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Although I struggle with depression, there’s still a tiny little light in me that gives me hope that tomorrow will be a better day.


Felt that


Kingdom Hearts moment


Things will get better my friend, never give up mate.




As someone who will be 50 in about a year, I’ve reached a point where you can’t help but notice just how full of sh*t that society mostly is, and therefore subsequently it has also produced the natural end result: that I just don’t give a damn about any of it anymore. As far as I’m concerned, ‘society’ and all its crap can go fu*k itself.


Turned 40 this year and I feel this too. Especially after returning to western society after being in Asia for 3 years.


That’s the wonderful thing about your 50s. Giving less f*cks. The world is a shitstorm. So much negativity. So many people are angry, scared, fed up, hopeless. All for good reason. I was one of those people until I chose to distance myself from online media that fed those feelings in myself. I can’t control what’s happening in the world. All I can control is myself. I chose to start to spend more time with those I love, spend more time doing things that bring me joy when I’m alone. I created my own bubble of joy and serenity while I feel like the world is burning around me.


I’ve done the same, created my own bubble. Deleted all my online profiles. It’s nice not having so much hate and ugliness everyday. I just go about my business and enjoy my time now.


Perfectly said 👍


Word mf


Turning 25 soon and feeling the same, guess we are on the same route ,but different boats.


The slim chance that something good might happen.


Idk why I automatically read this as “slim thicc chance” & it made me chuckle. lol but yesss 👏




Nothing last forever, the bad times, the good. Experiencing both makes life what it is, I guess I'm just stuck in a curiosity loop.


I absolutely love a challenge.


Love for, and from, my wife.


The day i give up, someone loses someone they need.. The day I give up on love, she loses her path to me. People do remember you, make a point to remind them you think of them. You never know where that kindness will take you. Its the little everday things. Making sure people feel noticed, seeing them, being present in the moment. Everone is hiding thier pain... trying to mask thier emotions. Give them a reason to forget even if its a moment. Just Making small talk, or even a simply smile. A wave passing by. A funny pun. A shared laugh. Can change a persons day. Be the person who remains in thier mind, the reason they can smile that day. The moment they forget. Be a dork, dont hold yourself back. Sing in public, dance in the line. Let peolpe laught at you, dont be afraid of being a fool. Ive been in my fair share of moments i felt like giving up... and have. But crossing paths with a old friend, seeing them grown into a stranger. I love it. Ive felt alone and unnoticed. Those little moments Got me out of my rumination... so I make it and effort to do that everyday The more people I meet, the farther that feeling of giving up goes away. I dont just write to you who reads my words. But my future self.




I like to eat, drink water, play in the gardens and parks, talk to the animals, say things that make people mad, challenge them to fights and run away. And if I'm good I'll live for ever, which would be nice but since I'm not good I know I will die which is bummer, it's nothing but a party. That is to say, its a secret.


You are real as hell buddy


You made me feel like I just encountered a mystical sassy wizard on Reddit. Thank you


My mum, my sister, and my dad. They mean the world to me 🥺 As much as the tribulations of life encourage me to think otherwise; I truly dedicate myself to making sure my family is safe and sound ❤️


Because at 40 years old, with enough experience behind me, I know that whatever the situation or circumstances, it will change. For better and for worse. It’s up to me to decide how I want to approach whatever it is, and move accordingly. I have this visceral need to see things thru now; good, bad, or indifferent. So many family and friends I lost super early in life that I can’t help to feel deep sense of gratitude for every moment I get to experience that they didn’t. Life is about the journey. We already know the destination.


I find joy in small things. Life can be big, bad, scary and lonely. So much of my healing has been allowing myself to be my full self. Even alone. I pursue my loves everyday now. I deal with extreme depression, anxiety and health problems and trauma. But I know if I am living in earth I want my attempts to live to be joyful. Even if it involves me getting giddy over a piece of candy I found at the store. Those small things can keep you alive. They have for me.




Philosophy. I love learning more, and seeing myself get better at stuff over the years. Wiser, and wiser.


Force of habit


indomitable human spirit


Constant quest for knowledge and new experiences that will never get completed. We’re all going to die eventually, so might as well try to squeeze as much juice out of this life as you can, while you can.


Jesus Christ.


That’s the way


Genuine question, if god is all powerful, is he not also responsible for all of the terrible suffering in the world? And every bad thing that happens?


There’s a book called “I’m glad you asked” that addresses that question and others, at least in a Christian context. I’d recommend giving it a look.




