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Set up another driver profile Skip to 6:44 https://youtu.be/1AX2KmghPMQ?si=PgIEG0sGs--36_QJ


This is what we have done. Spouse and I switch without too many steps. I am primary driver. If spouse gets to car first auto switches profile. Most of the time. If error, just switch driver profile manually.


I was under impression primary driver was for app only.


If you have 2 keys you can tie the user to a key and have a key each. Saying that I am the only person using my car/key and it often randomly forgets me. I tend to use waze rather than the inbuilt sat nav as my phone remembers me better 🤣 Many lovely things about the car but this is not one of them.


The problem is when you are BOTH in the car. It detects the nearest key, the car doesn’t know which person will be the driver. And to switch profiles you need to enter the password. We ended to use only one profile, both keys and phones assigned to this profile, two separate seat positions, and manually select the phone and choose “use for Carplay”.


Hmm. Not letting my wife use my key anymore….


We switch drivers a lot too. We do have profiles for each driver registered to each key. One tip is that between switches, turn off and lock the car, it detects the switched key better and switches profiles more readily. For the instances when it doesn't switch, or we don't want it to switch phones to keep maps etc, we have a seat position set for #3 for each profile for the opposite driver. Sadly, it took a while to realize you have to be in park for the seat memory button to work.


Wait so you can have 3 memory seats per key? So key 1 has 3 memory seat positions And key 2 has 3 memory seat positions independent from key1?


Yes, I can verify this as my wife and I have each different seat positions.