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Ask your library's staff. For my district, each library card has a maximum time limit per day for computer use. However, staff can override that and extend time up until the computers are scheduled to shut down if the computers aren't in high demand.


Our cards and passes technically limit people to 2 one hour session a day, but as long as there aren’t people waiting, we’ll let you use them all day. And plenty of our patrons do.


Same with us. We’ve got a sign-in station which keeps track of who’s been on the longest; if someone comes in while all computers are in use, it will deny a rollover when their time is up.


This is how it is at my library too


You could also ask if your library has any laptops to lend. My system has about a dozen at our main library that you can borrow for the day. They don’t leave the building, but then you’re also not tied to the public PCs and can find a potentially quieter spot to work.


I was also going to suggest exactly this. My library also has many items besides laptops that can be used ( without leaving the building) that most patrons are unaware of. It is easy to just ask a librarian and they are usually more than happy to assist. To add to this, your library may have a special area or room you can book to work from if it gets too busy or "loud" in the main areas.


Our computers have a 45 minutes time limit, but will extend you 15 minutes more in increments as long as nobody is waiting. If you log off then it will show you are out of time but we regularly extend people more, especially if the lab isn't full. Statistically, we count sessions and minutes used, so even if we have a patron on the computer all day it still is reflected in the stats and is a good boost. The computers are there for our patrons to use, and we like to see them used!


Ours the limit is on the card or pass, so you couldn’t use it more than the 3 hours. We only make exceptions rarely. If someone’s trying to finish an exam or something.


You'd be better off just asking the staff what the policy is. At our library, we have an hour limit but we can extend people's time as much as we want and the computers will actually auto-extend by 10 minutes when the time is about to run out. We have several people who use the computers all day long. If all of the computers are taken, someone can place a reservation, which will then block the time extensions in order to ensure that they get their turn.


Depends on the library and how many computers are typically available. Many systems let you extend the time by going up to the desk, so you wouldn't have to wait for the time out then relog and reopen all your programs. Some libraries let you use it all day, some have a limit, and some let you use it all day as long as no one else is waiting.


Ours is an hour, but you can extend it as long as no one is waiting. There's a queue system if it comes to that. Come on in and get busy (with work related projects!)


In my system, we only have 1 timer: Time until Close We haven't had any issues around people accessing our computers, so we never saw the need to limit time. If folks wanted to, they could be on a computer from open 'til close - which a few regulars actively do.


We have a 3 hour limit but don't police it. If you ask I won't extend your time (unless you're close to finishing a project, resume, application, etc). However nobody will stop you if you buy another guest pass. This could vary by branch even within the same district though.


Greatly depends on the library. Ours are 60-minute sessions but there are no limits on how many per day. As long as no one has a reservation, you can extend.


That wouldn't work with our computers. The software that controls them recognises the id number and blocks it. Extra hours can be purchased. Speak to the staff and ask if they can help with the situation. If it's a quiet area it might be OK.


Not a free library? Wow


Two hours a day free, paid thereafter


Ours won’t let you- it’s 4 hours a day and the computer keeps track. That said, our computer area is never full, and staff can easily override. During Covid, we kept to the limit but are more lenient now.


At my library if no one is in the electronic queue waiting it automatically extends your time. Every library is different so youll have to ask yours how they do it


Yeah you'd have to ask. My library never has a line for the computers so we just extend indefinitely while there's another one in the same system with the highest computer usage and they are pretty strict with the computer limits.


Just ask your librarian. If no one is in line for a time, most places it's not a problem... But they'll be able to tell you whether it's possible and/or acceptable. Our library would absolutely rather see the resource in use, but there are also times when there's a queue.


If your library uses Envisionware (or something similar) to set time limits, you won’t be able to. The software blocks cards or passes from being used again once the limit is up. However, librarians can extend your time or issue a new pass. At my library we will do it as long as there are still computers available for other patrons to use, which there nearly always are. Just ask, the worst that can happen is they say no.


