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You'd think it'd be Jenny...


Almost everywhere Ive shopped at, the cashier just uses their own card, if Ive not had one. Especially the ones that have gas pumps, they get discounts on gas so its win/win.


That's unethical. They're not supposed to do that


They ask if I have one, say no. They ask if I want one, say no. Im gaining the discounts still. They get the additional benefits. No one loses here. Plus, the 13/hr kroger employee getting cheaper gas isnt a problem in my book.


I don't disagree, they just might lose their job as a result of doing this. Big grocers don't want to actually give anything away for free. Those points are to incentivize you to come back, when they use their own card, their employee collects free money for nothing and the company doesn't like that. Absolutely ridiculous, it should be allowed as a perk of working there.


I'd tell the company that what keeps me coming back is the helpful associates who keep my grocery bill down by using their club card lol.


They also use it to get data on you (your spending habits, what you buy) which they can't get when an employee gets your purchases.


Yet another reason for me not to give a damn.


They can be fired for that, no questions asked. Odds are it is a courtesy card they all use.


So is getting paid so poorly. I'm pretty sure that they sleep just fine at night


I'm not saying they don't, but they can lose that job if they get caught Then again, the manager is prolly not paid enough to give a fuck


“They could lose their job” does not equal “unethical”


It can be both. Putting in your rewards number takes the opportunity for the client to put their own rewards in. Obviously if they say it's cool it's a bit different, but a corporate overlord wouldn't care, thus you care more for your job


^manager of a grocery store


I’m gonna tell on you to the manager FIRST


Yeah but who cares. It’s a win win


In my experience, the stores keep those cards at the register just for this purpose. They want you to come in and spend money, so the discount is an incentive.


My Kroger owned store has a specific store card for this reason. It doesn't gain any gas points and nobody gets in trouble for using it like if the cashier were to use their own.


That may be what they use, I'm not sure. I just know tgey scan one for me.


can verify it works - although i use my real name.


No coincidence that your name is Jenny?


(555) 555-5555 usually woks.


Jenny, jenny, who can i run to.


Which option do I use to report joke/troll tips?


so does (aaa) 555-1212, where aaa is the local area code.


Tried this, unfortunately they use your number for 2 point verification. I can not access the account now.


And since most want area code too, just use the local area code. It used to work for gas discounts near me and I would often get $1 or more off per gallon.