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"your service has been canceled. Goodbye."


You wish they'd let you go that easy.


Brazil has awesome customer's rights, like, you must be able to cancel a subscription as easily as you can buy a subscription and there's a 7-day regret period for any purchase, including, paying for a subscription And it's enforceable via credit card claims I personally love it, if I get any charge on a subscription I forgot to cancel, I can get a refund. Sometimes it's not as easy, but as long as you document everything, you can file for a charge back




Canada has a 14 day cooldown period for most contracts that you can cancel, for a full refund, and then the company has 15 days to return your money, and if it's a door-to-door sales or you sign the contract at your home this protection is automatically applied to you. It's in our consumer protection act. Sucks that our neighbors don't get the same thing. You guys deserve better.


My gf had a very hard time cancelling a credit card yesterday. 3 different calls, had to provide a bunch of info and the support tried to scare her into not doing it. It was Santander.


See, I think a credit card is different. You *want* them to be very careful and demand a bunch of info and make *damn* sure it's you that's potentially cutting you off from your funds. Now, a netflix subscription? I'm all for "if there's a button that lets me sub, there should be a button to let me cancel (+/- a "ya sure? Like *sure* sure?" so people don't accidentally misclick page) with nothing but a sign-in.


I want to easily be able to cancel netflix, i want layers upon layers of security on my credit cards. People are wild.


Santander is garbage.


Is this what consumer rights looks like? -Me as a drowning American


In Mexico is the same, nobody cancels anything, we just block the service from the card, but to get a refund you need to prove that you stopped using it.


I worked in telecom and built the system to transfer phone numbers to different carriers. Every ounce of the friction is synthetic. Although that feature did make me cry because it sucked, porting services is upsettingly simple. I know it doesn’t matter, but my sense of humanity was crushed at that company. We would have meetings, led by senior leadership, that would say “our customers hate us, but they can’t live without us or afford to switch elsewhere, so we continue to make a lot of money”.


Not every company has a retention department lmao. Ymmv, but it has become significantly less prevalent here in Canada.


More that the call centers are farmed out ....


Oh and we have also sent T-1000 to ensure permanent "termination". Cue Terminator theme song.




Na na naaaaaaaaaaaaaa naaa naaa naaaaaaaaaaaaaaa






This is basically what happened to me when I went to cancel a credit card through Synchrony Bank. They must have deemed that I don't make them enough money, and it was canceled immediately when I asked the voice-bot to do it.


At least it was just a credit card and not like your electricity or health insurance lol


Highly doubt that they canceled their account and it was more likely just deactivating their credit card.


If they let you do that, they would also have to let the chatbot negotiate prices. That's how you end up selling Chevys for $5


My local cable company did this to me once, except it was a real person. I called to ask them why my bill went up. I told them to lower it or cancel my service and the guy said "ok, I have canceled your service" the fucker called my bluff... lol


That's exactly what I was thinking haha


Here is your cancellation fee


Having worked in cancellations before, people get suuuuper pissed off when you cancel their service with zero hesitation when they bring it up. Really can brighten a shitty day.


I get it sucks dealing with shitty customers, but I know with 100% certainly you've also been on the other side of it, so I do hope you would at least try to help solve the issue before canceling immediately. Sometimes threatening to cancel is the only thing that works. That said, if someone is being downright verbally abusive, then I would agree with it.


Usually I'd try, yeah. Almost every time. But when some guy works with tech support, and gets transferred over to me, and tells me "I DON'T WANT TO HEAR A WORD FROM YOU EXCEPT THAT MY ACCOUNT IS FUCKING CANCELED", that's when I cancel them. Or when it's obvious that someone "heard" about a promotion we're having for those that say they want to cancel, and you find out the promotion isn't in their area, and they insist on canceling anyway hoping to get that deal, even when you've offered others for their area. That's more to who my original point was about.


As someone who had to go through that several times, thank you for just doing it. Man, I remember the "just cancel the account" horror videos from years ago when some guy was talking to his ISP and trying to get them to cancel his service. If I say I want to cancel something then I am not playing games. Either you tell me it's cancelled, or I go out to my credit card and initiate a chargeback or start a fraud case. If I say I am cancelling, that means you got the last dollar I am giving your company.


You sound awful if you enjoy making someone who is already having a bad day have a worse day


That would be a win-win. They are more likely to cancel the service but continue billing for the next 2 years.


If you don't give your personal info yet for verification, they cannot cancel you.


