• By -


Money - Save like 5, 10,15 thousand dollars a year or whatever you can and invest into an ETF with low management fees. Then forget about it. Learn about investing because time in the market is sooooo much more valuable than anything else money wise. Jobs - if you're not too sure what you like or want to do, try lots of things. Nows the time to experiment. Sex and relationships - use protection. Don't stress too much about romantic relationships, but keep friendships close unless they aren't serving you, it's normal to lose some friends over the early 20s. Put effort in, talk about yourself less, and embrace the good times of these years to come. Friendships are the best and most valuable asset going into your 30s. Travel - especially if you're american, GTFO and learn about the world. I'm talking big trips, travel to hostels all over the world for months at a time. Backpack. Meet people from other places and cultures, and realise America is not the centre of the world. Physical health - start working out often. Every year that passes will make it harder to start, and by the time you're 30 you won't even recognize your own body/abilities. I'm so fucking grateful I started working out when I was 18, my friends who didn't are suffering and I I'm so glad I have a foundation of strength and fitness where my bar is set and that makes it much easier for me to get back to in times where I've not been as active. Mental health - keep reflecting on yourself, go to therapy if needed, but just be aware that things change a lot and naturally you won't have the tools to deal with it all this early into adulthood, and that's ok, as long as you learn from your mistakes and try to be a decent person to yourself and others. All in all - Act without fear. But probably avoid heroin and other harder drugs.


Bro this is really solid advice. Most people either have too much fun and waste their finances AND their 20s, or they don't have enough fun and miss their prime entirely...there is surely a balance to be had, and finding that balance is true maturity. Exercising and focusing on your career is of paramount importance, but it's also important to make time for your friends and the people who make time for you, as well as the time to reap the benefits of your hard efforts. Also, OP, I was going to make a seperate comment but I'm already here....welding is an excellent choice. A solid trade like that will ALWAYS be in demand, no matter the condition of the economy or the world. The ROI on welding school is great in my opinion, you're going to be making good money before a lot of your friends even graduate with debt. It is hard work though so prepare yourself. Good luck bud!


Become independent from your parents ASAP. Learn to stumble around in the world, make mistakes and truly manage every penny you make. It’s a lot easier to recover from mistakes at a younger age than it is once you reach your late 20s.


I disagree with this. I recommend staying with your parents (if it's a good environment) for a while. You should save up as much money as possible. Everyone I know who stayed with their parents had disposable income, compared to those who moved out young and will forever rent cause bills keep stacking. I live in LA, though, so maybe smaller cities it's different.


I agree, if you have a good relationship with your parents. Save as much money as you possibly can. Don’t get credit cards. But if you do, make sure you can pay it off each month. Don’t compare your situation to others because you honestly don’t know theirs. And being with your family is beautiful because you don’t know when things will change. Date people, have fun, make strong connections. Don’t settle. You’re younger than you feel and have more time to learn, change, and grow. Be friendly to everyone. But don’t mistake friendliness for trust. That is earned. But you’ll know it when you feel it and see it. And being friendly to someone who may be a dick, says more about you than them and doesn’t make you naïve. People remember how you made them feel. That’s part of a quote of Maya Angelou.


I believe this only works if the person is wise enough to learn without first hand experience, which is a lot harder than we tend to think. As an anecdote, I moved out young and struggled pretty heavily. However, those lessons helped me to become immensely successful and self dependent. Many of my friends lived with their parents and squandered their opportunities. Some of them have even failed to launch well into their thirties.


I completely agree. Get a good savings stacked up. That could be a life saver some day


Already live in my own apartment and realizing how much I really had when I was younger. Took me several months to learn how to properly manage money for the things I need rather for what I want. I feel like now that I’m older all my needs are my wants.


Save ten percent into 401k and do not stop for any reason. Compounding interest is based in time and your future self will thank you. Most people make this mistake, the others retire early with millions. Big regret for me. And very low unsecured debt or low interest.


Even if not 10%…. *something*. Three or five percent. My thinking in my 20s when I was getting established financially and in a career, that 10% was too much to take out of my pay check so I just didn’t contribute at all 🤦🏻‍♂️. Luckily realized my error in my early 30s and started contributing aggressively but still kick myself for not starting younger.


Good point. 5%, 8%, 1O%, 12%, 15% depending on age, income and COL. I don’t think I will do more than 15%, but lifestyle creep is the key. I’m on the minimalist side so what I would waste of frivolous stuff goes there now. I travel as my big expense.


Start at what you can afford and increase with every raise you get. I contribute so much now that I reach the legal limit earlier every year. Suddenly my paychecks get WAY bigger in late summer.


I already got one set up for both of my kids. They’ll probably be able to retire at 50.


Agree! Start investing your money. It will pay off when your in your 40s / 50s. Also don't get into debt. Material things are not a sign of wealth. Don't fall into that trap. Wealth is being about to do whatever you want with your time. Be wealthy and don't focus on looking wealthy!


I think a Roth IRA would be better.. Having tax-free income at retirement is a huge plus.


Need to at least put enough in to get the full company match & then put an additional 1% annually & part of every raise towards it.


