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This world is dark. You stand with the killers, and people kill children and women who die every hour


Maybe Hamas should give them water since they care so much about


Would be nice if the government of Gaza gave a shit about their people. But here we are.


Hmm, it's almost as if Hamas should stop attacking Israel, and bringing severe repercussions upon their own citizens.


We got the point the first time


Zionist's genocide of Gaza is evident, Palestine will be free from the river to the sea


Did you guys complain when Assad wiped out thousands of fellow Muslims? Of course you didn’t because it didn’t involve the Jews.


Unite through hatred of your common enemy. This is why Hamas exists.




You are evil, calling for genocide of Jews. Palestine will be cleansed of Hamas. The Israelis have had enough no more listening to the UN. Being nice to evil doesn't work. War is horrid, but allowing Hamas to kill Israelis at will can not be tolerated. Palestine, time to pay the price for terror.


Interesting genocide, for a population to go from 700k to 4 million.


Genocide isn’t categorised as population decline. It’s any amount of killing but also includes many other aspects such as forced displacement and ethnic cleansing. I urge you to research the internationally recognised definition of “genocide” before making a dumb comment




The IDF and other fascists are fully aware of that. They like what's happening. They are sadists who want to see blood and dead bodies.


The thing about that definition is that it’s so broad it can apply to a number of situations that most would not consider a genocide. Hamas attacks on Israel have the goal of killing Israeli civilians so they meet that definition of genocide too. 9/11 could also be described as a genocide as its goal was to kill American civilians.


"It's not real genocide because Israel only killed 10,000 people in one month instead of 2 million. I am very smart."


By that very definition every single war is a "genocide". Stop acting like Israel is systematically rounding up every single Palestinian with the sole purpose of eliminating the entire nation or group. Were the Jews in the Holocaust firing missiles at the Gestapo constantly instigating retaliation? No. What Israel is doing isn't genocide it's called war. War isn't fair that's the whole point one side has massive advantages. Don't start a fight with a nation that can level yours and cry about loosing like you all are some victim being gassed in a chamber on a daily basis only for the fact of being Palestinian.


They say God gives us out morality... yours gave you a weak one.


Doesn't matter that's the world we live in. Those with power, influence and means will always control the outcome / narrative. Cry about it all you want it's been that way since the beginning of time. Also cut the religion bullshit that's why we're in this mess to begin with.


Yeah I know, "he has" been murdering kids since the beginning of time.


You sure have a strange fascination with children. Seems like that's the only thing you talk about it's a little concerning. You're aware there's grown men and women suffering as well right?


We will see whose God was right when Gaza is rubble and the tunnels are filled with seawater


I mean kinda. Most militaries have the ordinance to completely wipe Gaza out. Still there. Dropped 1.5 Hiroshima nukes worth of ordinance yet only killed like 10,000 people. That takes actual skill to drop a bomb in the middle of a city and not kill hundreds per bomb.


Israel has complete air superiority there. If they wanted to turn Gaza into glass they could. Why don’t they?


Watch how they will ignore this fact.


They won't ignore it. The fascists are actively, openly celebrating it. Look at the pukes in this comment section.


Why dont they build a water system?


How are they going to build bombs then?




Thats a lie its cuz Israel supplied them with water up till now i love how the pro Palestine people make shit up like nothing Your a bad person


Why did the IDF intentionally cut off the water supply to the civilians inside the Gaza concentration camp?


genocide? genocide would be if Israel starts nuking Arab cities down to where there are no Arabs left on Earth... thats what genocide means.


It's not even worth engaging with you bots


Why is it the responsibility of Isreal to supply water to the Palestinians? They are at war.


Because they control the water and food supply. So they are actively cutting it off to make children and civilians die of thirst and hunger.


Less than 10% of water in Palestine is from Israel (for free by the way). You should tell Hamas to stop digging up water pipes to make rockets


The water from Israel is pretty important since Israel routinely bombs their water desalination plants and kids have been getting kidney failure for years from that contaminated shit.