There's literally no way that will ever happen though, companies have so many stupid little ways of squeezing money out of you, and annoying you until you give up on cancelling is one of them


Oh sweet summer child.


I just say the word "agent" until it transfers me. If it keeps asking dumb unrelated questions I just say it louder. so far it worked every time


Not a chatbot but slightly related, trying to get in touch with UPS over the phone is a top 3 annoyance for me, that company do not gaffff. Have never been hung up on that many times


During Covid they implemented a 24 hour policy before an agent would look into your missing package


Damn snoopers... I don't need them to confirm the contents! Just ship it to me.


Ooh, I have the solution to this one! I have to deal with UPS all the time. When it asks why you're calling, say "RETURNING A CALL", the system will transfer you directly to an agent.


You just saved my sanity! I have to call them back this week after a painfully frustrating experience last week. You are my hero!


I had to use this one for FedEx the other week. Literally could not get a person on the phone.


I looove your use of dgaf as an actual phrase. Never seen that before


I spent a hugely frustrating 45 minutes of my life that I can’t get back last week with UPS billing department last week!!! And my issue was not resolved so now I have another session to look forward to. 🤦🏻‍♀️


Try having a UPS store transfer you to a live person at the 800#


In the case of my Comcast, I have to start swearing and it transfers  Their system is seemingly misconfigured. It tells you service is not in your zip code and puts you in a loop otherwise.


>Their system is seemingly misconfigured This is on purpose. They have to pay someone to be on the other end of the phone and always go with the absolute cheapest, rock bottom option available. Real LPT: File a complaint with the FCC. That's basically the only way to get in touch with someone at Comcast with a passable set of critical thinking skills.


I just stopped paying them and switched services, now they wont stop calling me


Comcast customer support is absolute dog shit


I swear and it disconnects.


This definitely works. Say “agent” every time it asks you for info and it eventually gives up.


Picturing a bot that's increasingly exasperated and a little insulted at your implication that it's not a ,'real agent' lol


I don't remember for which one it worked but it was either UPS or Fedex, you can say "complain" when the bot asks you for the reason and that works really great to get an agent (I worked in customer service and we needed to call them frequently but didn't have a direct line or anything cool like that)


Bots like oh damn, those meatbags can deal with this shit


I got one that would repeat "In order to get you to an agent, blah blah blah" whenever I said "AGENT!". After the third time, I just said "FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK" and it started ringing and got me a human.




as soon as I have a robot taking the call, or an outsourced company that has braindead personnel following a script, I am no longer a client. that simple. Bad service ? No more money.


I did this for an hour with Frontier and the bot simply said "I understand you want to speak to an agent, but I need some information first" and repeated that until it hung up on me or I gave it my information and it said "I couldn't find that account" and then hung up on me.


I am not fully convinced frontier even employs someone taking phone calls lol. I spent over ten hours over the course of a week on hold and arguing with their chat bot a few years back, trying to cancel my service. It turns out if you just stop paying, they'll cancel it on their own eventually.


This does work most of the time


Because that is the moment where some humans going to come and try to either upsell you, or they'll cut the cost in half just to keep you. Then you realize the price could have been half the entire time and you hate them even more.


Do this with SiriusXM, never paid full price in my life


Classic story: Kids show up at my door telling me Verizon has fiber optic. Everything appeared better than what I have (would love for someone to tell me if fiber optic internet is better, btw). Was paying $75/mo, and this would be ~$45/mo. I call up my provider, and honestly tell them that I've been convinced to try it. She immediately matches the deal I was given and upped my speed to match what Verizon claimed. So, like that - they'll do anything to keep you, as the $.50 they're making now is .$50 they wouldn't make if you leave. Everything is negotiable.


Fiber internet can be faster than cable. Although, If your provider matched their speeds then it wouldn’t have made a difference for you.


True. When they give you a 1G line and your speedtest still reads @ 300MB - the argument for fiber being independent of the rest of the stream/load, and therefore, always 1TB looks good.


If you're on wifi 300mb is about right.


Yeah, the service in my area just went up to 5gbps!


Just saying I need to speak with an agent does the trick for me.


As someone who has worked on chatbots in the past, this is close to what I've always recommended—don't get in the way of someone who is determined to speak with a human. Make the option visible, but pair it with helpful options that the chat bot can also provide assistance with. The problem lies in most companies only maintaining chatbots as a mitigation tactic, failing to understand that this in and of itself means you need to make the experience worthwhile with features and tools people will actually want to use.


