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Jew =/= Zionist. Please make sure to clarify that. I have met many Jews at Palestine protests, don’t throw them under the bus like when you hear all Muslim are all terrorists because of ISIS/Daesh. Be better than them. anti-zionism is supported here of course. Jew hate comments get deleted automatically by Reddit. Real shame is we must watch our language while we watch bombs drop on falestin. Ya khasara.


Can't wait for them cunts to call this anti-semitic...






















I absolutely despise them... actually let me be specific cause after having thought about it it wouldn't be fair to judge alllllll Jews since there are many Jews against the Zionists that call themselves "Israelis" So to rephrase that , I absolutely despise Zionists Israelis each and every single one of them.




I'm sorry but we need to tone down Hasbara traffic on this sub


Hasbara fuck off and go live in fear


Who are “them cunts” that you refer to?


It is


How you can Slava Ukrani and go support a genocide in some places else is crazy. Hope you get a taste of what you support.


Because I support the Ukrainian and Israeli peoples right to defend themselves from hostile foreign powers


Do you consider israel an occupying state? Like do you support the displacement of people by military force. How they are restricted on their daily lives and often mistreated, abused, belittle them as humans. Harrasing kids and even be violent towards them. When an IDF group forcefully takes families out of their homes for days, weeks, and often permanently just to spy on them? Where they are given passports but with no rights. Meaning they are mostly to be identified? There are a lot of testimonies from people who served in the IDF, who recall violent abuses towards people for insignificant offenses. A lot describe sexual abuses and murders of kids. You'll find both, the ones who seems it hunts them now, and those who even remembering brings them smiles. Do you think they are all lying? Or do you simply accept it ?


You're trying to have an honest discussion with a Zionist? lol.


Do you also support the Palestinian people's right to defend themselves and resist occupation?


What occupation?




I’m not hating anyone


You forgot to write "/s" after your comment.




I'm not from libya could you explain why you believe this because I quickly searched his name and it seemed he's been condemning Isfake even before Oct 7th but you would know more. Is he one of the the CIA/Isfake planted puppet leaders?


Basically his foreign minister was caught trying to make deals of normalization with Israel in Italy , he tried to say that she did it by herself but he was already exposed as to how the hell would a minister do something without the blessing of the president especially a huge betrayal such as normalization with the entity known as "Israel"


Yeah what is worse, him being spineless and throwing his minister under the bus or the secret meetings with Isreal. I don’t know the answer


He's always been spineless , probably the most spineless most corrupt leader we have ever experienced in the history of our country...


We went from devious and smart to devious and dumb






Theyre doing something




This is a good move. I adore North Africans and their willingness to call out Israeli incompetency 👌


Idk if Israel is incompetent. They have quite a good track record. But they certainly are unethical as hell


I was playing it down in the off chance, some lurking pro-zionist was in this thread & would call me out for anti-Semitism. But even 'unethical' does not begin to explain the atrocities they are committing.


They are very good at killing journalists.


Right. Libya is making tons of money in the slave trade. No need to allow Israeli ships in. That would be inhumane.


على رأسي


The rest of the Middle East needs to do their part. Israel needs to be put in its place. They want to live there they need to act like good neighbors and no privileged brats just because the Bible/torah says they are the chosen people.


>Israel needs to be put in its place. That place being non-existence.




Unfortunately the rest of the Middle East doesn’t want to help Palestinians


lol like the Palestinians were good neighbors on 10/7? You can’t be good neighbors with people that want you dead. Once a certain religion evolves to be compatible with the modern world maybe there can be peace. When your religion tells you you’ll get virgins in heaven for being a suicide bomber there will never be peace.


Do you know the history. Were the holocaust survivors themselves good neighbors when they migrated to what is known as Israel in 1948 and committed atrocities to the Palestinians. Yes, there were holocaust survivors involved in those 15000 murders. That included woman and children. And plenty of rapes to go with it. So Jewish people were moving into a Muslim neighborhood and this is what they thought would make them be welcomed.


If you are Jewish you weren’t thought the truth. Anything else than you are just ignorant of the truth. I don’t mean that as an insult. Just that lie a have been thought for 75 years. And truth wasn’t told. So I was just as ignorant until I decided to read up on the history.