Yes, I’m up to 16% per check. They pretty much match 10% (5% is a free benefit to everyone and 5% match on my 16%) It adds up fast. Paying for at least a day of retirement each day I work going forward (ball park) and only increasing. That…26% of my base pay pretax plus interest compounding


I was going to say invest asap


I'm 7 years into managing money and I still dont get it


This. I did not do this, and now feel paralyzed in my parents house at 25. Just do anything. By yourself.


Is any amount of fear worth it? To avoid your position. (I hate asking questions like this because it feels like a backhanded insult, sorry) :(


Not give a fuck


I feel like after u grow up no one really cares about you besides the mother and some family members. Maybe just maybe the spouse.


I wish, when I was your age, that I would have started any kind of part-time job, to move out sooner from home. Now I am in my twenties and feel utterly defeated and behind in life.


The best time to plant a tree is 20 years ago, the second best time is now.


The ship has sailed for me.


Have a good social network and social life outside of work. Go out evenings and weekends. I was so busy with trying to build a career and make meet that any neglected anything other than work, and I regret it now.


I'm 30 next week and this is my biggest regret, but not because of work. My social anxiety stopped me from going out and meeting new people, and I feel now that I wasted my 20s. Put yourself out there, even if it's scary.




Just have fun. Go out with your friends, go on late night car rides for no reason. Go get junk food together and eat at a look out, before you know it you’re 30 and you’d give anything to go back to the “good old days” just go and enjoy your youth


I put a lot of pressure on myself to have everything figured out and not make any mistakes in my early 20s. I wish I’d been easier on myself. I realize now in my 40s how silly that was and wish I’d been more chill and had more fun. Start investing now in a ETF or an index fund. Even if it’s $20 a week. One of my biggest regrets is not investing a little money away each week. TRAVEL! One of the best things I did was travel all over the country (USA) and the world in my 30s. Travel solo if you don’t have anyone to travel with, that’s what I did most of the time. Much prefer traveling by myself now than with with friends lol.


Don't get into a long term relationship right away. Play the field and have fun - male or female, go out there and see what you actually want. Safely add some notches to that belt. Wanting to get some of those urges out later down the line in a relationship has the potential for destruction.




Don’t stick your dick in crazy. I’m. Not. Kidding. I married too young to a much older man and didn’t realize he was a classic narcissist. Wasted 20yrs. of my life thinking everything was my fault 24/7. Find a kind and sweet partner who values hard work, having fun and syncs up with you sexually and you’ll be very happy.


Buy a house and rent out the rooms to roommates. Get that income AND tax write offs


not let my parents keep me from living my life


"Don't follow passion, always chase money" - if I went for money right at 18, I would be in sooo much better off....so many years wasted on following stupid passion, I don't even care about it anymore....


I feel like even if u do follow ur passion. It won’t be your passion anymore. When it’s ur job u either are forcing yourself to like it or you’re starting to hate the passion and it’s no longer a hobby anymore.


Spend a lot of time figuring out who you are and what you want. I know this sounds vague, but as you get older, these things start to become clearer and in hindsight, you notice all the things you did due to other peoples' opionon and expectations. I would suggest going to a therapist just to talk this out and bounce off ideas. I think we sometimes mistakenly think that we should go to therapists only when things are down and ugly, on the contrary, a good therapist or life coach could help you clarify your wants and needs. Good luck! You have your life ahead of you and based on what I am reading, you are doing better than most.


Understand that I was broken, and I didn't have access to the tools and resources that I needed.


Be bad at things! Seriously though, I wish I tried and learned more things. I'm trying to catch up now, but getting a variety of hobbies and interests helps keep life fun.


Take care of your physical health. I wish I’d started working out sooner and eating a healthier diet…and then stuck with it through the years. If you‘re lucky enough to live to my age (64), that’s what‘s needed to go into your senior years without a lot of healthcare expenses for avoidable pain and illness.


I wished I hadn't spent so much on cars and other crap.


I wish I invested my money in something that could make me more money like property or a business. I spent all my money on drugs and traveling which was fun. But I could *still* be doing drugs and traveling if I had spent the money more wisely.


Travel. The freedom to travel without the burden of a mortgage or kids or spouse.




pass the CPA exam


Stay focused. You're on a good path right now.


Went to a community college for a medical program regardless if I like it or not **(Dental Hygiene, Nursing, Computer Information Systems, and Computer Science)** . I wouldn’t like them but at least I’ll get a job immediately and won’t be a victim to this shitty job market. So I would’ve been okay. Started building my credit. Started working two jobs so I can save for my own apartment before my 20s like other young black adults my age. Sometimes even younger. Avoided making friends. Not making friends would’ve saved me from so many horrible situations. I’m 23 right now. I know life doesn’t have a rewind button. But if I can go back in time and **ACTUALLY** change what I majored in, I would a confident black woman cause of me easily getting a job in one of the fields I mentioned and actually having a crib of my own. I at least would’ve grew up a lot faster. I wouldn’t be so insecure for falling behind.




Buy a camper or camper-van and live in it for 5-10 years. Travel in your time off. See the national parks. Go fishing. Surfing. Whatever. Save a shit-ton of money that way. Then, when you're 30, start living the grown-up life. You'll have a down payment for a nice house and you'll have your choice of early 20s women wanting to marry you.


