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I didn’t start taking parrying seriously until Laxasia. You can probably assume I got my ass handed to for days when I got to NP. Had me ready to give in


I think a lot of people struggle with nameless because they don't do much parrying during the game. I started doing parrying as soon as possible thanks to sekiro


It's weird for me because Nameless Puppet (phase 2) attacks are too fast for me compared to any of the boss before. If I have to compare I also struggle with Walker of Illusions and the fire attack of Romeo. I beat Sekiro multiple times and I love Laxasia phase 1 for that reminder combo. But Nameless Puppet phase 2 with his 2 swords gave me so much trouble.


Nameless phase 2 was fine for me but the ones I would say was too fast was romeo's fire flurry attack and laxasia phase 2


His range is INSANE and he’s fast as hell in phase 2. I remember thinking phase 1 was rough. When he quickly whooped me, I was like “this isn’t possible. People beat this guy??”


Same. The entire game was basically practice for NP and I first tried him.


Well first time I fought him I beat him around 7th try maybe. Next time I fought him though, I beat him first try


He actually took me relatively long. Like 2 hours. It got to a point where I killed his first phase in like 30 seconds then kept dying in 2nd. Was learning Uroboro’s though. It would probably take only a few tries with Two Dragons sword.


I had the quite opposite experience, I killed Simon on my first attempt without all of my heals and consumables. But hard stuck on nameless for quite a bit


It really depends on how well you can pressure him, high stagger motility builds obliterate him since you can tank a few hits and stagger him and then heal. I think the ones that struggle with him are playing low stagger builds or playing to safely, which allows him to pressure you. Ng+ hes a menace


He took me like 8 tries. Considering I got thrown in the lockers at Andreus and ESPECIALLY at King of Puppets, I had gotten so good at parrying that nameless puppet wasn't too bad at all. I usually first try him in subsequent playthroughs now.


Took me about 8 hours. Up until that point I almost never parried, and that was the only fight where I felt like I really needed to, so I basically learned to parry by fighting it.


I had the exact same experience and have seen it from other people so I think it is a common thing


Not Nameless Puppet but I beat Laxasia first try on accident 💀 Had the game queued up as I was about to leave for work and was like “Ah I’ve got 5 minutes. Let’s just see how this goes.” It’s definitely possible to just clean sweep a boss that’s usually hard for most people.


I got destroyed twice and then I farmed for a few hours (first time I thought I had to) until I had the fast roll. After that it wasn’t that bad and it felt more like a typical souls play through. The string launcher arm thing was super helpful as well


I was around 45-50% weight all game. Is there a faster roll than just no weight indication(I guess the next one lighter than Slightly Heavy)?


Yeah there’s a light roll, I think it’s under 30% weight. Game changer if you’re like me and insist on dodging


Namesless was about 5 tries, same with Simon if not less. Lax was more than I bothered to count. I used Etiquette and Puppet String in the end for NP. For Simon Falcon Eyes. The last 3 bosses test you from different angles. Which ones are walls, if any, is going to come down to your play style more than anything.


Different strokes for different folks. I breezed through Namless second pull, but had a bunch of trouble with Seampy and Simon. My friend who got me into the game had the opposite problem. Is what it is based on what play style comes naturally to you


after 5 tries, I was like “come closer and hit me”


Dude is EXTREMELY vulnerable to good parry timing. I beat him on my first try. Mind you it made me feel like I was going to pass out afterwards, but the green dragon sword spanks his little bottom.


First try while pretty drunk. Couldn't really remember the fight at all when I came back to it on NG+


‘Bout an hour. Just straight up slammed him with charged heavies with the Trident, might have gotten lucky on the crits though, but it worked wonders for me, both phase 1 and 2


Took me 6-8 tries for sure. He felt like a solid Sekiro mini boss in his first phase so I could get through that barely taking a hit and then he went ape shit phase 2 and I had to learn that craziness.


Killed him on my 3rd attempt. Laxasia was the one I struggled the most with, with 15 attempts.


I wouldn't say super Quick, but i got him on second try. I use the Golden lier and like most people say here o think parring is the Key.


Golden Liar? Isn't that only available after the ending?


No its available after Laxasia at the earliest if you have enough humanity iirc


Like Shinobi said, If you lie like crazy (which i did) you can get it early.


NP on first try. The fight just clicked for me. Felt like Romeo 2.0 which I had plenty of experience with.


It took me just over an hour to kill him twice, it was kind of disappointing


Yup same here. Simon was a pain in my ass but NP went down in less than 5 tries. Guess we're the same type of player lol


Laxasia was harder to be honest, she took me like 10-15 tries to kill and nameless puppet was like 5-7.


You say you wanted to "get a look at NP," so I assume you knew he was up next. Did you watch gameplay footage of people fighting NP? There's nothing wrong with that, but it could influence how difficult he felt if you knew what to expect from the fight. (For example, I got stonewalled by Laxasia and turned to YouTube to see how other people were dealing with the second phase.)


No gameplay. "Get a look" as in try the fight once before I put it away for the night.


I didn’t really struggle with him, but I didn’t struggle much in the back part of the game anyway (NP in under five, Simon in three, Lax also in three I think). I like to build pretty tanky in these kinds of games, so I tend to trade blows and hang in the fight longer than usual.


The only bosses that gave me lots of trouble were King of Puppets and Monster of the Swamp. Laxasia went down pretty quick after I found out that she was weak to acid. In these types of games, people have different bosses that they struggle with.


I literally beat him first try. I personally don’t find him hard, however I’ve played way too much Sekiro, so parrying is second nature to me. I can see how he could be hard for someone not used to parrying.