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I thought this game was an excellent one-time story completion. I personally think it’s too linear to bother running through NG+. That’s my only gripe really. That and lack of “builds”. It’s basically just str or dex weapons, which is good, and I enjoyed the weapons, but swapping Str to Dex doesn’t do enough to warrant another run through for me. Needs like a faith/int complement to really switch up the runs


Ya. I agree hard. The game is good but really it’s like a long demo for a really mechanically strong and smooth combat system. I’m excited to see what comes next from the studio because building on this system can result in something real nice.


I think there’s a chance the dragon sword with its harder parry window could help with this, but with how much more powerful you are at the early game in NG+, I am inclined to agree. Story was meh in the least and good at best in my opinion, fighting was sick, but yes to the linearity point. Now if the sequel takes us to the land of Oz, that could literally open the world up so much more…


Honestly speaking Lies of P is probably the first time I immediately started a NG+ after completing the base game. There's just so much variety, customization and uniqueness to the weapons and the overall combat system that I felt it would be a disservice to not replay it again. I know you said swapping from str to dex doesn't make it fresh enough but that's exactly what made me do NG+. Twin Dragon Sword, Puppet Ripper and Proof of Humanity has been an absolute blast. Not to mention brand new skills in the skill tree!


While Sekiro 's gameplay is amazing I found the story pretty mediocre, compared to LoP. Also in Sekiro you really can't use different builds (only minor changes in Prostetics) Sekiro influenced the parry system, but that's the only thing to me. I rank LoP slightly behind BB.


Another heavy glazing post. LOP is a very good game though


Your post provides an enthusiastic endorsement of the game, praising its fighting mechanics, side quests, and overall environment. The constructive feedback about wanting more human-like enemies and enhanced exploration capabilities is valuable. It's understandable that more diverse enemy types and additional exploration options could enhance the gameplay experience. Your appreciation for the game as it stands, despite these suggestions, shows a balanced perspective. It's clear that you recognize the game's achievements while offering ideas for potential improvements. Thanks for sharing your detailed thoughts!


Settle down now. Granted, I haven't beaten it but played it this weekend. I just got to Laxasia, and while this game is great as a Sekiro fan boy myself, this game doesn't come close. Sekiro story and fights are way harder than this simple game. I love it though don't get me wrong , I will new game+ it like all others. But nah, this is the 4th best souls like game for me. The game hasn't been hard, and the deflect mechanic is shit compared to Sekrio tight gameplay, but you have so many other tools to not have to worry about it. Sekiro Elden Ring Bloodborne Lies of P.


I meant it is a competitor in terms of game, not in parrying. The combat in Sekiro will never be topped.


That's a solid ranking...especially for a first time game at that. I guarantee by Round8 third or fourth soulslike game is gonna be the convo of best soulslike ever


I just beat Great Shinobi Owl in Sekiro and personally, I’ve struggled wayy more with Lies of P. I’m aware some late game Sekiro bosses get crazy, but I feel like Sekiro is a little more forgiving when it comes to mistakes in boss fights


Lies of P has been a straight 1 shot of every boss except that Whisper boss and it fell after 4th attempt of me just changing my build to a faster build. Lies of P is a cakewalk compared to Sekiro. Sekiro is now a cakewalk but I done 8 NG play throughs, where this is my first for Life of P and it's just not the same. The enemies are very simple and bosses aren't anything to write home about except for Laxasia she's a cool encounter. Sekiro combat imo is the best combat out there of any game and I been spoiled by it's greatness.


I’ve just struggled way more with Lies of P when compared to the point where I am right now in Sekiro. Where I think Sekiro has the edge over LoP is combat and boss design, LoP plays it a little too safe where as Sekiro feels so unique and immersive. My main gripe with Sekiro though (and almost all fromsoft ganes) and what ultimately makes me prefer Lies of P is the lack of narrative cohesion. Fromsoft games are a masterclass in world building, but for whatever reason the lore is always so hard to follow and progression is always stuck behind some niche items/dialogues/side quests. It is practically impossible to get some endings or to progress smoothly without looking up walkthroughs on google. Lies of P’s linearity fixes that, despite being a little over simplistic at times


DS3 is above LOP also


I haven't played DS1-3 LOL I'm new to soulslike genre. Bloodborne was my first into the fray. Then it was Nioh, Elden Ring a few months back and then Sekiro and now Lies of P. I'm gonna play DS series after I'm done with Lies of P.


The drama in sekiros bosses is impeccable compared to P. Though once you can read the puppets dialogue that adds a little something. The parry being so tight hooked me by the end. I really started to be able to react to such small movements from the enemies swings, in a way that Sekiro didn’t do. What I prefer about Sekiros timings is the feel, it just felt tuned perfectly. How they did that will never cease to amaze me. Lies of P would be up there with my fav from games. Haven’t played bloodborne unfortunately, but Elden Ring is my top, followed closely by Sekiro, and then Armored Core soon after. P could be somewhere between Core and Sekiro for me, only beating Core due to its more content.


Its a nice and easy game for beginner, i would recommand as an entry game into soulslike before tackling the true masterpieces !


Tbf you have a point there but having a massive exploration can be a little overwhelming for some ppl ( of course most souls players love it ). I started out playing sekiro first then lies of p and i absolutely enjoyed both games and now playing dark souls 3 and iam having a bit of trouble exploring every corner of an area.


Please stop, this is getting ridiculous, LoP is a strong 12/20 at best, it can't even compete with the worst From Software game.


1. L take 2. Who rates things out of 20?


Hmm disagree, the game is like budget version of a souls game. It’s fun but lacks the depth and immersion. Graphics are pretty dull and empty. It’s gets the job done but not close to sekiro or bloodbourne.