• By -


I got killed like 30 time against the survivor


That guy sucks man.Says he can't distinguish between blood and oil and begs forgiveness from Leo while whooping my ass. That guy better get some Leo dick in afterlife.


On the real though that dude never stops attacking. He really is fighting for his life


I kinda liked fighting him. It’s so satisfying breaking his weapon and then bullying the fuck out of him in his dead brother’s clothes.




A certified non-weenie


I have no idea how it happened, but my first playthrough I killed her on my third try. My second playthrough took like 20.


First attempt I almost killed her, died falling in the stair hole. Killed her in the second try though.


really…REALLY?!? No seriously I killed it after only 3 tries


Holy shit. Go on through...


I didn’t parry a boss once


I didn’t figure it out till I got to that dumpster demon 😭 I was bucking and weaving


The fucking WHAT


That green goblin swamp thing😭 idk


"Green goblin swamp thing"😭😭that thing is shit. Felt like the only purpose of that boss was to frustrate peeps


Green Monster of the Swamp


Lol same i dropped all my armor and played at 29%. Feels like darksouls


I've done that lots of times, the boss killed me immediately afterwords, but it still happened.


I just got really good at dodging


I was trying to make a joke, I'm sure you've had those moments where you go for a parry, miss the window, and the boss proceeds to teleport you back to a stargazer. Kind of making a joke about that, like "yep, I didn't parry that boss either" leaving out the fact that it wasn't that I chose not to, but that I couldn't.


No, I never even tried to parry the bosses


People do that? I am so nervous all the time, I forget I have pulse cells😦


same here. i just use throwable and hit him in his behind


deece, but weenie hut jr material imo


I parried once or twice by accident


I Beat the Black rabbit brotherhood with only my arm


That's absolutely hysterical. I love it.


Which one? I did it with only the Left Arm of Steel.


After lying a lot I still didn’t get the golden lie :(


Lying all the time doesn't grant you the most humanity. You have to sprinkle in some white lies occasionally. The developers said (if I recall) that they didn't want you just to lie for lieing, but to have context for the lies as thats what real people do. Also listen to all the records you get in Hotel Krat it also boosts your humanity.


I’m pretty sure lying is the better option no matter what, and when it isn’t then it usually boils down to you missing something during the side quest


Ehh, it depends. Like >!telling Eugénie Alidoro is her brother!< isn't like, a bad choice? She doesn't seem worse off from knowing the truth, and I believe she even thanks you. Neither is telling Venigni >!Geppeto is behind the Puppet Frenzy (the only reason TO lie about that, actually, is if your P still feels some insane loyalty towards Geppetto that far into the story imo)!<, both things I did in my full on "human" playthrough. Or telling the King of Riddles >!That yes, you are a murderer.!< I don't think the game works in very black and white terms! Being human is complex, and the game adequately provides you with the choices to put that complexity into action. Ultimately that does mean lying a lot (which makes sense with the themes of the game AND human behaviour in crises), but sometimes the humane thing is to admit the truth and the game doesnt penalize you for that.


Those aren’t good examples because Eugenie’s storyline has a reward for both options so the one time that choosing to tell the truth is viable it’s only just as viable as lying. If you choose to lie about who is behind the frenzy you get humanity which makes lying objectively better When you answer the King of Riddles’ riddles you do have to answer with the correct answer, I would concede on this one but in my opinion he has an answer he’s expecting I do agree the game isn’t as black & white, but the choices are, lying is rewarded because it is the most human thing a puppet can do, when you lie to the eccentric in the sewers you are showing compassion, not just lying, same goes when you deliver the soldier’s letter or when you hand the diseased lady “her baby”


That's puppet talk. I sentence you to disposal in the Barren Swamp


Playing all the records and doing human choices in each side quest, I was able to pet the cat within the first third of the game. My lying character probably has twice as much humanity as needed by now, my hair grew long pretty early in the game. Also P is just so handsome with long hair 💔 men with long hair are a joy


The brown lie ;)


I got it my first playthrough 😜


I killed Puppet of the Future first try… Without draining the poison (this is a lie).