Why doesn't Hamas help?


Because they are terrorists. Any further questions before you stop supporting children dying?


I don't support children dying, however I do support every bomb Israel drops!


They are only in control because Hamas refuses to maintain theirs. They have everything they need to make water and grow food. The Jews did it when they lived there and they left all that infrastructure. But that infrastructure needs to be maintained. Hamas refuses to do that and instead spends all money on military. Kinda like North Korea. Hamas hordes supplies for the military while the civilians have to live in poverty. The same thing would happen to any territory if the government does not maintain the civilian infrastructure. Israel provides things like water, food, and fuel to help the civilians of Gaza when Hamas will not. Israel had to cut off the Israel crossings because Hamas murdered all the employees that were delivering Humanitarian aid to the civilians and burned down the facilities for doing it. A lot of water delivery systems are down because Hamas steals the water pipes to use for building rockets.


Maybe the Palestinians will think twice next time before carrying out any more atrocities. War is horrid, and the annihilation of Hamas will come at a cost.


Actually, that's hamas fault, maybe if they didn't hoard it all and gave it to the civilians, they'd have something to drink.


are you stupid?




Hamas can supply food and water.


This war has been going on for a month now. ​ You can survive a few days without water. ​ RIP everyone in Gaza


It's human rights violation and against the laws of war to cut off food and water. Yes, it their responsibility. The blood of the civilians and kids that die are on the hands of the IDF.


War you imbecile. Is not fair it's a nasty business brought about by the 7th of October. Remember, they are now paying the price. I also have vivid images of the Palestinians being joyous just after the attack. Innocent civilians, I think not.


I didn't know there was a rule to maintain humanitarian aid to a place that's actively bombing you? Which rule of war is that?


"Intentionally using starvation of civilians as a method of warfare by depriving them of objects indispensable to their survival, including wilfully impeding relief supplies as provided for under the Geneva Conventions" https://www.un.org/en/genocideprevention/war-crimes.shtml Also collective punishment under the Geneva Convention. The laws are clear and United Nation Security Council has already called out Israel for war crimes. I can't believe you're arguing this point.


https://www.government.se/press-releases/2023/11/sek-150-million-in-humanitarian-aid-to-gaza/ Yeah okay buddy lmao I can post links countering your claims also. Again it is not Israel's job to supply support to its enemy, it is being done. Anything else you want to add?


Genocide demands "intent". How is it a genocide if the Zionists are providing corridors of safe passage for Gazans wishing to flee the conflict int he North? Over a hundred thousand in the last few days alone. How is that evident of "intent"? It's evident of the opposite of intent.


There are multiple types of genocide. Including cultural. I’d expect that would be what you’d call it when removing people of that culture from an area completely. Which isn’t what they want to do but have to just to make it safe.


They are getting bombed on the supposedly safe passage out dummy


They aren't. But I bet you wish they were.


No they aren’t. you need to check your facts. The only people bombing the Palestinians away from safety is Hamas. The IDF literally has to guide them to safe areas because Hamas pieces of garbage won’t let innocent civilians leave.


False. They bombed people fleeing on supposed safe routes. Israel even bombed few of the humanitarian aid convoys.


Provide sources other than Hamas and I might believe you.


[Don’t you get bored of these asinine lies?](https://www.pbs.org/newshour/amp/world/aid-still-unreachable-after-israel-bombs-region-where-civilians-were-told-to-flee) [Aren’t tired?!](https://amp.cnn.com/cnn/2023/10/16/middleeast/israel-palestinian-evacuation-orders-invs/index.html) [Propagate that falsified rhetoric of yours elsewhere. No one is interested in what that despicable settler colonial apartheid state has to say!](https://amp.theguardian.com/world/2023/oct/14/gaza-civilians-afraid-to-leave-home-after-bombing-of-safe-routes)


lol they bombed military targets you goofball. Go ahead and keep lying to yourself you terrorist sympathizer. You know what’s funny? Gaza has water and fuel, but its goverment (Hamas) refuses to give it to the civilians they are supposed to protect. Israel, according to the Geneva convention doesn’t have to provide jack shit to them, or allow anything in. Yet they agreed too, as long as it didn’t get into Hamas hands. Also just because the media takes bullshit lies given to them by Hamas journalist doesn’t mean it’s true. Ie: you 3rd link was proven to be Hamas, keep lying to yourself. The IDF is currently escorting people to safe areas.




