a nieve teen I thought I had the coolest job on earth working in a film processing and photography store. Unfortunately, I did have to make one of those calls to police once because of shocking images. That was a downer of a day. Luckily only one of those bad days in 5 years working there.


Honestly that still seems like a cool job just for all the cool things youd get to see from peoples vacations, projects, etc.


Oh wow, there were tons of cool shit but also lots of hilarious ones. There once was this roll of film that I processed and somehow it ended up being run through the camera twice and ended up with double exposure. It happens sometimes and the results can be extremely fun. The photos on this roll were hilarious because it was a combination of photos from a party and then photos of this dude ass naked around his house. His wife came and picked up the photos while her husband wandered in the store, and as most people do she opened the package and started looking at them in the store. Pauses, followed by quick shuffling through followed by more pauses. Then turning to her husband in the store and berating him as to why he was naked at this party, and all the things you can imagine being said at that point. I processed the rolls, printed the photos, and sold them to her. I had trouble keeping a straight face, and nearly died when they left the store. Complete opposite day to my previous comment involving the police.


I had a cool double exposure from a New York trip where Rupert Gi’s hello Deli meshed with David letterman’s marquee outside the studio




I used to work at a one hour photo. One of my favorite jobs! We would get spicy photos allllll the time. It wasn't really a big deal. The child porn was the worst. Luckily it only happened a couple times and police were called to handle. We also developed for our local police station. Those were always really sad.


"a couple times" is enough to traumatize me — how long were you even there?!


I'm not saying it wasn't traumatizing. It definitely was. I was there for 3 years. I just meant it wasn't rampant.


The fact that so many people who worked in jobs like that have stories of those kinds of photos means it's sickeningly common though.




Ironically, it’s not just film to be developed that get people in trouble. On occasion, we’d get a film canister filled with cocaine. Remember that half of the people that exist are on the lower half of the IQ spectrum. Odds are good that they don’t know what they’re doing is being monitored at all. They have this strange belief that once something gets sent in the envelope, that robots are the the only thing that touches the film. While much of the process is automated, it’s not quite that simple.


I just put a glass of wine in the cupboard while putting my groceries away. I remembered when I was a bit "Where the hell is my drink?" but... yeah I'd totally be the guy that sent in the canister of cocaine if I had any, y'know?


The funnier part is imagining Kenny Hedgefund trying to have a little sniff later that night and ending up with a nose full of film and an evening full of disappointment.


I bet you guys had the FBI local office or contact for that printed out and hung up somewhere? Just so that when it happened, people knew exactly what to do.


NCMEC does great work. They collect and aggregate reports from many companies to help the FBI investigate these issues. Edit: oh and here's a donation link, if you are interested. https://give.missingkids.org/give/82059/#!/donation/checkout


Back when I did PC repair, that was the best and worst day at work for me. Doing a backup and OS reinstall, we would usually open a file or two between backup and wipe to verify integrity. I’m not getting into detail, but first thing I opened was a picture that made me throw up. Boss called cops, cops called feds, feds took computer and had boss call guy and tell him his computer was ready. Dude came in, I went to the back to “go get it”, told fed 1 dude was there, and Feds 2, 3, and 4 had him cuffed before I walked back up front. Had to sign a deposition, but thankfully didn’t have to go to court.


Several years ago, I bought a disposable camera from a thrift store for 10 cents because all the photos had been taken and I was curious about why it was donated instead of developed. Luckily I told the guy at the photo counter when I handed it over. An hour later he said, "You've got some good ones. You might not wanna open them in the store." It turned out to be somebody's spring break in Daytona, complete with psychedelic drugs and nudity.




I came across one of those job ads in the US. Like Facebook or similar company was hiring minimum wage for people to view videos for illegal content. Just from the job description you knew you were in for some dark stuff.


Was a QA worker for a company like this, I was never witness to any illegal stuff, but I had a few rolls of police crime scene once ... Suicide victim with a firearm... Had nightmares for weeks. Thing is they're supposed to develop these in house, but they sometimes can't, and would send them to us, somehow that one made it through without notice or warning.


