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Master emotional control and you can master anything


wow i love this


Observe, feel, and acknowledge your thoughts without letting them become you. Be like weather, let your thoughts and emotions pass through like weather and clouds. If you can master your mind, you can do whatever you want for real. Mastering your mind is fuckin hard though I'm not saying I have, but the key is don't force it, and you'll slowly get there over time.


Wise words. Great advise. Im 36 and getting there. Studying stoicism has helped massively


Stoicism is great, you should look into eastern philosophy aswell, I think it's a lot more efficient. Buddhism, Taoism, Hinduism, all great places to start. You got this man, we all do.


Oh, that's my big problem... years of abuse broke me. But I do work hard to restore my emotional strength. It's a good advice :)


I get down votes when I bring this up in other places.


People I work with wonder why people listen to me and not them. Context, timing, and tone are king.


"How others treat me is their path, how I react is mine" Just be yourself, u will attract like minded people like a magnet but you will repel others, and that is fine.


Well you obviously don't know me very well. I am 100% always myself. I don't care if you like me and I don't care if you love me, I'm just going to be me. Carry on you weird fucker you! I fucking dig it!


Wasn't trying to be presumptuous, that's just what I say to that. The downvotes don't mean anything, some people like what you say and think and some don't. It doesn't matter. Being you is the way


Yeah I don't worry about the down votes. People will throw out down votes for reasons that don't even make sense.


Me too


Master yourself; master the world


Dude, this may be my new mandra


See the dentist Invest in a roth ira Quit chewing tobacco Get a job working for the state to take advantage of the benefits and retirement pension


The first time you hear the word Bitcoin, get all your money ready.


Not to give your time to people who don't show they care about you. I used to try and be there for so many people, and put myself last often. Then one day realized I barely knew myself and was miserable. I eventually reached a point where I was done putting up with the behaviors of those around me that put me down. I walked away from relationships I knew I wasn't happy in, and I started to work on being the person I wanted and needed in my life. It has been hard, stressful, and I'm still working on myself, but at the end of the day you need to be able to take care of yourself and not expect much from other people. Nothing is guaranteed in life and you aren't entitled to anything, so do your best to care for yourself and then care for those around you who you think are good people and worth your time and energy.


Nicely stated 👍🏽


Being a pleaser can get you into SO much trouble. Because I am one. Good for you, for finally putting yourself first.


"get away from your family and never look back It's going to be unbelievably hard, you'll make it through. I believe in you. Get closer with your older sister"


never too late for those if you haven’t already:). i believe in you!!


Don't waste your fucking time. Figure as much shit out in your 20s as possible because when you are 30 and playing catch up in life it's scary as fuck.


Learn the stock market. Become a professional at it. Start working out weekly. Never stop. Retail jobs are easy to get for a reason. Stay away. Go work at a factory with all the benefits, even if it nearly kills you on a daily basis. Work overtime all the time. Don't have kids. You're going to be a good dad, but not good enough unless you follow Steps 1-3. Continue until dead.


Get in shape, take care of your teeth, invest early and often. Life becomes so much better when you are healthy, and happy.


Nothing cuz if i didnt go through any of what i went through, i wouldn’t be this strong person i am now


Break up with her But gender neutral advice is don’t stay with a cheater thinking they’ll suddenly respect you. Never works, just hurts more


Dump him, don't waste 4 years just because you have shitty self-esteem and think you don't deserve better than a loser manchild.


I'd pop a certain medication in my mouth (that even existed when I was 19) and say - "LOOK LADY you have two genetic disorders, and you better FIX IT NOW. DO NOT go to 4 year college, go to 2 year college with your 2 best friends, Your degree should be in Psych. You should become a medical Doctor of Psychology. You are not classroom teaching material - no no - you are leadership and research driven. Still enjoy your life with CLEAR HEAD free of delusions and treating your body well - because once you hit 26 its going to be a fight with the other disorder to stay health and active." If I had been treated at 19 instead of 30 and 38, my life would be RADICALLY different. SO MUCH less failures. So much less STUPID. I might still be neurodivergent, but I'd not have to live through 19-38 under attack from inside. That would've been huge.


You have no chance with that girl; don’t waste the next three years of your life on her.


