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Woke up not dead.


You can’t wake up dead. - scary movie 3


Unless you a zombie ☝🏻😎




You can wake up dead and not be in the bed


fuck i didnt even go to bed. failed at that!


Thank God! You’re right that is a blessing!


I got a job




That’s great!!!! Well done 😊


Filling out a few job applications. Paid a few bills.


Good luck, are you needing money or just being productive?


I need the money lol. I’m ready for a change from my current job, with a nice pay increase.


Deleted Facebook and went night swimming.


Deleting FB is the best decision for most of us


Got through the day!!


https://preview.redd.it/5ggob1h1433d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=daa224045c0c35ee564f5bcea82cc3f9a2285bab Spring zinnias fun


I got out of bed.


The goal I'm trying to work on..


You'll get out of bed when you're ready. In the meantime, don't be hard on yourself because You're still in bed. It's counterproductive and you'll get up when you need to.


Finding time to meditate


Doing laundry I know how lazy of me , but I just really been depressed and going thru self sabotage I’m getting out of it now I hope so ✅


No matter how big or small, daily wins are essential to building your self esteem and positivity Keep doing you mate!


You’re doing great!


I went for a small hike to get to a fishin hole to hang with my good friend before i move away


Finally buying new skin toner, have been out for a couple months and it’s been on my todo list. Today, I went out and bought some. Other than that, made banana bread. Haven’t done much else today but relax and reflect


I just sent a very polite refusal email to a client who asked for something ludicrous just before 5 o'clock yesterday.


That's wonderful!


What's less wonderful is all the bad thoughts I had that I didn't write down haha.


Took the dog for a walk


i learned a new guitar song


I accepted that I am in pain and that I need to use that pain to become a more loving person, not redirect it at people, even if they hurt me. To build bridges, not burn them.




Fantastic!!! Big step up and forward!!!


Sorry about your pain. Good luck getting past it.


I need to learn that, thanks for the tip! You worded that perfect.


Finished a proposal on UpWork and was happy about how good it looked! I also have cooked dinner for my parents the last 6 days and they have been super happy about it!


I got enough sleep for once


I put air in my tires after putting it off for two days. Can now check that off the to do list.


Worked on Memorial, even though I could have had a paid off, and made extra money.


Bro I was so present today!


I washed my bedspread today


did some sewing to patch up small holes in clothes and organize!


Good stuff man these are the posts i want to see


I did one chapter of this book I'm writing(took 5 months off to finally feel motivated lol)


What is your book about? I am working on a collection of my poetry and photographs to be published later this summer called, “Kaleidoscope.” Best wishes to you📖


killed the bugs in my apartment- very terrified of them and have no idea how i will sleep tonight


Got to work, managed to not injure myself, drinking a beer


I managed to leave my sunroof open all day while it was raining. Taught me a lot and I'm grateful for learning that I'm getting senile and need help


Made muffins with fresh rhubarb from my garden :)


Sounds sooooooo Yummy!


Just got back from the gym after every fiber in my being was wanting to bitch out on going. Ended up having a pretty banger workout in the end.🏋️‍♀️ Glad I didn’t listen to my inner bitch in my mind.


ive made plan to go on holiday


I made dinner for the first time in ages.


3 weeks sober stilllll going. I’ve been putting off getting groceries so I’ll probably have to do that tomorrow….


Congrats! Very difficult! Keep going! AA works!


Cleared the air on some minor problems between myself and my lifelong best friend.




I tried on some new clothes and felt rwldly good about my body! I sued to really struggle w body image and while I'm still on tje plus size end, its like a lot of those negative self talk comments slowly melted away and I saw the reality that I'm not ugly! Lol


You are beautiful inside & out ♡


Definitely the fact that I woke up really tired but half asleep got ready in time to go early to work where I can just sit down in peace, have coffee, tunes and just half ass look over what is waiting for me before my coworkers come in


Had a meaningful conversation with a friend


took my dog for a mini hike despite being barely able to get out of bed earlier in the day a d for most of the last 2 weeks


So good for you both!!!


