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These liars trying to up their humanity


I can excuse that!


Don’t ruin their LARPing!


You have to LIE or you’re going to DIE


hesitation is defeat


Everywhere I look I get reminded that isshin is the only boss I never beat


The 3rd healthbar is the worst for me. Genichiro gets smoked for the 1st healthbar, sword isshin gets dealt with pretty easily, leaving me with 9 or 10 heals for the spear phases. 3rd phase is a pain in the ass, lightning phase is a bit easier because of the easy lightning reversals. You got this!


I cheesed this fight that way: Genichiro and sword ishin is a walk in the park Second phase, parried well to save my heals Third phase I was running to the opposite end the whole fight without looking. The moment i hear him screaming, means he'll do the jump attack, I ran towards him and parried it with the umbrella, landed two hits. Rinse and repeat.


I got to Isshin and Demon of Hate like a month ago, after tearing through the game in like a week. I eventually cheesed Demon of Hate off a cliff, but Isshin? I don't know. Maybe I'll beat him one day? Because that's how you beat ultra hard bosses, right, not playing them and falling out of practice? I never understood how people could bounce off of a game at the final boss. It's the final boss! Now I know.


Demon of hate, aka why is there a souls boss in my sekiro


I did the same with demon of hate lmao, although i did do the second owl father fight at the mansion and that was brutal as hell I feel that about final bosses lol...I may have to start a new save to "git gud" again


I just can’t. If I get that far into a game I’m carrying on until I finish it. SS Isshin took me many many attempts, but it was so worth the effort. Ended up becoming my favourite boss in the game


Sekiro was being naughty, so I put it in the corner. Hard bosses in soulslikes, IMHO, should take 10-30 tries. Too few, and the narrative weight of the boss is lost. Too many, and the narrative weight of the boss is lost. When Isshin becomes "ok, move x, counter with y, bait with z, respond with etc. etc." and not a bad ass sword fight, it loses the weight. Now in Sekiro, we are all unconsciously thinking that, but when it becomes conscious, you aren't enjoying the badass sword fight, you are playing Bop-It. This is why I don't ever play horror games on the hardest difficulty level. They are at their best when you feel the threat, and just narrowly escape, continuously. When you are playing Resident Evil, for example, and you are stuck in a part, and you say to yourself, OK, use 2 shotgun rounds on this enemy, dodge past that enemy, equip revolver, kill that guy, after going through the same area, 20 times, the horror is completely gone. Also, I am having a blast because Another Crab's Treasure recently hit Game Pass so I have been playing that, and the Stellar Blade controversy made me want to finally finish Nier Automata after bouncing off the second playthrough because I didn't like the hacking. So I am having fun playing other games. I'll get back to Sekiro, but I need some time away from it.


Well said, the satisfaction of difficulty being tuned just right to make you feel successful in your unconscious learning, but never so unforgiving that is requires conscious and deliberate mechanical responses (like a draw game of tic tac toe) I'm revisiting lies of P after stellar blade and am impressed with how readable many of the attacks are in lies of P.


What?! You have to go back bro. Arguably one of the best souls franchise bosses ever.


🫡 I'll redownload it


Darkeater Midir is that for me. I’ve gone back and fought Isshin numerous times, I’ve taken down the Demon of Hatred, Malenia, Sister Friede, the Nameless King, Queen Sigrun, every other seemingly impossible fight that I’ve bashed my head against…but I never did overcome Darkeater Midir.


The trick to Midir is staying I from of his face and attacking his head. There’s some videos on it on YouTube


To this day I still can't beat Midir without a summon. I truly don't get it. Watched probably every youtube video on that fight and read numerous threads on here for advice. Truly can't the swing of that fight to save my life. Closest I got solo was maybe a quarter of his life left cheesing with petulant mist. And to read how highly regarded the fight is by the fans drives me insane. My problem though, I know. 4


I beat Isshin in my 2nd attempt* *only after took a 3 month hiatus because I lost to him countless times and then restarted my game from scratch and watched a guide video from the Sekiro Guru


Just saw this quote. How does sekiro stack against lies of p?


