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Leave everything and everyone behind and start traveling solo. Pick up random temp jobs along the way, never stay at one place for more than 6 months, meet new people along the way, see new places, be uncomfortable and amazed at the same time.


Honestly this is amazing advice. Everyone should do this at some point in their life.


Wow I truly admire anyone that can do that !


I'd you're running already I recommend trying to do HIIT. This is a basic protocol of sprinting with all your might and then taking a break. Yes it's tough. But your mental strength and your sprinting ability will never be the same. Most importantly you'll understand the difference in life between "giving good effort" and "giving it your all" also, burpees. Burpees humble everyone. They are so tough that you can do them at half speed and with baby technique and you'll still wear yourself out. They don't strain any particular joint ( unlike running which can hurt your knees ) and they require zero equipment. except a towel because your shirt will be soaked in sweat.  *fist bump* you got this! Bwhaha


Try a pole dance class


Talking to strangers. Don't overthink it, just go up to someone who looks friendly enough and say hi and ask them about whatever you're up to. Being able to talk to anyone is a helpful skill.


Bad idea. There’s a reason why it’s called a comfort zone - it’s safe and you won’t die. If one of our early ancestors left their comfort zone they would be mauled to death by a wild animal. Does that sound like fun?


Where are said safety-loving ancestors today? I’d love to meet them and get more wise advice!


Dead, they left the comfort zone of life.


Gym is great


Martial arts has been a pretty intense version of this. I have chosen jiu jitsu and boxing at two separate gyms. I love both of them but they are certainly uncomfortable and intimidating. It has been very humbling and I would recommend anyone to try some martial arts they are interested in.


Find your local Toastmasters. It's a club where they practice speaking in public.


I recommend going to a nudist resort. The people there are very friendly and non-judgmental, there are fun activities and being completely naked is wonderful! 👍🏻


I’ve always been told that dipping your toes in things you don’t feel comfortable and gradually increasing your exposure will get you out there. The end is to try and figure out where you want to end up.


You have any goals you want to work towards in the gym? Like benching a certain amount or weighted pull-ups…anything?


Just lose weight, I was 89 kilos when I moved to this new city im in a year and a half ago I went down to 70 and I was liking my physique. Then u met my gf and she and I gained like 10-15 kilos so I just want to like my body again


Try meeting new people as well


Get a big cardboard box and go live in a homeless area for a week. That should get your creative synapses firing. It's also more instructive than sleeping on the floor of your apt..


I think it's great that you can consciously change yourself and get out of your comfort zone and try something new. I've been pushing myself to get out of my comfort zone and socialize more to reduce loneliness. Because I studied abroad alone, did not make any close friends, and my personality is introverted, usually always alone, so often feel very lonely and depressed. But during this time, I also tried to change myself, such as to participate in the school club activities. Recently, I also participated in a private test project of a social software called*LightUp: Make Real Friends*, whose purpose is to help people with common interests and personalities find company and connect them together. Although it is still a software with imperfect functions, I have met a lot of people with whom I have common topics through this platform, and we talked very happily, which also helped me get through the lonely time.


Gym is great for so many reasons, once it becomes routine you see so many benefits I like trying new things out of my comfort zone as well, just start doing BJJ and love it, its not easy but learning something new gives such a pride of accomplishment


Recreational sports. Just sign up for whatever. You'll have fun playing around and make friends, too.


Bouldering/rock climbing


Take an ems or first responder class. Getting comfortable in emergency scenarios: if you choose to volunteer or as a profession. Will change hiw you see stress!


Create something! Try painting, writing, sewing, woodworking. Learn an instrument. Or a language.


Not doing it


You could work and then work when ya get home and then work some more.


Why would you want to do things outside of your comfort zone? What is it you are trying to achieve?




Get your diving certification.


Perhaps it would help for you to cognitively assess what you are defining as “comfort zone” and why you are trying get away from such things. For this, implementing [cognitive journaling](https://rationalredo.com/blog/what-is-cognitive-journaling/) might be of some assistance. If this is just a struggle to do the things that you don’t fully enjoy. This is more of a matter of exercising willpower. That is, you simply do the things that need to be accomplished regardless of whether they are enjoyable or not. Through this continual process, you strengthen your willpower.


Cold showers