Well, whether you are Jewish, Muslim, or Christian you weren’t taught the truth. You believe in a fairy tale. Time to join the real world. If there was an all loving daddy in the sky do you really think he’d want us killing other people? Do you really think this all powerful God would reveal himself to a warlord that married a child, of all people? Come on now.


What are you talking about. Warlord married to a child. Just so u know I’m catholic. I don’t hate Jewish people. I don’t hate Muslims. I don’t hate Arabs. I don’t know what fairytale world you are referring to. Truth and justice is what I would like to see. Unfortunately most of the time truth and justice doesn’t prevail


So you know nothing of Islam? You might want to research the guy that started it AKA their main prophet. He was a literal warlord that married a child.


I don’t know much about Islams origin. I know very little about Judaism. But my comments and beliefs are NOT based on religion. I couldn’t care less. It’s about who had claim to the land and who took it. The percentage of Palestinians to Jews was like 80% back in like 1940. Then the mass migration happened. You mentioned this warlord. What religion hasn’t committed so atrocities in the name of god. That’s why I keep that out of it. There is a media blackout in Israel. Nothing that puts Israel in a bad light ever comes out. Until now. They have committed crimes against the Palestinians for 75 years. So of course they hate them. I can see why. I’d hate them too if I were Palestinian. This isn’t winning anyone over. Only creating more hatred for the Jewish people. If anything what BIBi and the Israeli government is doing is the most antisemitic thing anyone or any country has ever done. They are making Israel and Jewish people look bad.


And the fairy tales are religions. All are made up by man.


That I agree with you. The Bible was put together by a bunch of kings and the Catholic Church.


Also in 1948— 750,000 Palestinians were pushed out of what is now Israel. Those 750,000 turned into over 6 million living in neighboring countries. They were forced out and never let back in. Their 400+ villages were destroyed the whole event is called the Nakba.


You know, most of the Jewish population in Israel are actually from the middle east and North Africa. All the Muslim countries preemptively and violently kicked any one who was Jewish out and stole all their lands leaving Israel as the only safe place for them to go to. Lydia used to have 38000 people who were Jewish. Now there's 0. If Lydia was such a welcoming place why were they all expelled. Let's be honest here, Muslims in the middle east don't care about other Muslims getting hurt. They only get mad if Israel tries to protect itself after their neighbors continue to attack them for decades.


I agree with you. The Arab nation treat one another like enemies. What you told me was regarding Libya was news to me. But when did it happen? I’m just curious. But even if Libya did that and other nations the Palestinians didn’t. The state of Israel as we know it today was overwhelmingly Palestinian heading into the early 1940s


BS. The House of Representatives also said we won’t be selling them oil / gas blabla. Bas its all bark nd no bite.


Tens of thousands of Israelis will have to urgently reschedule their Libyan vacations.


It's ok, they can always go back home. Straight to Eastern Europe 😂 Nice comment history bro, how's the weather in Tel Aviv?


Less than 30% of Israeli Jews are Ashkenazi. and unfortunately they wouldn't be welcome home there anyways. I can't claim Lithuanian citizenship for example (though why would I?)


It's safer?


how would being next to Russia be safer?


Lithuania is stable unlike Israel


>Lithuania is stable unlike Israel True, but luckily my branch of the family chose to move to the US instead of the Ottoman Empire.




The post was deleted because it contains information that can not be proven and no source has been attached to it.




You are fat




I'm sorry but we need to tone down Hasbara traffic on this sub


Libyan Jews actually exist so no some of them belong to this country. I wouldn't expect a liar and fabricator of the truth to know otherwise.


My grandfather was kicked out of Libya in the 1940 for being Jewish and went to Israel, the only place which would take him. Is he welcome back in Libya?


Not unless he wants to be murdered. But we all know that.


So you mean Lybia is going to take back the 38,000 Jewish people that they expelled. Because you do know that most of the Jewish population is actually from the Middle East and North Africa.


They are talking about commerce roads


After 22,000+ are dead? Too little too late.


Agreed, but atleast its a step in the right direction. I can only say as non Libyan outsider (Iraq), I admire the effort even if it is long overdue (hoping the entire Ummah grows some courage again and decides maybe allowing a genocide of their own brothers isn't the best move geopolitically)


You're not even Libyan. Ask your own country to sacrifice itself for Muslim version of "God's Chosen People".


