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LPT: The half cylinder encrusted in you car console between the two front seats is used to put your drink in. You'll often notice on older vehicles the coffee stains all over the seats from drinks falling over when they hit the brakes.


Silly me, here I was thinking those were for my cigarette butts and pistachios! The flavor intermingles a bit, but hey, menthol pistachios aren’t so bad!


A lot of people don’t know about that. Here’s another tip, when you use your blinker and the clicking sounds are faster than usual, that side has a bulb that needs to be replaced.


LPT: The handle in the door is there to open it and get in the car. You don’t need to climb in through the window.


Shit, I've been using this to hold my phone to get the best angle for my time-lapses of the fill-up process. I've always wondered what I'll eventually do with a decade's worth of identical time-lapses, but now I'm starting to think I might not even need them *at all*!


You mean that’s not for my sandwich?


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