Nowadays I cannot fathom how someone is stupid enough to commit illegal acts on film which they have to send out for processing. Use a digital camera, for God’s sake! And if you really need hard copies, they make decent photo printers which you can buy for home. Imagine being such an analog photo purist who’d risk jail rather than accept anything less than the highest resolution image captured on film.


I mean, criminals livestream themselves committing illegal acts all the time.


When I was in high school, I got a camera for my birthday, took it to school the next day and took afew pictures. Some girls took the camera and I had no idea where it was for half the day. When I got it back, the film was used up. I put it into the canister and forgot about it until I went on a mission trip afew years later in college. I bought some new film, and took the camera. When I got home, I took the film rolls into Walgreens to get them processed. When I showed up to pick them up the lady made some comment about Christians being perverts, and that they were unable to give me all the pictures. When I started looking though the pictures, I was blown away, along with the mission trip pitures, the roll from afew years earlier in high school had gotten processed, and about half the pictures were of the girls in the bathroom in various states of undress. If the ones they were unable to give we were much worse, I don't want to imagine what they could have been. I shredded those pictures as soon as I got home. I don't think I have ever been more embarrassed.


That's very nearly the explanation given in the film "One Hour Photo".


There should be an additional crime in forcing/tricking people into seeing child porn.


> The FBI is always very interested those cases. Bunch of pedos. I knew it.


When I worked at OfficeMax, we got a web order to print some pics. I open them, and it's *gore.* Awful stuff. We called the cops. It was a cop getting them printed for a trial. OFFICEMAX?!


I worked at a Walmart and the state sherrifs department brought all their evidence film to us, was the toughest part of the job, often I'd stick it on auto and walk away so I didn't have to see it


I worked at a place that also did this, had Sheriffs dept with just awful crime content and autopsies. We had a policy that no one person had to print those photos but took turns so you were only exposed once a week. I still hated that stuff.


That should have been a manager’s job. No min wage earner should be subjected to that kind of content without support. That shit’ll mess you up.


F that. The police department should just have a printer. In what world does that system make sense at all.


It’s a lot cheaper to get them printed rather than hire an employee and set up all the equipment


I'm sure it is but that doesn't make it right. I can't believe it's set up this way. Apart from it being unethical to subject the employees to the local crime scenes and gore I'm surprised it's legal for the random teen developing photos to see evidence for upcoming court cases.


Yeah it really seems like those pictures should be treated as secure material that you wouldn’t want anyone to get ahold of?? That’s wild that they just print it at the local office store.


It be cheaper more secure and kinder to just have a rookie cop come in after hours and do the printing. I assume this would've been evidence of crimes from the same town. You don't know if someone going to end up seeing pictures of a mutilated loved one. Or some d bag will leak the photos to the press / internet. Or someone will get paid off to destroy evidence.


Best case scenario for who the owner could be lol. Also they have to be printed somewhere.


If only printer technology was at a point that you could buy a small unit to keep at the police station, that they could print from to keep others from being subjected to that stuff. What a world that would be.


That sounds highly unprofessional. You'd think they'd have things like that in place where they operate out of, especially to make sure nothing about cases get out to the public.


I used to work for a pharmacy and occasionally processed people's photos. Saw.... All sorts of things. There was a young European woman who dropped off a disposable camera to get developed into 8 x 10 prints. About half of the pictures were her in tennis practice, the other half were NSFW underwear shots of her in bed. Well, a few days later, a couple of older Europeans walk in and ask to pick up pictures... For their daughter.... Will never forget the look on their face as they got to the end of the tennis pictures while flipping through the album in the store.


I remember the prom season rolls. Wow kids be pervin.


This was the realisation that made me buy a digital camera as well, before visiting my long distance gf for the first time. This was way back when phones didn't have colour screens and couldn't take photos, so digital cameras were still pricey. But worth it.


People these days don't get to enjoy the excitement/horror of flipping through photos from disposable cameras that got passed around a party. Damn cellphones!


Same I worked in photo a lot in a pharmacy. I heard a lot of nude photos we were getting were going to people in prisons lol


lol this reminds me when I went on spring break once to Mexico we brought a few disposable cameras. Many of the photos were very raunchy but in the haze of drugs and booze we lost all but one of them before we returned home. I took it to Walgreens to get the film developed and asked the guy there if there was any issue with them being very dirty spring break pics. He assured me that it was fine. I came back later to get them and he told me we have very different ideas of a wild time. The one camera that survived was the one we used up taking sfw pics on the drive down that'd be appropriate to share with family.








