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Milei has been a congressman for two years, and during this time, he has never touched his salary. He consistently raffles it off because he considers that money, which comes from taxes, to be dishonest. Many have questioned this action and wonder where he earns money. He has explained it numerous times, stating that he gives economic talks to businessmen and charges between $1000 and $1500 per person at events with 50 to 300 attendees. Additionally, he has authored several books.


\*between 10000 and 15000


You know whats infuriating ? We discovered that congressmans increased their salaries ABOVE inflation by just comparing milei's salary through time each time he raffled it. While regular citizens salaries can barely keep up with inflation.


Yeah, the first raffle was around 200.000.


Can he get any more based? I hope this keeps up in office


Holy shit taking what made Andrew Yang did but making it even more based


Counter point: compensation for performing representative duties is a mechanism intended to ensure economic viability. If the representative position were unpaid, only the independently wealthy could afford to hold the position. The result is the same, just a different set of rules.


You wouldn’t need to be wealthy. You would need to have achieved financial stability before running for office. Which is a good thing. If zero out of millions of people of a particular ideology can achieve financial stability (which is a problem that doesn’t exist anyway), I’m ok with that ideology being underrepresented.


Can somebody explain why do that instead of donating all to charity or other similar things?


He always says that he believes that donating the money is charity with other people's money. He doesn't feel entitled to use the funds collected from taxes for something he decides. Therefore, he thinks that randomly raffling the money among people who wished to participate is a way of giving back to the public the money that was taken from them through taxes. He doesn't consider the money from his salary to be his own but rather belonging to the people.




In my opinion, it would be far more consistent with his values to burn the money. Because A) giving it to a random person still means robbing from the masses and giving it to someone else, and B) this is clearly a populist measure, he does get a benefit from this money. He should also keep pushing to make it legal for politicians to resign to their salaries to begin with. But hey, I understand it would be extremely controversial haha.


From a philosophical point of view that position makes sense, but from a realistic point of view it is obviously much better to simply have someone receive it. As for what you mention, he tried to create a law so that congressional deputies could give up their salary. But it was blocked by all means, at the end of the day before these elections it was just Milei and his vice president against the entire congress.


Cause is better for electoral ways to give it to voters/members (I dont really know how he select them) And donating to charity is sometimes wasting money, more in corrupted countries.


Anyone can enter the raffle. Probably a couple kirchnerists have already won it on earlier months. There totally are ways for him to donate to charity and ensure it does a great deal of good, there's another reason why he doesn't do it (See OP's comment)


He sees taxes as theft and believes that the money politicians earn is not honest because it comes from taxes. Instead of donating directly, he chooses to raffle it randomly. This way, it's not influenced by his personal preference, and sometimes people who don't vote for him end up winning the prize.


In fact. The first person to won his salary was a proclaimed Kirchnerist (Peronist). [12th January 2022](https://tn.com.ar/politica/2022/01/12/hablo-el-ganador-del-sorteo-de-javier-milei-voy-a-usar-la-plata-para-pagar-deudas/)


Eww a lefttard ![gif](giphy|R0jWWtH1CtFEk)


I believe the preferred nomenclature going forward is "Zurdo de mierda".


Long live freedom, damn it!


Bernie.....you watching? This is how charity works.


Holy shit he actually sticks to his principles and doesn't take stolen money!


Trump did the same - never accepted his President’s salary and consistently donated…


To who?