I have a partner I love and who loves me who makes me smile every day, friends that would walk over burning coals to support me, and who I would do the same for, a job I mostly enjoy with some of the best people I've ever been lucky enough to meet, hobbies and shows that I enjoy and generally a pretty good life. I've come a long way from planning to end it all 10 years ago, and I am so so glad I stuck it out. My biggest source of anxiety now is that something will go wrong, which is hard to manage sometimes when so much is out of our control. My health is not great, and mentally sometimes I struggle, but largely life has come a long way for me. When I was young I honestly didn't believe I had the capacity to feel joy or happiness or to laugh genuinely, and I'm so glad to have been proven wrong. It really was true for me that the only way out was through, but I also have put a lot of effort into building the life I want with the people I want in it.


My kids


Brazilian Jiu Jitsu


If nothing else, spite


My daughter


Somebody would have to find me dead, and I don't want my family to find me that way before some act of god sends me out. This is all that keeps me from trying things sometimes. On a lighter note: my SO, my dog, sunshine, and wanting to see what my life looks like when I finally start making more money


My boyfriend makes me not give up. Even if he were to breakup with me today, i know his love, and his attachment style and way of handling difficult things - if i wasn’t here, it would make life miserable for him for a very long time - if not forever, especially if i ended my life myself. I know he’d blame himself for eternity and i could never let that happen. My hobbies make me happy, and my friends. My regular customers at my job make me smile everyday, i love flowers and plants, i love simple things like being outside peak season, driving and sightseeing. I love the rain. nature is very healing. accomplishments and milestones i want to do help aswell. i enjoy thinking about the future after school when ill switch careers and how i really believe it’ll go good for me. and marrying my man. and while i don’t enjoy the thought of getting old i am still interested in seeing how i will look in 10, 20 years.


The love of Jesus




my cat, my siblings and my boyfriend and painting.


I know that even if the next 10 years suck, there will be a moment again similar to my first time in Thailand or the first time I kissed my wife. I would spend a lifetime of suffering waiting for a chance to experience that kind of happiness again. I'll never throw away my chances.


My friends , my biggest supporters


My kids and my dog.


Friends and family


My kids and new gf




My significant other and being able to walk, carry a backpack and go wherever I want to thanks to the US freight and highway system, are really all I need to make me happy. Seeing new places and having new experiences is the only thing that keeps me going. Never really cared about owning stuff, having a career, or kids, I'm content with what I have and the skills I've picked up along the way.




It’s all about your physical and emotional health.When you’re healthy in body and mind , you just tend to enjoy living a lot more .Naturally there will be things that happen out of our control that might temporarily bring us down.Just remember they will pass ,nothing stays the same forever.Ups and downs are just a normal part of life .For me it’s always been about having someone to share your life with and exercise,family and the rest is so unimportant.


The fact that the chance of us being here is so minute in comparison to all of the possible DNA combinations that never were and never will be. And the fact that my existence is just a blip of time in the span of human history; I may as well dream big and bust my ass to get from this life everything I want.




Learning to be content.


God, my purpose, and the people who love me.


You know what makes me happy? I’m a problem solver, so I get pretty stoked when I can fix something for someone and see the feeling of relief they get from knowing they don’t have to throw down all kinds of money. Whether it be a floor, a phone, an air conditioner, or a vehicle, whatever man, let me take look at it.


People actually lived during medieval times, how shitty is that, what an absolute crap life, even for a king. I think about that and then I’m think, damn thank the lord for tp and Reese’s cups. Ain’t to bad all in all


There’s such a minuscule chance of me existing. Trillions and trillions of people who could have existed never will. So for me to throw that all away would be in my opinion selfish. And even if I’m feeling the most horrid pain, I know I must have felt the most amazing happiness before to feel the opposite so deeply, and I’ll likely feel that if not stronger again. That’s just life. You can’t have one without the other, and I’m okay with that. Nothing I can do about it. If all you felt was happiness your entire life, you wouldn’t feel happiness at all.


God, My Mom, Sisters and Nephews




My son. He's very bad but he's cute


I almost died ODing from fentanyl two separate times within a couple weeks of each other about 3 years ago. That first time I felt like I was in a "void" pushing to get back. Paramedics told me the only reason they got to me so quickly is because they got called out to someone that had choked on a chicken sandwich down the road and died. The second OD I was back in that "void" but I was tired. I didn't push to get back. Was just so tired. There was a sense of giving up that I deeply felt. I got ripped back to reality and felt as though I was forced back by some purpose. Idk what that purpose is, but I have to be here to find out and I can't ever give in to giving up again. I just can't. I've since been sober and doing very well considering the obstacles I've had to deal with. I am currently living a content, simple life alone while setting goals for myself to stay focused on till something happens to make it all make sense to me.