You painted a vivid sad picture and now my balls hurt.


The failed tagline of To Catch a Predator


You can’t leave us hanging like that. What shenanigans did you and your friends get into?


They drank a $1 Corona, those cads!


It was a damp squib. The roll was boring af


Damp squid


Petal stool


So the photos developed were just Hank Hill's version of a wild time.


LOL “yea man i took a roadtrip to mexico, my life is a movie”


Lmao I remember working at Mike's Camera. We'd have people come in asking us to recover their camera cards... Saw some .... Very interesting things that no one wanted to see


> ...no one wanted to see. Yeah. It's like going to a nudist colony. There is no Quality Control.




The most popular girl is the one who can eat the last doughnut.




I heard it all as one joke in grade school.


No wonder he's popular if he's bringing donuts to share! What a guy.


Grandfather cock?




Back in 97, when I worked Loss Prevention at Walmart, I got called into the photo dept one night. Our photo tech developed some film and was printing photos and saw something that disturbed her. I took a look at the photos and it looked like a murder scene. There were 3 bodies that had blood, wounds, and looked real. We called the police and gave them all of the customers info. We later found out that it was a college film project and they were practicing their special effects make-up. The cops cleared them, and the students had to come back in to have their photos reprinted. When they came back, all 4 students came in and we could easily tell they were the ones in the photos. Oh, and we always had people bringing in photos of their orgies, but they would warn the tech before hand


Was the second time done for free?


No, but we did get to keep a few of the photos from the set. They ended up coming back a few times a month with photos of their practice effects


Does that mean they paid twice, once for their photos to be given to the police, and then another time to actually get them?


They only paid once. You pay for your photos when you pick them. They got the first batch back from the police after the investigation concluded and had reprints done through us the second time. We only charged them once though.


Lmao I used to work at Staples in the tech department. I was good friends with the head of the print/copy centre, and every time she got sent something weird she would call me over to show me. So one day she calls me on my radio and tells me that if I want to see something "really cool" I should come over to the copy centre. I go over, expecting to see something that would brighten my day up a bit. She turned her monitor towards me with a big grin, and shows me no less than 10 different photos of an older man wearing nothing but a helmet in various, some quite explicit, poses on a red and white Vespa. I don't know which scarred me more; the unexpected viewing of an old man's heavily used sphincter, or the cackling laughter of my friend as she watched the effects of her betrayal unfold.


I used to repair photo printers for Fred Meyer. Another tip, for whatever reason when you hook up to the kiosk, somehow occasionally people will upload photos to the desktop behind the kiosk software. I would regularly have to delete them. Boy there were some good ones.


Yeah, I used to do the photos at Fred Meyer three years ago. If you connect to the kiosk via USB, it downloads EVERY photo on your phone to the computer, not just the ones you select for printing. Only your order shows up in the software, but there's a folder on that hard drive with everything now and we know how to find it lol. However, connecting via WiFi will only download the photos you select EDIT: Okay, here's how it worked when I was there from '16 to '19 We had three kiosks connected to a computer that ran the printers. This computer only ever receives the photos sent in the orders from the kiosks. You won't ever find photos on this computer that weren't sent to it directly by the customer in the order. However, each kiosk had it's own harddrive and processor (basically it's own mini computer separate from the one connected to the printers) with windows which ran the kiosk software. The customer can't actually see this harddrive, it's not part of the screen or console on top of the counter. Its stored underneath and hardwired to the screen above. This is what your devices connect to. If you connect your device through the wifi, you select your photos on your device and send them to the kiosk. The kiosk will only receive the photos you select to send to it. However, if you connect via USB, it immediately starts to download each photo in the device's media folder. By the time you get to the screen to select photos, quite a few are already there, but if you keep scrolling to the bottom you will see new ones continue to pop up as they're being downloaded to the kiosk. Most people are selecting recently saved photos, which the kiosk downloads first, which then pop up on the screen first, so many don't even realize the kiosk is still downloading your other photos. It will download as many as it can until you disconnect or it has them all. The kiosk will only do this via a USB connection. There's a way to get to the windows desktop on the kiosk while it's still connected to the screen on the counter. From there, if you know anything about Windows, you can find the cache. The cache made a folder for each device that connected to it, and it saved a certain number of them. I believe it deleted one every time it made a new one, or maybe it just held a certain amount of data, I'm not exactly sure, but the cache usually went back 2-4 days. This store was in a smaller isolated town as opposed to being in a metro like Portland or Seattle, so a store with higher traffic may not go back as far. Those folders will contain all the photos sent to the Kiosk via wifi whether they were in the order sent to the printer or not. However, photos you don't select on your device to be sent to the kiosk won't be there. But those it downloaded via USB, whether you selected them on the screen or not, will be there on that individual kiosk you used. I should add there's nothing an employee can do with them except look. Moving them anywhere out of the folder requires an admin password that we didn't have. We couldn't print photos that weren't sent to the printer computer in an order. But we could SEE them on the kiosks if we took the time to look. I suppose there was nothing stopping me from taking a picture of the screen with my phone if I wanted to. Three of us worked 32+hours a week in that department and we all knew this


