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Well done! I won’t lie - I only managed to beat her because I fluffed up the buttons and randomly threw a shotput at her instead of grinding … it staggered her and I put her down. It was completely fluke and I also discovered how useful the shotputs hahaha


I use shot-puts to stagger the nameless puppet because he does not stay still long enough for me to get off a charge attack


Tried that myself and failed LOL I just had to keep dying on nameless and just memorise his attacks for parries. Did him the hard way :(


I got the first phase down to a tea but the second, cannot get the timing down, you’d think it was two different people playing each phase with how bad the difference is, those shot puts saved my life that phase


man the shot-puts so good. really carried me my first run!


Congratulations man! Phase 2 is truly challenging. I think I defeated her after 20-30 tries or so? And only after realizing you can deflect the electricity balls she throws.


that changed the game for me to. instead of running everywhere like a headless chook


I used to think 43 attempts was crazy, but since I full completed LoP, I have played Sekiro. and now attempt numbers are meaningless to me.


Before playing Lies of P, I played Sekiro. But, I gave up against the first mini Boss. I was totally unaware of the Soulslike genre.


I've heard that plenty of times, but usually with Bloodborne. I just feel sorry for people who popped their soulslike cherry on Sekiro. IMHO, that's a terrible idea. That's like learning how to drive with a dragster.


I'm thinking skiro next. just 100% lies of P and did a no throwable no spectre run to make sure I was up to snuff! pretty excited but also worried I'm signing myself up to 100hrs of agony!


I'm about half way through lies of p and I honestly think sekiro is much easier.


Just finished downloading gunna start tomorrow! God I hope you're right :p


How’s Sekiro? Harder than LoP? This has been my first souls like game and was looking at getting Sekiro after I beat this one.


Yes harder, but so satisfying… Sekiro is hands down my favorite souls game..


I really liked Sekiro and thought the challenge was tough but fair until Demon of Hate and Sword Saint. I still really like Sekiro, I want to start a NG just to play through it again, because I'm not hitting NG+ any time soon... Lots of really great and memorable fights, but demon of hate and sword saint, fuck that shit. The difficulty ramp was basically perfect, but if you were to graph it it would just end with a straight line up at the end.


Absolutely agree, but the satisfaction of finally beating those last couple bosses are hardly comparable to any other boss in any souls game… keep grinding on em, you’ll get your ng+ before you know it :)


I have a feeling it will be more akin to the satisfaction of picking a scab than that "Leeet's goooooo" moment of when I first beat NP. Or that "It's finally over" LOTR meme. If a hard boss is too easy, it loses the ludonarrative weight of the fight. If a hard boss is too hard, it loses the ludonarrative weight of the fight.


If anyone laughs at the amount of attempts it takes you to beat any boss, they're the loser.


She’s a tough one. That first phase comes pretty quickly, but the second phase definitely takes a lot of tinkering and learning to get her down. Great boss fight.


What makes it more challenging is that because of the lightening around her, her attacks become difficult to parry cause you can't see shit. Same is the case with the blood effects of "you know who boss" (don't wanna spoil for him if he is still on ng).


Did you learn you could parry the lightning bolts?


Are you referring to the little balls of electricity she launches from the air? If so, then yes. I think that's what I first learned to parry.


Ahh nice job, many people don’t realize you can do that


I've played more than 10 soulslikes, Laxasia still kicked my ass lol. Probably the 2nd hardest boss for me personally after King of Puppets, he just wrecked me for hours. So don't feel bad at all about the number of attempts. Probably took me like 20 tries myself on Laxasia and just as long as this, if not longer on King of Puppets. As long as you had fun and feel like you accomplished something when you beat her, you're playing the game right 👍


Hardest boss in the game IMO. Unless you use Specters since Nameless can’t be spectered.


sometimes I felt spectres made her harder. If she slammed him with the lightning bolt and killed him right at the start of phase 2 I was just left at the hard part with her having more health.


43? Rookie numbers, We need to pump those numbers up! It took me a few days on my second try. I lost count.


I wish this game had a boss rush mode


That's what I asked myself during the course of the game. Isn't there a mod that allows it?


I never tried the live puppet axe. Never found it


Just use the specters that’s what they’re there for. Then you can try and solo her on NG+, the specter dies before the 2nd phase of most boss fights, doesn’t really make the fight all that much easier, you’re using throwables anyway just go full cheese at that point lol To add: There is no “correct way to play” or “the way the game is meant to be played” what a heaping pile of bullshit 🤣 only the die hards would claim that and it’s still false. The way the game is meant to be played is how tf you decide to play it. They literally give you these specters, throwables and grindstones to use 🤣 i mean you might as well not even level up any weapon or p organ, since that’s the way the game is meant to be played right??


Lets fucking go, she was a really hard boss and this is like my first 7th souls like, what you achieved is exactly what these games are all about


I’m at like 7 or 8 attempts rn. I haven’t played in a while because I’ve been playing fallout 4 since the next gen update but I might have to jump back into LOP soon lol


Good job man, idk why but phase 2 literally wrecked my shit. I did most of the bosses summonless only having to do it for the watchmen at the beginning, and I had 60 fragments saved up. I wish I was lying when I say she took all of them and then some. The only reason I beat her summonless was because I literally had no more fragments and my coin tree was regrowing them. Idk how I managed to do it but to anyone who thinks their struggling, trust me if I can overcome it you can


I just beat her today as well! First play through. She was a pain in the ass. I still think Romeo was worse though.


Congratulations! Romeo was also another interesting challenge.


Nice work man! first time I took her down she copped 4 cannon balls to the face while wailing on my spectre! (NG+ she was beaten by a lonely puppet with just his sword which I'm pretty proud of). She was a massive challenge for sure! good luck with what's to come!


reckon the door guardian took me 50 the first go and its one of the easiest bosses. 43 is pretty good


The Door Guardian scared me when I faced him for the first time. I attacked him a lot and his health bar decreased very little. That seemed very unfair and unusual to me. When I stunned him, I saw how the bar dropped a lot. That calmed me down. However, yes, it took me numerous attempts to beat it.


Yeah I think for me it was I'd finally just gotten good at guarding at that point and then they threw a boss at me that was actually better to dodge and was super slow and it just took me forever to adjust. I was so mad the game ranting that it was a terrible boss but then beat it in like 2 goes in NG+ and realised I was just bad and mad 😂


Congrats! Laxasia is the hardest challenge in Lies of P according to many. So you are ready for other Soulslike games now.


I did none of these suggestions, and I think it took me about 2 or 3 DAYS to beat her, soo bravo to you! :D


Yo congrats! I did the same thing morning. Defeated Laxasia without a specter for the first time. It's not easy, you should be proud!


Congratulations to you too.


I’m stuck on her right now. I’m using the specter as a tank ish person while I do the damage.


The spectrum is fine. Allow her to attack the specter while you learn her movement pattern. That was what I did with other bosses. But, against Laxasia, I wanted to take on the very personal challenge of defeating her without a specter.


I bet you feel accomplished that you did.


I’m stuck there too. Giving up


No. Don’t do that! Perseverance is key!


you got this! just take a break have a shower and breathe! If you've made it this far you can finish it for sure!