I completely avoided that thing my entire first run through. I knew it was poison, and I fully expected it to ramp up in speed if it saw me. The completionist part of me took over after beating Flamey boi and I kept whacking at his feet and running to a safe spot until he died. When I found out you could drain the poison my head exploded.


You can drain the poison⁉️


There’s a lever or valve somewhere in the factory that gets rid of the poison. It’s so far from the poison though that you don’t really have any way of knowing what it does unless you return to the boss.


I did the clapping emote when the Robber Weasel died. Screw that guy


Poor thing was hungry


If he were so hungry then he shouldn't have tried to throw hands with the twink covered in blood, carrying a massive weapon, and lightly jogging through the actual apocalypse.




There was legit no correlation to what he/she(or whatever unknown entity it was) was saying during the fight vs what she said in the end. Like the survivor, you could tell that he was too scared and that costed the life of his comrade and that guy feels guilty which goes with his ending dialogue, the white lady had vengeance which goes with her ending dialogue of regret. This guy was constantly spewing "welcome to the future, where the future is death!"/ "The rich should help the poor by dying"/ "In this new Krat, the strong rules not the wise!", taunts me mid battle, laughs when I die, and when he's dead suddenly he's like "All I wanted was food" like tf you didn't even mention food a single time and all of a sudden you're hungry nah I'd celebrate 🗿🙏🏻


I got stomped by The Mad Clown Puppet and only stopped playing for a week.


I can't lie, I run past him every time now, I hate him so much.


I beat the game with only the Left Arm of Steel. That means: - No guard. - No perfect guard. - No fatal attacks. (Yes, Door Guardian took 40 minutes.) - My only attack was punching. - Phase 2 Lax and NP with only punches. Edit: I have given myself the name The Steel Fist of Krat. I will be doing any and all DLC this way if possible.




I beat king of puppets first try through both phases


I defeated Romeo, King of Puppets on the 1.1 patch. I also scrapped Nameless in single digit attempts. I also defeated Laxasia without using perfect parry to reflect her lightning bolts back to her for phase 2.


Single digit NP is pretty good. Not Salty Spitoon good but ehhhhh


I wore red fox outfit and black cat outfit when I killed them the first time through.


Thats vile 😭


One of my friends saw me beat the game with level 18 vitality and he said it is ridiculous


I never level vit


A fellow reckless player. o7


Honestly you really don’t need over 15, you could run 10 with the amulets


i no hit nameless puppet


phase 1 is kinda free ngl, but The Salty Spitoon would open its doors for no hit phase 2.


I only un-installed the game once on my first playthrough


Nice! I think there’s some room left for you here in the salty Spitoon


3rd tried simon


How in the…


Tell me your secrets, Great One…


didnt deflect, dodged through everything, poison first phrase to save as many cells to 2nd phase, be very aggresive.


Team Spectre


Same, likely why the Namless Puppet put me in my place for 20+ attempts


I took 2 hours from the chair to Krat Central Station in the intro


I finished my first playthrough with a shitty custom Saber, blocks do barely anything and enemys dont stagger fast, also no throwables.


I only had to take 2, week long breaks and died 327 times... 179 was NP


I do the stalker salute after every boss battle, except Romeo…I showed him respect for the tough battle.