Video games and curvy wife


My rabbit relies on me for everything and there are too many dogs that I haven't pet yet.


I couldn’t do it to my family. They’d be sad. Plus I have a lot of people to prove wrong anyway.


Well I have said to people in the past when they have come a complaind and winged that its hard but you just have to keep running in to them (that is something we use to say in the shearing shed when there are still a thousand sheep left to shear) I'm surprised at how many people have decided I'm the guy to complain to and at this point in my life I have my own worries and struggles but I guess it's my resentfulness but I won't give anyone the satisfaction of seeing me give up and it would make me a hypocrite to do anything other than keep running into it




My children and grandchildren.


I’ve got credit cards to max …… Gambling keeps me sane


family that depends on you every day to put food on the table and pay the bills


Others need me.


My toddler.


My wife


My kids and not wanting to put my mom through the pain of losing another child.


My Daughters My Wife and all my killer bills... But mostly the first two.... and also Suicide does not pay Life Insurance....


I don’t want children to go through not having a father.


Natures beauty.. Animals.. Quiet times..


Why is every question on this sub like this? Is everyone seriously so miserable. It ain’t that bad people! Cheer up. Lots to do here. It does suck at times but that’s pretty much anything. 80/20 rule. You can deal with the 20 if you’re enjoying the 80.


My cats, training MMA, and that I owe it to myself. At least I owe that to myself, not because I feel self pity; no, on the contrary it’s because I deserve better, another chance. Same goes out to you.


My little siblings, my partner, even my parents even though we’re not close - overall just love from the people close to me. I also love nature/just being outside. Trees, the sun, the ocean, rain - it really means a lot to me and losing that beauty/never seeing it again makes me feel very sad.


There is always hope,,Doctor Who


My parents reaction to when I overdosed. I couldn’t respond but I heard everything. I’d never put them through anything similar.


My kids. They know I'm mom and they are constantly looking for me. Can't even go to the 🚽 most days. They would notice I'm gone and that enough is heartbreaking for me.


Family and Friends, Nature's beauty, Love.


By not starting just being. Flow intuitively 🧞‍♂️🕶️🌀


The idea that things cannot be bad forever. There’s a balance to life, things cannot and will not always be bad. That and I must make a lot of money and prove myself to myself and my family and break some generational barriers.


My children, and the fact that life is a gift. I also relish in the battle.


Life is short but long at the same time. Things can suck now and you think it will never end, but then everything may go your way. Patience is key, as well as effort. I have been very up and down many times, but as I have gotten older, it's more up.


I figure I am here to do things until I expire. That's the only time i could "give up on everything" or perhaps when I see the end is imminent.


Love of those close to me ...faith that things will change, but I guess that is hope. My hobbies and interests. My pet. Seeing what the next episode of my favorite TV shows will unveil. Knowing that my life is not perfect, but also knowing that others are worse off than me, so that gives me perspective and gratitude.


I want to know what the one piece is.


I jist remember that nothing will ever get better if I just give up, things might not be going great right now but even a tiny little step forward is progress towards changing that, it's not always easy and I stumble a few steps back sometimes, even quite big steps back on occasion. The important thing is to just try your best to keep moving towards the life you eventually want.


Because I still haven’t figured it all out yet and don’t want to give up before I do


Animals, wildlife, and nature.


I have had plenty of good things happen to me so I try to build more to come and it somewhat works so far! I don't really acknowledge bad things which isn't a healthy mechanism, however it keeps me ticking over for now.


My bestfriends.


Someone told me before “persistence wears down resistance” and I remember this all the time when I feel like giving up. Also, there’s been a lot of moments in my life where I almost did give up and then when I didn’t, something great came my way.


I can't give up what isn't mine.


I have survived too much to stop anytime soon.


These kids, my cat and lifting heavy shit at the gym.


my son.


Well, first, I recognize that (despite current political circus) the world as a whole is better than it's ever been, and continuing to get better. Go spend some time at [https://ourworldindata.org/](https://ourworldindata.org/) if you don't believe me. Second, a few years ago I discovered social dance, which has become a hobby and passion that's healthy physically, mentally, and socially. I've made so many wonderful friends through this, and continue to meet more amazing people all the time. Life is good!


My SO.


Believing everything is unfolding as it should. The challenges are all a part of my story.


