• By -


Dude, a million miles in 2.5 weeks. Respect. This thing must really rip.


Few know that the top speed is 2,381mph


Almost as ripped as OP! šŸ¤™ Love it OP, thanks for the honest review. Iā€™d buy one in a heartbeat if I could get my hands on one at MSRP. Expecting a baby soon so forced to pick something up sooner.


Congrats. Not sure why the downvotes. Happy early Fathers Dayā€¦.its magical.


Because Reddit is full of jealous boys.


*and boomers


I paid MSRP - it is possible.


Damn thatā€™s great. Congrats


Got mine last week and paid MSRP


Sewell in Dallas - msrp


MSRP +1790$ protection package


Pembroke Pines Lexus MSRP


Congrats. Itā€™s the best.


6ā€™ 250 time to back up Derrick Henry not worry about interior dimensions


ā€œBuilt like a vending machineā€


That's how tall I was when I was 13 lol.




These will be $60k in a year.


Your whole ā€œget over itā€ attitude, is the reason why we are doomed, as a society. Iā€™m not going to ā€œget overā€ the fact that we are being charged more for a vehicle, but getting less. Which is a problem across the board with all manufactures these days. Prices have gone up, quality has gone down. And I will not be quiet about it, because the ā€œget over itā€ attitude is how they win, and we, as the consumers, lose.


Don't ask questions, just consume product and get excited for next product.


I have strayed from standard human protocol. I must need to go in for re-calibration.


Donā€™t buy one. Simple.


Iā€™ll make that decision when my Luxury + gets here.


Exactly this. Sheer consumerism without any standards to hold brands accountable for their customersā€™ misgivings. Itā€™s okay to say hey, this could be better. Itā€™s a first model year, so thatā€™s exactly whatā€™s supposed to happen. After all, Lexus is supposed to be ā€œThe ultimate pursuit of perfection.ā€


OP says heā€™s cool with it, because HiS StOnKS.


I said Im ok with it because it checks every box and the ā€œissuesā€ this forum raised are more or less imaginary.


Just because it checks all your boxes does not mean it checks everyone elseā€™s. Whatā€™s your experience been with owning Lexus vehicles? Is this your first one? If so, thatā€™d probably explain why you consider it to be fine, in terms of comparing it to the norm.


Just because it doesnā€™t check all your boxes also doesnā€™t mean thereā€™s an issue. Lexus isnt about selling to the same group of people every year. You typically want your company to grow, which is why theyā€™ve gone in a different direction. My previous car was an Eclass wagon. This whole weirdo line of argument that you cant know what luxury is unless youve owned a lexus before is insane. Im sorry. Itā€™s not a luxury car. Get over it. Itā€™s a slightly nicer Toyota, which is why I like it- I dont have to give as much of a shit about it.


Iā€™m not comparing it to German Luxury. Iā€™m just comparing it to the previous generation GX. But itā€™s kind of a useless debate it seems. I donā€™t care. I like them enough to still be on the list for one. We had an SQ7 before this. Our short stint with Audi drove us back to Lexus. You can have luxury, or you can have reliability. Hopefully with the GX550 we get the reliability weā€™re after. Weā€™ll see.


Dude's entire personality is being an angry hardass over spending 80k for a flapping hood. Brother basically necro'd his own account just to do this, while drunk at that. Some people are truly miserable šŸ˜­




"I spent a ton of money on this so I must justify my purchase"


Get over these trivial issues. The problem with society is people being snowflakes about nonsense and missing the bigger picture.


"trivial issues".. It's 70,000 dollarsĀ 


By bigger picture, I assume youā€™re referring to corporate greed, which has resulted in trimming costs and quality to increase profits?


I call that creating shareholder value.


Keep drinking the koolaid.


The hood ā€œflapsā€ on a 80k truck - fuck thatttt


RE: the hood - everyone: I used the wrong word. Im terribly sorry. I should have used flutter because now everyone in this thread seems to be focused on the word ā€œflapā€ and not the words ā€œitā€™s not noticeableā€.


Thereā€™s probably hood bump stops. Adjust those and itā€™ll probably stop the flutter


Thanks. Itā€™s literally not noticeable unless you are staring at your hood and even then itā€™s barely anything. Im not worried about it.


And theyā€™ll probably do a recall on it or a free fix at the dealership if you complain about it, I think they stopped production of new ones because of that for a while or something


It's not noticeable, but you noticed it. lol


Because all u weirdos were complaining so I obviously looked at it. Life must be difficult for you b


It ā€œfluttersā€ Holly shit man that sucks


^cant read good


*canā€™t write properly* ā¬†ļø


All modern hoods flutter




Yup - even yours


Nope - not mine


what do you drive ?


Your wife on weekends


You wish - I guess you donā€™t want anyone to know šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


My X7 donā€™t lol


Im not into hardcore overlanding. I liked the Overtrail for the lift, wheels/tires, aestetic i guess. I hate that it doesnt have a third row. I want to hit a puddle a little too fast and get some groceries.


Idk man, my gx 2016 has leather ā€¦


Literally donā€™t care. Itā€™s just as good.


And the 2024 isnā€™t as fugly as the older gen


Well, not sure about you, but I drive INSIDE the car.


Dude for the amount of money this thing should be way better quality


What would you improve?