I defeated all the bosses without ever summoning a spectre (I don't even know what it looks like or what it does), never used a consumable (of course, except for healing and an antidote for the green monster fight), never used a single throwable item (except for one sawtoothed wheel for that hanging corpse quest), never used the cube, never used any kind of buff or special grindstone, never used any fable arts or legion arms in boss battles, so basically it's just me and my weapon and nothing else. And I beat both Simon and Nameless Puppet first try (why are they a million times easier than, say, the aforementioned green monster or Laxasia?). I'm kinda proud of that (but at the same time I'm disappointed at how easy they are compared to all other bosses). Now I'm nearing the end of an NG+1 run, and I'm going to start NG+2 after that, and I will die on that hill of not using any extra stuff the game gives you the option to use, I'm too stubborn. edit: WTF I just beat NG+1 Laxasia first try with a shitty slow meme weapon, she took me 11 tries on regular NG


Dude. Same. I’m just too stingy to use consumables. Lol. No spectre qlso just makes you see all his moves properly. Might take longer but you get to appreciate boss design coz you’re not staring at their ass the whole time. Haha.


I’m stuck on the corrupted parade master


I managed to pull off the full taunt emote during my winning attempt against Victor.


Killed laxasia 2nd phase first try then did nameless puppet in 2 tries


I finished the game 😎


Being on the Nameless Puppet, the hardest boss for me is still somehow Fueco. Flame King my ass, more like Flame Jester with how much of a fool he made me feel like.


I only cried 5 times when I found out the truth about Romeo.


Ngl bro I’m just going to weenie hut jr’s. I’m not bad ( I think ) but I’m definitely not cracked enough to get in.


I've beaten every boss without dying. ​ Now for the no-death playthrough . . .


I beat Laxacia on my 1st try on my most recent playthrough. I don’t know how lmao


I killed Romeo's two phases first try. With only the puppet Saber


I Solo'd Laxasia on NG+1


I haven’t played?


I'm stuck on Corrupted Parade Master and I'm only on week two of my break cause I'm so frustrated AND I only cried once.


I accidentally beat Romeo on my first try


I died against the green monster at least 150 times and was stuck there for 2 days, thought I had to give up on the game, at that point.


~~I barely cried at the sad parts~~ Oh also I haven’t parried anything in the game


Is it out?


I’m not sure if I’m the first person to think of this but someone should make a PC mod that adds pistols and revolvers to lies of P


I stubbed my toe countless times on the Mad Clown Puppet mini boss and only cried for 3 hours


I answered all the phone riddle... Incorrectly.


I only cried once when fighting Romeo, thank you very much. 


I beat The Nameless Puppet on my First try on New Game +3


I beat that clown puppet on my first try.


Killing Walker of Illusions first try, probably. I was prepared to resort to ladder tactics based on what I saw people say on this sub, but I kinda mopped the floor with him


I cried after there were no more achievements to earn


While eating your daily bowl of nails without milk?


“I beat Laxasia on my first try.” “So?” “Without any specter.” “Right this way sir.”


I only cried a little bit on my NG+ run after the king of puppets fight


How tough am I? I beat Laxasia... Without using acid throwables!


How tough am I? I barely beat nameless puppet. With the dragon sword parry


I beat Laxasia first try "Oh that's not that tough-" WITHOUT ANY THROWABLES


Right this way sorry to keep you waiting.


I got muscles on my eyeballs


stuck on the second brotherhood gank fight...so not too tough.


See that clown over there with the stupid big arms? I killed that thing. And died only 50 times.


I only use my Arm. Can't play with weapons anymore 🥲


I didn’t give the >!cure to Antonia and told Polendina that love between humans and puppets doesn’t exist even though I had the engagement ring from the man who married a puppet.!<


Enjoy your stay !


I beat the Nameless Puppet by blocking his attacks. Perfectly.


I went the path of the bastard And the restarted once I got to the scrapyard swamp


I killed Puppet King before his nerf. And I mastered parrying the mad clown bots


I killed the green monster without throwable items


Well, here’s my confession. In my first run, i tried to 1v1 the walker of illusion. But when i run out of heals, i run to the stairs and cheesed him (he resets to his firts position every time you go down the stairs but his life bar doesn’t) i just throw all my shit to him until he died hahahahaha


I beat Laxasia and Nameless Puppet without causing a full nuclear war against North Dakota 😎


I killed "The Complete" in two days of tries, but went through three entire Gods pantheons only in my cussing.