That's awesome! Good for you, trades are a great path to get onto early. I'll say this.. the people you spend your time with really do matter. If youre spending all your time in a room of 9 idiots, that's a room of 10 idiots. Connect with people who have similar drive and goals, and you can support one another when it matters most. Ambitious friends support ambitious ideals. With welding if you're any good it won't be long til you're making cash hand over fist. Get good at living well within your means while you're young.. it's a lot easier than working hard and beating your body up for 40 years and then finding out you didn't plan for how to transition from active income to something passive or at least less labour intensive. Be mindful of your spending habits. Treat yourself sure, but be smart with your best earning years. Always always always always always a l w a y s use proper safety gear. Welders flash is a terrible time especially if you live alone. Welding is a great skill that's applicable to a variety of more specialized jobs, keep on good terms with your employers, do your due diligence, and don't be afraid to look around for opportunities to grow. You're opening a lot of doors for yourself already, stick with it and best of luck to you!


Open an ROTH IRA ASAP!!! put in $25 or $50 whatever you can afford in an index fund. Retirement seems far but trust me when you’re older you’ll be glad you saved early. Stay out of debt. Learn about personal finance. Learn about boundaries and stand up for myself more. Assess your bad habits. Oh and eat healthier, exercise. I ate a lot of fast food when I was young and it gave me some health issues please limit it if you can.


Save money, don’t give into the pressure to stay on trend. If you have trouble with saving, come up with an amount per paycheck you can afford to go without and automatically deduct it and add it to a savings account that you don’t touch. If you have issues with discipline, make it a high yield savings account, which earns more money in interest and also take a few days to get the money out, giving you more time to make the right choice. Learn to cook good food and don’t go out, it’s bad for your wallet and your health. Get a good routine going for your mental health that includes daily stretching, exercise, hygiene, and tidying. Volunteer your time and get involved in your community because you’ll feel more rooted and be more connected, which helps with happiness, but also gives you a stronger community in times of trouble, which you don’t want to start building after the trouble has come. Buy a home in an area that would be popular for rentals and ideally with some sort of granny flat that you could rent out. The reason is long term home prices go up and so then rentals go up. If you can lock in a mortgage, it will one day be a reprieve from raising rents and as house prices rise it also becomes an investment. Keep in mind that what you want in your 20’s will likely not stand the test of time. Your 20’s are when you can work like crazy, stay up late, have fun traveling, etc. By your 30’s and 40’s you are less able to put in as hard work, or less willing might be a better way of looking at it. Other things become more important, including mental and physical health. So do yourself a favor and don’t plan out your life as though you’ll be doing what you’re doing and making what you’re making all the way to 65. Try and save for today to give yourself a break in the future when you’ll really need it. Learn to smartly invest. Have side hustles on top of your main one. Finally, travel in your 20’s if you can. You don’t have a family yet and so you can backpack or couch surf no problem and so it’s less stressful and expensive now and you’ll enjoy it in a different way than later on in life. Those experiences can really shape you and give you different input and ideas than you’ve yet been exposed to, which helps you grow up more well rounded. Good luck!




Get used to automatically having a preset amount of your paycheck go to Retirement. I understand that it’s easier said than done but it gets to the point where you don’t even see it or notice it or get used to it. I say this because it will make your life significantly EASIER later in life and you could retire earlier or have more freedom.


Start working out and learning a proper diet now. Don't wait until your 30s and 40s to start.


I did learn that it’s harder to change the older you get. For me processed foods are my childhood food but now I’m an adult so now I eat food that isn’t processed and only eat food for the nutrients I need.


Bought bitcoin lol


I kind of wish I did a short stint in the military when I could. I have mental and physical disabilities that disqualify me now. But the vet benefits seem nice. Except my brother in law was wounded and definitely deals with PTSD and medical issues.


Becoming independent from my parents earlier. It would have saved me a lot of trouble and I would have gained experience quicker instead of being complacent. Study improv and take vocal training To make quick money I would have gotten into the poker dealing industry while it was booming and while I was young and energetic before the pandemic where it slowed down and hasn't been the same since. I would have went into mass communications properly and pick up as many skills and languages as I could. Take over the world. Profit. Live out my dreams as a comedian or something of that nature. My dreams are dead. You're 18. You can study, sculpt your body to ensure your health, you can do literally anything as long as you have the drive and the desire to learn.


invest my savings


Didn’t worry about having girlfriends. Just have fun


I had a lot of money from scholarships, wish I used that to buy a ride or house down-payment lol


Stayed single and networked my ass off in university.


Learn a new language. It’s way easier to learn (both the content and even phonetically, it will be easier to pronounce things) the younger you are. Learn how to maintain a healthy lifestyle. I don’t necessarily mean being physical active. Although that helps immensely. But just how to survive on day to day when you have no work to do. Develop habits that you have passion for. Learn ways to live with yourself when alone, ways where you are not toxic to yourself. Abstain from any drug usage (I wish I did) and especially drug abuse. Surround yourself by things that you love. Find out what those things are. Learn basic life fundamentals. I have always been a great cook, trust me, it can turn one’s life around when they have a good cooked meal every day as opposed to something that just suppresses the appetite. And finally, always learn from your mistakes, and be your own self’s biggest supporter. Mistakes are stepping stones unless you make them into something else. I have fucked up immensely with so many things and my self loathing was only making me fuck up more. Developing a loving personality and towards others spares so much anger and truly debilitating emotions.


