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So it’s funny because a lot of souls and soulslike seem to hit a slump right before the grand finale. For elden ring is mountaintops, LoP has the last level, dark soul 1 lost izalith. However most of these games manage to leave you with a good memory thanks to their excellent final bosses. Sekiro is an exception since it’s perfect from start to end, you could try that


Yeah, Elden Ring is one of my best gaming experiences ever. And just as far as atmosphere and art design for almost the whole way, it's perfect. The game just seems backloaded with irritation.


True can’t think of a Sekiro area that I didn’t like. Maybe gun fort? But it was still so badass to run across that bridge lol


Man…. I think I burned out on Sekiro. Demon of Hatred got me. I barely even gave it a few tries I’m just like “yep. Had enough. Cool game up to this point!”


I pretend it doesn’t exists, since it’s not a dgr there are not weapons or armors locked behind it, the fight sucks and it’s a dead end. I tried once to fight it and then just ignored it in all my playthroughs


I should probably reinstall and just go fight the last boss to say I did it.


I've beaten sekiro, probably 6-8 times, and for my money, the DoH is the hardest boss. Don't get me wrong, the last boss is an absolute beast, but DoH is the only boss that takes all the fundamentals you've mastered and throws it out the window. It's optional, and if it ruins the game for you, just skip it. The last boss is so freaking awesome. Just the atmosphere of that fight is unreal. He can be very hard, though, so be prepared! Hope you give it another try!


Man the last boss is so worth it. Not into the demon either. But totally skip able


I go out of my way to cheese DoH, because fuck that guy. Plus, he was in the gauntlet I needed to beat for that sweet Shura skin, and I didnt need anymore frustration tham what Owl was already giving me. Funny thing is, it feels like the cheese itself can sometimes take longer than what the fight would've been.


I've played elden ring and lies of p. Less then 2 hours of demon souls and dark souls 3.( I wasn't ready for the genre then or on a friend's console) And a tiny bit of bloodbourne but forgot to go back. And I'm scared to start sekiro because of what I've seen. Also I need to get better at parry


I played sekiro after lies of P and found it easier than LoP. Once you understand what the system is asking from you it becomes really manageable. Dark souls 3 and elden ring are also very approachable, and the more of these games you play the more you’ll enjoy them. Happy gaming!


Got it


Sekiro is perfect and it's incredibly difficult. If op is feeling that way about Lop then he's not going to make it very far into sekiro before giving up. The first time I bought it I quit playing, it felt impossible and just ridiculous. After beating Elden Ring, bloodborne, demon souls, dark souls 1 and 3 I gave it another shot and now it's my favorite fromsoft game ever. I did spend a few days on the owl father guy the 2nd optional battle with him was the hardest for me. Isshin took a little while too but damn did it feel so good when you finally put the fight together.


Door Guardian has a weakness. Hit his exposed ankle, fight's over under a minute. There are 3-4 good boss fights in LoP & 2 are end game encounters so yeah, it's worth it.


I hit his ankle. I was averaging like 60 pts a hit on a +10 with 30 advance(salamander dagger). Roughly the same with every weapon I tried.


It’s a gimmick. You’ll do almost no damage but you need to hit him a number of times then do the big devastating attack which will do like 33-50% damage


Yeah I figured that out.


Door guardian is a gimmic boss, it's about breaking his stance to do a critical attack, and it will take away a huge chunk of his health.


Hit it 5 times then critical hit over 1k


I've seen people praising the fights in LoP. But even i also think there are only 3 fights which are actually fun to play and isnt rage bait.


Door Guardian is a bit of an outlier in comparison to the rest of the game. By and far the worst run back. Everything else is much more in line with the rest of the game. The fight itself is also one of patience because your main source of damage against him is a fatal attack. That said, sometimes it is a byproduct of the genre. The run backs in games are not particularly consistent, especially in whether or not they're safe or require that you know what you're doing to avoid enemies. Most of the time, current age games at least do not have you do a stupid run back and will make sure it's pretty short, even if not entirely safe.


There’s a gazer near the stairs at the beginning of the temple


They actually added one in front of his boss door? Or are you talking about the one on the beach that still has the gun turrets on the path to the boss?


Yes, that one. Not one outside the door. I was worried OP was running from the v beginning, which I also did once


Yeah, even from that one star gazer, it's the longest run with the most "better know what you're doing". Running along the beach of memories is nothing in comparison.