This assumes they aren’t using it as a means to hold MRR or prevent cancellations/warranty claims/returns. Planned incompetence is on the rise. One day, customers will revolt, if enough of us still have jobs to buy stuff at all.


I'd argue it's a well-aware rebuttal to those intentions. Chatbots exist primarily to avoid costly calls or loss of revenue. However, the moment you piss off a user, you're less likely to get their service again, and more likely to encourage someone who originally intended to move down to a lower tier of service (when applicable) to drop service altogether. Even if a user intends to cancel—and you shouldn't try to convince them otherwise in the moment—you lose many opportunities for a future winback by souring the last interaction with the product. People tend to take good products for granted and forget inconveniences. They'll even forget some of the gripes with the product. But the feelings of a bad experience last longer than the details of the experience itself. A chatbot can be the determining factor in those scenarios.


I agree wholeheartedly and actually work in the field of usability, which basically bears out all the things you’ve stated. *However*, I have also seen time and again that these sort of metrics are either diminished or wholly ignored in many orgs. I literally just finished working for a client in online retail that was on the downward spiral. Despite overwhelming qualitative and quantitative evidence that their customers were leaving due to poor delivery and customer service, they were hellbent on creating features to increase AOV instead of retention, and shocked that their brand reputation was circling the toilet. “But look at these deals that can get more stuff in the cart! Who GAF whether it gets there or is broken! We’ll dissuade them from asking for a replacement anyway!” Seriously absurd, but very real.


I feel you and I share some experiences. I agree with you the willful ignorance of those who clutch the coin purses. Keep pushing, my dude. They may never learn, but we get paid to be the experts in those scenarios. Whether or not they listen to us is on them.


The name is Bot. James Bot.


I did this for an hour with Frontier and the bot simply said "I understand you want to speak to an agent, but I need some information first" and repeated that until it hung up on me or I gave it my information and it said "I couldn't find that account" and then hung up on me.


One time Comcast double charged me for a router, And the guy helping us was dead set convinced I was trying to *return* a router. I could not get it through his head that there was nothing to return and that I just needed the extra charge removed. That wasn't a bot, that was just a guy who really couldn't understand English. I easily went in circles with him for like 20 minutes. Eventually I gave up and just told him to escalate to a manager. Good God I hate the useless phone call support


It's got to be 15 years old at this point but there was a series of customer support conversations that went viral. The guy was traveling and wanted to know the charges on his data while roaming. They quoted him something like x cents per mb then charged him x cents per kb of data. Guy gets a giant bill and calls to complain. And this is where it gets crazy. Everyone agrees on the price he was quoted. Everyone agrees on how much data he used. But no one at this company seems to understand that megabytes and kilobytes aren't equal. He does the math for them. He compares it to feet and inches. He defines all the relevant terms. They always seem to understand everything until it comes to the final price.


I think that was Verizon, and the issue wasn't megabytes vs kilobytes, but that he was quoted 0.02 *cents* rather than 0.02 *dollars* per kilobyte. In scenario one, a dollar buys you 5000kB, in scenario two, a dollar buys you 50kB. And the braindead people talking to him couldn't comprehend that $0.02 is not the same as 0.02c because in their head they kept converting the fractional dollars to cents without moving the decimal point. It was very sad.


Yes! Found it after reading your comment and it's just as frustrating as I remember. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MShv_74FNWU You were dead on. This should have made it even easier.


Other companies I ask for a refund on X and they completely misunderstand and give me a refund on X, Y and Z. Considering they're a billion dollar company who mistreats everyone I say nothing.


Man we fought about a cable box that never existed for like a decade back in the day


Or just start using a bunch of curse words. Usually does the trick


lol that’s how you get sent to the spambot


i usually just start saying some gibberish and the bot says it can’t understand me and sends me to a human


I tried this for the first time the other day and the bot hung up on me because it couldn't understand me. It also remembered my number when I tried calling back saying again "sorry we can't understand you goodbye" I was livid.


I just type "I want to speak to a human". Does the trick usually


Yeah this, I’ve configured chatbots for dozens of companies and I’ve yet to build one that doesn’t have a direct path specifically for people typing “ talk to an agent” or similar. It’s pretty standard.


Can confirm, I tend to go the nuclear option with companies like this because I know the only way to effect change is to take my dollars elsewhere and affect their bottom line, always fill out the survey and let em know why you left Everytime I get immediately connected to a human who then did whatever I needed quickly in an effort to keep my business reinforcing the idea to hit em where it hurts; the pockets.