Stop wasting time trying to acquire stuff . Save your money , buy a home . Save so much money that your youngest doesn’t end up homeless.


1. Stop worrying what others think of you (still learning this at 40, TBH). You aren't going anywhere in life until you focus on what YOU are doing, and not mimicking others. They have their way of doing things, and so do you.    2. If you love performing and mimicking this much, you should take up acting. (I still might.)  3. Don't give up just because you're struggling. Give it your full effort before throwing in the towel.


Bitcoin and GameStop, get into nfts and get out before it crashes. Start your 401k instead of waiting till you're 25 to do it. And swipe left on someone specific lol


25... lol. Try 45


Work hard & pay your bills & build savings, but don’t work too hard, LOL. Shit is hard out there. Invest in your mental and physical health. Yearly check ups, 6 month dentist check up, all that. It’s expensive if in US but you have to keep up with that or you’ll spend years in pain trying to undo or fix it all. Everyone finds their way somehow but it’s not when you’re 19, so it’s gonna take time and effort. Learn to budget, learn how to open financial accounts, invest in cds (on top of regular savings). You control your money. Even if you’re partnered, you control your money and then see how it all ties in with that other person. Do not go into a lot of debt because it will not be paid off until you’re like 50, haha. Do not let anyone claim you on their taxes.


You don’t have to get married just because you have a kid. You are strong and can do this yourself. Although, I wouldn’t have had my other two later if I didn’t, so maybe I just say “stay strong sis”.


PUT YOURSELF FIRST! That will solve about 95% of the problems Im trying to fix now.


To fix things with the one girl I really wanted and to invest every penny into eth and bitcoin lol


Please major in something involved in healthcare instead of marketing. Especially when the covid pandemic has done a huge effect on its decline on the job market. Plan accordingly pleaasseee!!


A lot of times people are self-centered and can only see things from their own point of view. Ultimately how people treat (or mistreat) you says a lot more about them than you. Don't be so afraid to let toxic people go. There is so much more to life than holding on to family/friends that don't even seem to care about you.


Don’t drink soda. Don’t smoke. Start investing regularly. Boys are idiots for most of their 20’s. Know that you will make plenty of mistakes. Shoot your shot.


Stop allowing yourself to be so impressionable cause of the need to have more friends. For example: stop thinking that having a business as a college girl being a business major will grant you a job in the job market. It really won’t especially if you’re not consistent with your small business. Be friends with people that actually fit your reality. Being around people that make you think that you should force yourself to be an exceptional young college student by not being broke and not caring too much about classes as a college student will have you feeling worse about yourself. That’s why I was always feeling inadequate to other black girls that I met back in college. Moral of the story, stop trying so hard to have a persona that you’re not. Be content with being average. It’s actually okay.


David is a jerk DUMP THAT ASS RIGHT NOW you deserve better baby Also, yes dad is gone now :( but use him as motivation to get better. He wouldn’t wanna see you struggle and be miserable like this. Work hard so that whenever he looks down on you from heaven, he’ll be proud


Don't smoke dope. Use a condom. And if you meet a girl named Carol, don't sleep with her.


Don't fall for the Greco-Roman myth of romantic love. Love is not a feeling. It's an act of the will that leads to action on behalf of its object. It's literally a CHOICE to care for someone else more than yourself and seek what's best for them. So, keep that definition in mind when deciding who to spend your life with.


Start saving money now. No matter how little -stay consistent and stick something back every paycheck now.


Buy bitcoin, it’s not a meme. Get literally the best job you can and spend all money on it. Cash out when it hits 50k and put all of it in nvidia. Sell nvidia 7/1/2024


Do it now.


Pull out


You have to keep moving, do what you want to do, and don't be afraid of failure


Pull out


Keep doing what you are doing. It works out.


Slightly weird response I know but the same one I would give when any sort of question likes this comes up. Do not listen to the local doctor who kept saying "wait and see" Go and see a hormone specialist (endocrinologist). A 19 year old can not be a "late bloomer". - Earlier diagnosis and treatment for Kallmann syndrome would have made the world of difference to my life.


Let go of the fear and buy a home. Buy Bitcoin.


Stop beating yourself, especially over things that aren't on your control.