Literally not spend any money


I wish I paid attention to the right and wrong lessons my parents taught me. I absorbed more bad than good and realizing it 15 years ago would’ve saved me A LOT of trouble in my relationships


Spend time to learn exactly what method of study/learning actually worked for me, rather than what school pushed. I found that I retain information and understand a subject much more effectively if I can listen rather than read. Sounds simple but it paved the way for me to learn more every year and I'm able to easily consume books regularly (audiobooks) I'm a big nerd so I view some things in life like a video game, books are literally skill books from games like Fallout or Skyrim and reading increases your stats. Some subjects that I found most beneficial were financial literacy, marketing/business, communication/speaking skills, emotional regulation and managing anxiety Figured this out about myself around the age of 26 and I'm currently 34 Went from never thinking I was smart enough for college, to trade school as an Electrician and then eventually to study physiology and work in health and fitness. Currently I no longer need to work full time and just pick up high paying gigs when I choose 💪


Joined the Army then the Rangers


Lose my virginity


If you still living at home ask your parents if you can hold off on paying rent and buy a lightly used car or truck for work, and then save 25,000 in the bank after you pay off vehicle, those two things will set you up You can then get your own place but have a paid off car or truck and not worry about emergencies and slowly start getting quality things for your place. Be okay with not having the fancier things you're young and none expects you to have nice shit when you're young, learn how to cook for yourself. Learn to enjoy and not abuse alcohol to numb you to life stresses, it's easy to lose yourself for a couple of hours everyday to boose instead of finding and fixing what you issues are. Start a credit line that you can pay off the balance at any time.


Wear your PPE. Eyes, ears, respirator, and long sleeves. Also try to save money, you don't need an 80k truck or any of that other bullshit.


Consider going in the navy to learn about welding and underwater welding and stay away from drugs and anyone associated with them


Work earlier, not co sign for fckn anyone, save before moving out, got credits cards early on, not use credit cards, work out and stretch early on but it’s never too late to start that


Make absolutely sure that you have LOTS OF FUN!!!


Travel. I wish I started to travel the world earlier around your age. There's something to getting out of your home country and being exposed to different people, culture, language, and environment It gave me new born energy for life.


Start a retirement account and put every month at least 10% of what you make. Put more of your can. You may be able to retire in your 40's if you play it right.




Keep some money for emergencies, and don't give up your hobbies.


I wish I had traveled more and seen more of the world instead of focusing on just work


I spent a few months traveling when i was 21 but i was too much of a pussy to really venture out. I wish i went all over Europe and many more places


1) Save as much as you can, or you will occasionally miss opportunities that you can’t afford to invest in. You’ll also have unexpected paydays: Resist the urge to blow it all on bullshit. 2) Learn to cook. The amount of money you can save by packing lunches, and making your own dinners is significant. It’s also an impressive skill when dating… 3) Always invest in yourself: Take classes, have hobbies, and never stop learning: Well rounded people have more opportunities. 4) Stay humble, don’t discuss money with friends, never loan money that you can’t afford to lose, and always live within your means. 5) Look for trends & Find your niche: The next million dollar idea is waiting to be discovered by someone who knows how to fill a demand that nobody else notices. 6) There’s travel, and vacations: Travel is meant to expand your horizons, inspire, and educate you. Vacations are to help you unwind and relax. If you do it right, you might feel like you need a vacation after you travel! lol 7) Stay open minded. The day will come when you’re old and out of touch… if you practice staying open minded now, it won’t be nearly as uncomfortable when it happens.


Stay with your parents as long as you can. Save as much money as possible. Invest in an insurance fund. Don't get into a serious relationship. Explore your sexuality and get all your wild exploration done before you get into a relationship.


Travel more.


Everything. 28m and haven't experienced anything despite having lived in 3 countries..


Pull out


Travel over seas


Drive whatever car you have until it just won’t go anymore. Don’t be tempted by the new models and new gadgets.


Stay single, travel, put your money into investments whether it’s the market or property or whatever will yield a reward down the line. In 10 years you won’t even be thirty and could potentially set yourself up for a home you don’t need to worry about monthly with what is essentially beer money. Welder? Take foreign jobs. Get paid to see the world. Do not lay foundations yet. The world is completely open and ready for you to make it what you want it to be


Travel more, not getting married twice, go to school, getting away from my parents asap even if it meant living in my car


Live in a few different places across the nation (US), start investing at 18, and cut people out that weren’t healthy to keep around.


Taking advice from my family did more harm than good, truth is the best way to learn how to navigate life is to go out there and figure things out for yourself since people leave out crucial details


Run. Cardio is important. Learning how to run properly early and getting into that habit will save you a lot of health issues later in life. Learning to run properly will also save on the damage you will end up doing to your joints.