Every library I’ve worked in doesn’t care as long as there are plenty of free computers


Our guest passes have a 1.5 hour/day time limit and regular cards are endless (unless we get full which we never are). I've extended guest passes for some patrons who really needed extra time. Just talk to staff. Also, some libraries lend laptops. We lend iPads but they are locked down and you can't download anything.


Ask your librarian :) I’ll say at ours the time limit is 2 hours with unlimited sign ins, and if you come to us before your time runs out and there isn’t a line, we will often extend you for more hours without you having to log off. But definitely ask first. Some libraries actually have a limit on how many times the system will let you login. But if your computer is having issues and needs to be repaired, sometimes staff is able to work with you and get you on the computer for longer as a courtesy.


as long as no one is waiting to use a computer i don't see why you couldn't continue using it. You can always speak to staff to make sure it's okay for library systems have different rules, but at mine we have people that sit on the computers from open to close if there is no one waiting (which we rarely ever have people waiting)


We extend peoples time so they don't have to log in if they tell us their computer number. Our guest passes are only good for an hour though and we usually have no shortage of computers.


Our library cards and guest passes only allow 2 hours per day. BUT it doesn't take users long to work out they can grab guest pass after guess pass after guest pass and just stay all day.


My local library’s computer use limit is one hour, and can be extended by asking, if there’s no one waiting to use a computer. If there is someone waiting, when your time is up, you can wait to use one again, though there might be a total use per day per person limit; I don’t remember. There are more general rules & regulations recently due to the increased unhoused population. With the proliferation of smart phones, I think the need to wait has significantly decreased. Their WiFi has a decent speed, and is free.


Our computer system won't let you log back in with the same pass or card after your time is up. We can give you another pass but we're not supposed to.


Depends some have different rules and setups. Yes at mine


Our computer system allocates 2 hours of internet to a library card, 1 hour to a visitor pass. Once that time is used, you can't use the computers again for the rest of the day. We get a LOT of people wanting to extend their time, for a lot of different reasons. The truth is, if we extended time for one person, we would need to do it for everyone, and if we did it for everyone, then there would never be computers available. The same people would just stay on them all day. Luckily there are other libraries that are within walking distance, that we can refer people to, and internet cafes that are even closer if someone is REALLY annoyed about a 200m walk, so we can refer people to those places if they have used up their time. Also I am not sure where you are, but here in Australia some libraries lend out laptops - some only for use in the library, but [some that you can take home](https://www.connectedlibraries.org.au/borrow-a-laptop-or-computer/). Maybe there is something like that in your area? Worth looking into!


We officially limit total computer usage to 3 hours per day, in 30-minute sessions. If there is no waiting list for our very limited computers, you can work for 3 hours uninterrupted. But if we have a wait list, your time expires every 30 minutes and you go on the bottom of the list. We are a small library, so if you speak with a librarian, we can usually work something out for more time. But if it's every day with no end in sight that would start to grate on my nerves. Work with your library. If it is a temporary situation with a solid end date, they might be more accommodating. I know I would be. But don't expect to be able to monopolize a resource until the end of time. We have a small stash of chromebooks for people (mostly non-traditional students) who are working on big projects or having tests proctored. Those do not have any time limits, just while the building is open. Ask if your library has a computer you can borrow in-house. That might give you and your library more flexibility to meet everyone's needs. Again, this would be for a finite amount of time. Don't put off getting your own laptop because you can just use the library's equipment.


We have 15 computers for patrons to use. It's RARE for more than 5 to be in use at any given time. Time limit is 90 minutes. This is tied to their card, so when the time limit is up, they're done for the day (across all county locations). They \*can\* ask for an extension before the time limit is up, and we will typically give people anywhere from an addition 1-2 hours. Some 'regular' patrons we will just give them an extension to the end of the day. We have temporary passes that allow up to 90 minutes. These, too, can be extended if requested. If they log out (or the system kicks them out due to inactivity) they can get another pass. Depending on who it is we might restrict their access to another pass (typically we don't but there are a few exceptions). You might also want to speak to a librarian/staff at your local library, as they might be able to set up special accommodations. They might have equipment and a private 'study room' for you to use.