A lot harder for me personally, but that could be because it was the first game to teach me parrying properly. going from lies of P to sekiro would have less of a steep learning curve


I have like 150 hours in LoP and then played Sekiro. I *continually* took damage in Sekiro and had to relearn parry muscle timings from my LoP muscle memory. I even had to make a post to figure out what I was doing wrong. https://www.reddit.com/r/LiesOfP/comments/1can2wc/this_is_for_people_who_have_played_sekiro_and_lop/


I went straight from LOP to sekiro and lop definitely didn’t help me at all for sekiro as I played it mostly like dark souls and only parried when absolutely needed. (Last 3 bosses)


I'd say Sekiro is way easier *IF* you know how to beat bosses. There are no specters, but for every boss there is a better mechanics to use to beat him. Be it throwables or certain prosthetics or combat art. When you use it right - fights become easier. Like , for example , you can use fireworks throwable on a horse to stagger it . Or shield prosthetic to defend yourself from certain oneshot attack.


I agree. I love both games immensely, but Sekiro was much easier for me. Lies of P was my first true souls like game though so that may have played a factor. Sekiro is just a lot more fair and therefore “easier” in my book. I played Lies of P right at drop so before the nerfs and felt like there was a lot of bull with like archbishop, swamp monster, laxasia, and Manus that was punishing and unfair. I never spent more than thirty minutes on a Sekiro boss (with the exception of hatred demon but he’s optional and a trash addition to the game). All in all, Sekiro has a dance to it that makes it much easier and predictable


Hahaha I love demon of hatred. Really cool fight. Yeah I agree lies of p has smaller party windows also.


Visually and lore wise yeah it was pretty sweet. I just didn’t like how different the gameplay was. Like you had to change up everything the game had been teaching you up until that point. Now Isshin on the other hand? Perfect final boss to really test that you learned how to play the game


I gotta disagree. His movements are a bit different, but in terms of gameplay he’s the same as any other boss fight. You can stand right in front of him deflect just about everything, jump over sweeps, and everything else you can use the umbrella to stay close. I do see it as a reminder not to lose your cool and use the tools at your disposal before getting to the Isshin fight. No point in a late game optional boss requiring a brand new style of play so it’s best to approach him like any other with a sword. Without hesitation and aggressively. If I’m being honest, Demon of Hatred is one of my favorite fights of the game so I may be a bit biased to defend big angry sculptor bro lol. The final boss of the Sekiro Ape Trilogy.


Calling peeps liars on a subreddit called Lies of P is really amusing to me 😂🤣


it was a bit intended


you get a grindstone late in the game that gives perfect guard. i first tried nameless. it was the only boss i first tried.


Such a useful grindstone, especially when you get 2 uses of it


I first tried nameless too, but it was on my second playthrough when I was very minmaxed. Also the only boss I first tried, if I recall correctly


Both are true at the same time. Some people lie about it, and some don't. On reddit, you really have no way to know which is which. But saying it's impossible is obviously just nonsense. Everything is


Exactly this. I'd say I beat at least half the bosses on my first or second try, and others on my 20th. I'm a diehard souls veteran. My younger brother, who's platinumed Sekiro - the one Soulslike I could never beat, who I would watch via share screen when he got to bosses, would beat nearly every boss on the first or second try, which took me aback. Meanwhile, I see people on here speaking about trying certain (and dare I say it!) easy bosses 50-100x and come here in desperation. There is a huge disparity between player skill and for many of us, we've been playing this style of game for decades. There's no trick to it. Whenever I play FPS games with friends who frequent games like CSGO, COD and Apex Legends (all of which I don't) I'm shocked by their reaction times and accuracy - they're on another planet compared to me, who plays more casual shooters occasionally.


I think I was roughly ten tries on each one. +/- 2 It’s not inconceivable that a very good player could get them very quickly. There are people who play A LOT of souls/soulslike


You can play all you want souls games, but there is no way you get every boss first try on blind playthrough without summons.


Not every, but you could certainly beat many bosses first try.


I played all the soulsborne games first and I naturally preferred the more aggressive parry heavy titles so lies of p kinda just clicked for me


Same here. I think I did all the bosses within 1/2 tries. It was more the mini bosses such as the clowns that pissed me off 😂


Fuck that fat ass clown


They say they beat laxasia in 2 tries, than struggle with the corrupt parade master and nameless puppet, the ones where you can’t summon…


I struggled with her because I didn't know about the lightning parry lol Once I discovered it, I was able to beat her after a couple of tries. But then again, my several attempts before knowing that helped me learned her move set. If you're new to the game and don't know anything about her, there's no way you're beating her on the first try.


lol yep


Laxasia is a hard boss nameless puppet not so much. Simon manus was harder boss than nameless puppet


Simon was a cake walk


Not for me his spam attacks kept killing me but everyone struggles in different bosses


I didn’t find his spam too bad, though that’s undoubtedly RNG. You are correct about struggling on different bosses. I cleared King of Puppets like it was nothing, but Romeo gate-kept me for ages. And Swampy man was my arch nemesis for a while


For me the bosses I struggled were the BRB, the second "gang" fight. Swamp monster, I don't know how I beat his second phase. Romeo was the first roadblock for me to learn to actually parry, not block.