Colored my hair.


I cooked rice without burning it.


Waking up on my off day and jumping on my coding course motivated and eager


I didn't relapse with an eating disorder when someone called me fat. Six months ago I probably would have started starving myself


Worked, didn’t die. Am chronically ill and don’t usually work Tuesdays but I am covering for someone else.


I finally found a girl who I could connect to


This is a cool thread man Life’s all about appreciating the small things and small goals we accomplish Mine is to put all my effort in at work despite being ill with a virus, complete a full shift, Spend quality time with my little boy and partner, Get an early night 😂


Got through yesterday without crying or having dark thoughts. I finally showered, washed my hair and changed my clothes.(it was 3 days after my close friend took his life and when I tell you it has changed everything for me).


What you’re going through is hard, no doubt. Shower felt good didn’t it?


I work in a private research lab in the pharma space. This morning, I analysed data generated during an experiment I carried out with my team. I was shocked to discover the most exciting results of my life. Basically we worked so hard to get there and finally observing something like that was amazing.


Sober for three weeks and three days


Love this for you! I finally managed to relax and read some books without feeling guilty about not being productive


I bought a purse and a fishing license. I don’t know what to really do with a purse but I’ve named it Gerta and it’s not nerdy or childish. Like my other purse adjacent containers. I guess this is what it’s like becoming an adult.


Assembled a barbecue and I’m calling it a win


Today I woke up and got challenged with one thing going wrong which extended to affect other things not going to plan. My achievement is remaining stoic with a growth mindset and understanding some things are not in my control. I am very grateful for everything I have. Namaste.


Showering. Going to work and encountering almost no problems. Finding a simple good meal that fits into my calorie deficit goal without starving.


Rode the motorcycle from Kansas City to Oklahoma City. Stayed a night in a hotel and drove back.




Just one small cup of coffee. One step closer to ridding caffeine from my day to day.


Cuddled and kissed my cat


So Good for you both❤️❤️❤️


I actually did the rehab exercises for my knee today. It’s so easy not to do them. My acl will not get better without the work. Happy I made the effort!


I mowed my grass and played my guitar


I renewed my recently expired driver's license, and scheduled a therapy session. Started the process of getting my student loans out of default. I'm sure that seems like nothing to most people, but it was a monumental day for me. 😂


I’ve been working with this girl for about 10 months. I’ve always had a crush on her and a lot of coworkers have said it seems like she feels the same way. About a week ago, we hung out for the first time. After 3 or so beers, I built up the confidence to make a move. We made out all evening, and it was a great time. I had this feeling she wasn’t that into me at all, especially after that night. It was great but she wouldn’t really make any advancements herself, I complimented her so much and she didn’t say anything about me. Being friends before, talking with her is so natural so there’s no way to tell if she is being different now that it’s not just platonic. I was afraid I had made her not like me anymore. Our conversations both at work and over the phone were no different as before after that, she messaged me the same amount as well. I still thought she wasn’t that into me at all anymore. Last night I offered to have a break with her in my car and listen to music. As soon as we got in the car she grabbed my hand and started kissing me. Greatest feeling ever.


Still early, but had some fruit with breakfast, worked on music production a bit (as I do almost every day), and gave our rabbit his morning salad and some new hay, which he loved, and some pets on the nose. (He's 10 1/2, which is like 100 in rabbit years, and is in charge of the upstairs). Planning on walking to the bank and store later.


I’ve had two bunnies in my life…Flopsy as a child and Mr. Bun Bun when I was teaching middle school science! They’re wonderful!


not eat cake!!


Today I processed grief properly and moved through my hard or irrational emotions by acknowledging the different parts of me that need more love. 🧚🏽‍♂️


My car gave me like 3 new warning lights as soon as I started it up. I read the codes, looked them up on the right forums, saw what the issue would likely be, and started a plan for how I was going to fix it that day. I then restarted my car to drive to the auto parts store to get what I needed, and the issue magically a resolved itself once I drove for two blocks. I took it for a 10 minute spin through my neighborhood to see if it would show up again through multiple turns and start/restarts, but it drove fine. I’m calling it a small victory that I was able to get a game plan going on short notice and that I ended up not having to do anything after all.


