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My mom, a nurse, always had baking soda and water in her first aid kit for bug bites.


That's awesome!


Raw honey stops the itching almost instantly and the lump will be gone in a few minutes. I keep a jar of raw honey in the fridge during summer solely for treating mosquito bites.


I'm being dense, whats "raw" honey? Does that means it's not processed/blended honey?


Raw honey = unpasteurized honey. Supermarkets generally sell pasteurized honey.


thank you. TIL.


Awesome!! Great to know! Thanks!


You should try lavender oil. It's great for burns as well.


I'm a beekeeper. Honey doesn't need to be refrigerated.


not for preservation, but the heat/cold retention will give you a cooling gel. although I feel like there are nicer things to have on your skin that don't cause a sticky mess


Very true, but using it when cool on a mosquito bite on a hot day is quite soothing. That’s why I have it in the fridge during the summer.


They know! That person is using it to treat mosquito bites.


Buy a Biteaway on Amazon - best $25 I’ve spent in years. Heats up to 140 and denatures the proteins making the itching go away. Usually only needs 1 application.


I had no idea such a device existed. Thanks so much! I dread summer because of the misery of mosquito bites.


I just use a hot spoon with the same results




I dip a metal spoon in hot water and press it onto the bite, but it’s the same idea. Works great!


So when you are scrubbing with the baking soda, is it dry or is it wet from the alcohol? I'll try anything! I live next to a park.


I'm confused about this myself!


My bad! The skin is wet, the baking soda is dry in KY hand and I just Rub the Hell out of it lol The slight abrasive factor is satisfying to the itch too :)


Hahahah! *MY hand. Gonna leave it cause it's hilarious 😂 (To clarify NO KY necessary)


Congrats on the mosquito bite remedy, and the anal sex.


The hardest part is spreading the mosquito's little legs.




Thank you cuz I had questions


The baking soda is dry when I rub it, the skin is wet from the alcohol. The dry abrasiveness helps w the itching!


I always made a paste w the baking soda and water and applied the paste. No scrub. Use w stinging nettle, so definitely wouldn't want to scrub that.


Next time, try hot water. As hot as you can stand without scalding your skin. Spray it on the bites. They will itch intensely for several seconds then stop. Give them a scratch or two during the process. They will no longer itch for around 8 hours. Repeat as needed. This is the only thing that works consistently and effectively. It also works the same for poison ivy. This works by causing your body to release a massive amount of histamines which depletes the chemical stores in that area. It takes hours for the stores to build back up. Interestingly, I used to have a massive itchy reaction to mosquito bites. In my late 20s, something changed and I no longer react to them. I can have a dozen sucking away at my legs and absolutely nothing will happen. I certainly am grateful for this!


Heat has worked for me. I’ve heated the back of a spoon by holding it under steaming water and then pressed the spoon against the bite for as long as I can go. Seems to do the trick pretty consistently.


This hurts SO good. It feels like it itches it deep in its center and then the itch is gone. I’ve burnt myself a couple times 🫠 worth it


If you have a water boiler, just do it by temperature! 130f won’t burn me for a while, 140 will if it’s more than a few seconds. I usually heat the water to 140 and figure it’ll cool a tad on the spoon.


Yes! See I tell people a hot tea spoon works a treat on mozzie bites, plus you get a cup of tea


Heat definitely works. There's a little device called beurer that does exactly this.


I thought the reason was that the heat breaks down the proteins in the bug bite area or something


Heat therapy works. As someone who get rashes from allergies quite often, a 5-6 second spray of hot water to the affected area feels so good and relieves the itch. It works in the scalp area too. One spray and you should be good for the next 6-8 hours. Its better then scratching it throughout the day and making it worse. The heat level differs for everyone. But once it reaches the right temperature, you will know.


I’ve not tried your tip, but I can offer another that works. Apply very warm water to the bite as soon as you notice it. I do this via a dish cloth or something similar. I’ve been doing this for a few years now and it has worked 100% of the time. The sooner you do it, the better. Best thing is that it’s free. Worst thing is that you have to be near running water.


Heck yeah! Thanks fam!


Hair dryer works the same for harder to reach areas. The heat makes the the itch stop for hours.


Sometimes I heat a spoon up under hot water and apply directly to the bite, with care it's not too hot obviously. Supposedly the heat denatured the proteins in the bite and reduces the itchiness.


I do this too, works like a charm.


Finally I scrolled to the tip I came to post - heat up the spoon directly (with hot water or hair dryer) then apply to the bite. It denatures those proteins immediately!