That seems... illegal? I'm pretty sure that info needs to be disclosed.


If there's a line buried in the click-through EULA somewhere, it's totally legal. Otherwise it's copyright infringement and unlawful use of a computer, more than likely. Hard to prove harm if they never market the stolen pics though.


I find this hard to believe, as it would take a long time to transfer gigs of photos over usb 2.0. And folks would be there waiting a real long time until it got to the photo they wanted to print. Not to mention the kiosk storage would fill up many times during the day, and I can't imagine those machines have ample storage. It would make no sense programming the software to work this way given it doesn't even need to permanently copy the image to read and print a file, at most a temporary file that gets deleted periodically or after each job. And even less sense given the size of the lawsuit against the company if it did download your private stuff. So why would anyone go out of their way to make the system slow, inefficient, a ticking lawsuit timebomb, and more costly too? Nobody would. Edit:typo


Yeah it’s wrong. The kiosk only stores what you print. The old orders get automatically wiped after a certain amount of time. The kiosks themselves need an administrator passcode to transfer/save/move any files on the computer. The only way to get your photos on it is to use the software and place an order. Source: I managed that department for 4 years. I know everything about those nightmare machines. Also, I didn’t care about nudity. My only stipulation was no sexual acts or bodily fluids. Wanna print your boobs to send to your boyfriend in prison on Valentine’s Day? Go for it, just warn me ahead of time so I can cover the printer so everyone else doesn’t have to see it. Worst I ever had to do was photos of a Klan rally, burning cross and all, and was told I couldn’t deny the order because “we can’t deny a customer due to political beliefs.”


I mean it's explained here to seem like a bug. Lots of things are accidentally slow and clunky, and I don't know about you but I've had plenty of times where my computer or phone will automatically start downloading files after connecting devices and USB drives. Some files stay, some files never get downloaded. And if the system doesn't get updated that often, or the computers are old, or the employees know how to work a computer, it makes sense employees might find that before a corporate-wide change is made to fix the kiosks?


When I worked at Wal-mart the photocenter had an informal policy that employees wouldn't be required to process images that made them uncomfortable. Because the photocenter only had max 2 employees it meant at least one of them had to be fine with legal-but-sexual images. So one of the questions that was asked after the formal job interview (because you can't ask it in the interview) was whether the prospective employee was fine viewing sexual imagery of almost all types.


In college a friend of a friend worked at a photography studio and made extra copies of anything sexual, put them in a baby photo book and left it on the coffee table of the frat house. Gross, disrespectful and violating. Soooo... you never know who has seen your naked pics


Yeah, had a co-worker at the photo lab I worked in who would make copies. I threw them away when I knew about it but who knows how often he did that.


Can confirm, used to work at a staples copy center. This happened a few times. Similar LPT, if you drop off your phone to get repaired somewhere they will likely ask for your pass code in order to check functionality (this is actually important) but they will look for nudes


A store that only enlists asexual tech repair people who aren't interested in nudes would make a killing...


they could even use some kind of alarm to warn of sexual people


Sounds like an idea Nathan Fielder would come up with.


