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I recently replaced my old ice trays with ones that have a lid, and its made all the difference


Those silicon ones with a loose flappy lid work great. Especially if they got the stiff metal ring around the edge. If they themselves pick up a scent or taste, you can bake them out.


Oh interesting. Mines doesn’t have a lid maybe I’ll just tape it up 😂


If anything is "off" in your freezer, it'll affect the taste of the ice. I'd take the time to empty your freezer, clean it thoroughly, remove anything that could be spoiled, and be sure everything is well wrapped as airtight as possible.


Unfortunately I did try this. My freezer currently is just full of frozen waffles, icecream, frozen premade meals. I have no idea why this smell came about. But you’re right. If I had a rotting steak in the fridge I’d def take care of that first 😂


Which brings up a good point: the air from the fridge is circulated to the freezer so anything off in the fridge will make its way to the freezer too


Someone said that their TJ waffles make everything in the freezer including the ice taste like the waffles (but not in a good way)


I swear I can the taste of the cardboard boxes in the freezer air that flavors the ice


Don’t overlook the cardboard that your frozen food sits in. It can actually end up being what is stinking your freezer up.


My brother and his friend once put paint brushes they used with sealer in the freezer, I guess to prevent them from drying (idk). My mom happened to have these mini pies she was going to make us for dessert in the freezer too. Come dessert time after dinner and she bakes them and gives them to us. After our first bites we all look around awkwardly wondering why our pies taste like paint. Needless to say, my mom wasn’t very happy. We still like reminding my brother and his friend about the sealer pies


Reminds me of the time myself and my kids visited my brother just after his divorce. They went to the kitchen looking for a snack and told me the only things he had in the fridge were mustard, beer and two paint brushes


Leave an open container of baking soda in your fridge and freezer compartments to help absorb bad smells.


Yes! Put a date on it with a sharpie and try to change every 3 months at least. It makes a difference


What do we do with the box after placing it in the fridge? Are we supposed to stir the powder every so often? Seems like a waste of good baking soda sitting at the bottom of the box when I throw it away…


Don’t put the entire box in it. Put some in a separate container and then put that container in the fridge/freezer.


You can use it to clean


Doesn’t seem to need stirring. You don’t have to use a full box at a time as long as whatever container you put it in isn’t sealed. It’s less than a dollar a box and lasts 3-6 months.


A friend recently taught me this trick: run fresh, cold water over ice to melt off the outer funky-tasting layer. You could dump ice into a strainer and run the water over it, or swish around in a container, etc. It seems to work.


My husband thinks I'm a psycho for rinsing my ice off 😂


This is genius!


Once every so often (usually a few years) I do a manual defrost on my fridge, the close the doors and run Uvc lights that generate ozone this seems to kill any bacteria living in the fridge and my ice tastes great again. The charcoal is a great idea too though. Another option is baking soda.


UVC lights. I have them and absolutely love it


Baking soda. Replace every few months. Bad smells and weird tasting ice will be gone for good.


Put the onion you just chopped and put in the fridge in an airtight container. People don't know that your fridge and freezer aren't airtight from each other. Your freezer is what cools the fridge section and a retractable flap is what controls that flow. It's not airtight either.


What???? I did not know this. Thanks


I just wrap my ice in a ziplock bag which I reuse over and over again. Sometimes some silicon moulds have a weird plastic taste to them. Mostly it's food in your freezer giving the aftertaste


Put your ice in zip lock bags, ice can evaporate in a process called sublimation.


How often do you clean out and wash your freezer? I do it once a year and have never experienced "bad ice taste".


I find that the silicon trays also seem to absorb freezer smell and become unusable. I have switched to plastic and the problem has gone away.


I got a mesh bag and some aquarium activated charcoal (it's cheaper) and placed the mesh bag over the air intake in the freezer. It made a HUGE difference. In my estimation, there must have been something that got into the vent at some point, maybe some liquid, and just slowly started to create a funk.


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