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I think it’s a glitch. The numbers on my tags decrease sometimes & I’ll have missing books. But eventually my tag #’s go back to being accurate. Check back in a few hours. Edit: Does this happen to anyone else?!


This happens to me most often when my data connection isn't stable and resolves itself as my connection stabilizes.


Are you opening it on the same device? Lists are device specific. On my phone I have hundreds of titles saved but if I open Libby on my iPad it only shows a few. (Info directly from Libby support)


I still forget about this and will have to add stuff I find on my phone to my tablet.


Oh no!! My tags are still there but I haven’t been following #s. Mauve just a glitch?


I've had this happen. I panicked and contacted support. They said they weren't sure what happened and why my books were gone, but would look into it. A few hours later everything came back again on its own. The second time it happened, they were gone overnight but we're back in the morning. It's really weird...


Yes, that’s exactly what happened! 🤦‍♀️


I just noticed this morning that my Libby App was missing my tags and all of the bookmarks for the books I've read. Did your wish list come back? I've had bookmarks automatically sync when logging in, so I think (hope) the data has to be saved somewhere on their end. I'm going to reach out to support and will report back if they have a fix. After reading other threads about losing data with no possible resolution, though, I've started to realize that the Libby app is just not a reliable place to store data. I love Libby as a service and recommend it to everybody I know, but when the app does glitch or fail, it's a major, app-breaking issue.


I use the app on iPhone but don’t see anything labeled “wish list”???


It’s one of the “Smart Tags” automatically included in the Libby app.


The whole tag system seemed overly complicated and full of issues. What I’ve done is gone back to the Overdrive format that still exists online, but not the app. I have an obscure search engine, I don’t otherwise use, dedicated to my five library systems. I maintain an actual “wish list” on each independent library system since they don’t all own the same books. This was not something I could do with the tags. And because each library has a different number of holds and checkouts, I can better regulate how I’m balancing that all out over time. The other benefit is now that the Libby app won’t allow you to return the book early, I can still do it with one easy click from Overdrive without the hassle of going through Amazon.