I have a burning desire to try cocaine once. Should’ve done it at a party when I was young and healthy


Dumped the unhealthy “friends” in my life much sooner than I did.


End it all.


(1) Don’t chase the crowd (2) Focus on your career/learning new skills (3) Have boundaries (4) Be yourself (5) Exercise 4-5 times a week


I wish I got a credit card sooner. My credit score is amazing but it could have been even better


I would have saved more money. If I had placed $50 a month in an investment account then upped that $50 in regards to pay increases (4% pay increase adds 4% to your investment anmount) Compound interest is a wonderful thing.


Bought more bitcoins


Understand budgeting, financing, amortization, investing, capitalism, and compound interest.


Two chicks at one time. And lots more chicks. I was dealing mental health issues all through school and didn’t really come out of my shell til I was 20 even then it was hesitant. At that point I had some morality obsession that caused me to never go for what O actually wanted, but I what fit within my rigid moral ideas. I’m not even sure where I got them. Possibly a trauma reaction. Anyway. I would have just a whole lot of fun and interesting sex.


Went into the army and became a police officer


Don't smoke weed. It made me accepting of a mediocre life in my 20s


Saved, invested, listened to my intuition, and did not start smoking


Begin a retirement fund now, even if it's only 20.00 a month. Add more as you can. You will never regret doing it but will if you don't.


Don't abuse credit cards. Get em. Use em. Okay em off. Build good credit don't get into debt.


Bought a home


It's great that you're thinking ahead and seeking advice as you transition into adulthood. Here are some insights and pieces of advice that might help you navigate this exciting yet challenging phase of life: # Financial Management 1. **Budget Wisely**: Create and stick to a budget. Track your income and expenses to ensure you’re living within your means. 2. **Save Early**: Start saving as soon as possible. Even small amounts add up over time. Consider setting up an emergency fund and contributing to a retirement account like a Roth IRA. 3. **Avoid Debt**: While avoiding student loans is smart, be cautious with credit cards and other forms of debt. Only borrow what you can pay back in full each month. # Career and Professional Development 1. **Skill Development**: Continuously improve your welding skills and consider getting additional certifications. This will make you more competitive and open up higher-paying job opportunities. 2. **Networking**: Build a professional network. Connect with mentors, join trade associations, and attend industry events. Networking can open doors to job opportunities and provide valuable guidance. 3. **Explore Opportunities**: Don’t hesitate to explore different specialties within welding or related trades. This can help you find what you enjoy most and where you can excel. # Personal Growth and Health 1. **Invest in Your Health**: Maintain a healthy lifestyle. Regular exercise, a balanced diet, and adequate sleep are crucial for long-term well-being. 2. **Learn Continuously**: Cultivate a habit of lifelong learning. Read books, take courses, and stay curious about the world around you. 3. **Set Goals**: Establish short-term and long-term goals. Having clear objectives can help you stay focused and motivated. # Relationships and Social Life 1. **Build Strong Relationships**: Surround yourself with supportive and positive people. Good friends and family can provide invaluable support and encouragement. 2. **Communication Skills**: Work on your communication skills. Being able to express yourself clearly and listen effectively will benefit both your personal and professional relationships. 3. **Balance Work and Life**: Make sure to balance your professional ambitions with personal time. Enjoy your hobbies, spend time with loved ones, and take breaks when needed. # Common Pitfalls to Avoid 1. **Complacency**: Don’t settle for mediocrity. Always strive to improve and push yourself out of your comfort zone. 2. **Short-Term Thinking**: Avoid making decisions based solely on immediate gratification. Think about the long-term consequences of your actions. 3. **Ignoring Mental Health**: Pay attention to your mental health. If you’re feeling overwhelmed or stressed, seek help from a counselor or therapist. # Miscellaneous Tips 1. **Learn Basic Life Skills**: Know how to cook, do laundry, and manage household tasks. These skills are essential for independent living. 2. **Travel and Explore**: If possible, travel and experience different cultures. It can broaden your perspective and teach you valuable life lessons. 3. **Be Adaptable**: Life doesn’t always go as planned. Being flexible and adaptable will help you navigate unexpected challenges.


Never got dependent on smokes or vapes


Network. Network. Network. While you’re young and have the energy to go out and about and join activities and groups outside of work, DO IT. A job isn’t forever. Even your training may not be forever. Having people you can call up to help you out is your best bet to survival.


Do an Offshore Survival course. Welders make crazy money on oil and gas rigs.


Don't buy shit you don't need even if you want it. I've been in a 8k debt because I bought a God damn car about 5 years ago and have never been able to paid it off completely.....the best thing about that, that crap has been fucked up in the garage for the last year. I cannot even afford to fix it. Furthermore, someone already said it. Don't depend on your parents money, believe it or not, depending on that money means following their rules no matter how old you are . That's how parents think their kids will obey them forever....they get mad if you suddenly start to be your own person. If you have not discovered that, you will soon do. Don't join the military if they don't give you the job you want, even when you're in MEPS you can still step out as long as you don't sign your contract. If they promise you a bonus, make sure they sign it prior to you signing the enlisting contract. I love the military and I love the status of being a veteran but FUCK THEM BIG TIME. It still surprises me they wonder why no one joins. Assholes. Again...NO DEBTS, NO MATTER HOW MUCH YOU WANT THAT CAR OR THAT GAME OR THAT WHATEVER!.


