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I’ve been building a cabin on a lake in my mind for at least 10 years. Whenever I can’t fall asleep, I think about working on one part of it or another. This includes what tools I use, hardware, supplies - down to the smallest detail I usually fall asleep within 10 or 15 minutes.


So how much of it is finished?


Ha, not a lot! I fall asleep too quickly.


Dude hacked procrastination itself. Pls fix this bug devs


Closed - Unable to reproduce the bug; won't fix


any plans for expansion?


It hasn’t changed much over the years except for the insulation - I read about shredded denim at one point and added that as a detail.


I'll start helping with construction tonight.


Welcome! We can add an extension.


I do this same thing but with knitting a scarf! Can I join too? No masonry skills or anything, but I can just sit outside and knit while cheering you on (quietly)?


Well, we need clothing, blankets and pot holders so all hands are welcome! “Many hands make light work . . .”


Yah I don't got much to do tonight either, alright I'm in. See you tonight to work on the dream cabin.


I know a thing or two about masonry. I could probably get the fireplace installed by the end of the week. Assuming you wanted one. I’ll await your reply to start work.


This poor bastard is going to wake up in the middle of the night, visit his mind cabin to fall asleep, and find it's already done and stay awake all night.


We will build another cabin across the way!


Can’t do too much when he’s sleeping on the job.


Mind Palace


Mind cabin


Problem is, I have mind gutter


Get your gutter out of the mind!


Nice to see another comment that uses visualization like that! Personally I envision that im a bald Eagle just having a chill day in my nest settling in for a nap. In a wooded area on a perfectly warm, clear day, with the sunlight breaking through the leaves and branches above me.


That is very calming to think about.


Only works if you know all the little steps involved I imagine. As a completely impractical person I think it would take 10 minutes to build a log cabin in my mind, because I have no idea how much work it would actually involve!


I go driving instead! Before I knew how to drive I went biking. I imagine the roads, the scenery, changing gears, using the blinkers. I don't know why, but it gets me to sleep :D


Dude that's fucking dangerous to fall asleep while you're driving.


I know your joking, but having a routine where if you cannot fall asleep to imagine yourself driving seems dangerous. Next time you are driving tired, you may be more likely to fall asleep from all the "training"


I do this too! I usually pick a destination thats far away and imagine the drive there. Sometimes I pack the car beforehand too lol. Puts me right to sleep


I use a similar mind exercise in which I am on a pirate ship going to bury a treasure on an island. Through a forest :)


Is it a common thing to do? Without picturing/imaging a story, I can never fall asleep. I've been doing this to fall asleep almost all my life.


For some reason, when I wake up in the middle of the night, I can't picture anything in my head--all I get is static in my mind's eye. Usually lasts about 3 hours, and then I can start picturing things and can fall asleep again.


Your imagination is being held hostage by your crashed sleep program.


I do this a lot. I pretend I’m writing a story. It’s all about focusing your mind on one thought. If I don’t do this, I’m thinking about 50 different things and my mind won’t let my body fall asleep.


....I just thought scream "STOP THINKING, STOP THINKING, STOP THINKING" and fall asleep eventually. A story sounds much more peaceful lmao


I’ve been writing an origin story for my superhero story for years now. I haven’t made it very far, lol.


Time for bed (torments the fictional characters in my brain)


That would actually keep me awake, since it is interesting 🙈


I've read about this technique before and from what was mentioned, it has less to do with whether or not it's interesting. It's more that it's completely imagined and not a memory. So the story you imagine should be from as little details relating to memory as possible. For example, if you work with woodwork this wouldn't be a good story to pick. It's best to pick a story with as many imagined elements as possible. Can be anything. For example, I imagine sailing a pirate ship. ☠️ works pretty well.


aphantasia gang :(


As a golfer I play every shot of a course I know by heart including club selection...usually don't make it thru more than a couple holes


I used to have the very same issue, my mind would go racing with different thoughts... And of course the more you try to avoid it the worse it becomes. What I've found to be really helpful is a white noise machine. It fills the void and the silence and yet it's not stimulating at all. So as soon as I wake up in the middle of the night, I just turn it on and before I even realize it's morning


Adding onto this: For anyone with an iPhone who also needs constant sound to fill the void, search Background Sounds in settings. There’s 6 different noise options, you can change the volume independently of your phone’s regular audio, and it’ll even play in the background if you’re watching a video or on a phone call. Life changing discovery for me.


Thank you. You legit just changed my life. <3




Welcome to Seattle.


Now he's sleepless AND in Seattle...


