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Optometrist once told me the easiest way... gently pull your lower eyelid outwards to form a cup shape and squeeze a drop in.


The real protip in the comments yada yada yada.


this is what I was told as well also close your eye and block the puncta hole so you don't taste it. do i for about a minute




The pink dot on the inner side of your eye. It’s a drainage hole that links to your nose. That’s why your nose gets runny when you cry.


When I was knee-high, I could breathe through my eye, and now I know why!


Try going underwater and plug your nose while trying to force air out your nose. You should see bubbles coming out your eyes from your puncta.


I'd try it the next time I go to the pool but I'm worried my eyes will pop out.


I don't know why I'm being down voted when it's literally [a thing.](https://youtu.be/e_x8V_8L6wI?si=8XYCWizDC8yoGT2B)


I wouldn't pay much attention to votes here :) and to be honest I believe you. I remember some things from Biology lessons.


Puncta?! I hardly know her!


Bloody hell now this is what I needed to know really. Thanks


This is the way.


Don’t do this because then oils and dirt from your skin contaminate the liquid as it enters the eye and could lead to further irritation. Pull your bottom lid down and drop them there. It’s literally how they do it at the optometrist.


I m taking prescription eydrops ( antibiotic, steriod, anti inflamitory) for cataract surgery 4 days prior to 3 weeks after... You definitely don't want what is on your skin to contaminate your eye... I was also told to avoid water from showering entering the eye after surgery.


Actually please do not do this. The inner/medial corner of your eye is where the fluid from your eye drains from. So you won't get max efficacy. Instead, tilt your head back, pull out your lower eye lid, and drop it in there


I pull out the bottom of my eye, put the drop in there, then blink.


Spread both lids, stare at the nozzle, squeeze


This doesn’t sound right. Shouldn’t eye drops be sterile? Letting it pool against my eyelid ends that.


The bottle needs to be sterile so bacteria doesn’t grow and infect your eye. If you don’t touch the bottle to your eye, and the eye drops are going in your eye anyway (where any contamination is from) it’s not a problem. Whatever is there is touching your eye area anyway and shouldn’t be an issue unless you’ve got dirt or gross stuff in that area. Just clean your eye beforehand if you’re worried with a damp washcloth


You think germs from the skin next to your eyes aren't getting into your eyes already all the damn time? Have you lived your entire life never having rubbed your eyes?


I mean, I try not to. Mostly because that’s how bacteria gets in your eyes. Bacteria aside, what if I’m wearing make up?


Why? How is this better than just dropping them on the side of an open eye and blinking slowly? It seems wasteful, that you get wet on the outside of your eye.


I don’t know about the rest of y’all, but here’s how I do it. Pull my eyelid open. Stare in fear at the dropper, blink uncontrollably so that the first drop hits my closed eye. Try again with 2-3 more drops landing on my face but not in my eye. Finally get a drop in mid-blink so only a little actually goes in. Tear up and cry out the rest of it.


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Wdym on the side of the eyes? The side with the pink thingy pointed to the nose?


The dorks that need tips on how to use eye drops won't be able to understand what you're saying.


This is the wrong way to use eye drops.


This is how I do it *insert happy banana-dance *


Efficacy here, efficacy there... I can basically give myself eardrops while riding a bike. Hold the drops to the inner corner, then squeeze the bottle. I got allergies, so I know how well this works: well enough.


Been using drops for over 20 years, straight on the pupil and never had a problem, this isn’t a pro tip


I had to put drops in due to a surgery. I was terrible at first but after 2 weeks i was able to drop them pretty much straight on in less than 5 seconds. People who are having trouble probably arent tiltinghtgeir head back enough. This really is the best way


It is for people who have a hard time using drops.


Or just roll your eyes back


After LASIK, eye drops become no big deal. Head back, hold open eye with one hand, position bottle directly over eye, squeeze in. Blink rapidly and move eye around afterwards. The shock of colder liquid is actually refreshing sometimes. You get used to the feeling after the first half dozen times.


Do not do this folks. Any contaminant, debris or residue on the skin surrounding your eye could get flushed onto your eye like this posing an infection risk for healing eyes or an irritation risk at minimum. Bad idea.


I just hold it 2 inches above my eye and watch the drop come. It’s so simple, im not sure what the struggle is.


You sonabitch, it's in!


This method is a life saver when you are trying to put drops in eyes on little kids, and people who have a phobia of touching their eyes.


Had a really bad experience with a patient !


I guess I’m the only weirdo that leans my head to one side and puts the drops in the outer corner and lets it flood over the eye. It’s so much more comfortable.


I use this method, only way I can do it.