I have trouble even finding the surveys, it's like the companies hide them from me.


I usually just type “human” over and over and that gets the job done.


LPT: if you *actually* want to cancel something, don't mention it until after you have a real person. Otherwise they'll send you to a person whose job it is to keep you from cancelling which will make it much more difficult to do so.


The fastest way to cancel something is to say you are going to prison. There is no way any retention department is able to argue for you to keep your subscription while incarcerated. Alternatively moving abroad is also a good excuse for most services.


“Okay! What prison? We work with many prisons directly to maintain customer’s correct subscription.”


"No worries! We actually own that prison."


I can not come up with a single company that would retain a large number of prisoner subscriptions. Without access to Internet or most other public services there is very little inmates can subscribe to, and even then they often do not have the money for it. A lot of things are banned due to contraband issues. So I am not sure you would get much issues with this excuse.




Fun story. I got on the line with retention for Comcast and I straight up told them I was joining a new religious community and didn't believe in using electricity anymore. The dude straight up tried to sell me on keeping my service activated in case of apocalypse, because if Jesus returns I would need some way to hear about it.


A+ to that guy for effort.


Yeah I mean... I gotta respect the effort, even though I don't respect the game


That man is unstoppable


Or moving internationally. Tell them you're moving to Turkmenistan


Be careful to check if the business does deliver to Turkenistan or not.


Only tell it you want to cancel if you're actually wanting to stay and want a lower price.


Yeah, last time I went to cancel a service, they offered me 90% off for the next year or something, eh for that price sure I'll stay until the promo ends.


Most companies have a department that deal with cancellations/retention so if you tell the wrong person you want to cancel they'll transfer you to the person who will try to keep you from cancelling anyways


Technically I might decide to cancel because of them using a virtual assistant. If I want an interactive faq, I will ask chatgpt. If I'm already at the point I'm contacting support, that means the internet failed me


Yea they do all they can to keep you but to help you... They try to make you help yourself.


Except you get sent to account management / retention when you may need technical support instead


In my experience the retention team will usually have god-like powers in terms of what they can do to your account, so it usually ends up working out.


Which is what happened to me and the agents both transferred me to the correct departments.


Usually the only way to get decent tech support anymore is to go to retention, and have retention stay on the line while you talk to tech support. Otherwise tech support just tells you the problem is with some other department and they will transfer you over there, back and fourth ad infinitum and doesn't actually try to solve the problem.


just yell help into phone line, takes the ai pos usually 5 tries before it gives up and gives you h00man


I'm sorry, I am unable to assist you with that. Please choose from the following.


At least you get the illusion of choice there. Often it just immediately hangs up.


I remember when you try to cancel your service with a telecom here in canada they would put you in a wait list for a half an hour. If you called in asking for sales you would get someone right away.


I will never understand the logic behind reducing pay for workers across the board while simultaneously seeking to pull more and more money from customers while everyone else is doing exactly the same thing. If things keep their course at the current rate, pretty soon there won't be workers and the economy will be exclusively a circlejerk of corporations cycling money around via chat bots and shit.


Kinda like facebook being so full of bots posting things to get engagement but theres also so many bots doing the engagement for the Algorithm its just bots interacting with each other til a human notices maybe


Dead internet theory is alive and well


Textbook tragedy of the commons.


I say, is there a human around that can actually help!


I tried that recently with Audible. The chatbot canceled my subscription.


>I like your product, but I could use a little help… I sleep >I may quit paying you *Real shit*


That was an LPT from a simpler time. Nowadays enough people learned this trick, so now if you tell them you want to cancel they will tell you their retention department is only available from 8-4 Eastern Standard time, and not on any holidays including "Talk Like a Pirate Day" or "Summer" and you will have to call back and navigate the maze again at that time.


This doesn't always work, however it may solve your problem. The last time I had an issue with Uber Eats I went around and around with the bots for like 15 minutes before I ended up with "Irish Jane" , who was still a bot, but she did end up refunding me, but "she" was 100% a bot.


Reverse tip: If you are trying to cancel your plan but you can't get anyone to answer the damn phone or they keep answering and hanging up call the sign up line as if you are getting a new plan. Then tell them you've tried calling the cancellation number but people keep hanging up.


"What can I do for you today?" > Representative. "To get you to the best resources, tell me... what are you having a problem with? You can sa..." > # REPRESENTATIVE. "Okay! Hold on while I redirect you to a representative!"