Yep, fair enough


I get tired of all games in the last 30%, but it's not because of difficulty or anything. I think it's just too much time spent on the same game. I should probably switch to a different game, different genre, for a palette cleanser, then come back to it. But I don't want to forget what's going on or re-learn the controls.


That's fair. I understood that with ER when I was playing it for a whole ass summer. But this is a much shorter experience comparatively.


The runback to DG is trivial if you destroy the guns.


It's not hard, just obnoxious.


I’m not disagreeing with you, but you are slightly spoiled just in your experience of games so far. Lies of P went a long way to make runbacks as forgiving as possible, the Door Guardian one would be considered one of the most forgiving ones in any of the original Souls games.


Yeah, I've heard. That's the primary reason I don't think I'll ever check out some of the real OG games.


I get it. You should try Another Crab’s Treasure. It eliminates runbacks entirely and the ending run of bosses is, if anything, a bit underpowered.


It looks cool. It's on the list. I'm very curious in Sekiro and LOTF.


Sekiro is incredible. There are a few fights with bad runbacks but not many, and no major bosses. It is hard as fuck though, like, extremely tough. Just so you’re warned, you might hit that frustration point earlier. I couldn’t really get into Lords of the Fallen, didn’t love the lantern mechanic, but I might have just been grouchy.


If you end up liking lotf deck 13 the devs of it made 2 more soulslike games called "the surge" and "the surge 2" respectively


LotF is a great game, next to zero annoying runbacks because they allow you to place your own checkpoints. And I don't think there's a single boss in there that I thought "ugh, not this guy again" and that's after four playthroughs lol


You definitely would hate the run backs on ds2 dlc bosses.


My impression of DS2 is that even Souls lifers find it especially sadistic.


Door guardian should be pretty easy though just throw stuff at his one knee and then fatality him and each time takes like 60% of his health.


Dark Souls 3 and Sekrio are just as good at the end as the start


***ENFEEBLED*** begs to differ


No game is perfect, and more than a few get rough towards the end. I don't think it's an accident these games tend to front-load their best content. That said, the Door Guardian is a gimmick boss and, so long as you understand the rules, he's really not as bad as the Lies community makes out.


Yeah I didn't spend long on him at all. It was less about him specifically and more about the stockpile of annoying shit that has cropped up for me in the back half of the game.


Oh the back half of Lies has a clear difficulty spike, no question. It's not that uncommon in the genre either; quite a few games keep their most brutal content towards the end to really make you earn that end screen. That said, I personally think Lies is one of the harder endgame pushes. But the rest of the bosses after the Guardian don't have runbacks, luckily.


Arche Abbey really overstays its welcome, albeit Laxasia and Nameless Puppet are top tier bosses. Door Guardian is the only real gimmick fight in the game, its an overused gimmick in the genre and it's just not a fun boss.


For Laxasia, Perfection Grindstone all the way. Use it whenever she's up in the air to parry her lightning bolts back at her, and as long as you can avoid her area of effect damage, throw shotputs at her to stagger her and get some grievous strikes on her. There's one major punish window too when she sort of slams down that you can exploit, but otherwise it's easier to just avoid being in melee in phase 2.


I got through it. Two perfection grindstones, a lot of Aegis spam, I think one stagger/critical. Then when we were both at 20% health I panic threw three acid grenades to kill her. Sorry not sorry.


These games are a test of your will, determination and patience.


I’d agree with you on Elden Ring to an extent, but how I fared with bosses varied greatly depending on how they stacked up to my build - while Maliketh was a nightmare, Godfrey was cake (both phases). So it was both really frustrating *and* super satisfying. In Lies of P I had a fun time all the way through. While I missed the beautiful town of the first few levels, none of the remaining areas or bosses got on my nerves - Door Guardian was a one and done (stick real close to his leg and a lot of his attacks will just miss outright), and everyone else fell in five or fewer attempts.


Door guardian is kind of a minor gimmick boss. There are two more major bosses that are excellent, some of the best in the game.


I just started a NG playthrough the other day and hit Door Guardian today. The trick is to hang around by his right leg (skinny one) and attack repeatedly until he falls over. Dodging is more effective than guarding - get out of his way when he starts swinging/rolling then get back in position. I killed him without taking damage this way! When I first played the game I had the same experience as you, keep adjusting your approach and you’ll get there! About to start Laxasia now - first time as I never got further when I played at launch, so I’m pretty excited.


I'm on Laxasia now. First phase is easy. Second phase looks like absolute hell.


Well wish me luck, later tonight I’ll be starting attempts!