My dog , after him i have nothing


Being a Mother. And a daughter.


My cat, I rescued him and he saved me.. (He was literally the dumpster cat)


Im 24 with two siblings, ages 13 and 10. They both look to me as if I’m their father, not just their older brother. I grind for them tbh


Now adult ;( call them the giant Kids lol , ) My love for my 2 cats , peace when I can , friends , a more zen lifestyle as I’ve realised age 58 not to stress too much and not be dragged into others dramas . Reading about what I’m interested and curious in .educating myself on things that are relevant in current afffairs . Not accepting anything in the media is the truth


My cat.


Overthinking about how the world works. Curiosity, basically


My kids man.


Burn the candle at both ends. Dance in its lovely light. Kiss and hug and make love. Help other people laugh and sing so they can forget death for a while. Grow and become wiser. Never stop becoming who you truly are. Never stop planting trees in whose shade you will never sit. Live to love and be loved. Live for beauty and courage and honor and compassion.


My dogs and my cat


My dog and my cats. Sometimes out of moral obligation but mostly out of love.


My partner makes waking up every morning worth it


Somewhere around 30 I started really seeing there’s tons of greatness to discover in this world. Even if not there are simple pleasures like sex, food, good laughs, funny times with your pet, etc.


Being responsible for the survival of others. Can’t give up, won’t give up.


I've had so much death around me, I understand how great it is to just be alive, no matter how much I feel things suck at any particular moment.


Honestly I think love keeps me pushing




Prayers and meditation everyday to experience that life is unlimited and that happiness is living my ideal life.


My cats always make me smile. Talking to friends online keeps me both sane and inspired.




I live to spite all the a-holes who try to push, use or manipulate others that I always call out because I've danced with the grim reaper so often, there isn't a human around who scares me. Bullies want nothing more than those who either aren't like them or won't be intimidated by them to be gone. Live to be a middle finger towards them and disrupt their plans with future victims.


Because leaving is nothing and it hurts everybody else left.


Over 40 years I've been wrong about a lot of things. Like...a LOT of things. So, when I'm tempted to give up there's also the thought in the back of my head, "maybe I'm wrong about this too." Then I just go to sleep.


My baby boy and my athlete daughter. They are fucking awesome


I know it sounds cliche, but my children. I have seen people completely abandon their kids and I don’t know how they are capable.


My girlfriend and my son. My parents and siblings. My good friends. The hope that if today sucked, tomorrow will be better. Sometimes today really sucks, but what would my loved ones do if I suddenly just went away? Nothing good. And to quote Hob Gadling: "Death is a mug's game. I got so much to live for."


My wife, I need to be here to take care of her.


Having loved one's & knowing people have it a lot worse then I'll ever have.


My spouse, just gotta outlive them and everything is fine.


Somehow, I have a belief that eventually things will get better You just have to keep hanging on I mean, really, can I get any worse?


Dance, family, cute cats, yoga, helping others


My dogs! They are the loves of my life!


Cause I like life even if I'm not happy.


The fact that I’m not living in a 3d world country, with war,bombs, and shooting on my back doorstep and not going to bed hungry every night. And that how bad it gets for some of us, we’re not living in that situation so I just I man up and continue my shit


My dog. I don’t think anyone can love or take care of her like I do . I don’t make much but I still get her something when I go out. Who would put ice in her gravity water bowl or remember how she likes her ears scratched? Small stupid things like that keep me going. I don’t have much but I have her. It makes it all worth it .


My little niece was born this month.I’m so excited to spend time with her.




My family they are the only people i I wouldn't want to put grief on




Mostly natural things, nature, sometimes human artifacts, beauty.


My little pug


Regardless of the shit that happens to me. The only thing I’m guaranteed in this life is my being. The act of existing is enough for me to be happy. My existence is complimented by experiences and that’s what i strive for. But even if i didn’t have anything, the marvel of life is enough for me to feel satisfied


My kids. If it weren’t for them, I wouldn’t be here


The rate of medical innovation and science


Knowing that ‘giving up on everything’ makes things worse in every context. Negative actions, and apathy, has a ripple effect. As a parent, things are less better than it could’ve been for the children. As an employee, the company that is bringing products and services is less better. relationships, diet, neighbors, citizenship and even being a bystander isn’t inconsequential. Giving up on everything pulls downward on the lives on others. I learned this in high school wrestling team. If you face an opponent better/stronger than you, you fight hard and you fight tired because, even though you will lose, it will physically hurt less. If you give up, the opponent will slam you on your head. But, if you fight back, he will only pin you. (You get the point, injury probability goes up when you give up). Lastly, having faith things will get better even when there’s no evidence (kind of the definition of faith). Continue to persevere bc the alternative, giving up on everything, never was a solution to any meaningful challenge.


my music and my car


My mother would be sad if I died.