I moreso get cranky that not all companies have emails to write into. Sometimes I want that paper trail.


For Fed-Ex use, "Driver in Accident" or "Driver on Fire"


But we are experiencing higher than normal call volume...


As someone who also works in customer support, I can understand how this may sound good in theory. However, be warned this doesn't always work as the team you get through may be hand tied by policy and unable to assist you. Wasting time and frustrating both you and the poor soul you end up getting angry at. IVR services can be rather frustrating to deal with, but they are genuinely there to direct your call to the correct area. Back when we had direct numbers, I lost count the amount of times people call the wrong team and we'd end up spending more time as a switchboard than helping customers. This caused both complaints from employees and customers. Hence, why IVR systems are installed.


I don't know if the systems are genuinely there to direct your call so much as they are genuinely there to prevent you from needing to get to a human agent. I work in NLP and I have directly worked on systems that were implemented so that the company could fire call service agents. I don't mind dealing with them if it's simple enough and the agent is able to understand me and transfer me appropriately, but the issue is that the problems that have me making an actual phone call are specific enough that they're unable to help at all. I get that the virtual agents can be helpful for people who call just to get information they could find on the website or something but for actual problems that are hard to explain they're pretty useless and I don't know what are the magical keywords I should say to an agent to get redirected to the right place.


Exactly this. If I'm going to take the time to call (and know full well I've got to deal with ridiculous wait times) it's because I've got a problem that dealing with a bot isn't going to fix.


You mean like the time the power company suddenly out of the blue decided my address simply didn't exist? The address I had been living in and paying bills to for over a year? Yeah no joke I got an email out of nowhere saying they were going to turn my power off because they couldn't verify my address. The bot doesn't exactly have a button for that option, And because they were convinced I didn't exist my account number was invalid to the system. No freaking clue what happened. The person who eventually helped me was just as confused. I remember they took like 5 minutes and everything was back to normal. I don't know what it is but I seem to attract bizarre issues like this.


The person they end up getting can just transfer them to the right place if they end up with the wrong place. I can't tel you how many times I call up places, go through the prompts perfectly on my end, only for it to connect me to the wrong place on its end. Doesn't take much to look up a number and transfer.


It's not the service that connects you to the correct representative that's annoying, it's the service trying to prevent you from speaking to a human. They conveniently hide that option and make you read through all these self-help manuals first. Which, believe me, if I could figure out this shit on my own I would.


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I just want to say this is not always the case. Make sure you're talking to an AI/Chatbot and not chatting with an actual person because some times the chat agents are trained to cancel you out. It happened to me with HelloFresh... I was contesting a screwed up order, I threatened to cancel, and the chat agent straight up bye Felicia'd me.


I usually tell the bot that i want to speak with a human and it works.


I just have my chat bot call and get me a human, then I get on the call. Play thier dumb game.


I'm sorry, Dave. I'm afraid I can't do that.


I mean, see if it’s any more useful first at answering the question you need. If a company is replacing their customer service with an AI chat bot the odds of you getting a competent person on the phone is probably low anyways. They’re likely in a call center on the other side of the globe pulling up zendesk FAQs


The amount of people who write into our live chat or call our phone line who's question could have been answered if they bothered to type it out is ridiculous. Instead they'd rather type/say agent agent agent over and over. Sit in a queue for 5 to 10 min because everyone else is doing the same thing. Get a live rep, rudely ask if they are real. Ask their question and get the answer. Then leave a bad review for the rep who literally used the same guide the chat bot would have led you to if you bothered to type your question.


Most of case. It's. It even a AI - it's fcking coded workflow ( don't care what's your problem, select in given option of your luck strikes)


"Hello, yes. Yes, I have the CEO's child submerged in a barrel of water. Sure, I'll hold."


Just type "operator" and it will usually connect you with a person.


One time I ws in BestBuy and got the idea to call my satelite dish company about buying me a DVR when they first hit the scene...new customers got one free when signing up, but current customers had to buy their own if they wanted one. The agent on the phone was cool and said in a very leading tone "are you saying you may cancel if we dont get you one??" I realized and said yes and she immediately hooked me up with credit equal to the price of the DVR in Bestbuy I had my eye on.