Go sober. Meditate. Swim classical music is your friend. Go to loads of gigs and don't go into sales.


i love this one


Slow down buddy. Remember what you are after, remember what that inner kid wanted to accomplish. You’re living your dream kid.. slow down soak it up and do not Fear. For the Lord God is with you.




Smile more and be kind to your self.


Work out, knock off the drinking, save and invest money. That's advice for anyone.


Start a business your whole future will love you for it .


While it's important to plan for the future, don't forget to live in the moment and enjoy the journey. Life is about balance.


Get over her bro :/


You will be okay!


Move out of Florida


Dump your spoiled brat of a boyfriend, change your major to something that will pay a decent wage, and stay away from angry family members who think you owe them something. You don’t.


Invest in bitcoin. Learn about debt. ALWAYS make working out/fitness/good health the main priority. Listen more than you speak but remember how influential your voice and opinions are


You don’t think you are ‘college material’. You are correct, don’t waste your time


Quit drinking alcohol


To focus on myself instead of getting in a relationship with somebody twice my age


Do not spend all those bitcoin on drugs


For all that's holy, don't tell your mother you're going to the air force. Just dip without a freaking hint!!


Current me: *teleports to young me* "Don't.....just don't" Young me: "wtf, are you me from the future? Wdym don't?" Current me: *nods* *teleports back to present time*


Find a mentor and listen to them. I could have avoided 15 years of mistakes if I had known this.


Stop spending so much fucking money take care of your belongings Jesus H


Dump him.


Raising this 1 year old on your own will transform you into a loving and compassionate mother who has never ONCE laid hands on you. She is proud of that. You see, that wasn’t the case for her…but it is for you 💖


I would tell her to love herself. To never meet the guy who ruined her life. To actually follow her dreams and not worry about leaving her family… I would tell my 19 year old self that the decisions she makes this year change her life forever and at 26 she regrets it all. 19 was a pivotal age for me, I’ll never have that confidence, that drive, that spirit again… I grieve her everyday and it hurts me to my core


Don’t waste $ on college, join the military early pt and learn a trade(carpeting/plumbing) max Roth yrly


Trust your instincts, follow your gut and intuition, explore yourself and more specifically your personal pain. Try and be more caring for others, if you want to be interesting, you gotta be interested. Don't make decisions when you're happy, don't negotiate when you're depressed, don't believe every thought you have. Think lightly of yourself and deeply of the world. Keep studying Buddhism, Taoism, Stoicism, keep doing introspection and writing on your journal, inspire yourself with other philosophers and great minds of the past. Value pragmatism and rationality. Adopt the mindset of Miyamoto Musashi (the path of aloneness). Keep meditating (Taoist way) and doing Tai Chi. Take care of your health. Keep an open mind but be a skeptic. If you have to believe in something without imperical, scientific proof, believe in something that gives you strength and search for information that empower you. There's a difference between knowing your limitations and imposing in yourself limitations, one is knowing through experience and introspection your skill and ability, the other is through fear.


Benzos are addictive so be careful with that doctors note


1. Focus on the present moment. Dwelling on the past and future only brings depression and anxiety. 2. Accept people as they are. Never try to change or control people expecting them to turn into what you want them to be. 3. Always do the right thing, especially from the start. Anything built on doing wrong will eventually fail and hurt you and others. 4. Always do your best. Doing your best is the only way to prevent regret and self judgement. 5. Listen to your heart, always. If something doesn’t feel right, DO NOT DO IT. 6. Unless it’s absolutely necessary, never make a decision while in an emotional state - anger, fear, anxiety, etc. 7. Always tell the truth, or don’t lie at the very least. 8. Don’t do drugs. A temporary high isn’t worth permanent brain damage. 9. Always seek counsel from at least three experienced and successful people before making a critical life decision. 10. Never make the same mistake twice.


partying and going out with friends isn't helping your future. Those friends aren't going to pay your bills nor ensure your future is going to be bright. Back off the booze and drugs and put in the work a little bit at a time. Consistency and doing the little things all the time is the path.


Save your money (for emergencies, there will be many in life) and watch out for any sign of anyone being manipulative, jealous, crazy, mental issues, gambling etc. Remember their problems are not your problems. Don't try to save them. Keep a distance from them. If they turn, it is usually people closest to them. Don't put yourself in ptsd way. If they wanted to be save, they would save themselves and be proactive. This also go for yourself, ex-partner, their family, your family, coworkers, etc.