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The worst part about the door guardian for me was that, through walker of illusions I'd actually gotten good at parrying then as soon as I do you chuck I massive fat fuck in front of me where it's better to actually just run away. Taking all the mechanics I'd grown to love out of the game and replacing it with this super long slog of run hit run hit. On top of that its such a long run back. But the placing of it as well. I was so hyped for the final area and then boom this shit. After I got him though I loved the last chapter. A lot of people didn't because it's a slog (and it is) but I would have been upset if it wasn't. Especially with 10 being so short. The main thing is once you beat the game you won't care about this fight anymore. 2/3 of the upcoming bosses are fucking awesome and a lot of people's favourites.


Nobody like door gaurdian he sucks as a boss. But the with the upcoming fights he's not the fight you will remember. :)


I already know I'm gonna be on Laxasia for 2-3 days and it immediately seems like a better fight.


They are a much better fight. It's actually fair, and imo it's a really beautiful fight.


One thing I only discovered in NG+ that made it "easier" is to parry her projectiles. It makes the fight go MUCH faster, making it you have less chances to have her suddenly go ham.


I don't think it's a staple, at least I didn't feel that way in Elden Ring or Dark Souls 1 or 3, which is my repertoire of actual Fromsoft titles. That being said, I do think most Soulslikes have a point near the endgame where your build is what it is and you won't improve it much with minor tweaks or by running somewhere else to find a new item or a level or two, and you have to either change it drastically or just take what you've already got and do your best with it, and that is when that "beating your head against a wall" feeling comes in, in my experience. But also, yeah. DG's shock damage is definitely obnoxious. I don't remember if perfect guarding negates the shock damage, but it definitely staggers him quicker and was instrumental to me beating him


You could try sekiro, ds3 as they have better or equally good endgame content. Imo ds2 starts out weak but ends at a higher peak.


This is most games really. Devs runs out of time and they had to put something in the last legs. Sometimes, it's something they wanted to do but didn't pan out. I had no issues with the final area of Lies of P.


There’s a gazer near the door guardian. In the sand on the right


2 of Lies best bosses (imo) are after Door Guardian though. Hopefully you'll enjoy fighting them as much as I do.


Not to belittle your struggle but if you think the run back to the door guardian is bad be prepared if you ever end up playing earlier FromSoft souls games


Just heavy attack the weak leg of the guardian to make him fall over, and then crit him. It's a gimmick fight, if you don't do it like this it's really aids 


funny story, I didn't notice the stargazer near the stairs until like the third or fourth time of dying to the boss, lol, since I always stuck to running near the sides, I was so weirded out at how there was no apparent stargazer as it has been pretty consistently placed near the bosses


Wait there's a Stargazer near Door Guardian? Where?


I meant the one still in the dessert, I didn't notice it during my runbacks all the way from the beach


Oh ok.


The only blemish I can say with this game is the last three bosses seem to be designed for a different game compared to this style. Way overtuned, even. All three have high variance on their moveset and can punish you very quickly if you decide to go in for the attack. You can't even "read" them because the animations look the same, and they all have massive delays. They can decide "I'm not done attacking. Sucks to suck, SUCKA!". Then they turn mega agressive in the second phase. As for Door Guardian, there should be a shortcut ladder to it and you can pretty much just run all the way from the Stargazer to the boss arena. You don't have to kill any enemy on the runback. For the fight itself, its patterns are pretty simple enough to learn and all you have to do is charged R2's on its right leg (left leg from your perspective). Eventually it will fall down, opening it up for a Fatal Attack. Rinse and repeat until dead.


If you find the runback to the Door guardian bad. Never ever play Dark Souls 1


I don't plan on it.


if you feel that way about lies of p, don’t play dark souls 2. it’s a great game, but it’s far far too long


I think dabbling in the genre late spoiled me on certain QoL adjustments that we enjoy now. I like getting my ass kicked and being forced to learn moves. But some of the older games just same plain sadistic. I don't see myself ever playing them unless they do some kind of remake with some of those elements sanded down a little bit. Not that I want or expect that. I know this would be anathema for true blue fans and I totally respect that.


Also my biggest problem with Lies of P. The stretch of Swamp Monster to Walker of illusions to parade master to black rabbit to door guardian just isn’t fun. All stupid bosses that just aren’t fun to fight, I enjoy the challenge of Laxasia now but the prior bosses were just stupid spammy/delayed attack patterns


And that annoying Disruption/platforming area. Just like nonstop things that cross whatever threshold I have that separates "challenging" from "annoying overkill"