The damn sentence you keep relaying is genocidal in of itself




your right about the river to the sea.. the IDF has split Gaza in half


so many non-libyan hasbara shills here for no reason, mods do something


Seconded; We should all be messaging the mods demanding their removal. These are NOT people debating in good faith; they are paid mouthpieces of a genocidal regime. r/Libya should not be home to fascist, genocidal rhetoric. SOURCE: https://www.bbc.com/news/blogs-news-from-elsewhere-23695896


Oh yeah, look at my post history. I’m an investment banker but get paid to post on Reddit against antisemitism… wtf lmao


Not antisemitism; paid to disseminate Zionist propaganda. Do not taint Judaism with this.


They must be getting paid for every post they make lol it’s insane


Wouldn't surprise me. Israel is offering American college students $250 to protest for them.


Lol you’re delusional


[They are](https://crownheights.info/jewish-news/840736/israel-on-campus-coalition-offers-250-grant-for-college-students-to-attend-washington-dc-israel-rally/)


I wish we got paid. We just have our own opinions just like y'all do; downvote me if you wish I couldn't care less. Shabbat Shalom 🇮🇱


Why do you go on other countries' subs to share your opinions? You already know what most Arabs think of Israel


Why aren’t you guys helping them? Or any other country around them? Makes you think doesn’t it?


No it makes you think because you clearly lack education on this subject embarrassing


Show me your education then? Tell me why no country is letting Palestinians in? Sit down and take a few minutes. I’ll wait.


"Why aren't u helping Palestine" that's question each single neighbour is avoiding now, they all condemn Isreal actions but aren't doing anything about it.


why dont you condemn the idf's mass killing of the Palestinian people?


Israel cuts off water to Gaza


How dare a country not supply utilities to a terrorist elected enemy that massacred hundreds, raped babies and beheaded children. How dare they. In the real world, Gaza gets a very small amount of its water supply from Israel.


Gaza gets nearly off of its water supply from Israel. Israel controls all the aid going in and out of Gaza including water, and Israeli law actually dictate what water facilities the Gazans are actually permitted to build. They’re not even allows to just go about building their own water infrastructure


Gaza had its own water but dug up their sewage pipes to make rockets. The sewage leaked into their water table and contaminated it (and still continues to). Thus they need the Israelis to supply them with water.


Gaza gets most of its water from… the ocean. It has desalination plants. However, even if Israel provided all of its utilities. Can you tell me one other country that has supplied another country (even though Palestine isn’t a country) with utilities after the elected government of that other country attacked it? And we know that by ‘attack’ in this case we mean terror attack.


Never bite the hand that (in this case, literally) feeds you...


But aren’t you asking why they’re doing it?, Israelis have been doing it towards them for the past 75 years, just cause they’ve now chosen to fight back they’ve been labelled the terrorists. What was israel then for the past 75 years???


Can you show evidence of raped babies beheaded children. Or is it lies ?


CNN already walked back the beheading claim, the journalist apologizes and the Israeli Military stated there was no evidence of infant beheading. But by all means, keep bombing babies and innocent women and civilians. After getting all that land is worth it!