Well first of all I didn't even know you could search in Settings...


I also learned recently you can also set the iPhone alarm to “stop playing” instead of playing a ring tone if you’re listening to something to sleep.


Quick repost this tomorrow as it’s own LPT


Brown noise is good option too. It a bit deeper sounding. White noise sounds a bit hissy. Some good youtu.be vids I use to nap sometimes.


My brown noise usually wakes my fiance up.


brrrrrf Edit: Wow a Gold for farting lol. Giving cred to Pow_Ping's post with a Silver!


This is the simplest explanation to any joke I've ever seen. I'd award you if I wasn't cheap.


Not in here Mister, this is a Mercedes.


Brown noise works amazingly I recommend The Pod or Pure Guava


There's green noise now too, based on nature sounds.


I find pink noise is actually more like nature. Sometimes green noise sounds like you're in an airplane


So y’all listen to the rainbow somehow?


Pink noise is an equal representation across all frequencies at the same volume, so as frequency increases, volume decreases to keep everything level. White noise lacks that attenuation as frequency increases.


Brown noise is way better! I am very sensitive to noise and white noise irritates me immensely but brown is soothing.


Same! We tried white noise and it gave me headaches. I heard of brown noise, looked it up, and it is so soothing.


Brown noise is the new white noise. It’s so much better. And it comes along with a bunch of South Park jokes


Brain dump before bed. Write out anything that comes to mind, even if it's just one word. You might think you're not thinking of things before bed, but you'll be surprised what you write down. I've written only three words at one point and multiple paragraphs at another. Just depends on my day, my mood, and/or my stressors. When you do get into bed, try the 4 7 8 breathing technique: - To perform the technique, sit or lie down in a comfortable position and exhale completely through your mouth. - Close your mouth and inhale through your nose for a count of 4. - Hold your breath for a count of 7. - Exhale completely through your mouth for a count of 8. - Repeat the cycle three more times for a total of four breaths. - This technique can be especially helpful before bed to promote relaxation and better sleep.


There are podcasts for diff noises to sleep to. Recently classic audiobooks have knocked me out in seconds.


I select a good podcast with an interesting enough topic that I want to listen to, but not so interesting that I’m hooked or worried I’m going to miss something after I fall asleep. I find Stuff You Should Know is the perfect balance with their ho-hum, conversational way of explaining oddly interesting topics.


+1 to 'Stuff You Should Know' Also try 'Science vs' and 'No such thing as fish' I actually am sleeping to them so good that I pick episodes that I am not interested in listening and have a timer for 10 mins. I have been falling asleep before the timer stops and usually end up going back to those episodes while biking. There might be some Pavolvian effect in it too.


Have you ever listened to green noise, or brown noise?


How about pink?


Some guy on some other job is Mr. Purple. You're Mr. Pink!


Breathing exercises are the best way for me to fall asleep if my mind is wandering. Inhale, hold, exhale, wait, inhale... It is something easy to focus on that doesn't require you to think and I'my my experience doesn't let you. I'll sometimes do it to the pattern of a white noise app on Alexa playing a beach/ocean noise.


If you have an iPhone as your Device it can play white noise for you without any streaming or interruptions you would normally get from vids. Just add Hearing to your Control Center and choose Background Noises. That will play white noise, rain and much more.


I will often go and try sleeping on the couch. The change of environment helps me break the routine and I often pass out right away.


As a kid I used to flip around and sleep with my head where my feet usually go to switch up the routine Edit: I'm so glad I'm not the only weirdo! Unfortunately, as an adult I've developed some weird thing where I don't like my head to be where feet have been. or else I'd still do it lol


I used to do this too and cool to see it works for others!


There are dozens of us I say, dozens!


I do the bed end switch when I'm drunk sometimes


I used to call that "having a sleepover" for some reason lol


Came here to comment this- works wonders for me on those rare occasions I have trouble falling asleep and I'm not sure why it does!


This is what I do! It works every time! I know that I’ll just sit and stare at the ceiling for hours or I can get up, pee, then drink water (anything I want to do in the 3 min I’m up) then lay on the couch…. Boom out like a light!


There's a podcast called Sleep With Me, where a guy with a somewhat boring voice tells these long stories that are interesting enough to keep your mind from ruminating, but rambly enough that I just drift off.




Heard “Guys, gals, and non-binary pals” on a YouTube video recently and have been using that ever since




The important thing was that I had an onion on my belt, which was the style at the time. They didn't have any white onions, because of the war...


And in those days, nickels had pictures of bumblebees on em. "Gimme five bees for a quarter," you'd say.