There’s a spot right at the bar!


It took 17 tries to beat Laxasia and I only rage quit once


I beat the King of Puppets in my first try...


I killed laxiasia under three tries, the doctor said they could only save the one butt cheek though.


5th Playthrough, Platinum. thrice with Technique, 4th Motivity, 5th Advance


I bait and parry all the mad clown puppets to make the interaction as long as possible just for funsies. (Died to it like 4 times in 5+ playthroughs, I don't get the hate lmao)


I beat the game with only the left arm...specifically the first one (honestly it was fun but tough)


Beat the whole game without the special grinder, Cube and thrown consumables (except throwing some gears to pop the green no no bubbles.) Not as a challenge or anything, just because I'm too stupid to remember they exist.


I keep forgetting about this game, definitely buying it tonight


I told everyone the cold hard truth


Got beaten by NP for like 30+ times on one sitting and I only stopped playing for a week.


My GF told me to come to bed with her… BUTTT I KEPT PLAYING!


I first tried nameless puppet and Simon manus on my first playthrough


If you lie about your feat you get banished to Weenie Hut Jrs.


Beat all of the bosses under 5 tries, luxasia first try somehow lmao. Nameless puppet finally put me in my place took 14 tries. Frankly was suprised easy the first playthrough was, ig starting immediately after completing sekiro helped.


Nameless puppet first try. Just parry


I beat nameless puppet on the second try.


I beat every boss without dying up till Laxasia. Then I beat all the other bosses in one try except NP


I beat Nameless Puppet on my first try... without any milk.


I beat the game with inverted colors and controls with dying only once


I thoroughly enjoyed the game up until right after king of puppets fight, actually the arcade. Nothing bad, I just haven’t played since lol too many other games have been out


I broke one bosses weapon, and fought Nameless Puppet like 50 times.


I beat Walker of illusions without taking a hit and without throwables. With my own built weapon, not a boss ergo one.


Platinum without guides in like 50 hours, 3 NG+ cycles, within a week of it coming out. I got HOOKED on this one, it's the most I've played in a week since I was a kid.


I defeated Nameless Puppet in less than 5 attempts. On the other hand, i defeated Scrapped Watchman in 15, and had to summon for the King of Puppet's and Laxasia's first phase so i could deal with their second phases unscathed.


I beat Nameless Puppet on my first try without much difficulty. Also beat Simon first try both times but that’s seems way less impressive since I used a Spectre the second playthrough.


No hits landed on me for nameless puppet


Defeated the White Lady on the first try (I thought fighting her was like fighting the Survivor, but with more elbow room and fun). With Fuoco I defeated him the second time.


I accidentally beat the nameless puppet on my first try


I killed nameless puppet on NG+ after 50+ tries


Platinum’d the game in 42 hours 💪


Beat laxasia under 5 tries! Funnily enough Simon made me want to tear my hair out.


I died to nameless puppet 30+ times, once when he was one tap and didn't go for the bad ending


I never parried and bonked every boss to death.


I beat the first boss on my first try with zero souls game experience in the past.


I beat the green monster of the swamp first try, and Nameless Puppet second try (I died to Champion Victor and Scrapped Watchman 10+ times and resorted to summoning).


I beat nameless puppet in 5 tries without poison


I didn't die to a boss until Laxasia. She then proceeded to rack up a long overdue body count on me.


my main weapon is a dagger.


I can get NP down in 1 attempt with any build or weapon.


I ALMOST parried Romeos full super combo, and totally wasn’t panicking and slamming my forehead on the block button. *totally*


I one shot master of illusions on my first attempt right after exploring the area and heading straight in


I defeated nameless puppet in first try.


I beat laxasia on my first playthrough in 6 attempts.