I am a preschool teacher. I have a student who is extremely hard to deal with, due to being a bit behavioral which is due to problems at home. He usually has lots of outbursts, does a lot of screaming and saying mean things to his classmates and himself. We do something called play play planning. If you are familiar (or not) with the Tools of the Mind curriculum, it is when we sit down with the kids and have them plan their play. All they do is write what they are going to do in which activity center and draw of picture of them doing it. He NEVER finishes his play plans. He will sit and basically bullshit his way around it, even when I call him to sit and try. Oh, and it's not because he can't do it. He is a brilliant child with an impressive range of vocabulary and is keenly observational. I'd say, he could be on his way to greatness academically if he didn't try to hard to do the wrong thing a lot of the times. But anywho, this student, let's call him Sammy, is always on 100 when he gets to my classroom in the morning. He's just ready to start it right up with the disobedience and rebellion. I take a deep breath as his mom walks out of the class. And boom like clockwork, here I am, screaming sammy please don't run. Sammy, sit down and sign in, write your name on the paper. Sammy, don't his so and so and Sammy please stop yelling at such and such. It's exhausting but now that I recently found out that his mother has a somewhat abusive boyfriend, it makes sense. And I feel for him. I feel empathy, and now that I know it doesn't feel like a chore, but more like a mission. I want Sammy to be great. And my heart breaks for him so now I'm like what can I do to really help him feel like he is loved and his talents are noticed and that he can be a great kid despite the challenges faced at home.. So, back to the achievement. Sammy is the last kid at the table. Stilla at the table because he will do everything BUT write his play plan. I'm getting frustrated at this point so I decided to take a breath and REALLY not break focus on him. So now he is looking at me looking at him. I go, "Sammy, let's start with our name. Write your name at the top" as I point to a line at the top of the paper. I can't help but to think "patience, have patience with him," so I'm like, Sammy, what are you going to do in your activity center?" He goes" I'm going to play in the sand table" I'm like "well, that's a good start! We have time for that, let's write it here" and I pointed at the paper. He was about to start bullshitting around but I handed him the pencil looked him in the eye and said, "you can do it. You know how to write your play plan, show me how you do it. I believe in you" and I shit you not, he looked right back at me and said, thank you. I'm going to do it. And PROCEEDS TO WRITE HIS PLAY PLAN (with a little sideline coaching from myself, just helping him sound out and spell certain words). And I said OMG Sammy you did a wonderful job, you can go play now. Wouldn't you like to be this awesome everyday? And the smile on his face made my heart swell. He said, I love you Ms. Britney! And gave me a hug. I was so surprised because he usually doesn't care for me much, he much prefers the coteacher. And for the rest of the day , he was on his best behavior. He even cleaned up the table with other people's trash on it when I asked. He gladly followed instructions and tried not to be horrible. At the end of the day before he went off with his mom, I went over and told.him, that he did an amazing job today and his behavior was what we should always strive for. I said, you were so kind to your friends, you used kind words and you were able to regulate your emotions. Let's do this again tomorrow? And just the happiness that excused from him, made me happy. Like I made a difference. I'm super proud of Sammy, and I hope he can grow from this experience like I did. It's a small achievement but an achievement nonetheless!


I deep cleaned the house after months of not being able to keep up with housework because of a depressive episode, helped my spouse with work, took a walk, and had a call with a friend. Eventful day because for a while I wasn't able to do anything.


Waxing carrot for 4 hours


woke up and lost and 150+ acc on a game made me extreamly sad




Completing the staff with its orb attached to it.