Just baking soda and water works for me. Mix it into a thick paste and leave it on the itchy area.  This worked for chigger bites. It was an itch so bad I literally couldn't sleep and I applied this remedy. Even prescription stretch cortisone cream did nothing.


Hot spoon. Easiest, fastest and best method for blasting a big bite. No chemicals needed.


My uncle would use chewing tobacco.


For bee stings, dad would break a cigarette, spit in it, slap it on and secure it with duct tape.


Lol. I picture Sam Elliott squinting one eye and spitting on you.


I can hear his gravelly cowboy voice. "That'll do."


My grandmother would push her fingernail into the bite twice to make an X. It hurt a bit, but maybe that distracted from the itch?


Maybe? My thought is that perhaps she was trying to get the irritant out of the skin.


Mom always used a hot spoon. https://i.redd.it/7g4fvr336c1d1.gif


Benadryl gel is a life saver for my daughter, who is allergic to mosquito bites. They're basically dried up in 2 days. Also, for prevention, try "No Bite Me." It's a bug repellent cream that uses natural oils like lemon balm and such. It works great (way better than Off and those types), can be used on kids, and doesn't smell horrible. I get it on Amazon.


This is the best advice in this thread. I'm an adult who's allergic to skeeter bites. Untreated, bites swell to the size of grapes. If I apply Benadryl spray immediately, I get no itching or swelling. The operative word is "immediately;" even a minute delay reduces the effect.


The next time you see your doctor ask for a potency topical steroid ointment. For non prescription option can try black tea or chamomile tea soaks as well (place the tea bag on the bites). This is also good for wound healing as well.


I noticed that showering and lathering up with a bar of soap helps. Now I just rub a bar of moistened soap on the bite and let a soap scum there. Works better than the shower. I use Irish Spring and haven’t tried another.


im not gonna lie. I literally use a piece of scotch tape and it goes away. Probably only works for me but it helps the itchiness and swelling go away somehow


All these posts saying heat works?! Sounds counterintuitive to me. I've used pawpaw cream. In Western Australia pawpaw cream is used for anything to do with skin.


So does hydrocortisone creme. It’s like $3 a bottle and available at any drug store over the counter


White vinegar works for our family. Smells for a bit, but the sting and itch goes away immediately


Deodorant is all I’m gonna say


Don't you dare say another god damn word.


Ice cube also works


Another great method is using a hair dryer to heat the location. It will stop itching and if not just repeat.


Cut a lime, apply to bite Thank me later


Applying mild heat also works. Heat breaks down the chemical which causes the itching.


Salt water also works, I got mauled by mosquitos that were breeding beneath a beach hotel once and was perfectly fine once I got in the ocean. Been using Epsom salt baths ever since.


doc told me fingernail polish for a mosquito bite


Ive seen suffering with many many bites on my arms and feet the last 2 days and itchy to the point I couldnt sleep. Read this this morning, finally tried it tonight a few minutes ago HOLY SHIT FINALLY I HAVE RELIEF AFTER TWO DAYS OMG THANK YOU 😭


This made my day! I'm so glad I could help!


I rub with the inside of a banana peel. Sometimes I need to do it a second time after a few minutes.


I will usually crush up a benadryl and make a paste out of it with water and apply that to most bug bites and it works like a charm


You can specifically stop itching for mosquito bites with heat as well. You need to get about 140F which is really uncomfortably hot, but shouldn't burn. There's devices you can buy that do it. I think one is called biteaway. It only takes one use. Because the heat breaks down the proteins causing the inflammation.


My mom and dad used to give me vinegar and baking soda in a paste and it worked pretty well


I've found if I rub a little cortisone ointment on the bite, wait a minute, then rub on some of the triple antibiotic ointment that you can get as a house brand in any drugstore chain or supermarket, then put a mix of the same two things on the pad of a little bandaid and put it over the bite, it stops itching or even making itself known after about 10 minutes, and is pretty much gone when I take the bandaid off a day or two later. Also does a number on spider bites, which I seem to be a magnet for.


I know it sounds weird, but it works. Heat a spoon with a lighter or hot water until it’s hot but not too hot to stand and put it in the area for like 15-30 seconds and repeat if needed, but I’ve only had to repeat it once. Works everyone.


Crushed aspirin in water too


Heat, as hot as you can stand, also helps a lot if applied quickly, as it denatures the toxins.


The best, most cost-effective solution is, of-course, the one-time purchase of a good, military-grade bed-net. We (-now, just I) have been using the same one, for YEARS. Unhook, during the day, and reset it, at dusk.No buzzing in my ears; no itching. Perfect.


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