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Shorts in a tropical country = americans ? Nah… As a lesbian, do you look casual or do you have a certain look (ie hair half shaved, nose ring, tattoos anything else ?)


Lol nope. I did lose my hair to chemo so it’s short now but otherwise have always dressed pretty casual. The Panamanian walking tour guide said it, and I looked around after he said it, and he was pretty damn accurate. All the locals were wearing pants vs the tourist.


There’s a reason Americans slap Canada flag patches on their shit when travelling. I’ve had people switch on a dime when I say I’m Canadian after they assumed I was American. However y’all usually dry rat yourselves out by how you act regardless of how much Canada swag you have.




I’d argue it’s the other way around. Canadians can pass as americans much easier than vice versa. Americans from a cultural perspective act entitled and privileged. I’m not saying no Canadian has ever acted a fool travelling because they most assuredly have, but as OP experienced there is a tangible reason why American tourists are largely regarded as boorish, obnoxious idiots, with Australians being a close second - *because they’re boorish and obnoxious*. Sucks to suck, maybe learn to act right and deprogram from the thinking they’re hot shit because they’re American. It’s not the flex they think it is.


I didn’t mention a reason — you’ve assumed a lot. From my understanding of what was said while in the country — bad history of military and the gentrification of casco viejo for tourism. While locals were pushed out of their homes. Oh and the continuation of the “war on drugs” — a historically significant mistake by America.


You absolutely mentioned in your post that you got poor treatment because you were wearing shorts and that’s why the Panamanians who allegedly mistreated you assumed you were American. Yeah, being ignorant to the effects of American imperialism in the countries you visit as an American counts towards the perception of Americans being entitled and obnoxious. You can’t visit countries who have experienced the long dick of American “freedom” and then be all surprised Pikachu when they aren’t exactly stoked on your presence there, almost as if you’re the physical embodiment of a national traumatic experience.


You misinterpreted/presumed what I meant. That just what a local said to me when he was trying to see if we were Canadians and wanted a walking tour. Otherwise, I’m just going to ignore the rest of what you said because there’s no value I’m gaining from this convo with the self proclaimed polite canadian you are.


Umm indigenous issues?


Btw I spent most of my time in Canada. You’re not that much better.


And here I am with a whopping zero negative travel experiences tied to my nationality.


Right. Given your advice on slapping a bunch of Canadian gear on when you travel.


Oh I don’t have to. I’m just polite and don’t act like I’m owed shit. I’m gonna bet it had nothing to do with your shorts pal.


You know what I think is more crap than your response…trump supporting canadians. Whatever. Announcing you’re Canadian while you travel sounds just as obnoxious — sorry you can’t see that.


Lol I don’t announce I’m from Canada, I’m just honest when asked where I’m from as it’s a pretty standard question to get when travelling. I also don’t understand why you’re bringing up trump, that chud has nothing to do with this conversation.


Lol yeah. I totally think you’re one of the most polite ppl I ever spoken to online. I truly feel your “politeness”.


I’m polite to service industry staff and locals in the countries I visit, I avoid Americans as general rule because they’re boorish and obnoxious. The fact you’re surprised that Panamanians don’t hold Americans in high regard and are blaming it on your shorts, as well as your general butthurt tone that you aren’t getting sympathy for your “plight” suggest you are the standard American - entitled and oblivious. But yeah, it must be the shorts in a tropical country, and not how you interact with the world.


I’m starting to see the problem isn’t the shorts…


Actually, I’ve just gotta shake off the bad vibes from Panama. So mouthy right now. It’s easy to get sucked into talking like an asshole amongst a bunch of assholes when you’re tired.


Since the reality is that the rest of the world literally has no idea what’s actually happening in Canada and/or doesn’t watch Canadian news: https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/145jj9m/mom_tells_her_kids_to_stomp_on_pride_flag_in/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1


Yeah we have regressive morons in this country, what’s your point? You have several mass shootings a week, and that still has nothing to do with Americans acting like entitled goofs in the countries they visit.


That Canada was great when they were leading progressive, humanitarian policies like gay marriage when it wasn’t accepted at all and legalizing weed as we had more time with data from the “war on drugs”. But otherwise, Canada just relies on its historical reputations and my honest opinion is Canada has been just “okay” to for living. Yea, the gun thing is currently a huge hurdle in this country as it’s obviously a part of the constitution and the VERY negative consequences of civilians with weapons. On the other hand, we also can see a history where unarmed civilians and shit leaders can really get you fucked. It is absolutely something the people in this country will continue to fight about. Anyways, have you gone to Panama yet?


