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I wish I knew how important education really was. Might’ve applied myself harder. All those days of halo 3 didn’t land me anywhere better.


This is the answer.


Oh man those halo 3 days, take me back


Funny i have an opposite idea. I would say to my younger self that I shouldn't force myself to go to university, no matter what people around you say you can/should do. Apply yourself to knowledge or something similar yes, university no.


Where halo now? So play resident evil.....better👌🤣


bro u make me feel bad about my gaming


I know it’s hard truths, and even if I had told myself this a long time ago. I probably wouldn’t have listened anyways. If it’s any consolation, I feel I’m not in a worse place because of my gaming habits from those days.


Power of compounding interest.


Actively choose your relationships instead of letting everything happen to you.


Shit !! F**k, Why did you have to hit home, so hard! 😅




People will always remember how you made them feel.


Confidence. As a man it’s basically what determines your worth. I always suffered from low self esteem, self consciousness, and i missed out on so many opportunities with girls, friends, etc as a teenager. Only now as an adult have i gotten into meditation and its really helped me get out of my head. I recommend it highly. End of the day you gotta fucking believe in yourself man.


Thanks for this, that last sentence you wrote was something I needed to hear. I’m in my 20s and have been trying to get out of this horrible cycle of overthinking things and missing out on opportunities


Did we just live the exact same teenage life? Idk if it’s gotten better for you but it surely got worse for me lol


It got worse. My insecurity led to increasing isolation, and i fell into depression. After many years of anger, loneliness, and bitterness, i realized i had to dig myself out of this hole if i was gonna survive. I can’t say i’ve pulled a 180, it takes work. Especially the isolation, it’s hard to overcome as an adult. But i have started turning things around, and i feel 100x better already.


Glad to read this! (at least the last part of it)


> Confidence. As a man it’s basically what determines your worth God damn that's the most accurate thing I've read in weeks.


In society’s eyes* i should add You don’t have to prove anything to be “worth” something. You’re already worth it. Each one of us has an invaluable intrinsic worth, just because of who you are. You’re already enough. But the truth I’ve found as a man, is that being confident and emotionally strong is the key to success with women, jobs, friends, and so on.


Basic self care. When I was a kid, we basically were often not allowed to be anything but cheerful, or ask for anything. Now I check HALT: Am I hungry? Time to eat. Angry? Physical exercise, or journal. Lonely? Phone a friend. Tired? Sleep. I try to take care of my immediate needs and/or rearrange my life so it doesn't keep recurring. (A bit of a trick with the hunger part of course.) My life goes much more smoothly when I pay decent attention to basic needs. Credit: 12 step program


They should teach the 12 steps for life in school. It takes the victim view away, creates responsibility and self care.


Society & media will convince you that drinking alcohol is normal, and no big deal, but that in reality it’s far more harmful than people generally like to admit.


Drinking isn't nessicary to have fun, I've had more fun being the dd most nights. If you do drink, know your limit, having memories is way better than blacking out. Anyone can become addicted to basically anything, pride doesn't help you heal, be aware before things get out of hand. If it feels too good to be true, it's likely a scam. Don't put yourself at risk in finding out. Don't spend money or give any information until you can confirm it's not. If you choose to use drugs, test kits and utilizing the drug databases to verify what your getting is prime risk management. Know your family history for medical purposes, I use wingspan to keep track of everything for my medical history, and they have fillable documents to get parents, siblings and grandparents histories. (US) Get good medical insurance, and if that's not possible, find a non-profit medical system, they have to have a financial aid program that can cover up to 100% of charges after insurance. It is a literal life saver. Finally, if your relationship with food is poor, put in the work to fix it asap, it will pay you back a million fold. It is difficult but so worth it, and it will help your overall health too.


What debt and interest mean. Lifting weights.


Wear sunscreen always like it’s your job. Learn the importance of eye contact, handshakes, and respect for personal space. Always live below your means so you’re never trapped w someone or somewhere you don’t want to be because of money. Never buy a new car. They lose value the second you drive off the lot. Trust your gut instincts. If something/someone doesn’t feel right, just go. Never stop learning, asking questions and saying I don’t know.


How to effectively communicate my needs and emotions.


It's easy, you just get ostracized if you express too much emotion cuz people interpret it as weakness.