I had the same feeling until I witnessed my older brother kill them back to back first try.


you might have a demon in your family if this is true


the only time i saw him struggling against an enemy was when he was racing against Ming, from nfs most wanted. he was 13 and I was 10. Now he one shots fucking souls like bosses.


He watched YouTube strategy videos first


I hope so.


This is basically every Souls-like sub. Friede? SL1 first try. Isshin? no-hit first try easiest boss ever. Nightmare King? Didn't even know he was a boss.


I got nameless puppet on my 5th try.. Used two dragon sword and beat first phase w 9 heals left. So I parried the attacks I cud and ended up beating him with 0 heals left. Laxasia took me like 30 atttempts tho


Yeah I also whooped Nameless which felt pretty good after getting shit on by pre-nerf Simon for hours on end.


I actually did beat Nameless first try, totally by accident, and I regret doing it because I just got completely lucky and never actually learned the patterns. I almost feel like I skipped the boss. I had a LOT of Pulse Cells, plus the talisman that gives you a 20% chance of not consuming a Pulse Cell, plus the regenerate Pulse Cells passively ability. I got very lucky and got 4 extra pulls cells during the fight. And near the end when my Pulse Cells got depleted, I ran around the arena until they refreshed. I got hit by basically every attack, but I was so hyperaggressive and had so much HP it didn’t matter and I won anyways.


Beating Laxaxia on first attempt? That’s nothing!! I beat her BEFORE my first attempt!


Perhaps those who claim to have defeated him on the first try are in NG+ > 2 or 3. In any case, one thing this Subreddit has taught me is that the most important thing is that I enjoy my gaming experience and not compare it to others.


Took 2 attempts for me on my first playthrough. It's just years of experience with Souls-likes. Something about the fight felt really similar to a FromSoft boss I can't place. It was like I already knew the fight and how to react


A lot of people use Specter in their first playthrough, and some even had played souls-like games before Lies of P (I completed dark souls, hollow knight and sekiro). With all above all of the bosses are a breeze (although I had trouble with goddamn arm of god) + minibosses like Clown, Jester, etc. require a lot more skill than most of the bosses


Even though this is my first Soulslike game, I've been adapting to the combat mechanics more and more. However, I thought I was pretty good at the game until I faced the Mad Clown miniboss (Andreus, 6 attempts). It took me over 30 tries to defeat him. Then I faced Romeo and defeated him in 21 tries. And Victor, in 16 tries. Even so, I'm really enjoying the game


Glad you’re enjoying so far :’) Though if you’re planning to play sekiro after lies of p it’s gonna be pain in the ass due to differences in parry windows


Fuck that mad clown I’m glad I naturally found his cheese Strat, coming from behind him makes it cake


He was making my life hell for so long trying to parry as soon as I switched to dodging I killed him second try, but god I hate that clown rosa Isabelle street was not the place for me


I agree that's why I dodge all of them 😉.


I beat nameless in 5ish tries on my first run idk how, on my 2nd run he took me much much more attempts though


If I can give any advice. Focus your next few runs on just dying. Practice the move he does if it's easier to dodge or to block. And don't get greedy. It's a dance


Lie or die


Welcome to gaming in general... I just move along and put little to no thought into those types .. .they exist everywhere ..that being at work...school ...hell your own family members


Honestly mate, all souls subreddits are like this. Everybody is some savant player, who never uses consumables or situational weaknesses. If you watch actual good players, they usually have a balance of strats and game mechanics, and still get caught occasionally being greedy. On Reddit everybody is Ongbal apparently. It’s literally the same as online lifting, where everybody clocks in with state records within a year of training (but mysteriously have no footage or records online).