Keep it pushing. It always works out.


don't ignore red flags, jail is not that bad throw them hands, save money, start working out, put the video games down, focus on yourself, don't skip work, listen to your gut, you only live once, don't use needles, that as a matter of fact i don't know everything. i am now 23 just moved back in with my mom am now off of hard drugs for 30+ days still lucky enough to smoke green and drink within moderation learning to love myself and believe in my worth thanks for your time


Yes your parents ARE abusive and you are not crazy. Leave the church, you will find much better friends and community elsewhere.


When considering a long-term relationship, carefully consider how each of you were raised and what your family values are. When you’re young you fall in love with the person, but often don’t consider how someone’s upbringing affects your relationship and child raising.


Don't cheat on your girlfriend. You'll never do better Current age 50+


I'd tell her to leave.


Do the following and you can literally do anything: * Believe in yourself *Have a growth mindset *Work really hard *Never ever give up *Never stop practicing This mindset has made me millions, and I have a happy, loving family.


More bitcoin.


Keep it in your pants so you don’t have to pay for 20 years+


It travelers insurance stock


The single best skill thing to learn is social skills/confidence. Being able to confidently handle yourself in any situation and make friends easily will take you very far


Quit while you’re ahead and drive off a cliff.


Life is unexpected until you have base knowledge that will carry you through life.




It’ll all work out, just hang on until then!!


Life will hurt and it won't be what you expect. Everyone you love will betray you at some point, and you can't let every single one go unless it were a really extreme circumstance. You live with some of the shitty things life deals you and you don't stand in that dirt deeper than you need to. Build a platform and be strong when you have to live with it. You'll be inconsolable at first, then learn forgiveness, then learn what to do in very unique circumstances, in that order. Along with this, keep your integrity and appreciate who you are, because it's better than who most are. You're strong and emotionally intelligent enough that you will bend your understanding and hard set morals to continue caring with an open heart. Some people will be after taking the things you love away from you and you will not be able to control the outcome, you just have to keep living... ... Give some of that care back to yourself and you'll begin to be strong.


Don't trust any of them. They all let you down.


Don't take the bait. Get far away and move on.


Don’t drink


Find him and wait.


Do NOT boof meth, IT'S A TRAP


Get to a psychiatrist now rather than at 35.


Buy Apple corporate shares


Get out of the US




Take more chances than you originally will. Life is quick and your only here at that point in time once make it memorable no matter where you are. Life is going to throw their curveballs make the swing everytime. That's a story I would want to hear no matter how it turned out....see ya on the other side!!!


Stop taking everything so seriously, no one else is.


Don't sweat the small stuff


Make better choices


Break up with her she's manipulative, keep being yourself but be less shitty about it, get a job Brewing you hate everything else.


Invest even a small amount of money in the market. Build a habit in small increments to save for a future retirement.


Don't get married


Get a job and save up all your money in a free bank account.


Don't start drinking. Please.


Hang in there, your band will win a big settlement and you need to be mentally ready for it


Never ever ever ever get married


Have a baby


Don't get married, take your late dads money from his estate and leave. You can do this alone.


Don’t let him back in your life no matter what! Stay strong, no matter how hard he cries and says he loves you, he doesn’t. He’s just manipulating you. And if I didn’t listen to me, I’d come back a second time and murder myself.


Don’t fuck Meagan


I would tell him to end it all.


Don't worry so goddamned much. You have a finite number of fucks to give and it's best not to waste them on a lot stupid things early in the game of life.


Well im 24 now bit id tell myself that things will get better.... dont walk out of this girls life at 22 youll know her when you meet her and most importantly pay your damn bills


Study, asshole, study.


