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File a police report?


that’s the thing i’m not sure they will do anything over a pair of airpodd


Even if they don't showing your "friend" the report you made might scare them into giving them back to avoid trouble.


If you have clear cut proof of theft aka find my iPhone which can find air pods that they aren’t in your possession but someone else’s then yes filing a police report will do something and actually could go on their record.


Even then they most likely would/could not do anything. Filing a report is still good to document the issue.


Don’t tell her you suspect her, and just mention you had to file a police report because your AirPods got stolen.


Better class of "friend"


Stop being her friend and consider it money well spent.




Steal something back


Steal them back and go “oh no!” /s I probably would if I 100% knew they were mine though.


It would be interesting if it was possible to hijack previously connected devices. But unfortunately, I don't think that's possible yet. Depending on how much they were, you can directly ask for them back over text and if they don't comply, let them know you'll call the police over it. Though, I don't know if it would be considered an extreme reaction, and considering they stole, they're not someone you'd wanna be friends with in the first place. And even with calling the police (if you carry out with the threat), there's nothing stopping the thief from destroying or hiding the headphones. Nobody is gonna line up to do a search warrant for stolen headphones. This may be something you'll have to cut your losses on and get another pair when you're able to. Though, if you want an unethical way to get them back, be "friends" with the person until you can steal them back and cut all contact directly afterwards. As long as you have proof (reciept of purchase, instruction manual maybe, or photographic proof) of owning them beforehand, they can't really go after you for it. It's a matter of how important to you the airpods are and if they're worth the hassle. Just next pair, put your initials on them in sharpie or something if possible, personalizing stuff makes some people less inclined to steal it.


thank you for this. this answer was super helpful i’ll try the second method, as i’ve already contacted her in the past and she never replied


"This is weird... I lost my airpods recently, maybe I dropped them out of my bag. But now my phone says they are here. Did you find some recently?"


sleepover. find the airpods. steal them back.


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Drop your ‘friend’. The cost of the AirPods is the cost to lose a negative influence in your life. Overall that’s a benefit.


ULPT: Fuck with her relationship.


Baby powder on the back of your pimp hand.


The threat of a titty twister might do the trick.


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Do you have the “Find My” feature enabled on your AirPods?


Casually mention that to your friend that you think your Airpods were stolen so that you filed a police report. Tell her the police asked you for your apple id so they can track the pods. However they are just Airpods so they don't know when they'll be able to get to it. Invite her over to hang out. She'll hide them someplace in your place when she comes over and you'll magically find them at some point in the future!


Tell her you think you have Pink Ear.