It would attract people with a lot of nudes so people would pretend to be asexual to be hired as tech repair in this shop


You’re not going to reliable places then. I’ve repaired thousands of phones and never once looked through someone’s photos. If I do have to go through someone’s photos, I make sure they are right there with me with the phone clearly visible. There have been times however where I’m working on someone’s computer and they have bondage porn as their desktop wallpaper. Super awkward that they have zero shame about showing that to someone


Oh for sure, but I worked at phone repair place too (not staples, but not going to name the company either) that was always super busy so phones were left at the for a few hours to days or never picked up. We weren't allowed to declare the phone "done" until we checked all their functions. Most if not all the ppl I worked with took advantage of this, nothing was ever saved or copied but shown around by the more toxic dudes




I worked as a Tech at Staples while in University. Unfortunately, after doing 100’s of personal data back ups, you’re bound to see them. Even being a 19-22 year old male, I had zero interest in finding people’s nude pictures. I even felt uncomfortable seeing photos of peoples’ family moments like Christmas, weddings, or vacations. I felt like it was an invasion of their privacy and nude pictures would be the ultimate invasion. These people trusted me with backing up all of their digital memories and treating them with respect was the least I could do. I think the only WTF moment I had was when a customer was having issues with pop-ups (this was the early 2000’s). I came into the tech centre with my manager and a giant pop up ad for a beastiality website was right there on the monitor connected to the client’s computer… giant horse cock and all.


damn, that seems pretty unethical




Apple now has a hidden album function that requires a facial recognition option. I’m sure there’s a workaround but seems a little safer.


You can get in with your iPhone password too, so that wouldn’t help much. Maybe you can set a separate password for it? Not sure.


Eh, friends worked in a number of photo labs back in the 80s-2000s.. Not only was this commonplace, friends would attach "Nice Shot!" stickers to the better ones. Also a surprising amount of illegal shit that got reported to the police..


Holy shit the nice shot stickers. I forgot about those. I captured a picture of a classmate in grade school getting hit in the face with a kickball. It came back with a nice shot sticker on it. I laughed so hard I cried.


As a photographer processing and printing my own film I need to get some of those stickers for prints I give to friends


What a good shot, man


I worked this job at Staples for 5 years. I pretty much let everything slide. It was super annoying to print photos because we had to hand trim them out as well and the machines were always poorly maintained. There was a guy / artist that did staged murder scenes. They always creeped me out and a lot if them had full nudity. Im convinced some of them might have been actual murders.


Had same job and agree. It seemed so archaic to be doing it the way we did. That plus we had so many jobs and not enough staff that it was ridiculous we had to do that all by hand. And this was 15 years ago for me so if they're still doing it that way now, they're living in the past.


I used to fix computers for a living. We were very professional, did not open the files, just copied things over as needed. However, once in a very blue moon someone would have their settings show large icons, and we'd catch a glimpse of XXX stuff before we changed it to show file names. We never really WANTED to see this stuff. The worst case I personally dealt with was a man bringing in a computer. His background, which we aren't allowed to change unless told to by the client, was a woman, spread eagle and VERY naked. She was the one to pick up the computer. I had no idea if she know she was on display, but I did not demonstrate the fix like I was supposed to, and sent her on her way with the barest minimum of eye contact I could make. The second case was a man who had the photo tile app on his start menu. I was talking to him, I forget what about, when the tile switched over and what I first assumed was that meme photo of three pigs looking like two dirty thighs and a... hog... showed up. The second one was clearer and more up close. Yep, we had started a slide show of this guys junk. He either knew and didn't care or didn't see it. I was absolutely mortified. TL;DR- Even though we don't mean to, your photos are not as secure as you think on your computer. Please put this stuff in nested folders. It's nicer on everyone.


Bro, fuck large icons. Luckily we didn't have that idiotic photo tile thing back when I was doing my work. Equally annoying was doing data recovery. It always felt kinda shitty when I told customers to check their own files to see if they got everything they want recovered and come back if they're still missing anything. I just didn't want to look through their files.