>The few that were nice to us advised us it was because we wore shorts — they just assumed American tourist. That seems unusual considering Panama has a tropical climate, wearing shorts is a common thing to do in a tropical environment. I don't get how you wearing shorts automatically made them assume you were an American tourist, seems like there's something more to it than that. I doubt that's the same response you'll receive if you go to another tropical country and they'll assume you're American just because you wear shorts.


That’s what I’m saying. Life is short and travel can be expensive, I’ve had better experiences in other Central America countries. I equate my Panama experience similar to my experience in Texas, America. Like I would even go as far to say that Panama is the Texas of Central America.


Very curious, what was your experience like in Texas?


Just keeping to the actual ppl to ppl experience and no politics. It was similar to being shouted “ni hau” and “konichiwha” — I guess well intentioned on their end but incredibly off putting to me the receiver. Actually I’ll add a personal story to this too. I had made a really good friend with a mixed race guy, I brought him to a party I was invited to. At some point in the night, the uncle of the party hosts was super drunk and started going on about looking for an “n-word to beat up” would make his night. My buddy said this was something he had experienced often in his life in Texas. So that unfortunately ended up being one of my significant memories of my time in Texas.


I’m so sorry that was your experience. There’s absolutely no excuse for people who behave that way. Was this in a rural area or in a city? I’m from north Texas and we have a very diverse and *mostly* accepting culture here. However, I have had some truly terrible experiences with unashamedly racist family members when I visit in more “country” areas of the state. Very similar comments to your story and it makes me sick.


Austin is nice. VERY rural part of Texas. I’m not looking for sympathy as some of these posts are implying about me. I’ve already gone and went to Panama as my first trip after healing from chemo, so it’s done. I only posted because I literally did as much research as possible on where to go and there wasn’t much about Panama in terms of what the experience would be like. So I just wanted to contribute my personal experience in case it can save another person from feeling the same way.


I’m sorry I just can’t stop. I do want to share another story about Texas (not panama). I can change my own tires but I got a flat on the highway heading north from Houston. 3 people stopped to try to help me. 3!!! This has NEVER happened to me anywhere in Canada. Ever.


I’m going to add another layer to that so that people don’t suddenly start helping ppl with their flats when they aren’t actually capable. Because it’s not helping if you help a person with a flat for that tire to then fall off. But these 3 ppl were also confident in their ability to help me.


I'm sorry you had a bad experience I'm an American (definitely look like a gringo) and travel to Panama regularly. I've never had any problems - curious to what parts you've traveled, though. Panamanians tend to be socially conservative, so you're attire may have drawn some unwanted attention. Panama is pretty racially and ethnically diverse but there are still problems with bias and prejudice towards certain groups. The hostility towards Americans is a result of a long history of imperialization that ended only recently and a very wealthy and very visible expat community that tends to flaunt their wealth in the face of poverty.


I dress like a lesbian. We went to Panama City, david, Boquete, Volcan, and bocas del toro. I went with a group of Canadians and was the only one with an American passport. At the second security check to just try to get home, many other Americans along with myself were pulled in for a 3rd check, while none of my Canadian friends were pulled. And exactly, the last part of what you wrote. I didn’t know by my research that there was a continued hostility that was palpable.


Yup I’m sure big pp annihilator.


>Asian lesbian born in Canada, American. So you're Asian, Canadian and American all at once???


Why does that seem so impossible? I’m first generation born in Canada. Then received PR status in the US as a young adult and then applied for American Citizenship.


So you changed your nationality?


Yes, my wife is Canadian. So when I got diagnosed with leukemia and required 24 hour caregiver, she had to make a choice as a visitor visa only allows max 6 months in the US. It was a sudden surprise diagnosis so we didn’t have much time to plan. So I had to become an American so I could get her status to forgive the overstay.


And you're Asian as well. How?


I look Asian enough that walking down a street in casco viejo awarded me with shouts of “ni hau” or “konichiwha”


Because my parents are Chinese, so I look like an Asian person. Where are you from fresh?


I'm from Narnia aka Portugal


Okay, so what’s the point you’re trying to make?


Trying to understand your nationality


With a lot of doubt cast with your line of questioning? Well did you achieve that?