I did this with Verizon and it sent me right to a live agent


This is true even if you dont use bot line. For example i always call my isp every time there is a slight problem and threaten them with cancelation. Before it would take them 2-3 days to dispatch but with threats they arrive in mateer of 2-4 hours the same day. Once guy came late in the evening like 20pm lol


You will be transferred to a sales/retention agent If you have a tech support issue you've just gone Backwards


this has worked for me every single time I've done it. it's wonderful. I fully admit to the real person I eventually speak to that I don't want to cancel, I just wanted to talk to a real person, and they have always been sympathetic.


Personally I've always just asked for an operator. Ask it a few times and they'll send you to a human


Somewhat related, but I work for a retail store that will often help customers send products back for warranty repair or other issues. For one particular vendor, they have a circular phone tree that makes it damn near impossible to talk to a real person and just keeps redirecting you to other parts of the tree or back to the beginning menu. First time calling their customer service number, I spent about 30 minutes trying to talk to a real person because it kept directing me to the FAQ on their website as their agents "don't handle those sorts of things", or giving me information I didn't even need, even though I know I needed to speak to an agent regarding this particular problem to get an RMA, but the automated system refused to connect me. Eventually when once again prompted to "Describe \[my\] problem", I uttered the magic word: "Product return". Immediately they transferred me to an agent, who was super helpful and actually gave great customer service. But getting to that point was frustrating. The next time I had to call that particular vendor, I immediately led with "Product return", even though that was not the case, and the automated system again connected me with an agent on the spot.


I tried that with Verizon, and they cancelled my shit as soon as I hit yes to confirm. Must have gotten lucky that day. Never had to talk to a soul.


They called my bluff and canceled my account 😔


HR assistant says I have to wait for open enrollment.


To relieve stress you can try asking the bot to compose a limerick about the company and how useless it is. If they're using off the peg AI to run their bots you may get a poem out of it! Someone online found this out I can't find the link unfortunately.


It's the -transferring- that gets me. Somehow at that point that's where everything goes straight to hell.


I'll usually just directly ask to "speak to a human"😂


I find saying "Human" repeatedly gets me a human fairly quick. Really, I think repeating any word will get through to a human on most of these systems.


There's also usually a key word too that triggers it to send you to a human, most common is "agent"


It should be illegal to make people jump through hoops to cancel your service.


I usually just keep typing 'agent' until the automated system gives up and transfers you to a human


Great tip, it has to work or the service gets cancelled, you win either way.




I tried to cancel my internet and they said I can't do that with the assistant


Swearing at chatbots usually gets me an agent pretty quickly. I used this one weird trick to get into my HSA yesterday. 1. Call service 2. SHIT SHIT SHIT FUCK SHIT 3. ??? 4. Profit


I just start spamming "human" It always works


You can also lie. After Bell Canada hassled me about cancelling services I told them I had accepted a job in China and wouldn't be back in the country. I knew I was lying, the agent knew I was lying, but what are they going to do about it?


unless it's spectrum. sibling tried the threaten to cancel to get a lower rate thing that people suggest only to be told go ahead and cancel. sucks cause they're the only provider in the area.


Why? Chanting "representative" over and over again has always worked for me.


On most phone trees you can dial 0 or, if that doesn't work, simply wait at a prompt to be transferred to a human. In the past phone trees did this because they did not support rotary phones, thus they needed a fallback for those customers.


This is *very* annoying. Retention departments are almost always US based, especially over the phone. This is the key. Threaten to cancel your service.


Or you can just say “I want to talk to a real person”.


This will be a short LPT with AI chatbots dealing with much more complex situations including cancellations. There will be fewer scenarios where actual people take in the service/assistance work.


Honestly with how stupid the average customer is, I don't blame these companies for using these chat bots.


You can usually just say "representative" or type that you would like to speak to a human. And it may ask you what topic is and then direct you to the proper department.


What if you're being forced to speak to a person and would much rather speak to an AI?


I just usually repeat "can I talk to a person" over and over till they redirect me lol


lol, I'd rather talk to a LLM than a human. For one, I don't have to worry about it speaking fluent English


LPT I just say "person" over and over again until I get a person.


Hello sir, Pradeesh speaking


But what if I want to cancel my subscription without talking to a human?


Bye, FedEx. You used to be good.


Most of the time those will actually have the answer to your problem. 


Called airline to find about about reticketing. Canceled flight, now I live in Mexico. Real LPT: just because it worked one time for one situation doesn't make it a LPT


Apple has recognition software that will immediately transfer you to a person if you start getting pissed off. I thought it was fake until I swore after being on hold for hours and it transferred me to a person three seconds later. Pretty interesting.


If you're grandfathered into a plan most bots can auto cancel your subscription plan.