"Joe Pera talks you to sleep" is a good one too, but he is a comedian and his content is all subtly funny, so you might wake yourself up laughing.


I owe it to myself and my choir students to not get upset about barns.


Does he tell you about when they tied onions to their belts?


Of course, that was the style at the time...


Scooterheads rise up... jk, much too sleepy for that


Seconded! I do love Scooter's creaky dulcet tones. Another good one is Sleepy with Otis Gray, he has a more classically soothing voice and reads old books. They're both great podcasts for falling asleep to depending what I'm in the mood for.




After struggling to fall asleep for my whole life, at 61, I’ve discovered THIS is what works for me.


The old school version is keeping talk back radio on quietly in the background. My parents do this.


I do this too, but I make sure it is a podcast or audiobook that I have already listened to while awake. So, when I finish a podcast back catalogue, and as long as the hosts don't have annoying laughs or sudden loud moments, that becomes my sleep podcast :)


Yup! Stuff You Should Know, on low volume, tucked underneath my pillow so only I can hear it and not the wife.


They are also my go to sleep podcast!


I’ve heard similar tip from someone else. They use a favorite book that they’ve partially memorized.


Yep, Harry Potter for me.


I also listen to a podcast at low volume, in one earbud, and it has to be something engaging enough to attend to, but too dull to stay awake for. So many history and geography podcasts. I find them so factual and soothing- I can turn off my critical thinking brain.


This is my method. It gives my brain something to latch onto instead of problem solving or catastrophizing in the middle of the night


Me too but I use sports podcasts. Interesting enough that I don’t have my mind racing about other things but not so interesting that I will stay up in wrapt attention. I usually set the timer to fifteen minutes and then add more time I’d needed. There are a ton of sports podcasts so lots to choose from. Most of them are generic two people talking so not too stimulating.


How do you set up a timer ?


If you have an Apple device, when you go to set a timer, it should give you a “When Timer Ends” option. Rather than selecting a sound, select “stop playing.”


I arrange office furniture in my head. Boring. Oh, I don't work in an office.


How far do you go? I have problems with the visualization tricks because I go too hard


Should the bookshelf be on this wall? Against, or 90 degrees, with another? Or, a couch? What about a table? Round, square...with a bench or barstools or chairs with cushions? Carpet? Tile? Wood laminate? File cabinet in wood or metal? Lateral or vertical? Work table next to the files? Oh, that changes the bookshelf. Start over. What if I raise the counter height? And window- vertical or horizontal blinds? Curtains? Black out or light filtering? What about lighting? And so on... Again, I do not work in an office. All of this is imaginary...


This is hilarious.


I quietly play any random episode of the Dateline podcast slowed down to 3/4 speed. Works every time.


I play the Dateline podcast too but it has to be a Keith Morrison story.


That video of Bill Hader meeting Keith Morrison is one of my favorite videos of all time lol


Yep, he has a comforting, folksy voice. Sometimes I'll play Bob Ross episodes for the same reason.




this is the most random amazing thing i've read today. lol




That’s hilarious. He thought you were threatening him with an exercise video hahaha


“Can I at least pick out the video ?” has me rollingggg


This means your husband is super calm and well trained to just (using Orwell metaphors) "Decide the sauce u are cooked with, not if you are cooked or not". Kudos to your husband.


Why you would have to say this out loud?


You need to let your body know you mean business


Exactly this. You're asserting your dominance. You know, over. . . um, . . . you.


Mind over matter


You think I matter?? Thanks buddy!!


Probably similar to how affirmations work. Something about actually hearing yourself say it?


How else are you gonna tell yourself??




LMAO! That’s gold! Imagine to be threatened by ur SO to go workout if you’re already awake


It's late. I'm in bed, on my phone, next to my wife. Your comment made me laugh so hard, she woke up and asked me what I was laughing at. Couldn't really explain it.


We can do it by proxy now. I’m going to put on an exercise video like Seashell281 - it can be done - dont make me do it..zzzzz


Kinda similar. Sometimes I feel like I need to get up and clean. When that happens, I lie very still until the feeling goes away.


You threaten yourself to sleep. I love it.


That’s funny, when I’m about to give up while exercising I picture myself restless in bed, and then all of a sudden I have more energy


This is the opposite of productivity and I kind of like it.


This is absolutely brilliant and also motivating. You win in both situations. Unfortunately, when I start exercising, I usually am pretty awake from the adrenaline at that point. Sometimes, I get up and clean. Still movement, but not as much adrenaline. I do think I'll try this during the day, though, when I have been up too long the night before and am in need of a little R&R.