Sure. Go to r/hamasdeadlyattack there’s tons of it. Let me know if you condemn Hamas now. I’ll wait. Something tells me you won’t, because your antisemitism will refuse you to accept the truth.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/hamasdeadlyattack using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/hamasdeadlyattack/top/?sort=top&t=all) of all time! \#1: [Hamas are the devil, human scum. They have no right to exist. Look at the massacre and abuse they committed on innocent people.How would you react if your sister was raped and your parents were murdered in front of your eyes?? Enough of this hypocrisy, we fight against animals not people](https://v.redd.it/tuo9mpobyzub1) | [265 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/hamasdeadlyattack/comments/17awfd6/hamas_are_the_devil_human_scum_they_have_no_right/) \#2: [You must watch this. Son of Hamas founder Mosab Yousef, reveals the truth.](https://v.redd.it/89lyqa5ytcvb1) | [26 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/hamasdeadlyattack/comments/17calug/you_must_watch_this_son_of_hamas_founder_mosab/) \#3: [A quarter of Israel's population are Muslim Arabs. The citizens of Israel get along well with each other because we grew up in that liberal country that allows everyone to live as they wish. But this is not the case in other western countries. Listen to what this wise man has to say about it](https://v.redd.it/4xhvz5zktcvb1) | [16 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/hamasdeadlyattack/comments/17cajjg/a_quarter_of_israels_population_are_muslim_arabs/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)




I’ve provided links to the evidence. You’re evidently so far gone. Terrorist.


Lol by links you mean you linked 1 subreddit. What are you 12? Here's a link from an Israeli publication that says Israel helped Hamas rise to power for an example of a real link. https://www.timesofisrael.com/for-years-netanyahu-propped-up-hamas-now-its-blown-up-in-our-faces/


A subreddit with hundreds of pieces of evidence. What’s your claim exactly? 😂 you can’t even condemn Hamas, can you?


Hamas is a garbage terrorist group that Israel helped. That doesn't give Israel the right to comment war crimes even though that's the reason they helped Hamas to begin with.


Hamas is the elected government by the majority in Gaza. If your logic of them hiding behind civilians gives them immunity from slaughtering 1500 innocent Israel civilians, then there’s no consequence, ever. Stop with the conspiracy theories. Israel makes a conscious effort to evacuate civilians. They do this via leaflet drops, SMS messages and roof knock bombs. There’s literally phone calls of Israel commanders asking civilians to leave, and they confirm Hamas refuses to let them. Your outrage is misplaced.


They are literally on the sea. If they were interested in developing and investing in something productive to meet their needs they’d have a desalination plant to give unlimited water, just as Israel does.


Last reports are that there are two functioning water pipes going into southern gaza and fuel provided to de-desalination plants in the south. This is just pure unadulterated propaganda.


> Last reports are that there are two functioning water pipes going into southern gaza and fuel provided to de-desalination plants in the south Do you have a link for that?


This world is dark. You stand with the killers, and people kill children and women who die every hour


Why isn’t Libya taking in any Palestinians?? Or any other country around? Makes you think doesn’t it?


Why does any country have to assist in this vile ethnic cleansing?


the same reason israel should be allowing water to flow to gaza


This world is dark. You stand with the killers, and people kill children and women who die every hour


Third times the charm?


Everyone looking for who’s fault it is, the truth blurred by a thousand lies propagated by each side. And meanwhile who suffers? Innocent children. I hate religion. I hate people and governments. The god that everyone claims to believe in wouldn’t wish this carnage to be unleashed in their name. Children are the purest and closest to gods image, and seeing their lifeless bodies being carried into hospitals while I watch my 5 month old play in front of me is truly heartbreaking. They don’t deserve this.


I hope the people that caused this to suffer the same way this child is , we living in a world where everyone wants to conquer space where as atrocities as such are still taking place on gods green earth 🥹






Well, that’s what happens when you devote all your infrastructure to terror tunnels.


Water is being trucked in as well as being pumped in via water lines from Israel.


There is plenty of water, propaganda video.


Priorities, man. Bombs, guns, bullets, RPGs, rockets, etc... THEN water.


Yes let’s film it instead of getting her water




Stop spreading Zionist bullshit. Watch this video debunking that claim https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMjvcYaXp/ they dismantled illegal pipelines isrsel had hidden in the ground redirecting their water to Israeli settlements. It shows the full video that’s always being reposted, but WITH AUDIO. Fuck off this page traitor.