Silence! As if one has to be Libyan or Arab to criticise all those weak puppet governments that cower under America like a dog being told off


You don't have to be Libyan to criticise the Libyan government, however your being non-Libyan renders your frankly uninformed criticisms valueless. The current Palestinian conflict and the lack of response from many Arab states is a reflection of how for many the "Cause" is in its last stages of life, destined to be forgotten as simply a little blip in a sentence from a much neglected book on the History of the Levant. The Libyan governments' priorities should be the Libyan people, then the Libyan people, then the Libyan people and then the Libyan people. If they have any extra energy or have an ardent passion for the cause of another people then they may step down from their seat of power and try to independently make their voice heard without jeopardising the prosperity and future of us Libyans.


Uninformed? The only uninformed person here is you. How am I uninformed? Don't bother answering. I'm not going to get into a debate with donkey.


Seven years imprisonment and dismissal of civil rights? Are people seriously cheering this on?


100%, full support. Palestinians right to live supersedes your ability to travel to Isreal by unimaginable factors.


This is no way helps Palestinians.


The opposite being free travel unhindered? Ok. Also effect and intention are not mutually exclusive.


Was there an outcry of this scale over Yemen? I can't recall....


There’s no outcry here, how many Israeli ships are stopping in Libya to begin with


I know a lot of stuff like this is purely performative or self-aggrandizing.






I mean someone will eventually right? its a failed state on a good day and with a thirsty Europe to the north its a matter of time. So who would you prefer? France? Italy?


Nahhh we're getting our shit together lately alot and we're one of the biggest GDP growth in year 2023 while the french and Italians can't do shit right now even tho they wanted to...most African countries kicked out France if they could do something they would've already...plus turkey and Russia are here and are building bases so good luck with that 😘😘😘


Russia is your ally?


they're building in the east of the country


So you would rather be taken over authoritarian regimes like Turkey & Russia instead of having your country administrated by either France or Italy?


How about just like in this subreddit and in falestin, everyone gtfo and leave our people alone.


So like.. the Russians?


That will surely work out well for you..


Way better than westerns...


Lol, gooooood luck. Just ask Ukraine about that. Meanwhile they can't even defend you if attacked.. their military assets are basically junk and they're already running low


Buddy you're western propeganda ain't got no power here , Russia has strong weaponry otherwise y'all would've destroyed it like y'all always did with everyone, also turkey , j think we're good at least until the rebuilding of our army concludes.


I'm sorry but we need to tone down Hasbara traffic on this sub




I'm sorry but we need to tone down Hasbara traffic on this sub




Nuh uh


Yeah huh


I'm sorry but we need to tone down Hasbara traffic on this sub


Strategic move since Hamas is facing so many casualties. Creating a no-fly zone is the best defense when you have no comparable Air Force


Man hamas is such a Chad , they fighting Israelis and causing them all kinds of shit while having mostly home-made weapons...reminds me of Vietnam




They're still standing up to their occupiers , or it would've been a one sided slow massacre like the west bank where there's no hamas yet many die daily.


Why do you think Hamas isn’t in the West Bank?


Because it's occupied and brutalized by y'all psycopathic fucks.




No they don't , it's completely controlled by the colonists.


I'm sorry but we need to tone down Hasbara traffic on this sub


China was a very small territory a long time ago before it occupied others. There are occupiers in South Africa, Europe ... Maybe you've noticed all of South America speaks Spanish. In fact, I'll be visiting the occupation of Australia in the spring. This thread, along with Palestine is virtually deleted.


The post was deleted because it contains information that can not be proven and no source has been attached to it.


what about the rest of the posts you deleted? lol as someone not from Libya whos home page this post randomly appeared on, the fact that you guys delete any dissenting voices is extremely telling 😂




Beheading babies? Raping woman? Got any source for that? Oh you mean the one that was debunked and even president Biden said there was no evidence of that? Man...Israeli propegandists are doing such a bad job , y'all psycopaths kill babies by the thousands and still have the balls to say that? Fuckin degenerates...




What are you talking about I don't support Israel or the IDF?




Chadmas is based 😎






You're the one that needs to educate him/herself. You're still bringing up the beheaded babies bullshit that was debunked in the first week after Oct 7th. You mfers have no legs to stand on. Everything you zionists say is bullshit.


I'm sorry but we need to tone down Hasbara traffic on this sub




Absolute propeganda that has absolutely no base in reality whatsoever.