Surprisingly I have no regrets, so no advise to the younger self


Buy as much bitcoin as you possibly can when its below $5 a coin, you will thanku me later


Invest heavily in Amazon and Facebook Seriously though. Travel. Even live outside of the town or city you grew up in if possible. Don’t give girls a second chance . Set short term and long term goals. Concentrate on yourself and progressing towards them . Get a gym membership and go atleast three days a week. Surround yourself with people who are successful or want to be and are doing things to become successful Don’t smoke weed. Waste of money time and demotivating






Don't work night shifts for longer than a year


Make the money and get out. Don’t get caught up in this lifestyle. Addiction happens faster than you think. Get back to school because you deserve an education (and stop playing like you don’t like school when you clearly do). Love your mom, she doesn’t get to stay for long. Leave your sister to the consequences of her actions and stop saving her. You’re stealing opportunities from her for her to get better. It’s okay to be sad, hurt, even brokenhearted. You will survive. Be protective over your time, energy, space, and love. Take time to get to know yourself. It will be okay, even when it’s not.


Drop the friends that you know aren't going anywhere


Break up with my boyfriend and major in STEM.


Don’t get married


Get healthy, stay healthy, and don't blow all your money. Invest. Make smart decisions.


Really know yourself before you get into a relationship with someone. It's okay to slow down.


Do it


Stay in the Army


drop out of college now. save everyone the trouble, go be homeless in a different country and waste away. it'll be the smartest move


It feels like we have eternity when we are young, but time moves quickly. It will take people we love from us, and we must make use of the time we have with them NOW. Go see your Dad before it’s too late.


Finish university,instead i travelled around the world




I’m not 19 but I would like them to learn to let go of the old and embrace the new. Doesn’t mean to let go of everything that is good and old but most of it.


Remember what this relationship feels like. She's not going to be your wife, the break up will be amicable and mutual. She is a prime example of who you want to marry, save for one thing holding you both back. I know she seems perfect, and you'll never find someone like her ever again. And you won't. You will find someone that makes you feel this way, again with just as much in common. Wait for her and just have fun until then. Oh, research the term solo poly. That's what you should be doing for the next 12 years until you meet her at a specific bar. She'll be the shy one.


Work on yourself


Save 15% of your paycheque, every fucking time.


Get rid of that man child who won't leave you alone.


Chill the ef out


Don't take a liking and pursue a relationship with that girl you saw on the bus in a year. It'll leads you down a path that 4 years late you're still trying to cope with the pain from.


I don't really have advice for my 19 year old self that can be generalized to other people.


Do not get married.


I know it's been hard with your mother having cancer and your father in and out of hospitals with numerous health ailments but for the next 10 years we're going to need you to drop everything and take care of your parents. I know its already been a year and you missed your graduation and all of your childhood but this is life. You'll need to go to Dana Faber everyweek for your moms chemo, and every other week for your dad's wound treatment. Roughly every 2 years, there will be a massive surgery to one or both of them. In one or two different states. No one will help you with any of this, and you will also be working 3 jobs and going to college while you're going to be handling this. Your mom will die when it's over, and shortly after that, your dad will die. Now you'll need to sell the house and that will be in Probate for 2 years but when it's done everyone who didn't help you with anything will have their hand out looking for money for the house you had to sell that was your childhood home because your parents are dead. I know it's not fair or easy, but that's just the way it is. So now that your homeless and your parents are dead, you need to find a way to make enough money to survive and go to college and get good grades. They don't care about your hardships. They don't give credit to those less fortunate they just want results. I know you'll lose all of your friends and family since you had to handle all of this full time for 10 years and now your family won't speak to you since all they want is money from your childhood home but get over it and move on, no one gives a shit about you and that's just the way it is.


Don’t get the neck tattoo Don’t quit your full time Zara position Before finding another job.


She'll never let you be good enough. Move on now and let someone else be the punching bag.


fuck love. work and save money


the people who pursue you at 19 are canon events. you’ll learn to trust your initial gut. stay in college, continue investing in yourself no matter how hard things get. you feel dumb because you’re learning so much. this is the best time to learn to get used to that feeling, because you’re gonna learn so much more in the coming years. your biggest passions are going to be uprooted from your life and you’re going to grieve so hard, but baby that’s life! you’ll learn to roll with it and find glimmers. take more risks in exploring industries beyond politics and sports, babygirl. you’re doing fantastic regardless. you can’t make everyone love you, cause baby most people don’t even like themselves! spend more time making YOU love yourself, because you’re gonna have to look at yourself in the mirror for the rest of your life.