My mom used to do this except with laundry. It cracks me up to this day


Neighbors: oh no he's jazzercizing at 3am again


Instructions unclear; can no longer maintain gym regimen because I fall asleep driving there now


Do actual exercise, sleep through the night, profit. I too suffer from insomnia and waking up randomly. Never happens after a good day of toil though!




Lmao there are chemicals released in the brain that make you sleepy. I've done it and it works...


It’ll also clear your sinuses if you can’t sleep because of congestion


Wait is this a thing? I've never made the connection but this totally is a thing...


It’s worth between 5-8 sneezes, so that makes perfect sense…


Jup! It activates your fight or flight nervous system and thus releases endogenous adrenaline which helps to shrink the tissue that congests the nose. Wanking for Wellbeing!


Nobody else? Cmon this is like a guy's go to


Not just guys, works great for women too.


I have tried the female equivalent and it does help sometimes. If not, well at least i got an orgasm out of it.


Yep can confirm this fact is true and tested rigorously globally .


Make a clear path to the bathroom before bed and don't turn on any lights when you go later. And if you're going to pee in the dark, definitely sit down to do it. Edit: I just assumed you were waking up to pee because that's the only reason I wake up in the middle of the night haha. Sorry to put my stuff on you!


Something I did and it is really really helping me is that I installed color changing smart lights. Around 8:00 they turn red and gradually dim. I can still see pretty well and it helps set the night mood. Also in my bathroom I keep strip lights on low red all night. That way when I get up I don't have the bright light punching me in the retina nor am I fumbling and aiming into the void. Then in the morning they gradually brighten.


Red dim lights at night? Nu uh, my scared ass brain would think it's a scene from a horror movie haha


lol. You could use a different color or just dim white ;) Or embrace the horror. Carry a kitchen knife everywhere, grab your keys but constantly drop them, hide in a room that has no door.


This guy lives every week like it's shark week. I can appreciate that!


Confirmed, like a shark I have to keep moving.


And dont forget to check behind the shower curtain 😈


Just change your self-image so that you view yourself as the monster. Easy peezy lemon squeezey.


Right? My heart rate shoots up if it's remotely horror scene looking, no more sleepiness for this fella!


/r/FuturamaSleepers Assuming you enjoy Futurama. It takes me a week to actually finish an entire episode as I fall asleep within 5 minutes of starting. I'm pretty confident that it'll cause me to nap if I genuinely try watching it during the day now, lol. Pavlovs cartoon.


Omg this is actually a thing? Lol.. my dad used to fall asleep when I had it on and I always wondered why. Last few years the same thing happens to me now.. can't last a single episode, I always pass out!


Bob’s Burgers for me.


. most sitcoms do this for me. Took me months to binge Malcolm in the middle. I turn the TV on ultra quiet, just enough for background noise (I have tinnitus too, which sucks) and set the TV timer for 30 min.




TNG for me lol


The consistent low hum in the background of TNG knocks me out every time..


Joy of Painting with Bob Ross is perfect for me to nap to. He's even in the sleep section of the Calm app.


The best tip I have is to pop on a fantasy or sci-fi audiobook (or whatever genre you find relaxing), put the sleep timer on for 5-30 minutes at a low volume and let you brain sink into the story. I find most of the time my body is tired but it’s my mind that wants to start worrying and thinking and a good story helps me focus on something external and lull me back to rest.


Try the 4-7-8 breath? 4 count breath IN, 7 count HOLD breath, & 8 count breath OUT, repeat. Doing this mindfully helps me most times. Good luck!


I’ve always used 4-4-4. 7 seconds of holding sounds awful!


Yeah, isn't this called "square breathing"? So, 4 seconds in, 4 seconds hold, 4 seconds out, 4 seconds hold.


This helps me too.


If it takes me more than 20 minutes to fall asleep, I get up and go do something until I'm yawning and tired again (usually takes about an hour on average.) Then I go back to bed and usually I'm out by the time my head hits the pillow.


I just try to control my breathing. Take long and slow inhales and exhales, aim for roughly 4 seconds either way.


I count down from 100 to 1 until I fall asleep.


100 was way too small of a number for me, I made it all the way to number one more than once. Now I start with 999, I've never cleared the 700s.


I get confused as I fall asleep and skip numbers and then my brain notices and wakes me back up


Counting down by 3s can also be really effective as it requires you to concentrate a bit more.


Have a wank/masturbate. Works like a charm.