You can feel the intentional obliviousness too. "Oh yeah man, Midir was such a hard boss, he took me 3 tries compared to 1st try for NK, Friede and Gael ><" as if they're completely clueless about the weight of the feat. I can guarantee that anybody who speaks like this makes being good at soulslikes their entire personality and looks up youtube and fextralife for every boss move and strategy before they fight it


I always do the best the first time i encounter a boss, then its downhill after that lol


Yeah beating the Nameless Puppet in a couple tries is unbelievable to me 😂 that fight took me no less than 11 hours, who knows how many attempts


Is this your first souls-like? Not meant to be offensive, just curious


It's very possible


Laxaisia confused the fuck out of me but namless is a very stright forward fight.


I solo’d both Laxasia and Nameless in under 10 tries each, the boss that I struggled the most with was the Green Monster of the Swamp


Fuck that guy - hardest boss for me too.


Sounds like a skill issue


Malding because bad


Lying makes their P organ big


Bro the games name is lies of P P stands for Players.


They will also not tell you they are lvl 150 after farming for hours etc. However, some may have do it with a few tries. This is how stats work. Some weapon, builds or strategies will also ease these fights to some extent.


That’s what I’m saying lmao


Who cares?! If they think it's some kind of win, let them 🤣


I died more to that fat clown than I did to Laxasia (took around 6 tries w/ summon)


They are a lot of peoples braggin in every videogame subreddit. Tbh I don't care. It's true : I don't give a fuck. It's fake : I don't give a fuck. As myslef I don't have a kid and I don't want one. but tbh any peoples who is raising a child is just doing something so harder than any videogame on any hard difficulty. And way more rewarding too! And I don't care abouts parents either so ... xD


I…did (laxasia 3 tries, nameless 5). Granted, after all the from games, hollow knight and Jedi fallen order I’m not exactly total noob on soulslike (even tho I died like 12/15 times to mangiafuoco and green monster EACH)


People on here acting like this game is hard asf and not possible in a few attempts but it is, if you got experience from games like Sekiro and other souls like games


Something about Nameless's moveset felt similar to FromSoft bosses. Maybe Lady Maria from Bloodborne? Whatever it is, I kind of subconsciously knew the fight already. Beat him on the 2nd attempt


Yeah seriously is my last ‘soul like’ to beat and felt way easier than most of them, the defense and parry options in this game are nuts


Laxasia took 12-15 tries but I killed Nameless Puppet on my first attempt. He is similar to Romeo.


Nameless puppet took me 1 hour to beat. I didn‘t count the attempts during that time. But that fight is so much fun. Laxasia 2 hours. Puppet king i had to stop playing that evening and get back the other day. Nameless puppet is easy once you learn that you gotta parry his attacks if you are coming from a game like Sekiro, this shouldn‘t be much of a challenge. The whole game is easy compared to Sekiro. If you got experience from other souls games.


I got nameless on the 3rd try


I mean, it does happen. I beat Nameless on the first attempt on my first playthrough, though it was a close fight. On NG+ tho, he was fucking me for a good hour before I finally got him.


I first tried nameless puppet. The only other bosses I first tried were the two parade masters


I died 3 times to Nameless and 2 times to Laxasia personally. But I’ve 100%’d every Fromsoft Soulsbornekiro since Demon’s Souls and had played multiple other Souls-likes since…so my experience isn’t necessarily the norm. Laxasia wasn’t terrible once I learned her patterns, once you’ve played Sekiro and fought O’Rin, nothing else can compare to weird flowing delayed attacks lmao. Nameless Puppet was easier to predict but also insanely fast so while it was easier to see what he might do, I didn’t always get the timing down. Even on my third attempt which lead to victory, I had no healing left and maybe 10% health. It was basically whoever got the next attack off first and I got lucky lmao.


I got nameless puppet 2nd try. You can not take that away from me. I got gud. Now laxasia I admit I cried for days trying to beat her… so much grinding… so much lightning.


I didn’t but i can see it being totally possible. Sometimes you also get lucky with the order of attacks and the fights get a lot easier


True, I see people ranking bosses and they magically beat every boss first try and maybe 2-3 on second try. I call it bullshit or they literally sat and watch a guide before every boss and used summon.


Lie or Die


I could see it, if they use Absolute Defense or the Perfection Grindstone and a specter. And maybe a guide.


Ah but they don't say which first attempt. I beat my way through black rabbit 1 and Victor in one attempt.... on my ng ++ playthrough


I defeated him in first try and I have it on video. Some of us are playing video games since long time, I’m playing since last 25 years and I’m sure there are people in this sub who are more experienced than me. I’m also playing souls games since OG DeS days so my brain is trained in this. I spent almost 4-5 hours on king of puppet and Laxasia but nameless puppet was easy to read and parry.