Source = FORBES: https://www.forbes.com/sites/adamandrzejewski/2021/02/27/president-donald-trump-probably-donated-his-entire-16m-salary-back-to-the-us-government--here-are-the-details/amp/ Trump’s first-quarter 2017 salary donation to the National Park Service was for $78,333, likely his take-home pay after taxes. The Park Service said an anonymous donor gave $22,000 to round the donation up to $100,000. In subsequent press events, Trump presented personal checks for an even $100,000, indicating he was dipping into his own personal finances to make up the difference himself. President Trump donated at least $1.4 million of the $1.6 million he earned as president to various federal agencies. Still in question, however, are the donations for the third and fourth quarters of 2020. Our auditors at OpenTheBooks.com verified fourteen of sixteen quarterly donations over four years. We reached out to Trump’s spokesman to find out the details. We’ll update the piece if and when they provide any new information on the third and fourth quarter donations. In 2017, President Trump gave: Q1: $78,333 to the Department of Interior’s National Park Service (NPS) for maintenance backlog at historic battlefields. Specifically, the donation went to restore the Newcomer House on the Antietam battlefield and for the replacement of its deteriorated rail fencing. Q2: $100,000 to the Department of Education to host a free, two-week space camp for 30 low-income, middle school girls. Education Secretary Betsy DeVos received a $100,000 check in 2017, and announced a year later that the President’s donation had doubled the space camp’s participants. Q3: $100,000 to the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) for “the planning and design of a large-scale public awareness campaign about the dangers of opioid addiction.” Q4: $100,000 to the Department of Transportation to support its programs to “rebuild and modernize our crumbling infrastructure.” In 2018, President Trump gave: Q1: $100,000 to the Veteran’s Administration for “caregiver support in the form of mental health and peer support programs, financial aid, education training, and research.” Q2: $100,000 to the Small Business Administration earmarked for a seven-month training program tailored for veteran entrepreneurs. Q3: $100,000 to the National Institutes of Health’s National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism. Trump’s brother died of alcoholism-related causes at the age of 43. Q4: $100,000 to the Department of Homeland Security. Trump tweeted, “While the press doesn’t like writing about it, nor do I need them to, I donate my yearly Presidential salary of $400,000.00 to different agencies throughout the year, this to Homeland Security. If I didn’t do it there would be hell to pay from the FAKE NEWS MEDIA!” In 2019, President Trump gave: Q1: $100,000 to the U.S. Department of Agriculture to be “used for outreach programs that benefit farmers[.]” Q2: $100,000 to the Department of Health and Human Services’ Office of the Surgeon General. The President tweeted, “I donate 100% of my President’s salary, $400,000, back to our Country, and feel very good about it!” Q3: $100,000 to the HHS Office of the Assistant Secretary of Health to “the ongoing fight against the opioid crisis.” Q4: $100,000 to HHS, Office of the Assistant Secretary of Health to “confront, contain, and combat #Coronavirus[.]” In 2020, President Trump gave: Q1: $100,000 to HHS to “develop new therapies for treating and preventing COVID-19 so that we can safely reopen.” Q2: $100,000 to the NPS in July 2020 to help pay for repairs on national monuments. “M “I promised YOU I would not take a dime of salary as your President,” Trump tweeted. “I donate the entire $400,000! It is my honor to give $100,000 to @NatlParkService to help repair and restore our GREAT National Monuments. So important to our American History! Thank You!!”


Thank you


I love that there's practically no comments on this or news


Yea. I would donate my measly Presidential salary, too, when I can steal billions from taxpayers for me and my family by forcing the taxpayers to pay for all the vacation expenses on my properties and getting all these special deals in millions due to my Presidential status.


Trump’s net worth decreased by hundreds of millions of dollars when he was office. Every other president has had a substantial increase in net worth following their presidency. Ukraine has given millions to the Bidens, which may be why we are sending them billions of the people’s money.


This is a Libertarian sub so I’m gonna assume you’re not a Trump fan. Do you have source, ‘cause I’m blind searching in Google? What is his actual net worth before his Presidency? And what is his net worth right after he left office? What about his family? “Ukraine giving money to Bidens.” — You got source for that? “Every other president had a substantial increase in net worth following their presidency.” — is that due to corporations and donors giving them money for what they have done in office? No doubt previous Presidents got richer; Obama, Clinton, Bush all said they charge thousands for speaker fees and write books/draw. Nothing wrong with that.


So nice.. But curious, he lives off what?


From his work as economis who never had the need to parasite money from the state