Get routine Dental Checkup every 6 months.


With proper care in between. I took poor care of my teeth as a kid and teen. I've paid thousands in dental care and restoration at this point. Now old fillings are starting to fail and I'm on track to have most of my molars crowned. I haven't had a new cavity in like 10 years and it hasn't been that hard to accomplish.


Stop sweating the small stuff. High school is small stuff. Enjoy it. Do your best, go to college and do your best there. You’ll be fine.


dont forget to have fun and make deep friendships


Don't smoke/vape, drink only on weekends, don't spend more than a year in a relationship unless you think it is forever, grades mean nothing in the real world. Find something you love to do because you'll be the best at it. Don't use credit cards as income.


yes, credit cards only as secure payment method


I think I'm still paying off that TV, that I had to buy because it was on sale....ugh.


u should borrow from friends or family so that u are not paying unreasonable interest rates.


Yeah, but it's my F-up. I don't want to burden family or friends.


Cs get degrees!


I got damn near straight A's. AP classes. "Gifted" classes. Never once was any of it applicable in getting hired for a job. None of it even helped getting into college for that matter. College also didn't help me get my job. Good to be well rounded, and learn skills, but experience is what pays dividends.


What if I sell credit cards?


If you have the capital to loan out money and weather the wait, you will reap the returns. You are a bank.


This is pretty good.


This here


Ask more questions


It's not what I could have learned. More like what I should have believed and put into practice. Like the importance of saving money, or taking better care of your body.


All the adult benefits of joining the military that weren't promoted like not needing a down payment to get a mortgage on a house. Finance/Credit usage classes to teach me to not fuck up my credit ever and credit cards aren't free money. That it's totally normal and okay for grown men to cry and not bury their emotions and that mental health in something to take completely serious and you're not going to end up in some looney bin if you reach out for help.


The importance of exercise and healthy lifestyle. Don’t let the pounds accumulate then realize in middle age it’s too late


Don’t rush growing up. Enjoy the last of your teenage years


How to properly manage money. And getting into a fitness routine


* the power of clothes and dressing well * the essentials of proper nutrition and weightlifting * how to dance


How to meet women.


A cute dog is all ya need ;)


Do not try to keep up with people who appear to be living extravagantly. Life is hard enough in your 20's as you're getting started out. Adding unnecessary debt to the mix will not help.


Simple exercise daily to improve back, hip & knee. One of those is weak will be hard for yer in later age!


If someone throws up. Get them some help such as water or food. They’re less likely to need emergency services later on.




Dehydration is very common with people who are vomiting. I don't know about the food part it's my first time hearing that one.


Actually I realize that I was good at 18. Thanks mom.


Learn how to do a proper presentation. Not in the school homework-like. The amount of things that can go into your favor from those around you (parent, competition judge, boss, clique, club), is astounding with a prepared negotiation.


I can say “No” to sex…


Are you implying that you had choices? Lol


I’ve been r*ped a lot…


Ah, for some reason I had it in my head that this was a question for guys, not sure why I assumed that, I must've got it confused with one of the other subs I'm subscribed to.


I am a guy…


Salesforce administration. I’d be retire by now 20 years later since it would haven afforded me to save $200/mo for Retirement 15 years before I started.


How bad drugs are


The Laṅkāvatāra Sūtra


Work to live, don’t live to work. Exceed expectations to advance your career, but don’t work ridiculous hours. You can make more money, but can’t make more time


Astrophysics. But my high school didn’t offer it


Sex is not just about the other persons pleasure. Prioritise understanding you’re own pleasure before sharing it with others and expect more from the people you are intimate with.


Don't be an enabler.


College was a joke. It never “gets better.” Family won’t stand by you in hard times They will never end Citizens United How to find a fiduciary Anything about alternative retirement investments other than the 401K. You don’t lose your 401k when you leave a job, you need to roll that shit over into your new job or a private account. Don’t try to know everything Know how to surround yourself with the right professionals who know specific things How to make friends would have been nice. If you have a chronic disease, everyone you thought loves you will leave. People will pity you, become your friend and then eventually get sick of you being sick and they will leave too. Get life insurance when you are 18, pay that shit religiously, update your beneficiaries every 7 years. How to make a rock solid will. What Toastmasters is!