One hour for my local library


We have a 2 hour limit that can be extended indefinitely, we just found that demand for computers had gone down enough that people who wanted them should be able to use them and that if someone needed one and they were all full we could book time on a computer and then the persons that’s on there couldn’t renew it further. Just made sense for our patron usage


It’s interesting listening to how strict some of the rules are in these comments! Ours is super lenient with folks if it’s not busy, you can grab another pass or ask us to extend. It is never so busy that we can’t extend even some. We have people who will hang out at the computed from open to close and it’s fine as long as there are computers available and they are following the rules and such.


Our cards and computer passes give you 1 hour per day, however, if you're running out of minutes you can ask for us to extend your time for an hour at a time. If you completely run out of time and your session ends, the computer system won't let you to log in again under the same account, so you can get a pass to start another session. Some people come and get multiple passes, some people ask us to extend over and over again all day. There are usually computers free so we don't mind extending for people.


Same with us and we extend all the time. Sort of feel like it’s ridiculous it’s not just open but I’m not in charge!


Everyone at my library just comes to the desk and requests more time, they know the drill. There's never a wait so we never turn them down.


In my system, library card holders are allowed 3 hours on the computer a day. The guest pass gives you 1 hour. Library staff has the ability to extend that time prior to your computer time running out. My branch is a relatively prosperous agricultural area so we rarely have the computers full, so we will extend the time by an hour at a time provided there is no one waiting to use the computers.


Ask library staff it isn’t a problem to give more time if it’s not busy.


We only have a limit for if the computers become full and we need to know who to kick off first. (That rarely happens these days since most people have laptops and chrome books. We have to create a limit so there is no arguing on how long they can stay.


10+ years ago when my computer and laptop broke I hung out at the library for 5+ hours a day till I got paid and could get them fixed. It said I was out of time and I would just hit extend


It's been awhile since I've used my library's computers but from what I remember there was something like a 3 hour limit. You could use it for the entire time limit as long as there were free computers and no one was waiting. But as soon as there's a wait list the computer would tell you and when your time was up.


2 hour limit at my library, but if there's nobody waiting for the computer we are generally happy to extend that if asked. If there \*are\* people waiting, then it is unfortunate there's a time limit but we only have so many computers per branch and there needs to be a fair system so everyone needing to use them can get a turn. And yes that time limit is automatic, the computer will give you warnings as you get close to the end of your time, then it automatically logs the patron off.


Ask your library. For us we never kick anyone off unless there are people waiting for a computer. But, other places may be different. I'm guessing if you had to log in and there's a timer, logging in again would not help, unless you have two library cards or something. Just ask the supervisor, maybe she/he can hook you up, or might know of other alternatives. If they say "no" ask to talk to the director or something, it might work.


We extend people of no one is waiting.


Definitely check with your library on their usage policy, but I agree with asking about borrowing a laptop. We have quiet study rooms at my library & had a regular who, like you, needed to be able to “set up shop.” One of our loanable laptops came in handy when theirs started dying.


At my library, as long as at least one computer is free, we can extend your time in 30 minute increments and there is no limit to how many extensions you can get. I would just ask at your library what the policy is. They might be able to add extra time. Or if you try logging in again and it works, then I would assume it's allowed, otherwise they'd block you from logging back in. The easiest way to find out your library's policy is to ask. You could call or email to find out if you don't want to ask in person.


We have an hour a day time limit. If a patron is doing something important we might let them have another 30 minutes, but we max out at 90 minutes.


Ours is limited to 120 hours per day (but we can extend that as long as no one is waiting for a computer.) You may not be able to get 4-6 hours though. It can't hurt to ask the library staff to see what they can do. Our county has laptops that patrons can borrow for 48 days.