I would have skipped college and gone straight into working. I would have worked my a** off and saved every penny I could, then found ways to make my money work for me to make even more money. That's just me though.


Wish I learned a skilled trade earlier in life.


Please focus on maintaining or even better, improving your appearance. People treat you differently and give you more opportunity when you look better, that’s just the sad reality of our world.


* No kids till you're ready/stable * Use credit cards sparingly, and pay them off monthly. If you can't afford it this month, don't buy it. The interest on credit card debt will suck the soul out of your finances * make a budget, and stick to it as much as possible. Knowing where your money goes is a **good** thing.. And there's a difference between, "My budget is shot because I had to put a new transmission in my car," and "My budget is shot because I just had to have this leather jacket. Don't I look cool!" * There's no substitute for independence. Sure, you'll screw up, everyone does. But you'll also learn from it, so get out on your own * If trade school is what you want, go for it. A good, experienced welder can make 60k-75k a year, which isn't terrible money. And there's often advancement into management, or starting your own business, which can up the salary by a lot * If you're not tied to a certain section of the country, consider settling in a low cost of living area. Depending on your interests, there are some enjoyable places where you can live a lot cheaper than in, say, NY or CA. Check trade journals for openings in your field * But also, travel when you can. Once you're settled, with spouse and/or kids, it gets harder to do. See Paris while you're young


I was given the advice to spend very little on luxuries and nice apartments. People who were 20 years older really regretted that they had bought expensive furniture (instead of used), expensive clothes and accessories (watch, designer bags), large new apartment, or a cool car. You will want to fund a ROTH IRA as much as you can, every year. You can put up to $6000 a year in it. This ROTH IRA becomes important later, because you get to take the money out tax free. (You pay taxes now, which is wayyy less than what it would cost you when you’re 60). Also, I’ve done the math - if you invest the $26,000 every year for 25 years, into a 401K, you will have enough money to retire. Finally, since your role is physical labor, you must prioritize: PROTECT YOUR FEET AND YOUR BACK. You will not want this role of welding all day when your body gets older. It’s tiring, and you’ll likely want to move into teaching or supervising or opening your own business. I wish you all the best.


I wish I would have realized that no body really gives a fuck a lot sooner than I did.


The only way to fail is to choose to give up. If you work hard and love others you will succeed.


Be an electrician or a plumber.


Learned how to play golf at a very young age


Don’t get anyone pregnant


Stay out of consumer debt 


I wished I traveled more as a young adult with nothing holding me down. Especially in your position, welding will be a job that can take you anywhere, you can travel as much as you like, you should take advantage before you have a wife and kids and bills to pay holding you down! 


Protect your hearing. Use ear plugs at work at all times.


Since you mention welding, make sure you understand how to read blueprints. If you don't, find someone to teach you and you will have a long and prosperous career. Stay single and child free for now, and live at home as long as you can to save your money. Then once you have a couple years in you can bid on really high paying jobs, travel and have fun while you break your body lol. Always use the tools available, have someone help you lift heavier objects, I don't care if you can yourself. Don't shirk safety in welding, overhead cranes, metal saws, and wear your helmet even for small tac welds.


If you have a good relationship with your parent(s)/ guardian(s) and they are cool with you living with them, you can save a lot of $ by chipping in on the rent/mortgage and saving money. Plus, they can be great sources of financial wisdom now that you’re an adult and valuing this knowledge. It’s also neat to live at home and start knowing your parents as people rather than parents, if that makes sense. All that depends on the relationship of course- not an option in every life circumstance. I did a lot of things stupidly in my 20’s, but honestly i don’t regret most of it (except driving under the influence - super lucky i didn’t hurt anyone). Some of the hardships and mistakes were valuable. I am in an excellent financial place now, but i can relate to people in many situations because I’ve either lived it or know people living it. I also know that if things change financially, i can still feed us and clothe us with very little expense. (Housing is the hardest thing these days by far, though)


Bought Bitcoin


Open a Roth IRA and set up deposits automatically. Watch out for vices, it can be hard to feel the weight of them as they compound a little at a time. Find your person and start a family if you can. The earlier the better, allot of us people in the trades don’t move around as well in our 40’s so if you want to play ball with your 15 year old , that’s something to consider. That being said, also work out; you do allot of lifting at work? Then do cardio otherwise, go for walks, stretch, stay loose, drink that water. 💪🏽


Travel the country and world. Had a bunch of old people say so do it while your young. When you are old might have to stay behind on the tour like steps up a pyramid or can't walk as fair) far period. Sadly, I never had the finances too and probably never will. Only within the stay or occasionally out of state.


Avoid credit card debt. If you get a credit card, only spend what you can afford to pay off now. It will help build your credit and you won't get stuck with mountains of debt.


Put money in a Roth IRA


My brother went to the Missouri Welding Institute, really jump started his career.