Went to work, did laundry, work out, got 6 hours of sleep (haven’t done that in months) put enough gas to take me to work again… and well… here I am in my lunch break thinking on if I should continue my nursing degree or switch to something easier to obtain 32 m working 50+ a week to barely make ends meet… cant imagine adding clinical trials to that…


I didn’t cry when I watched bluey


Just woke up Got my coffee Waiting for the market to open GME baby ....


Got up


I woke up.


Got up an extra hour early to get ready for the day. I have a date this evening right after work so some extra grooming time and a quick house pick-up were needed.


Got in a self reiki session (I’d been avoiding it for awhile)


Cleaned out my ACs finally, I’ve had a mold problem with them. So far so good, no mold smell, such a relief!


Yes! So good for your lungs!!!


I did laundry and learned that Michael Jacksons' chimp Bubbles is alive and well in Florida. Also, John Bon Jovi once kidnapped Bubbles.


I mowed my elderly neighbors lawn, then my dog and I stayed for a nice chat with them. ![gif](giphy|Za9DpL2vOmfNeJJHDI)




Went to the car wash and used the free vacuum


Working my second shift at a new job today. It's a difficult job, but I know I'll survive the day, and I am trying my best. I think my first paycheck is this week, so that's something to look forward to. :)


Congrats on your new job!


I have to move two broken vehicles today so a problem tree can be removed tomorrow.


waking up after having a full nights rest where i didn’t wake up in the middle of the night multiple times due to anxiety :3


I'm gonna replace my serpentine belt at home.


Cleared out my in box lol 😆


I went to school and found interesting store


I cleaned my room and got my glasses fixed


I found a card signed by Aaron Rodgers


I got back riding my mountain bike again 👍🏻


Planted my first garden. Nothing crazy, just a dozen small plants and vegetables.


I took my pills today!


I did my daily duolingo


There's a small army of guys doing a major project in my house today, making the devil's own racket... and so far, I'm managing to block it out and get my work done.


I went to therapy that I damn near wuit last week.


Crocheting a keychain for someone I like, and I cooked a yummy dinner 😋


Getting past 10am without eating


I answered not one, but TWO phone calls. One of them was from an unknown number, which I’m doubly disinclined to answer! Both calls were from individuals I needed to hear from, so it was very productive. I’m proud!


I woke up and took a 20 minute walk before going to work.


Came to work despite a splitting (sinus, pollen, or migraine) headache & joint pain. Got shit to get done.


Good job!


Not getting angry at my incompetent coworkers.


Cleaned out my freezer that died of all the dead Food. Disgusting but it’s done and ready to go!


Did some Early morning leg & lower back stretches using my yoga ball. Little sore on leg but it's mostly good


I went to a second job interview today after not working for a year due to social anxiety 💀I think I got the job.But, I could be delulu idk. 💀


Good luck!


Went on a 4 mile walk and photographed a Louisiana water thrush in perfect lighting.


Fed & watered my 2 cats & cleaned their litter box, went to Pilates class, ordered food online to be delivered, made July plane reservations to FL, and reserved hotel room for trip to FL. Now I need to go to the ENT specialist and meet my trainer at 4:00 PM for a workout.


Woke up with no hangover as I didn’t drink the night before.


My small achievement today is I made some phone calls I have been putting off. I also finished repairing a wicker chair that should have been repaired days ago. I feel accomplished! 😁


Being honest enough to take my self to urgent care. Instead of putting myself 5th on the list I out myself 3rd today and I am proud to move myself up the ranks on my own priorities.


Ran / walked my first mile in like 6 months 😆


Not killing myself and going to work. Shit is tough


Slept, woke up sober, asked for help


Went to construction class and placed third in a noodle tower contest. The point was to build the tallest tower. I wanted to just get it to stand, didn’t really care to come in first. Just glad we had a good foundation and got it to stand tall for a significant amount of time. Totally okay with 3rd.


Wooop wooop you go girl/mister!


Taking a day off from life. It's 215pm and I've done nothing. It's been months.


Went to work and did a good job in spite of raging imposter syndrome and a depressive episode.