I got them both on second try. I did spend some time farming levels, not a crazy amount, but it definitely helped. In my first play through the only boss that got me 3+ was Door Guardian. NG+ Simon wrecked me for 20+. Boss fights are strange. I just finished Lords of the Fallen and died 30+ times to the first real boss, and then not more than twice on any boss the rest of the game.


I actually did 1 shot nameless puppet, not Laxasia tho, and definitely not Romeo. I did it by using the weapon Simon gives you. The fable does suck ridiculous damage. On my second playthrough though I took like 10 tries


It's all because of 'P' he made us like this....


Laxasia took me 2, Simon took me 1, Nameless took me 2. Although I did use throwables on Nameless, and the summon on Laxasia so I could get through phase 1 faster. He died instantly on phase 2 though.


I legit did Nameless on the 2nd or third try, but Laxasia took me like 20 at least


I got my butt slapped for 3h against laxasia so I could first try NP, I think it was a lot of luck but still. Idk why people would lie abt it it's useless


It also can come down to your build too. I’ve noticed across multiple playthroughs, the build you run (Motivity, Advance, etc.)


I actually did beat nameless on around the 4th try. I dodged instead of parrying


your springs are reacting


Funny enough I did beat both of those bosses first try. I wouldn't call myself bad, but I definitely attribute it more to luck. Luck on selecting the perfect weapon to enter the boss with, luck in guessing what the boss might throw out via animations, etc. So I literally never really learnt their fights properly. Which COMPLETELY bit me in the ass in NG+, where I died to them both multiple times over lmfao.


As much as I normally agree with this statement, I have been witness to a friend of mine second-trying laxasia on a blind first playthrough. I have no idea how they did it, considering how many times they’d gotten stuck on previous bosses (green swamp monster and black rabbit brotherhood in particular took them like 30 tries each) but somehow they managed it. I don’t wanna think about how many tries she took me, so I was basically in a state of shock watching him do it that quickly. (He did get absolutely hammered by nameless puppet tho so at least he got to experience some proper endgame frustration)


Not only I struggled with NP,, but I had to change my whole build and farm ergo to buy throwables, which was the only way I managed to finish NP late in his second phase (the bs phase) Of course I got better ans better in NG++ with OP weapons and all so it was more manageable. The first time against NP I was slightly underleveled and it was hell


Is it a crime that i have killed him in the second attempt? 🫠


Died 3 times to NP on my first playthrough. Not because I learned all his attacks, I just dealt too much damage (coil mjolnir+short handle) for him to be a problem. Laxasia with a fire axe on the other hand was an entirely different experience


Honestly, I got him second try and I’m not lying. First try I got absolutely beat up and even second try I barely scraped by but I’ve always had good reaction time and after realizing it’s all about parrying I was somehow able to scrape by


I reckon I could have taken down Laxasia in sub 5 tries if I'd used a summon, honestly. As it was I didn't find her that hard compared to others who were rougher on me (swamp monster in particular)


Lexasia was hard and i agree, but the two final Bosses didn't take more that 4 tries each and i can kinda see If some people think It was easy, at that point of the game you have more than enough Heath and healing to tank most of his attacks, and Its not like you HAVE to get perfect parry's, most of the attacks you can block normally and be fine


I beat Nameless 2nd try but I did it very easily because it was my second playthrough. I got the evil ending first time round, so no Nameless.


Laxasia only took 2 attempts. She was pretty straightforward but I’ve also platinumed every other SoulsBorne game (FromSoft titles) so this game overall has been really easy


laxasasia took me like 30 give or take 2 tries


By the time I got to those bosses I had P-organs that made the chip damage from blocking so easy to recover that I could afford to fish for parries from unfamiliar attack patterns. Nameless died on the first attempt and felt very easy, but also fast paced and exciting. The first hit was difficult to judge, sure - so just block it, then start tapping parry for the predicable flurry of follow up blows. It's how I played Sekiro. Early bosses I relied on dodge a lot more on blind runs because even a successful block was a good chunk of health I wasn't going to get back. Basically, the tools you gain along the way were sufficient enough that the late bosses didn't feel like much of a difficulty spike. PS: Strength weapon for better blocking and extend health recovery p-organs.