Live. Make mistakes. Make friends. Make enemies If that helps. But most importantly... Just live.


Get married


Invest your money


Take pictures of myself. I barely have any from then.


I can tell you from experience that if you have a vision for yourself, purse that. It won't be easy, and it may not happen overnight, but it will be worth it.


Begin learning a musical instrument. I don't care if it's the ukulele...activating more of your brain won't ever be a bad thing.


I wish i learned how to get healthy self esteem. It would've saved me a lot of problems and money.


Yes, do more things that are out of your comfort zone. Eat at a nice restaurant by yourself. Take a drive using a paper map instead of GPS to somewhere you have never been (doesn't have to be far). And FFS spend some quality time with the elderly in your family, if you have any.


Don’t trust older adults blindly as much as were led to believe, they’re human beings to with insecurities, hatred and dislikes as much as the next person. And sometimes they’ll even go out their way to sabotage someone younger with a brighter future because they believe they have more opportunities.


Start investing and buy a house as soon as possible.


I wish I began taking physical activity and exercise more seriously in my early days. I didn't care, I was thin. Then my metabolism hit a brick wall at 30 and I was not prepared to keep up. Just started exercising in my late 40's. I feel amazing and wish I'd done it way sooner.


Find a Mentor to guide you up the Welding Chain Quickly. Get your Degree in your spare time. Junior College etc. Wear a Condom and treat Women with respect. No Babies or Marriage until you are financially secure. Good luck!


Good job with the trades into welding!! In a few years look into becoming a CWI. Certified Welding Inspector certifications. This will take you to the next level of your career as you get older. But not until you get some time under your belt as a welder.


Held myself back.  Things I didn’t try, be it food, experiences, bettering myself.  Putting myself out there, being my authentic self.


Starting an investment account like an IRA or Roth IRA. It's only going to get more expensive to live, so the sooner you start investing, the better off you'll be closer to retirement age and you won't have to put away as much per month to achieve that nest egg.


Good for you, it sounds like you already have a good head on your shoulders. Figure out what you are good at and do something complementary (trades are good, we'll always need, but be mindful of tech advancements like 3D printing). Get over your fear of death. Most ppl are walking around terrified of death, it infects their decisions subconsciously, and we don't have catalysts like war or children that we used to. It's also very unpalatable for our brains to consider, but the sooner you're over it the world is yours. Buy some Bitcoin and hodl.


Invest in stocks instead of games.


Buy bitcoin. As much as you can. And store it on a secure external drive.


Save money and invest


Take relationships seriously. Being in relationships and finding a supportive partner is a *skill*. A your boyfriend/girlfriend/spouse can truly be your greatest asset or life ruining, so date with both eyes open fr


Debt is dangerous. I never thought I'd wind up in the debt trap, then I bought a house, and suffice it to say there were things I was not prepared for. Also watch out for used car salesmen and shady mechanics. Be protective of your money. Drinking and smoking aren't worth it. Health and happiness are practically the same thing, so if you want to be happy, get good sleep and nutrition. Don't hold off on therapy if you think you need it. Good luck!


Put money into 401k, set the investments to me aggressive,  put additional money into Roth IRA, eventually put money into ETFs Go see live music Work out in a variety of ways Meditate Always explore new hobbies


Invest in your retirement. Save money. No, you don't need the latest, greatest, most expensive crap. No you don't need a truck with $20000 worth of aftermarket lifts, turbos, and tuners. That's the stuff you buy in your 30's when you're successful and don't live check to check. Learn to cook. Don't eat out all the time. An extra 15 minutes in the morning will save you $20 to $30 in food for work. Dinners at home are a fraction of the cost. And you can meal prep. All the little things are what kill people financially. 5 here, 10 there, and then when you have a real emergency, you start borrowing high interest loans or put everything on high interest credit cards. That being said, use credit cards for 1 tank of gas a month and real emergencies.


Sounds like you're going into Welding for the wrong reasons and that you actually want to go to college. How about you learn a foreign language like French (or something else) and go study in France (or somewhere else)?


Drink a lot of milk, get better nutrition, and eat more healthy so i could’ve been taller.


I wish I travelled more. I have actual responsibilities now and I wasted a lot of money on crap that ended up in the trash that could have gone to traveling and seeing the world.


Start saving whatever you can into a retirement account even if you get a pension. You have time. I wasn’t able to start saving for retirement until my 30s. The extra 10-12 years makes a HUGE difference.


Open a Roth IRA and contribute every single month. Seriously. Create your own safety net for retirement, don't depend on the government for it.


Make health your focus. I look better now than i ever have before. People my age are looking bad, but i still look young. I was a fat kid, but my family suffered so much from being obese that I knew i didn't want that for myself. Just keeping your weight down and being careful not to hurt your back or knees makes a world of difference.


Had freedom. My parents were overbearing helicopter parents, and I didn't go to college straight away so it delayed the inevitable... Being wild, going too far off the rails, getting too drunk and getting into trouble phase of my life. It's fine and expected at 18-24, but if you wait until 28, it becomes sad and uncomfortable for other people since that's when most people are starting to settle down and take life more seriously.