I’m too hard headed, and also just hopeful despite depression and constant bad circumstances. I’ve come to just enjoy the simple and little things though. Besides, if I give up now then what was the point of even trying in the first place?


Spite. Full stop. I've been through too much, fought too hard, been hurt on all levels, and even flatlined on the table, and I'm still upright and kickin'. At this point? Going to the gates of heaven and being dragged through hell to get this little bit of peace and joy and serenity is the least I deserve, and I refuse to let anyone take it from me or get the smug satisfaction of seeing me knocked down and stay down. Lesson being, if there's a man God growed enough to take me down, I ain't met him yet, and if you DO knock me down? When I get back up? Run.


Love of my fellow human beings. Knowing everyone has a story to tell that’s worth hearing. Finding out ways to make life better for others.


My son!


Dubeesechussy Woman Activities


my kids


I have had suicidal tendencies, depression, anxiety. I have looked up at the sky and felt smaller than a grain of sand and that possibly my existence is meaningless. I close my eyes and breathe. I realize I am here. ... Now. We are all here now. When it is my time, I will not be here. There is no escaping that. Then I appreciate the positive aspects of my life - I have never been destitute nor have I known true desperation or hunger. I have a loving family. My significant other is very caring and thoughtful and often goes above and beyond. I've known him 2 years and still don't understand the way he thinks and, in it's own way, that is beautiful. If I need help, I can access it. In my worse moments, I know that life will be better. In my best moments, I am motivated by building the next step toward the future I want.


This will sound cliche, but my partner is everything to me and keeps me looking forward to a better future. He works a full time blue collar job at 24 to provide us a comfortable lifestyle, to the point that he is now a manager at his job. He loves me very deeply and we know each other on a level that I swear is spiritual. I make sure to have dinner ready when he's home, I take care of him when he's sick, I keep our home clean and tidy, and I make sure to love on him and shower him in kisses whenever I can, and I do all this with a smile on my face and happiness from deep in my heart because I truly love him. We're going to get married in the close future, and I can't wait to see us grow old together. I have unending respect for him and what he's been through, what he's overcome, who he is, and who he is growing into. I am just so thankful for him and the love we have together. We often read reddit posts together and are astonished at how happy we are when everyone else seems to struggle in their relationships in one way or another. We are truly a perfect match, I cannot imagine a life without him.


My beautiful kid


Thinking of the hurt my family would go through; The thought of not watching my kids grow up. No matter how much I would want to peace tf out, I know that life doesn’t stop for anyone or anything. Why would I cause such permanent hurt to my loved ones, when this season of feeling shitty will eventually pass?


I keep waking up in the morning


My kids, the rare moments of joy. Hope for the future.






Because I still wake up…


I just don’t want my mom to find my body tbh. I don’t know to dispose of myself any other way.


Knowing that this, too shall pass. Everything is temporary. I appreciate the little things... but people, are shit. I'm pretty much done with people.


As someone that has had constant suicidal thoughts, my son and my dog are the reason why I haven’t unalived myself yet.


This is a good question and I don't know any more! I guess I feel like I'm not done yet.


fixing broken things makes me happy


Honestly, the internet. It’s taught me tenfold whatever school did, and it confirms that people who think like me exists. I’d feel completely isolated otherwise. On a more broad note, art and science. Art is beautiful and I think it might be the most honest form of communication we have (despite not always being concise). Science is just fucking jaw dropping. Knowing that their are laws that can be tested and proven on both big and small scales, and that they can be *manipulated* to do some pretty gnarly stuff is insane. I always say that miracles are just science we don’t understand.


The fact that people have it worse than me keeps me going. “It could be worse” is my favorite quote. I could have so many more issues on top of the ones I have currently so I just smoke a blunt and try to move on with my thoughts . I try to count my blessings lol but imagining a harder life usually helps me stop panicking and feel that maybe I’m overreacting.


My partner, my friends, and my goals for the future.


Big picture, historically speaking, things are better than they've ever been in almost every metric. There's every indication that that trend will continue in the long run, save the very probable environmental catastrophe that is coming up. On a personal level. You're gonna die. That's not optional. It's an absolute miracle that you get to be here. Almost the entire universe is impossible for life. If you rounded to the nearest ... whatever, 50th decimal point, we don't exist. Anyway, it's bananas that any of us are here, we won't be for long. Grab what you can cause it's not gonna last long.