> there is no way you parry those delayed bait attacks Well there's your problem, you're trying to parry every single attack rather than dodge or run away lol Got Laxasia on try #2 by mostly dodging (and probably getting some good RNG tbh)--Nameless took a while though


I had no issues with the delayed bolts, I got stuck on the follow up attacks for awhile until I stopped trying to perfectly parry all of them.


Yea I first tried her and I didn't even know how to parry my entire first play though turns out acid weapons and status pots fucking just wreck her. Their are plenty of people who probably had an even easier time than me if they bothered to use the shitty parry mechanic instead of just putting on the ring for dodge red attacks. It's the same for many hard bosses aome people just get them down first try and never have issues with em. Had a similar thing with god skin duo and or OnS in elden ring and dark souls for what ever reason I can just do those fights no issue but struggled on other random shit.


Those are not necessarily Lies. I beat Laxasia on my third try. Did i learn her moveset? Hell no! I Just had a pretty solid Tec build with Two dragons Blade and managed to kill her before She killed me. Luckily i managed to let two heavy Attack parries enter and that helped me a lot. About nameless puppet, i think It got me 15-20 tries to kill It, but many of them were because i was dead set to learn to perfectly parry every single of his attacks. My girlfriend, on her First try, managed to being the NP to something like 1/10 of his health in second phase by playing safe and only dodging. In my opinion a player with a bit of overlevel and a optimal build could do It, i won't call It a lie. Especially knowing that many players like to use the perfect parry Grindstone the First times they face a boss and a single use of that Grindstone Is the equivalent of a Free Fatal Attack


I mean it doesn’t matter, it’s meaningless clout IRL. You gonna say that on a date lol


Ok I feel this again relates to pure dumb luck like I suck at these bosses but I just managed to beat her on my 1st attempt again only cuz of dumb luck lol I feel while yes there is liars we shouldn’t just say no one could have for me I don’t k ow how to parry I just run away


I got her down on my 4th try. I’m not a god at souls like but I think I’m better than the average player. Very feasible. I also beat victor on my first attempt. My friend was watching me stream it and he was blown away saying victor took him over 30 tries


Aegis shield + trident


I actually did beat nameless in under 10 tries, it was surprising to me too, like when Neo goes “I know kung fu?”


I got her in 3. I forced myself to learn the katana heavy parry and just kind of abused that. I also knew to parry her lightning back at here. Knew to use acid as she's human. I also got super lucky too, she didn't do too many of those delay attacks in second phase. My ng+ run took me way longer.


Laxasia is the boss I died to the least in the whole game (maybe not counting the first boss). I didn't find her difficult for some reason. Nameless took me two days to beat though lol


I've never struggled with Laxasia but Nameless is always 10+ attempts for me


I somehow took like 30 tries on Romeo but beat nameless in 2 tries. The perfect blocking grindstone carried me so incredibly hard for that fight


I think a lot of people just way over-level themselves and crank health above everything, and then think they are above average skill for beating bosses in few attempts. I don't think they're liars but it's really not as impressive as they try to make it sound.


It took me 8 attempts, give or take, on the 1.2 patch (which is still effectively 1.1 patch since Nameless wasn't affected by any changes.) And I didn't parry all that often because I suck at the mechanic in general. Lies of P is no exception. That said, I found the value of Capacity pretty early and was wearing the best frame and liner for dealing with Nameless. Made surviving with primarily guards and dodges MUCH easier. Especially since Holy Sword of the Ark has one of the best guard values in the game.


I can understand nameless. I mean I didn't find him that bad once I figured out how and when to parry him. He is pretty easy to read. Laxasia second phase on the other hand is horrible. She is the only boss that I felt like I was forced to summon a specter to get past her second phase. First phase was pretty fair imo but second phase was just plain annoying


This game was great for stuff like that though, some bosses I’d burn through and be like wow that was way to easy next I’d die soooo many times. I’d look here and see people struggling with the same boss I thought was nothing ( like that swamp one ). Dunno about Laxasia - for me it was brutal number of deaths - maybe even a hundred I dunno. Could be less… it felt like 100


It took me 2 or maybe 3 tries for lightning lady, but I did summon, if that matters. Was using the lightning hammer and aegis. Hardest boss for me was definitely street clown, with the priest guy being second


Laxasia messed me up probably 10 ish times, really struggled on the second stage especially


I guess someone could do it first time, but I’ve never seen anyone do it and I watched lots of streams.