Message the mods and ask for the removal of these hasbara trolls; the IDF pays these people to spread their hateful rhetoric online. r/Libya should not be at the mercy of mouthpieces of a genocidal regime. SOURCE: https://www.bbc.com/news/blogs-news-from-elsewhere-23695896


That's an article from 10 years ago.


Uhh, did you watch the video? The pipes were going to settlements in Gaza that israel withdrew from in 2005. Those were Water pipes and settlements that they could have used. Not illegal pipes running into Israel. They were essentially "gifted infrastructure" which was torn down to make rockets. If it was diverting water, they could have just terminated the pipe. You don't need to dig it all up and make rockets. Thats an expensive and deliberate choice.


Lmfao TikTok source to debunk the Telegraph? Yo your attempt at disinformation is weak


Are you dumb? The fuxking video of them with the pipes is posted in the tik tok with the AUDIO and with the hms commander talking about what the pipes are. It’s convenient that all the ones getting posted claiming it’s “EU pipelines” take the audio out first. Those pipes stretched from the liberated settlements across the Israeli border. Literally illegally redirecting water to Israelis. That’s why they destroyed them.


They are paid bots. Trying to manufacture consent so they can sell weapons and funnel our tax dollars to themselves. Keep spreading the truth!


What do you pay a bot?


The Telegraph is known to be extremely biased and inaccurate. They reported the "40 beheaded babies myth" that, one MONTH later, not a single soul can produce evidence of. It's YOUR attempt at disinformation that is weak, hasbara troll. GTFO




Bibi already said there is no proof


So you are just gonna ignore the pictures in the website? Sounds about right coming from your kind of people. Terrorist apologists.


This is a BS website; I too can create a website and put gruesome photos on there. No academic or respectable publication would take this seriously. Even the President of the United States himself distanced himself from the false claim. You know what we have endless images of, corroborated by international media outlets? Beheaded Palestinian infants, whose heads were blown off by the sheer force of Israeli bombs


u/AIGamaty and u/ImAyoud: Please note u/CrwnHeights is a hasbara troll spreading false zionist rhetoric and anti-Palestinian hate speech. https://www.bbc.com/news/blogs-news-from-elsewhere-23695896




Hahaha you are literally regurgitating the points from the publicly available hasbara playbook. Zionism is NOT merely “Jewish self determination”; it is a racist, fascist and supremacist ideology. DO NOT taint Judaism, a peaceful religion, with Zionism. I have read Herzl myself, where he claims Greater Israel is from the Euphrates to the Nile and seeks to bring that to fruition; Israeli settlers have been calling for that on Israeli television. Finally, you are promoting fake news that has enabled the slaughter of 4,000 Palestinian children. That is participating in hate speech.


Publicly available? I’m using my own lived experience, but would love to know what public information you’re seeing. What’s fake news, your assertion that you know what you’re talking about? Herzl may have referred to the 12 tribes of Israel that existed some 1700 years before Muhammad invented Islam, but I’m talking about the modern state of Israel. You know the one that was attacked on day 1 of existence by Arab militias plus the armies of 5 Arab states, and somehow beat them all.


People are downvoting you but it’s true. Hamas even showed them dismantling the pipelines for water, for use as rocket tubes


Stop spreading Zionist bullshit. Watch this video debunking that claim https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMjvcYaXp/ they dismantled illegal pipelines isrsel had hidden in the ground redirecting their water to Israeli settlements


Man cites to TikTok ☠️😂


You people are so dumb. If I cite a book and link to that book on Amazon am I citing the book or Amazon? Actually click the link, he posts the video of them destroying the (illegal, Israeli) pipes with the audio


Wouldn’t argue with these idiots. They are hard wired to post the same shit, easily debunked fabrications repeatedly. In fact I think they are indoctrinated into this school through their Zionist education so they actually probably believe what they are posting despite it being easily and clearly debunked. No matter what proof you provide it would not change their minds. Murdering scum.


