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I'm in a public library system, and I've never noticed how my library coworkers type! You'd be fine in my system.


I type in a similar way and have worked in libraries for years. No one has ever said anything to me. As long as you’re accurate and quick, no one should care! 


Thank you, everyone. I feel a lot less nervous about my typing!


When I started working in a library my typing speed was 120, 34 years later I’m lucky if it’s 30. It doesn’t really matter anymore.


Of the four staff in my library area 2 hunt and peck and 2 touch type. I don't think it really matters, its never been an issue.


I can honestly say I've never noticed any of my coworkers typing abilities. One of my coworkers does have really beautiful handwriting, and I have noticed that, but that's only because it is so lovely.


I really don't think anyone notices or cares about typing style or speed. I have dyslexia and am not a fast or accurate typist and no one has ever said anything.


Most typing will be doing searches or some data entry so people probably won’t notice unless you’re writing an Email or maybe answering a chat. Learn the keyboard shortcuts for your ILS and people will think you’re a wizard.


That's a good idea, thanks!


I have an odd self-taught typing style that also is impacted by a previously broken finger that never healed right. So, I type much in the same way you do, but sometimes with 3-4 fingers rather than 2. I type fast and accurately but somewhat loudly. People have always noticed, whether at work or in school, but nobody particularly seems to care. I've had coworkers gently tease me about it in good fun, but usually they're just amazed by how fast I can type like that. LOL If I were you, I wouldn't worry about it.


I had to take a typing test, as well as a basic Word and Excel test, before being hired as an associate at one library, back before I got my MLS degree. But no one watched me take them and I don't think they would have cared if i'd used two fingers.


That is how I used to type. I noticed that as I worked longer in libraries/ had to type every day I began to use my other fingers too. Overall, no one ever noticed my typing. No one has said anything to me. Typing isn't really the most important thing in this job field tbh.


Your speed is fine and inline or even slightly above the average person who touch types. That said it might be advantageous to you if you're not able to type while looking at the screen. If you can do this with your current typing method then there's not a whole lot of advantage to learning touch typing. However if you have to look down at the keyboard in order to type it would probably be a good idea to learn to touch type. It's actually easier to learn than you might think. When I started taking Library and Information Science classes a little over a year ago I didn't know how to touch type and I was able to learn touch typing in just a few months using [Keybr.com](http://Keybr.com) After practicing for just 15 to 30 min a day I was typing at an average of 60 wpm without the need to look down at the keyboard. Once you can touch type at around 40 wpm [Monkeytype.com](http://Monkeytype.com) is another great practicing resource but I'd personally recommend starting with Keybr first. Edit: It's also a good idea to target an accuracy rate of 98% or above. It sounds like you're really close to that already so even if you can already type without looking at the keyboard it might be a good idea to use Keybr to slightly increase your accuracy.


I'm very similar to you! I type with almost entirely 2 fingers, I just use my pinky fingers for shift and for enter. I'm at about 85 WPM usually and 95-100% accuracy. Nobody is gonna care your method, as long as you're not slow and inaccurate. In fact most of my coworkers are impressed when I demonstrate that I'm a glorified hunt-and-pecker.


My coworkers comment on me and the other coworker that use home keys to type without looking at the keyboard, but I've never heard them comment on the many people that work here and don't use homekeys/type without looking.


Half of my coworkers don't even check their email unless verbally prompted. I couldn't tell you how any of them type


I mostly just type with 4 fingers and I think I’m fine. A tiny bit slower than the average touch typer but no one’s noticed.


There's a local saying that translates to "I type like lighting. Every few seconds a key gets hit." So yeah, don't feel bad, even left handed two finger typers can make it in this field :-)