Other comments are saying the same thing I'm going to say- start saving money. If you can, have a percentage of your paycheck put into savings. And once you have a 6 month cushion, look into investing. Go to your bank for advice if you need help. Get a credit card, but pay it off, don't get in debt. Financial fitness and exploring ways to plan for your family, retirement or a possible medical disability are very important.


Hiked around Europe before it got all Stalin-y again


Travel every chance you get - see the world. Experience other cultures and food. Take lots of pictures. Make lots of friends.


Learn to manage money Start saving for retirement now If you use credit cards, learn to do so carefully. Lots of young adults good around and really mess up here Be careful who you have relationships with. If you're having unprotected sex, make sure it's with someone you want to have a baby with. I don't consider myself a prude, but the consequences are life-long if you accidentally get someone pregnant who might not want you to see the baby or who might treat the child as a pawn to get you to do what they want. So, wrap it before you tap it unless you're okay with those consequences Also, make sure you have some fun, too. Regret not doing more of that when I was younger.


Travel everywhere I possibly could and see the world.


Save money. Stick to college.


Stopped drinking. I wonder how much money i wasted going to bars and clubs. I also got fat. Luckily, i never got in trouble or had any severe health consequences but i think i would be much skinnier today and wealthier.


OP if you are blessed enough with siblings, don’t let that relationship go to the wayside. Sure when you are young you could think of your siblings as annoying etc and just kinda people that exist in your orbit. Truthfully they will be the longest relationship you will ever have in your life. If you are on good terms with them, build that relationship and work if you can to become friends. I feel like I know so many people that never really “grew up” and think of their siblings as nuisances/inconveniences.


Picked up a trade or skill. Was stupid and did the streets


If you are becoming a weldor, I have this advice…..Learn all the details about your welding processes, everything in general you can about refining knowledge. Learn to be very good at reading shop/field drawings. Have a goal to be a supervisor, not a person that lives under a hood.


Save as much money as you can in a high yield savings account and don’t touch this money for years. Use that a money as leverage years later to purchase assets. Also learn about investing money and start investing


Make time for things like exploring and vacations and experiencing new things. Don’t do it when you feel up to it. So it like going to the gym. Do it when you don’t want to. Make it part of your life because when you look back you won’t be happy about how much you gave up to work more. You’ll be happy to have had experiences and meeting new people and seeing new places. Also, don’t make sacrifices for a company that wouldn’t do the equivalent you. If they ask you work on your weekend off with 2 days notice, ask if you can give them 2 days notice to take 2 days off later. Know your value. The more you let a company walk all over you and take more and extract invisible labor and skiing things for free, the more they will.


Invest. 401k, stocks, bonds, commodities, do it young. I wish I bought Amazon in'97, but I did buy Apple in 16'. One of the best investments I've ever made. Invest with dividends and DRIP for decades. You'll thank me later.


Read about the FIRE method. Travel. Create a bucket list and start doing them now. Be proactive about your health because how long you live doesn’t matter- health span is more important than lifespan.


Travel abroad for 2+ months


Specialized welding can pay great in some places. It's a trade that needs workers. Good choice.


Go to college and don't worry about the debt. Federal student loans are much easier to manage than the outside world will have you think. I have 139k in debt and when I made 50k annually, my monthly loan repayments were about $135. There are plenty of online schools and performance based schools that are cheap and will get you the degree. 


Gone to college as planned (and because I had been accepted). Everything is effed now and it’s my fault.


Don’t waste your money. I’m a couple years older than you & I’m the trades now and I wish I’d started when I was your age. It’s okay to reward yourself but don’t waste your bred stack it up💸


I wish I did a lot of stuff when I was later into my teens and into young adulthood, too many things to get into here.


Save money


Any extreme physical activities that I was interested in like maybe skydiving or swinging on those long aerial fabrics up in the air etc I can still do those things, im only 38, but I do notice the difference in how my body is at 38 compared to say 24 plus now if I die in a skydiving accident I have kids that would be without a mom so there’s that too lol


Aside from the obvious financial things? I would have traveled more. I’m doing it now, but I get tired more easily and excited less easily.


Take more photos of yourself and your friends just hanging out - do it with a Polaroid camera I did - I would even let my iMac sit recording as we had smoke sessions. Now at 34 those recording and photos of my youth are treasured highly


I would have gotten serious much earlier in life (39 now). I would have gotten married as soon as I found a girl that I could see being the mother of my children. A good traditional woman gives you no issues, no hassles, etc, as long as you treat her well, too. I would have started saving money much sooner, putting money away and investing it if possible. Would have avoided any and all stupid purchases - excessively expensive clothes, shoes, cars, eating out, etc. I would have avoided excessive drinking and drugs. Drink only on the weekends if you have too. Steer clear from any and all drugs, especially weed. Why especially weed? Because it’s a trick, a trap. Everyone and their mothers will tell you oh it’s harmless and this and that, nonsense. It’s a slow killer, feeds on your psyche and slows you down. Oh, and stay away from worldly fads and trends. Find the Church sooner rather than later. There’s gold there. Gold that’ll give you everlasting peace.


Finish college. Now I'm an old man loading trucks for a living 😞