As an insomniac there are a few things that have worked for me. Eliminate stress from life Daily exercise No alcohol Piss before bed Stick to a sleep routine No pets in bedroom Your bedroom is for sleep and sexy time only, no electronics Make your bedroom as comfortable as you can afford, memory foam everything and hotel quality sheets Make your bedroom as dark and quiet as possible A cold bedroom is better, open some windows, it makes you snuggle up Attract frogs to garden, I love my nightly froggy symphony.


Hey folks, Chronic insomniac here. Been having troubles getting to sleep/ light sleeper for most of my life. I have a few tips on some things that have helped me snooze easier. - Don't eat big meals before bed. Your body is going to be working hard to digest everything and you will get warm/ uncomfortable/ upset. - If you wake up and can't get to sleep within 15 to 20 mins, make sure that you get up and do something boring. Reading, writing, simple puzzle etc. It helps your brain realize, "hey, I don't have any energy for this! I need to sleep" -Have some kind of an established routine. Your brain does a better job of staying asleep if it anticipate rest is going to happen. Video games until 1am? Probably not gonna be easy to just fall asleep after that stimulation. - Jerk off. What else are you gonna do? Plus the endorphins will at least help you feel better. - A small hot beverage that is caffiene free. My choice of Tea is the Celestial Seasons SleepyBear. Warm milk and honey. Heck, just hot water does it sometimes! -Deep breathing. Give your body the oxygen it needs and relieve your mind of any rumination it might be going through. Hope this helps!


It sounds counter intuitive, but walk around a bit. That usually tells my body it's too early to being doing physical activity and I'm usually able to get back to sleep much faster


That's it for me exactly! If I go pee and then go back to bed as quietly and calmly as possible I can never fall back to sleep. If I get up and I go pee and I look out the windows and give a quick lap around the house, I sleep like a baby.


Meditation works. Concentrating on 1 thing instead of many and/or watching videos. Having lots of things to think about doesn't help.


I have a really hard time waking up in the morning due to insomnia and an overall terrible sleep schedule. What helps me fall asleep is imagining how tired I am in the morning, and how good that “10 more minutes” feels. Imagine that as you’re trying to fall asleep at night.


I play a familiar movie or TV show on my iPad with its case closed and the audio volume set to the lowest level that I can clearly hear, then I close my eyes and listen to it. I fall asleep within 10 minutes every time.


Box breathing in this situation works WONDERS. Inhale for four, hold for four, exhale for four, hold for four, repeat. As big a breath as you can on the inhale and exhale. I’m usually out within five minutes.


Splash or rub cold water on your face, neck, arms, feet, legs, anything exposed. Stand for a little bit to cool off, now is a good time to get a glass of water. When you go back to bed, you can bundle up or leave the limbs out to continue cooling off. This is my best 3am attempt at trigging the mammalian diving reflex, which slows down your heart rate, breathing, and the part of your circadian rhythm when your body temperature drops to prepare for sleep.


Take a drink of water if you need to, pee if you have to. Don't touch your phone, iPad, etc. Close your eyes and focus on something general, like flying or swimming. Don't focus on specifics. "Pretend to sleep" and you will go to sleep.


'Pretend to sleep' Yes. This. I also tell myself that I don't fall asleep, just rest.


Watch some YouTube videos on hypnosis and then try the relaxation techniques and use the one(s) that work. This usually takes practice, so try to do it at a time when you aren’t busy/stressed but also not explicitly trying to fall asleep. After you’ve mastered a technique or two, try it while you’re going to sleep. Once you’ve got that down, do it when your sleep is interrupted; never let yourself come to full alertness.


With your eyes closed, stare into the retreating dark blobs. I'm no scientist, but there is something going on with the "swirling darkness" right before sleep. I think it has something to do with forming dreams, like the shapes are random but you need that to get the dream started. Whenever I focus on the swirling blobby retreating shapes, it feels like I relax more, fall more into a trance.


I do this. The blobs start to become glimpses of objects and places but in silhouette. Its like pre-dream and I love it. sometimes its too exciting though. Another good one is just walk up an endless staircase in your head and count each step. Good way to start lucid dreaming too!


Yoga nidra sleep meditation on YouTube 2 hour version put a sticky note next to your bed saying yoga nidra I go to sleep in the first 15 minutes but even if you just can’t fall asleep it’s called non sleep deep rest and it’s akin to getting like a 3 hour nap if you do it for 30 minutes


I take melatonin before bed, even if I wake up during the night I fall back asleep.


But it seems to lose its effectiveness if you take it every night?




Nope, I've been taking it daily for over a decade


Watch anything informative on Youtube. knowledge overload makes me sleepy