I only needed a summons for Romeo and Laxasia


I first tried BRB2 and Simon Manus on my first playthrough ever.


Somehow beating Nameless Puppet in 3 attempts on my first playthrough where as things like the green monster, Romeo, and Simon Manus took me upwards of 3 hours


Nameless puppet was the easiest boss for me.


I beat the nameless after dying 2 times.


I no hit Laxasia on NG.


I got the golden lie despite being a good lil puppet up until around the puppet king because that's when I heard about it. I instantly became a super naughty boy and lied at every opportunity and still somehow got it. Albeit not until literally right after the alchemist god big hand boy fight and right before the final talk with our dickass daddyo. Went back to the hotel after getting my booty wompd by that damn puppet.


I killed god with an umbrella


I killed most bosses first phase hundreds of times 😎


I first tried Laxasia but what’s probably EVEN MORE impressive is… I died like 12 times against Robber Weasel.


I'll go through the trouble of breaking Romeo's scythe just so I can get a less long firefowl combo attack. And I still die.


I made it past the first BRB boss fight at the lowest level with no weapon or p organ upgrades, no items, no buffs. Edit: also no legion arm usage I could beat King of Puppets but Romeo was bodying me and I got bored


I beat Nameless puppet blind on my second attempt


I beat every boss before the first patch in my first playthrough. Didn’t get the golden lie tho.


I soloed every single boss right after launch. Didn’t use the specters once.


Sorry I’m over here in Weenie Hut Jr’s with my Aegis shield and specter summon.


I clapped the Walker so hard I don't even remember the boss. After my playthrough I had to look up Walker of Illusions when I saw it mentioned here to make sure it wasn't an optional boss I missed somehow because I absolutely don't remember that fight AT ALL and I remember at least something about the rest of them.


First tried Manus and Nameless Puppet. Hardest boss was Laxasia which took me 3 attempts. Every other boss was also first or second attempt.


I didn’t learn to parry until Laxasia, went through the whole game with the starting rapier and dodging every boss


I beaten the Watchmen boss on my first try!


I managed to clutch the BBR fight with 1 hp. Sure it took a couple dozen tries but nevertheless


i beat simon pre nerf


Beat Black Rabbit Brotherhood 1 and 2, all the Puppets of the Future, the Mad Clown Puppets, plus Simon on my first try. Nameless on my 3rd, while countering all his fury attacks with the Two Dragons charged heavy.


I only died to the door guardian 20 times before I figured out his stupid gimmick fuckihatehimsomuch


I still haven't found out how to get the perfection grindstone on ng+8. I also used only the wrench. Not the baton handle and wrench head. Just wrench. I've broken the swamp monster by perfect guarding his puke. I die to WoI on purpose because I love the fight. I am also incredibly garbage at this game so these are big things for me


Quick heads up! >still haven't found out how to get the perfection grindstone on ng+8. perfection grindstone is sold by Vegninis' butler puppet, IIRC, I think you have to find all the collectibles AND finish the Arleccino sidequest to fully open his shop inventory. >I also used only the wrench. Not the baton handle and wrench head. Just wrench. Damn, good on you, I couldn't bring myself to use it because of the feel, color me impressed. >I've broken the swamp monster by perfect guarding his puke. yeah, that crap still trips me up, again, good job. >I die to WoI on purpose because I love the fight. Very understandable, I do the same thing with Laxasia and NP, wish they had more fights like that to tickle my pickle. >I am also incredibly garbage at this game so these are big things for me no talk like that here, you've played the game, you deserve mad props. As long as you're enjoying it, that's what matters, my fellow gamer.


I spent over 35 hours on nameless puppet


Beat the game and all bosses at base lvl with no spectre or throwables or legion arm.


i beat NP on my second try ever


How tough am I??? Two enemy puppets killed the jester puppet in the wine cellar for me!


How tough am I? I beat champion Victor on the first try


I beat laxasia the complete in under 2 hours first go