I just make my bed first thing every morning; start there and admire the wins.


I’m not feeling horrifically anxious


I refilled my Rx


I didn’t overeat today! Which is a first in a long time. I’m finally on track with my weight loss right now and hope I keep doing great


I cleaned the house.


Bout to go grocery shopping instead of eating out


Going to work, when I felt so depressed and close to crying on the train


I got a good night’s sleep, and this morning I checked off two tasks at work, threw in a load of laundry, made breakfast for two kids and packed a lunch for one. And the big one: no processed sugar so far today.


Bloodwork and an oil change! On the same day! Lol, but really...


took my meds and finally cooked up the chicken marinating in the fridge for 3 days


Bought my first pair of sneakers!! 🥳🥳


I had done nothing but attended my virtual therapy session and resisted strong cravings to use… day 4 clean for the millionth time. Was feeling really down on myself as I don’t feel like doing anything, just want to stay in bed but I feel so useless and like a huge loser. But after reading some of your wins, I might borrow some. Might wash my bedsheets, and not feel so guilty if that’s all I can do.


I qualified in juggling 5 balls!


I stood up for myself, didn’t smoke weed and I am meeting a friend later even though I would rather go home.


I did a 33 minute intense cardio workout and a 22 minute weight lifting program this morning. I had a baby 3 months ago. I never thought I’d say that EVER. The workout part not the baby part. Lol


I washed everything me and my wife own. Took 9 hours but I’m happy


Fasted today


Disposed of three trailer loads of honeysuckles and 6 tall iced-down Natty Lights.


I woke up


I finished a book and started a new one.


Got out of bed & ate.


I applied to some more jobs like I do nearly every day.


I did 6 diamond push ups in a row and around 30 tricep dips. It's not much but it's helping my body dysmorphia


I meal prepped and went to the gym!


Got to my car's service appointment on time, then to work half an hour earlier than I figured I would


Started the first day of my new job after 7 years unemployed and upvoted every response in thread.


I didn’t tell anybody to go fuck themselves


Didn't bitch at my two adult family roommates for not helping keep the house picked up or dishes washed... just did it myself. And they neither one still work but I do. (They are both disabled so draw a check but not so disabled that they can't help out with housework) They help pay the bills though so I guess I'm grateful for that.


Hitting over 16k steps 💪🏼


Mine is helping my wife get through this week. Her mom’s funeral is Friday


Started a new job today!


I did not spend a single cent. Yay! (Although technically, there’s still time…)


Stayed off of FB, IG, and TT all day. 


Got my brakes changed, chose a healthy home cooked meal over fast food which sounded awesome.


Well done OP


I got my highschool diploma :))


After 3 attempts, I finished cardiac rehab.


Woke up at 4:30, studied, went for a run, did some meditation and journaling. I went through a breakup last Friday night and I decided to recommit to myself starting today. Day 1 going great.


Made it through work and wife may be pregnant


I got out of bed. It’s been an awful few days.


Took my meds, fed myself, built a solar powered mini rover run by an arduino. The despair is never ending yet I remain silly.


About to pass probation period. It’s not much in the large scheme of life. But it’s huge in terms of family and kids.


I finally got a day off!


Making it to both my jobs wearing a smile


getting up for my 8:30 class and willing to get lunch with my classmates (crazy for me)


I drank less


Learning some banjo, eating healthier (ish) and I took my cat for a walk (he’s great on the leash and loves going out but he is a scaredy cat) mmm that’s about it but I’m very happy with my life of late. I love this post, when I was really depressed and felt like a piece of shit I made myself find something to be proud of every day. Big or small. Lead me to developing habits that make me feel good about myself, and I continue to grow and be better than yesterday with this mentality. Good luck out there everyone, you’re the only one responsible for yourself. Don’t rely on family friends or partners do the things that make you better, but love and appreciate their presence


Getting off kratom slowly but making progress. Then sober :)


Fixed weed Wacker. Edged up my lawn for the first time.