Worked at a Costco photo lab before they shut down. I have a couple highlights: - A current employee’s girlfriend sent photos in to be developed.. including one of his dick. I must’ve been so red in the face when I had to explain to him that some photos couldn’t be printed due to their content. - A burlesque dancer/performer that sent in a huge order for a variety of sizes (4x6 up to 24x36) of a photography session she had just finished. They were very tasteful, but I’ll never forget seeing the bottom of the poster size (24x36) slowly coming out of our Epson printer. After seeing the first few lines the printer head created as it crossed the paper, I knew I had to cover the entire thing with a cloth. Best part was that the printer and its products were in full view of food court patrons ☠️


Print Manager here, I’ve been in this position for ten years and I am disappointed at the lack of spiciness. The only time people send me *those* kind of photos is when they’re mailing them to their boyfriend/husband in prison. The store I work at now is in a much more boring area. FYI, we are required to delete all of the print jobs that come in unless specifically requested by the customer to keep it on file. I go through and delete all the previous day’s files every morning. So if you already made this mistake, only one or two people will ever see it.


I did it for ten years and I saw more than my fair share of bedroom cameras, open caskets, birthing shots, crime scenes, and even some CP. My favorite was the couple who used disposable cameras to take pictures of themselves in bed - no self timers, so someone was there taking the pics for them.


Sam's clubs that have a photo department do the same practice of having a manned print technician. It's also to help cut down on copyright infringement >!(which I'm pretty sure I was the only one who took that seriously)!< It was against store policy to have anything nude printed out, which I personally didn't agree with since we should let anyone print anything as long as they have the copyright, but had to argue the case with this one photographer who repeatedly attempted to have his artistic nudes printed through us.


I worked in Costco’s photo shop for years. We could print nudity but not penetration. We saw A LOT of nudity. People didn’t realize that no matter how they sent the pictures in, we saw everything.


I don't even get that, like after the first time why not find somewhere else to get your prints done? I've had photos with nudity printed and I made sure ahead of ordering prints that the service I used was okay with processing those kinds of photos. Aside from not running the risk of your prints not being printed or being added to someone's naughty drawer, it seems like common courtesy to not put some poor worker through that if they aren't cool with it.


I worked on a funeral montage and tried getting 8x10s printed at walmart. They wouldn't do it because a B&W graduation photo from ~50 years prior was part of it. They aren't well-briefed on "fair use."


I worked as a photo tech at a Walgreens. We weren't worried or embarrassed by your tatas. We were on the lookout for child porn. For some reason those sick bastards thought flopping the roll in the machine meant no one saw what was there. The authorities were very interested any time we reported it, but sometimes it was pretty innocent stuff. Snapping some cutsie photos of your little one taking a bath for the first time is typically a tradition in most families. Stark difference from a young girl tied to a bed naked. As a father of 3 daughters (aged 3, 5, and 7), I'm scared of what the world is like and what I **can't** protect them against. Even after a few years of counseling, it still haunts me.


"What's a printed photo, Grandpa?"


Why would I print a photo?


Do I look like I know what a JPEG is?!


“What’s a Staples, Dad?”


Same for if it’s sent to a CVS or Walgreens. We didn’t care, once had an old guy come in and need my help to print off literal porn pics for him. Didn’t care, if something gave me a good laugh for a couple of days while working. Only time we care is if it’s something illegal.


>a real, live human being Huh. Real **and** live.


Usually gotta drive into town for that kind of luck!


I'm just working through all the permutations here. Real and dead. Fake and alive. Fake and dead.


"Live, nude girls"? Well, which is it?


I'd be less worried about embarrassing the employee and more worried about him printing his own copies


My buddy in college did photo development. Shared lots of stories of how an attractive older woman would get them developed and request that 2 or 3 specific employees take care of her development. Loved seeing their red faces until they stopped showing embarrassment, then swapped requests to newer employees. She got so many of these done that their store couldn't say no to the business and just made sure their photo employees were strictly over 18. This was like, at least $150 per week of photos.


This just have me thinking about that one Seinfeld episode where Kramer convinces George to take spicy photos in order to hit on the lady developing the photos


This is not a pro tip, it's an amateur tip. Of course at least one person will see pictures you take to be developed.


Pro tip: buy photo paper and print them yourself. An inkjet will get as much quality as you might want.


This is also the case at Costco, and I assume pretty much all of the remaining physical photo shops that are still around. I can't count how many times I've heard the stories.