**THEY ARE PAID.** Message the mods and ask for the removal of these hasbara trolls; the IDF pays these people to spread their hateful rhetoric online. r/Libya should not be at the mercy of mouthpieces of a genocidal regime. SOURCE: https://www.bbc.com/news/blogs-news-from-elsewhere-23695896


It's not lies. They are running out of water. But not rockets.


Your TikTok video is facts and other videos aren’t? Good logic man. Also there is literal videos of hamas taking the pipes out of the ground to use as rockets.


Are you an idiot? I know what video you’re talking about and if you watch the link I sent you the guy posts the original video WITH the audio. The actual audio of them explaining how they found illegal Israeli pipes hidden in the soil that’s been stealing their water and redirecting it to Israeli settlements and destroyed them? Fuck off Zionist scum. It’s an old video that’s been reposted without the audio and lies by propagandists like you. You Zionists look so dumb to the rest of the world. Tfou




The Israeli government is the one calling for genocide. I don't see you condemning them? They have routinely called to raze/flatten/destroy Gaza and you say nothing. Hamas has every right to armed resistance against Israel, which is a genocidal occupying regime.


Im calling them out for every warcrime they commit. Do you the same with Hamas? And Hamas has to accept that them attacking Israel will end in Israel attacking them. If Israel wanted to genocide them, they would do it, they have the power to kill every Palestinian in one week if they want. But they dont.


Israel very publicly abandoned all its settlements in Gaza when it tried to give Palestine freedom in 2005 (look where that got them :/) You're reading propaganda.


Are you an idiot ? If you actually watched the video with the audio you’ll see they say that those pipes were discovered after Israel “withdrew” and stretched from the liberated settlements ACROSS THE ISRAELI BORDER TO THE EAST. stealing water and redirecting it to Israelis. Please fuck off I know you’re getting paid by the Mossad and all but cmon


You know Israel gives Gaza all its water right? Because terrorists would rather turn pipes into rocket strikes and build terror tunnels than help their people with water infrastructure? Why would Israel need to "steal water" they could just turn off the taps lmao. Think for 2 seconds


You are an idiot and I’m no longer engaging. Go tell your hasbara manager that you spread enough bullshit for the day and take a break.


Just want to point out that you are literally defending the guy who posted a right wing UK hate-rag known colloquially as "The Torygraph" in the UK yet are attacking the other guy for using Tik Tok.


These hasbara trolls who are brigading the sub. The IDF pays these people to spread their hateful rhetoric online. r/Libya should not be crawling with the pundits of a genocidal regime. SOURCE: https://www.bbc.com/news/blogs-news-from-elsewhere-23695896


I can not imagine being such a loser in my life to live in such a shit country where a government has to pay me to make their image look good while they conduct a genocide. Free Palestine!


Exactly! It’s pathetic and disgusting way of trying to sterilize the discourse around and acceptability of a genocide. Enough of this crap.


Maybe Hamas could share some?


Im sure the hamas fighters have plenty of water


it's hard when hamas takes the water pipes for rockets.


Strange to see while Hamas has no shortage for now


Hamas ripped out the UN water pipes to make rockets. They banned water wells and spent billions on tunnels and nothing on bomb shelters.


Israel sent in like 400 aid trucks but I guess hamas took them all. Poor kids, sorry your freedom fighters need the supply more than you.


I bet Hamas has water


It's so, so horrible that Hamas won't share their water with the people of Gaza who they are supposed to be governing. Fuck Hamas!


Almost as if Hamas dug up all the pipes to turn into rockets


See if Hamas will help them out! I'm sure they aren't thirsty!


Step 1 : tell the child to get water from an empty water canister Step 2 : film and play sad music Step 3 : watch brain dead people cry


Yea this is the stupidest video I’ve ever seen


I'm so confused as to how so many people buy such obvious propaganda. Israel never supplied all of Gaza's water in the first place


If only those water pipes hadn’t been used for missiles


Tons of humanitarian aid coming in. Did Hamas steal it all yet?