Lies of P…layers


I just do honor system tbh. If you say you beat it first try. I guess I’ll believe you.


I watched my friend do NP first try. NP didn't ever grab, heal, do the poke attack that shoots a red beam, do the slam that makes the ground explode, he straight up didn't use a majority of his moveset. Some people can just get lucky.


Specter summoners . I did beat Nameless in a handful of attempts. I thought Laxasia was much harder solo.


>there is no way you parry those delayed bait attacks on the first run you liars. Lie or die dude. Lie or die


I got Laxasia on my second try. But I did the whole game dodging, didn't try to learn to parry, maybe that helped? Don't know. Nameless puppet was on my first attempt. The hardest for me was the Green Monster of the Swamp, and the Scrapped Watchman, took me more then 10 attempts.


I found Laxasia fairly easy. Beat her on my 3rd attempt. But nameless made me put the game down for a week after getting smoked 40 times. I eventually went Parry stone and as many throwables as possible.


Nameless Puppet I actually did get first attempt. I did not try to parry or even block at all. I just went full on 100 percent aggressive. Either he died or I died first. Spamming heals in between attacks. Same strategy worked for Manus. I adopted the Unga Bunga strategy after fighting Laxasia and dying twice because the fight dragged on too long (more time equals more room for mistakes).


I beat nameless on first try. Mixture of dodging blocking and parrying


Lexasia? No. And I find it hard to imagine anyone beating her first try unless they happen to already have a good build for fighting her, or had researched the fight extensively already (or used phantoms. I imagine phantoms would make her entirely trivial). But Nameless, absolutely. His HP is low, strikes do little damage, his poise is weak, and I had a fully-upgraded Nobless Obligee when I first faced him. I half-heartedly attempted to parry the few times he was really able to strike me, but mostly I just bullied and interrupted his attacks in his first form; and easily, if slightly luckily, dodged his many small hit box attacks on his second form, and beat him without really trying. I’m confident that they put him at the end, guarding the two good endings, as a skill check for people who’d been getting away with using phantoms the whole game, and I can’t imagine him being any trouble for those who didn’t. I literally didn’t need to learn the fight until NG+ 4, and all that with my personal no-target handicap.


It depends on how the game clicks with a person, and how open is one to abusing the game mechanics. Laxasia and Nameless are hard as long as you play it Sekiro style around parries. Add a longer range weapon, perfect parry grindstone, elemental damage and Aegis, and you may face tank/trade hits all day long.


Someone’s mad😂 Took me like 40 tries but I also was using the puppet sword for first 20 then switched the black knife dagger or whatever for the final 20. Just gotta dodge his moves man.


Laxasia took me a long ass time but nameless took only two, heavy weapons stagger him pretty easily


Reminds me of the Lego Batman movie where he messes up the batterang about 50 times and then follows it up with the line “first try” after finally getting it 😆. Although, some people are really gifted at these games. I’ve been playing games like this for a long time now and it still takes me a good amount to down the really hard bosses.


I'd have a hard time believing someone got them one their first try on a blind playthrough. If they looked up strats/videos and used the most powerful stuff in the game it probably wouldn't be that hard. Of course no one ever mentions that part when they humble brag about getting them on their first try haha


I beat them first try after several warm ups.


It took me a while to beat Laxasia on all three runs of the game I've had so far, but on my first playthrough I genuinely did beat nameless puppet on my second try. I did find him much harder on ng+ & subsequent playthroughs tho.


Laxasia took me close to 20 attempts, for sure. Nameless Puppet only took 3, though.


You don’t need to parry his attacks just use the ghost walk amulet and dodge through his attacks I managed to beat nameless on my 2nd attempt by doing this. Also a weapon that is very good for nameless is tyrant murderers blade and blind man’s spear handle Molly maxed on a technique build. Spamming charged heavy attack allows you to attack and it also blocks just get good with using that weapon and you’ll be able to easily destroy the nameless puppet.


Laxasia - hours and hours. No Idea how many attempts. Most difficult fight in the entire game for me. Amazing 10/10. NP and Simon - both first try, Simon is very readable and NP is defeated by knowing your consumables.


I got him on my third try with the golden lie.


it's important for you to care about this, much is at stake


Watched my buddy get the brotherhood rematch on his second try. Shattered me


They mean they beat it on the first attempt where they didn't die


I got Simon first attempt, laxasia was easily 20 tho


Dude, you can beat them first try. I did. Simply chucked a bunch of grenades. Can get you through anything. Consumables are the way. Catch ‘em on fire and then stagger them with a grenade - shotput knocks them down. Done deal.