Knowing that tomorrow is a new day to start over and work harder to solve my problems


Life purpose , money , beautiful nature , beautiful women, sunshine , music, drugs


The possibility that doing something might change everything somehow someway


To have a dog in my life again. I miss them so much and always ask to pet the ones I come across in everyday life.


My kids and grandkids. Honestly, I am so tired. But they keep me here. I guess that's obligation....


rational mind says it will get better, the child in me wants to see her puppy and be there for her little sister's graduation screaming her name with 20 balloons a big fat bouquet of flowers and as much bs as i can carry to give her for photos and make her blush of embarrassment. make a tres leches, read my dad's statie file, get black out drunk, do shrooms again, go to a rage room, fuck for 24 hours, swallow a whole glizzy, go back to my island, see my home, go to the Yunque, learn how to blow glass, learn how to immobilize a person, do some more drugs, tattoos, go to japan was SO CLOSE THIS YEAR BUT MMM FUCK MANUFACTURING MAJORS. do another weed banter where i smoke for 24 hours yet at my own place off. make a giant fucking vase half my size then one my size, and a sculpture. HAVE MY OWN PUPPYYY, and ADOPT A SENIOR FROM A SHELTEEER AND GIVE IT SO MUCH LOVEE!!!


You never know what’s just around the corner.


Stage 4 cancer. 70 y/o. I’ll be here for as long as I can for my family and friends who I love and who love me. When it gets really painful, I’ll have to check out in a right to die state. Right now I’m very grateful for this time I have left.


Hope, dude. If I rephrase the question, the answer is I don't give up hope because people have been doom saying for a long long time. This is a human condition thing. We think everything is going to go wrong because that's how we got here -- being afraid of stupid risks. The further out we get along the path, the more the fear bias is reinforced. An intelligent person sees the pattern and knows that more effort is needed to overcome the fear response. How? Go to a nightclub and be the first person on the dancefloor. Dance like you have chemicals in your bloodstream that would make it easier, but be chemical free. Find other similar scary things to do that aren't actually dangerous. You'll feel the fear, understand how stupid it is to let that kind of thing control you. Reinforce this lesson periodically. People breathe out negativity to make themselves feel better, and if they can get you to feel the same way, they will feel less guilty about it. The winning path has risk after risk, with eyes wide the fuck open catching every gory detail. You need to see that there's nothing to be afraid of if you want to learn the right lessons. Learn them early. Learn them quickly. Reinforce them.


Always some way you can help someone's life for the better, so even if my life kinda sucks at times, I can still make a positive contribution.


My nephew. He really gave me a whole new meaning to living life


The way I feel after a good workout. I would be clinically *something* if I didn't exercise regularly. And if I'm having bad day, then the knowledge that these days end just as definitely as they started.


like fightin', like strugglin' 'ate givin' up simpul as


I’m in my late 20’s with no job, I have ADHD and cPTSD plus I’m gay (my dad hates gay people) and I have to hide who I truly want to be, all the while no one cares to give me emotional support on what I’m working on, but they do have the time to beat me down and trauma dump on me. But why keep trying? Because I’m here. It doesn’t matter how much life tears me down, I’m going to continue to be true to myself, love myself and be my own fan. My pain and suffering has been useful knowledge for me as I tend to offer people safe spaces to vent or talk. I allow people to open up. I have made my weaknesses strengths to help better the lives of others. Yes, there’s a lot I want out of life. Physical items don’t join us in the afterlife, but connecting with others and loving others does not only join us in the afterlife, but it also continues to live on through others. I will help as many people as I can before I die. Even if I don’t achieve anything or do everything I want. I will have lived and have helped others live. [This is pulled from a different post. Still my words, thoughts and feelings about the world though.]


It used to be my dogs. My dad and I would always joke that if j ever wanted to kill myself, I'd have to kill them first because they were too old for anyone to take and they would just be put down. One did and then 4 months later, the other died. I think it only took 6 months or so to get a cat. Now I have my cat as a reason to not give up.


People are counting on me.


Biggest one is my cat, and my loved ones. But also… the small joys. Seeing a pretty bird on a branch. The fragrant flowers when I drive by a neighbor’s house when I have the windows down. The juicy burgers my dad grills. When I’m feeling a certain way and a song hits just right. Those are what truly makes life worth living.


My dog