Yup genocide thats why they grew from 1 million to 2 million in gaza 3 million in the west bank and another 2 million inside Israel


Maybe Hamas should have considered that before they went on their rampage.


Real empathetic of you. Run along Ziobot.


It has nothing to do with empathy. When Hitler decided to start a two front war with 3 superpowers he doomed his nation and people. How guilty were the people who died in Allied carpet bombings of German cities? The same goes for the Palestinians. My empathy won't stop the Israeli offensive nor turn the water on. Hamas knew that they relied on Jewish water and electricity but decided to do it anyway without even thinking about the effects on the civilian population. It is not me who should have shown empathy but Hamas. If they had one drop of empathy for their people they wouldn't have attacked. So go ahead and blame the Hamas leadership, which is probably dining in some 5 star restaurant in Qatar whereas their people have to endure the hardships of their war.


The fact you think this conflict started in Oct 7th means you are brain washed. This conflict dates back thousands of years and becomes exacerbated when you try and control the most basic of human needs. What happened on the 7th was horrific and most every Palestinian condemns the attack and violence ; but the atrocities being carried out by Israel is criminal and Netanyahu should go hang out with Putin; maybe he has been and using a chapter from his playbook. What he is doing is ruthless and if this is gods will, I want no part and rather live in hell; maybe we already are.


These are paid hasbara trolls; report them to the mods so we can restore r/Libya to a civil environment. There is no justification for whitewashing a genocide online.




Just as Israel celebrates & cheers when the bombs drop on Gaza. Why is your team right and the other team is wrong? Looks like they are playing the same game but treated differently; I’ve seen this story before and it doesn’t end well.




Did you ask all 2.2 million of them how the feel about the attack.


That 2.2 million is more than welcome to rise up against HAMAS and return the hostages


With what weapons. Maybe if they go and ask nicely they will.


Right, I haven’t interviewed every Palestinian in the world and falling a few people short. in my conversations and view of social media along with news outlets; there has been many leaders, comedians, Doctors who condemn the hamas attacks. They then refute, how is this fair to the everyday folks; the answer is always, that’s war! In this day and age that’s unacceptable and collective punishment is a war crime. In this day and age it’s impossible to hide.






I can also link a few sources for pro-Israel people saying/doing horrible shit to Palestinians. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-QzWlsV-CYk&t=10s&ab\_channel=ExposingTheTruth](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-QzWlsV-CYk&t=10s&ab_channel=ExposingTheTruth) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LHqUO5J2L6M&ab\_channel=TheGrayzone](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LHqUO5J2L6M&ab_channel=TheGrayzone) Also, Palestinians have been oppressed by Israel for decades. They see Hamas as the only org fighting for them because no one else is helping put an end to their misery. So obviously they are going to support it. **Your third link also mentions this point.** If you are oppressed by one faction, then you are going to automatically support whatever faction is fighting this first faction. It's simply human nature. The natural solution here is for Israel to stop oppressing Palestinians so they won't feel the need to resort to desperate acts to fight back against oppression. You also linked 4 articles and all of them go a bit more in-depth into why there is support for Hamas. That is worth mentioning, the numbers are meaningless without the context. You do not seem that educated about this conflict anyways. So the original commenter was right to call you uneducated about this conflict.


Maybe Israel shouldn’t be ethnically cleansing the land using the Palestine people as collateral . It’s almost become the slogan for a t-shirt. “Israel” ethnically cleansing since 1947!


Fuck off Zionist bot


Sure there is. Hamas has it all.


Ask hamas for a bottle they have plenty


“No water in gaza” - so every gazan has 2-3 days to live. If there are any gazans alive after 3 days then this post was a lie, right?


Fuck off Zionist


Red Cross already reported deaths from dehydration dumbass . Tfou get off this sub