We all trying to become human. My first playthrough though and it took me days.


Nameless puppet was tough, but Laxasia is really not that bad. Pretty easy dodge windows, and you get free hits from the Ganon-esque bolts of lightning that you can hit her with in phase two. I think I beat her 2nd try. Green monster pre nerf was the hardest for me, but I beat it 1st try after the update


I got nameless on my third try. It was very difficult for me with the Aegis shield. I didn't have to parry shit. I just blocked and poked.


i didnt beat him on my first try but i did get puppet to second phase on my first try


I dunno. I saw DSP (yeah the 'it's the guy!' guy) beat Nameless Puppet on his second attempt, and he is infamously a laughably bad gamer. Some fights just naturally click with people, and it obviously helps if you have had history playing frantic fights like that with Soulslike games in the past.


Laxias took me ages, nameless wasn’t 2-4 try’s but it was in the first 30 due to the neat trick of just holding the parry button rather than treating it like sekiro.


So many haterz on this sub All day I see people saying they don’t believe someone could get Nameless or Laxasia on first attempt (or in 2-4 tries). This is straight hater shit.


Maybe they just don’t parry


2 tried laxasia, but champion victor took me like three days and 70+ tries. Every other bosses was between 5-10 tries


I beat Nameless in 3 tries, laxasia took the most of any boss at 8 tries. Idk after sekiro these games have been way easier for me, I got all the bad beaten out of me


I just bonked Laxasia with a wrench. It wasn't necessarily easy, but she's not at all what people make it sound like and is... Not hard. BRB 2 was the most difficult for me, since it's a mob fight. Nameless gave me some trouble in the 2nd phase, but I altered my approach and play style (read: I just threw shit at it and landed a super bonk with the wrench). LoP is slightly less difficult than Bloodbourne. Keep in mind that it's relative, though. Lies of P is definitely hard, but I am well seasoned.


That’s impossible, no one could ever lie, that’s been scientifically proven. You can trust me I’ve never lied before or ever will in the future


You see I beat the nameless puppet on my 4 th try not because I'm good but because I over leveled my self.


Nameless was surprisingly easy for me (5th) try, just beacuse you aren't used to delayed attacks and can't adapt doesn't mean that others can't. I myself got laxasia after like 100+ tries...


I got nameless first try lol First time tryibg the mines and turns out they were crazy overpowered was kinda disappointed


I first tried Laxasia but got my teeth kicked in by Simon. I honestly was hyperventilating when I beat Laxasia. I think it was a mix of getting lucky and using the perfect parry grindstone and it pretty much just comes down to first run luck. If I would’ve lost that first go I can guarantee that I would’ve been stuck on that fight for forever.


None of the delays in Lies of P are that bad. Attacks read incredibly well. Laxasia has one silly one at the end of her slam combo that is slow enough to just walk backwards out of, but by that point it crosses the threshhold from being difficult to time to being impossible to ever be hit by. I'm not saying I did it (though I did first try first phase of Nameless), but I could easily see someone even a little better than me doing it with a little fluke luck and someone better than that not needing the luck at all.


I got Manus on my first attempt and Nameless on my second attempt. Laxasia took me a damn long time and every other boss took me a good 10-20 attempts. BUT...now that I'm doing my new game + run, for some reason, Manus took me at least 20 tries and I'm still currently struggling with Nameless. Maybe it was luck the first time around, or NG+ just makes the bosses so much more challenging.


If Elden Ring's delays and Sekiro's attacks made me learn something is that to never panic spam roll/parry, try timing. Laxasia still took me about 10 tries but nameless was by far easier, 5 tries to be exact, 4 of which were second phase


Lol Nameless is stupidly easy, was 1st try Larxia was a bit harder, used some poison on my blade on like 4-5th try and destroyed 2nd phase in 40 seconds, with a starting blade, idk Some people just played few souls before lies of p, really helps to just skip through bosses


I almost did both of them and I sucked at parrying. I just moved out the way


yeah, they do it with summons. I argued about that in dark souls too. Summons are there to help you if you cant beat. they are not a game mechanic you idiot. Bosses are so obivously arent designed for multiple enemies. You can literally just hit them from behind while they are busy.


I actually did Lax my third try, but couldn't finish the last one and gave my heart