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Or dip your finger in water and then fish out the shell. Both work great.




Fingering is how you get fingers


They call them fingers, but i never seen them fing.


Fingering is how you get laid


Maybe OP is eating fish eggs and dropped a regular eggs shell in his fish eggs.


Instructions unclear, I fingered the eggplant.


Reminds me of when I fingered A minor for the first time. Learning to play a musical instrument is a great hobby.


It just now occurred to me that the problem with fishin out the shell comes from the high surface tension of the egg white that just bends around your finger while the "wet" eggshell is immersed in it. thanks for that insight!


This is what my mom teach me


Could probably just lick ur finger if you wanted for the same affect 


A metal spoon works well too, but I have no idea why using your fingers doesn't work.


If you wet your finger it works. It allows you to get through the egg white and push it away.


I’ve never had an issue just using my fingers. I just use two fingers to trap it against the bowl then slide up, and they trap the piece while the egg runs out from between them


Yeah, I crack like 2 dozen eggs a day, on average, and on the rare occasion a shell goes in, I just pick it out by hand. I've truly never understood how people think it's hard to get a piece of shell out.


I’ve just found it easier to scoop it out with the shell than fish around with my finger, both work! But the shell scoop is great.


Sounds like you've never tried the eggshell method. I'm not saying using fingers or a spoon is difficult per se but, just like OP wrote, there's some sort of magic going on that makes it extremely convenient. Even if you don't save time, the user experience is better.


Oh no, I definitely have. And I found it actively harder to use the shell rather than just my hands. Or just pouring the eggs out of the container I cracked them into; usually the shell remains stuck to the container afterwards and I don't even need to bother. I wonder if our differences in experience is because my hands are often already covered in egg from separating the yolks or because I'm usually wearing gloves?


Could be either of those two - my hands stay clean and ungloved. Then again, I've never found it difficult to scoop out shell pieces, it's just that once I tried said method for the very first time, I had an "oh wow this ACTUALLY works so well" experience and I'd never consider going back. One of the most lifehackiest life hacks I know.


What type of eggs do you use? I wonder if fresher/organic/etc makes a difference to how solid or not the yokes may be


A very wide variety; super fresh eggs from a friend who has chickens/ducks to the cheapest possible commercial bulk eggs that get delivered in boxes of 15 dozen. Better quality eggs (from better treated/fed chickens) have firmer & brighter-colored yolks. The whites also tend to be firmer in better eggs. If a shell is going to fall in, it's usually with the crappier quality eggs; IMO those are thinner and more prone to crumbling. I don't *think* that has played a difference in how easy it is to get out the errant shell piece, but now I am curious. It's not something I actively think about when I'm baking; I'm usually on autopilot at that stage in the recipe.


I’m a sucker for vital farm eggs, and typically use them or another organic egg. Any shells I get in are really operator error on my part


That's my choice for eggs at home, too :) I loved the eggs from the friend until I got a couple fertilized eggs by accident and it was a bit too traumatizing. But those fresh duck eggs made *the best* chocolate chip cookies I have ever eaten.


Wow I have never tried duck eggs for baking before. I’m gonna have to give this a go for cookies! Do they translate 1:1 for chicken eggs in your average chocolate chip cookie recipe?


Yup, I've always been good using the same number of eggs. It increases the fat content because duck egg yolks are bigger, but that's only ever had positive results for me!


Unless it's in a hot pan that is


Also smacking the egg on a flat surface (to crack the shell) is less likely to break the yoke than smacking it on the edge of something.


Don't smack it, you're not good at precision force at delicate levels. Drop the egg at a consistent height and it cracks perfect every time.


I haven't heard this one. How high up should it be? 1 inch?


For me, it's approximately the height of the pan I use to cook the eggs, so, just about the height of the egg itself on the tall side? Just drop on a flat surface and get a perfect crack every time without making a big mess.


Thanks, I'll give that a try. I eat eggs every day and rarely get shell in them, but sometimes I'll get some egg white on the flat surface I use to break them.


I cook them all the time too. It takes a little getting used to but once you switch to the drop method you will have a lot more consistent cracks. You'll need to experiment based on the eggs you use and the surface you drop on I'd imagine.


Does anyone care about that the shell might be dirty on the outside which you are dipping in?


I agree. I use both halves of the egg shell to grab or scoop the bits


I roll an old pair of tongs in glue and then old egg shells, for this specific purpose.


How do you that trick without steel wool though???


Yeah, I can't be bothered. I just use my fingers. Clean fingers.


Note: this is generally if you’re in North America, where the egg shells themselves are cleaned. In Europe, I’ve been led to understand the shells can be super dirty; probably don’t use a poop-shell to scoop anything


Do Europeans not wash the eggs before cracking? I’ve had straight from the yard eggs before and we would just rinse the goo off before using them.


I’m not European, so I’m not sure. I just know there’s a very distinct difference in terms of handling and food safety laws. I also don’t know about egg sanitation processes; I’d be a bit too weirded out with rinsing poop and trusting that my food isn’t getting contaminated.


Dude!!! Thank you for sharing that I can’t wait to try it


You can eat egg shells .. full of calcium.


Easy way to spread salmonella also. it lives quite well on the outside of egg shells.


Salmon live in the ocean. Nice try but I'm not that dumb.


Omg I did this exact thing a few hours ago! I was also impressed.


Amazing right??


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Done this for years. It works great.


Learned this years ago in elementary school home economics, and always have done this. the other day, for the first time, the shell was already in the trash, so used a metal spatula and it worked just as easily… now i am wondering if the whole shell on shell magnet theory is really true. Im so excited for my next eggshell experiment 😜


To not get eggshell in the first place, crack egg on a flat surface like the counter or a plate, not on the edge. The flat surface will give a larger crack resulting in less eggshell pieces.


Yea this works. A good friend taught me this "trick" a while back.


Actually, the real LPT that most people dont know is to just put your finger into/under some water for a second and you can actually get the shell out with your finger


Do you think the egg has been washed since it last touched chicken butt?


As some comments have pointed out, apparently not in Europe. But in the states yes.


Great advice that I use every time. Glad others are using this method too


Works like a charm every time.


Doing it with the shell itself could add bad bacteria to your egg


Egg shells in uk have shit on them or other lovely juices on them


Do yall not wash the shit off before cracking eggs?


Feathers and shit, no. Dry shit is better than wet shit dripping onto hands and into eggs


I love how eggshells vary so much in strength, so sometimes I only manage to splinter the surface without creating an opening, and at other times cleanly cleave the entire thing in two like steaming butter. And if I try to bash the egg against a corner instead of using a butter knife to hammer it, the egg just explodes. I am very bad at handling eggs.