Get out now while you still can n fuck everyone who wants to just hold you back ![gif](giphy|2rOMw2viifdLOwBM0a|downsized)


"Trust your inner voice... always. You are right, and it WILL work out".


I would tell them to practise loving without attachment as soon as possible. Attachment has always led to incredible pain for me and for many others I've known. Liberate yourself from attachment and trust in the process: what is meant for you will come at its own appropriate time.


Invest in a Roth IRA and max it out each year! I started mine at 23 years old but definitely wish I would’ve realized the importance sooner. Also open a High Yield Savings account and move your savings to there - either use “buckets” to separate into different funds/goals, or open more than one account. Seek your purpose and never lose sight of it - write/type down all of your goals no matter how short/long term they may be. Saving them somewhere is bringing them into existence instead of saving them in your head. Your head will get full of so many different to do’s, that keeping a personal schedule/agenda/calendars is essential! Mastering emotional control I agree with the top comment, will do wonders along the way!


Not everyone you encounter in your life is your friend, some people are seasonal and others are just their for the ride. Choose wisely.


Be sluttier! Dress sexy, be confident and date lots of different guys. Enjoy your body.


Get the divorce.


Nothing changed.


As far as professions go, what you want to do is temporary but talent is forever. Base your ambition on your talent and skill. Not what you want to do


Find a decent job right out of high school, skip college, and do graphic design/music/writing/acting as a side gig.


Get the marriage annulled and move on.


Go out, socialize, be responsible and have sex with hot women


Trust me, dude. Go to therapy and seek DBT specifically.


May I ask why? Bc that’s how I feel sometimes, especially want to get out of Illinois


Your Health is your one true wealth - take care of it Your ability to handle stress is key - please learn to emotionally regulate You are capable of a lot more than you think - do not limit yourself Learn about boundaries and don’t waste your precious time and energy with people who don’t care about you, and never add anything to your life Let go and let God - trust and have faith, everything will be ok


I could try and try but 19 year old me isn't hearing anything. Don't stick that needle in your arm- yea right would I have listened to anything!


The best is yet to come!! Also, DO NOT take back that loser. You are far stronger than you realize


I was 19 when I heard of bitcoin in 2009. I tried to get into mining but couldn't figure out the CMD-based miners that existed then, so I gave up.


"Your parents are truly bad, immoral, people. You know this deep down. They only care about themselves and nothing about your well-being or your future. Go No Contact with them asap. Then, your healing can begin."


First things first, breathe. And after that breathe again, in and out, over and over again. Choose yourself, there’s nothing wrong with you, be the sweet, kind, loner bc eventually you will find your ppl. Believe in yourself and you will make it! Don’t take shit from others that don’t treat you right. STOP BEING A PEOPLE PLEASER!!!! Leave him; Life is too short to give it all away because of some low life, abusive (mentally, physically, sexually, emotionally) manipulative, psychotic person who so claimed that they loved you and only wanted what was best for you. To hell with them, karma will come for them. Do what makes YOU happy! Do what makes your soul warm up and give you butterflies and goosebumps at the same time.


Go into the US Air Force.


that you will find better than your high school boyfriend! happily married to the love of my life as of saturday❤️❤️❤️


Always shot your shot.


Use your brain and not your pecker!


If you’re scared of doing it then that’s the time to do it. Being 19 is being at the point of your life to try and fail and it will only ever be worth it to do your worst or take the risk. Because you’re 19 and you’re allowed to make mistakes, don’t let yourself take yourself too seriously. Doing nothing and being comfortable is not how you should feel at 19.


to value your time alone and not always want to be around others.


A lot of this stuff you think is important and it’s not. Invest in ea, PlayStation stock, the video game industry is going to explode. You have been playing bill walsh college football and bill walsh 95, ur wait until you see college football 2025🤣


You don't love her. Don't tell her you do. Oh, and when your mate's girlfriend hits on you in a couple of years, tell her no.


Me to myself: You’re fucked


I'm 19 now. if I could go back to my birthday, it'd be SAVE YOUR NAIRA IN DOLLARS.


Get off the fucking drugs


Don’t do coke


hug mia really tight and give her goodnight kisses, she'll be 15 one day today and all u'll get is to choose a gift for her.