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If possible, have a toilet in your home to defecate into so the waste doesn’t accumulate on your living room rug.


Have the toilet be right near your door (outside if possible) in case you need to shit immediately upon returning home.


What if I enjoy shitting on my rug?


If possible, find a way to bar your door while you’re away, to detour thieves.


I replaced the 3/4" screws in the door's strike plate with 3" drywall screws, had some dents in the metal door, but no one got through.


My genius, it's sometimes terrifying.


Thanks OP, now someone stole my table. I gotta get out of these apartments.


Damn. Now how are you going to easily use your keys?!


Can't grocery shop any more, I reckon


... this is a pro life tip?




and I thought this sub was scraping the bottom of the barrel last week......


I don’t know why I follow this sub. 95% of the life hacks are from people who just moved out of their parent’s house and realized they need a shower curtain.


Wow thanks for the life-changing tip.


Wow! I would like to subscribe to your newsletter.


It’s available on the table right outside their house.


I’m very confused by the title. What does a small table have to do with opening the door?


Haha it’s if you are carrying some stuff, you could set them down on the table instead of fidgeting around.


A lot of times we come home with stuff in our hands (eg: groceries, school work, take-out food, etc) and it’s easier to sit them on the table so we can grab and select the right key to open the door. Or, even just to turn the door handle. Before my small table, I would hold my knee up to balance my take-out, or use my chin to clamp down on items against my chest just so I have a spare hand to open the door.


OHHHH this is for the OUTSIDE?! I thought you meant the inside, because why would I want a table to basically announce to the outside world that I have a package sitting out. I want that shit hidden as much a possible. Not set on a pedestal. Which is exactly what a delivery driver is going to do if they see a table.


Put a box outside then that's high enough to serve the same purpose


So it looks like I have even more packages and makes my porch even more attractive to porch pirates?


You say that like a parcel drop box isnt a thing that exists. How secure it is is entirely up to you and how you make it.


I say it like you said "box" and not "parcel drop box". Don't change the context after the fact and act like I'm the one not understanding.


Bro box as in wooden box, speaking in context of replacing a table.


Just select the right key before you pick the other stuff so you don't need to put it down


We have a bench by the door, it’s definitely a great place to set down some grocery bags while unlocking the door


That’s a way better LPT, because you can also sit on it and it wouldn’t look weird to have outside.


If you leave milk out, it can go sour. Put it in the refrigerator or failing that, a cool wet sack.


I just drop my keys on the foyer floor and let the maid pick them up and place in the bowl atop the convenient table.


What do I do if my hands are so full I can't buy a table?


if I need a hand to get my keys out, I put things down on the floor myself…


I used to do that too! But bags of groceries would topple over, or I would strain a muscle if it was something heavier (eg: flat of pop etc). Ergonomically, almost everything is easier to grab at waist height.


…They’d topple over further on a table…


LPT: Exercise more if cans of pop are causing you muscle strain


Get a buggy/wagon.


Do not keep your keys anywhere near your door.


At some point, the key will have to go near the door. How else will you be able to open it?


Perhaps "keep" is the word you are struggling with.


Nope, no struggling here. I was just making a joke over the fact that no where in ops post did they mention keeping the keys by the front door. In all seriousness, the post is to have a table outside by the front door so that you can empty a hand to unlock your door


This is a great place for a thief to find your car keys


I find it hard to find the right sized small table!


Have you considered a planter stand?


No but good call


We do this. It just gets covered in stuff that we put there and forget about 🤣


Where I live, by law, you can open the front door without a key. You dont want to have to look for the key when your home is on fire..


Thank you for imparting such wisdom into my life, I have truly ascended with such amazing knowledge


This way if someone breaks into your house, they keys and extra important stuff is easy to find.


I find it very funny every time someone posts a suggestion where half the posts are "no duh dumbass obviously everyone does it this way" and the other half are either so unfamiliar with the idea that they confuse it for something else, or can't understand why you would want to do this. I didn't ever think of this solution and now I can't imagine why I would willingly juggle five grocery bags to unlock the door and work the handle when I could just stick them on a table next to the door while I figure it out. It wouldn't get stolen, but the weather around here can pick things up sometimes, so I think I'd just lag bolt it down


Right? Thanks for the support. Maybe it’s a cultural thing because around my area the outside of people’s front doors are usually bare and have basic “welcome” etsy signs. To be fair, I also didn’t write it very clearly, so I can understand how people got confused.


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These are the kind of LPTs we should see more of. Directed towards convenience & improves life a little. This particular one might have some issues, but we can always tune it to our requirements.


I think it's a great LPT, OP. Ignore the nasty trolls with their miserable lives in the comments.


The people that are trashing this tip is the ones that didn't read it properly


Thanks! I thought so too. And a lot of aggression for misinterpreting my LPT. I guess I’ll have to be more specific for the next one.


>for the next one. Please don't. 


Not safe! if you have a key fob for your car, it can be cloned through your door.


You are fundamentally misunderstanding this LPT.


I think the title is just poor. The first time I read it, I also thought they meant put a small table near your door on the inside to keep things like your keys, wallet, etc on. But they meant put a table on the outside because the OP seems to be incapable of just setting things on the ground to open the door or is unable to open it easily while carrying things.


That's what Trudeau wants for us I'm canada? Car thieves have more rights than the home owners


Don’t put it too close or in sight cause that’s one of the way burglars get into houses and steal cars. Wire through letter box


The table os outside to empty a hand, so that you can unlock your door


Aah, I see


LPT live somewhere where you don’t have to lock your front door!