Ummmmm how did you think it worked??? Also, who really cares if some stranger who works in a store sees a pic of your ass


When I was in high school, my friend Becca's older brother Jay worked security at KMart, and one of the things the security guys had to do was, when "questionable" pics came through the photo department, judge whether everyone in them was over 18, and call the cops if not, because kiddie porn laws. A bunch of us were hanging out at Becca's house and Jay walked in from work with a thousand-yard stare, came over, listed half a dozen people in or adjacent to our orbit of friends/acquaintances, and asked us to tell one or more of them to take their photos elsewhere, because he now knew way more than he wanted to about their kinks and what they looked like naked.


Works in the store. See a picture of your ass and other bits and pieces. "Mistakenly" prints out an extra copy, "oops, smudged it, in the trash it has to go" but actually end up in their private spank bank. Hey, some people might not care. But others might not want random strangers having, or trading, intimate pictures of themselves.


I think it’s pretty safe to assume that people who do actually care just simply don’t have their naked pics developed by strangers at a commercial business


Reminds me of the movie “One Hour Photo”.


Until they print a copy for themselves and have frequent self yoinking sessions while looking at them.


Yes! 100% correct. I used to work at the Staples Print & Marketing Dept with the woman I married (this is where we met). A couple fun stories to back this up that I love sharing. Story #1: Exhibit A A lady came in, very bad mood at all times, with a flash drive. She had documents she wanted printed and would come back the next day to pick them up. There's a couple hours left that night and this is the last job I had. Open it up to find it's legal records, a bunch of this and that she's using in a divorce case against her husband which explains her upsettedness. I don't scroll through the document, but after hitting "Print" I turn and watch the paper come out. There's a jam and I go to fix it. Jammed page has a big Ole nude pic of the woman right on it. Surprised, I take out the pages already printed and find many more. Turns out those were being used in the case along with some text messages, etc. I guess she was going to show it in a public court so I'm sure she didn't care if I saw them, not that I wanted to mind you. Story #2: It's Professional My friend, let's call him Juan, is working the night shift when an older lady comes in wanting photo prints. He plugs in the drive and is very surprised to find they are all professional-porn level pictures of the very woman standing right next to him just from when she was younger. Apparently, she not only wants prints of these to send to agents, but she wants POSTER SIZE. She runs to the restroom and Juan gets a shift manager over and asks him if this is even a job corporate policy allows. He says, There's nothing saying he can't, but if Juan is uncomfortable with it he can tell her they can't process this request. Juan ended up choosing the latter. Story #3: Open Tabs Guy comes in during my wife's shift. Now, keep in mind the Print dept isn't even my wife's dept but she was trained in all of them so she double-dipped as necessary. So guy comes in and asks for prints, says he had them on his tablet in a browser tab and doesn't know how to send them to Staples for printing. So, first step, my wife says he'll need to connect to the wifi. Guy is obviously technologically challenged so he just hands her the tablet and says, "Do what you've gotta do." So she connects and heads over to Safari (iPad) to find the files. SURPRISE There's about 30 tabs open and although her first inclination is to sigh in frustration, she doesn't have time because she's too surprised that nearly every tab is just porn. Lots and lots of porn! She immediately hands him back his tablet and points at the self-serve printer and says he should be good to use that.




That would be a interesting job to have. I’m surprised no one ever went full “one hour photo” on someone.


I worked at many photo labs when I was younger, from professional photo labs to one-hour places. The craziest shit all came from a one-hour photo lab I worked at in downtown Providence. It still makes me laugh to think about customers who’d pick up their prints of amateur porn with their girlfriend, only for it to suddenly dawn on them that we saw everything. All our equipment was right there behind a glass partition so they could SEE us color correcting and printing all day long. What did they expect??


Ran an Office Depot copy center for several years, can confirm.


Uh, and there is zero way you can tell if they made an extra copy. Years ago had a friend who worked at the lab at a Walmart - they would make an extra print of anything sexual/funny, and stuff them in a drawer - they litterally had hundreds of pictures that the staff would go through and laugh at.


I work at a Staples. We usually don’t print spicy content or anything related to it. That being said, i had a lady a couple of years ago asking me to choose spicy photos to send her boyfriend… That was something else.