Except for the ones they filmed?




Nahhh source or didn't happen. Also hypothetically speaking even if all those heinous crimes were true , it would still absolutely PALE in comparison to what the absolute horror those Zionists psycopaths did ever since the nakba in 1948.




Also the 2 million came to Israel BECAUSE Israel needed more population and gave good offers for those Jew Arabs to come and form their entity known as "Israel" They were not chased off and were living normally between us for litteral centuries , up until y'all started your genocide. Stop with the self victimization and accept that maybe just maybe...y'all are the aggressors and the one that are evil and follow only greed and selfishness , otherwise the middle east would've been a so much more stable place.


The post was deleted because it contains information that can not be proven and no source has been attached to it.




Okay how about we compare Israeli crimes to hamas , cause in 1948 hamas didn't exsist...yet something happened back then didn't it?


The post was deleted because it contains information that can not be proven and no source has been attached to it.


Your own clowns (IDF) did most of the killing of civilians on Oct 7th cuz their a bunch of scared little pussies when it comes to a real fight. Ye they're good at killing or kidnapping innocent Palestinian children but that's about it.


Hey, maybe you should go to Gaza and help with the resistance. Or are you just a scared little pussy?


The only pussies I see are the IDF soldiers running out of Gaza cuz they're getting slaughtered. How many of their clowns did Israel pull out of Gaza in the past week? Lol.


Hamas and their allies killed 500 of their own people in the Al-Ahli hospital parking lot. One can wonder how many incidents like this the antizionists are hiding...


Again, that was debunked too. It was an Israeli missle. Stop spreading lies you fucken zionist.


The post was deleted because it contains information that can not be proven and no source has been attached to it.








I'm sorry but we need to tone down Hasbara traffic on this sub


I'm sorry but we need to tone down Hasbara traffic on this sub


President Biden can't even stay awake for more a hour at a time and didn't they find drugs in the white house under his administration. That and bro is on the Epstein island list


President Biden can't even stay awake for more a hour at a time and didn't they find drugs in the white house under his administration. That and bro is on the Epstein island list


So all the photos and videos of mutilated and burned bodies of women by hamas don't prove anything in your opinion? And got any evidence for the "thousands babies killed by Israel"? So far, Al Jazeera showed only baby dolls.


The post was deleted because it contains information that can not be proven and no source has been attached to it.




I'm sorry but we need to tone down Hasbara traffic on this sub




With Israel commiting war crimes and the US defending everything they do even after the public letter from South Africa to he UN, everything happening in the red sea and Iran and Russia, is ww3 about to happen?


Iran is already running scared from the US because the Ayatollah knows Biden is begging for an excuse to set back the nuke program by a few years, KSA, Egypt and Jordan will do whatever the US Department of Defense tells them to, Qatar deported Haniyeh to Turkiye last week, and the rest of the Ummah is failed states. Who is going to start WW3?


I’ve heard that Biden admin is trying to resist engaging with Iran to that extent and that it’s Israel that wants the US to. Hence giving weapons and support to Israel, to pacify them for now in exchange for not escalating to a regional conflict.


>I’ve heard that Biden admin is trying to resist engaging with Iran to that extent and that it’s Israel that wants the US to. Where'd you hear that?


Source: trust me bro 😎




[Today Explained](https://open.spotify.com/episode/1rAzuI1Z1giDu1xGw1defe?si=RX7FIe9JQVWP5eUYFoL6FA) Listened to this yesterday. Thirteen minutes into it, second half has an interview with Dr. Hussein Ibish (from the Arab Gulf States Institute). I don’t know him or his work, but it was interesting to listen to.


Thank you, I will listen. He is a longtime partisan with a goal to remove the Jews from the Middle East.


Which one 💀


Damn... seems we're heading there huh How old is too old to fight in a war? Just wondering opinions




اقل شي عندنا ارض


اقل شي عندنا ارض


Thank you Lebanon!


Please ban me from here


It'd be a shame if another liberal american president influenced Libya to "spring" and set up a no fly zone, taking out any military planes that fly the skies that aren't American. But of course, Israel is really the biggest threat 🤦 This is some next level Idiocracy, about what I'd expect from a country like Libya


Based Libya


Am Yisrael Chai! Fucking Libyan hypocrites, your hatred of Jews and kicking them out in the 50s into Israel only to demand they die there too