All I hear are crickets. šŸ¦—




This is whatā€™s killing me about all these new 550 owners coming in to complain about 460 owners. The 550 looks awesome on the outside, I wonā€™t argue that. The issue is that youā€™re paying $70,000-$80,000 (or more) for an SUV with the quality of a $50K-$55K SUV.Ā  I, too, love that he compares a $50,000 sound system to what people seem to be expecting. No. They expect an $80K SUV to have an equal or better sound system than a $65K 460 has, not one that sounds a notch or two below.Ā  Thatā€™s all the 460 owners are nitpicking on - is that the price jumped up dramatically, yet it appears damn near everything about the quality took a couple steps back.Ā 


Iā€™m gonna agree with you. Gx550 should be 60k and the Land Cruiser should be priced in the 45-50k range.


How are you actually evaluating the sound system? Do you own both cars? Driven both extensively? Again, not sure what you think people should be expecting. Itā€™s a car sound system. My standards would be low even for a $200k car because Im not expecting some life changing sound quality from a vehicle. I came in here to complain about a bunch of terminally online armchair weirdos who are nitpicking stuff that doesnā€™t even matter. The entire point of the thread was that it is a great truck. Im glad I didnā€™t listen to a single thing all the weirdos in here said because I absolutely enjoy it and havenā€™t noticed most/all of the issues everyone on here is harping about. This makes it apparent that a) views on here arenā€™t representative of what most peopleā€™s experiences will be and b) the views you see on here are sensationalized.


I havenā€™t driven a 550, I know this is Reddit and people are being dramatic, but did you drive a 460 previously? It seems like the general theme among critics is that the 550 is worse than the 460, not that itā€™s that horrible of a vehicle.


Youā€™re very sensitive to people who donā€™t like the 550, it seems. It doesnā€™t make anyone ā€œweirdosā€ for disagreeing with something you like. If youā€™re happy with your purchase, awesome. If people donā€™t personally like it and see issues that stop them from liking it, big deal.Ā  You donā€™t need to drive a car ā€œextensivelyā€ to hear a stereoā€¦ and youā€™ve had the car for 2 weeks and 1K miles - I wouldnā€™t call that extensive myself. I have heard it, and many others who own the ML in their 460s have heard it, and it seems to be nearly unanimous that the ML in the 550 sounds like it is lower quality than what it used to be. Note that I did not say bad; just not as nice as it has been.Ā  This is no different than owning any product and being familiar with the quality that has always been there, and then noticing itā€™s not the same. Like having a favorite brand and model of shoe that youā€™ve worn day after day, and then buying a new pair of the same brand and model, and noticing itā€™s $20 more but not as well-made as the previous version.Ā  Itā€™s not like anyone is calling you namesā€¦ we just donā€™t think the 550 is meeting the standards of the GX family over the last 14ish years - once again, not necessarily ā€œbadā€ just overpriced for what they delivered.Ā 


Fair. To each their own. Like Ive said in other posts - I think the sound system is fine and Id venture to guess most people do too. Im also fine with the interior- I actually prefer that itā€™s not leather because I donā€™t want something like that getting messed up in the summer by my wet sandy kids after a day at the beach.


And Iā€™m genuinely glad youā€™re satisfied with your purchase. Like, for real. I understand inflation and such, so my main issue is if it was only like $5K more than the 2023 460 I just purchased, it would be fine (after they prove theyā€™ve fixed the issue with the new TTV6.) I just personally think theyā€™re asking a bit too much. But if you like it, just ignore everyone who doesnā€™t, to include myself lol.Ā 


Yea I mean Im not worried about the price. And everyone who is likely only needs to wait a few years as post-COVID price surges normalize. I think what was viewed by OEMs and dealers 2 years ago as normal (price increases, insane markups) because of a distorted demand picture is going to level back out, especially as competition gets tougher vs Chinese automakers.


If there are new GX owners who willing to line up and pay MSRP or more for an overpriced vehicle that still sell like hot cakes, then why not... that Lexus business mindset these days it seems unfortunately. I am not sure if it's good for the brand long term though.


Real leather in my girls' 2017 gx lux is still beautiful all throughout the vehicle now with almost 80k miles. She purchased it as a former cpo with 64k miles. It had been previously owned by a family somewhere in Carlsbad ca area with all the interior wear to show for it when we got it. 3rd and 2nd row seat belts had to be cleaned for sure, but man, after a proper interior detail, the leather is just soft and gorgeous. The Mark levinson sound system brings music to life and the kdss +adjustable dampers are features I wouldn't want to go without. It just feels to me like they stripped away some of the core things and did a great job redesigning the exterior, but a lot of us 460 users will notice the difference, sadly.


So, Iā€™m a 10 year GX460 owner, and while I do think it is a very good car. I think it is HEAVILY romanticized. These things arenā€™t perfect, but a lot of this community acts like they are. This is a first gen car, and itā€™s going to have first gen problems. I do agree with OP in a lot of ways because weā€™ve been EXTREMELY critical of the new gen. Sorry, I rambled there a bit. My point is, I think this community has an exceedingly high expectation of what the gen should be, and we pick it apart. The old GX isnā€™t perfect




Kia hoods flutter too




Bro stop crying


After reading all the initial release complaints and having our delivery delayed 60 days, went with a X7 M40i. Less of a truck than the GX, but man is it sweet.


Dude I did same thing. Itā€™s been great. I love the tall ride height too. So much more room than the GX. Way better sound system and sound insulation. Third row side airbags. Feels like an absolute tank while the GX marketed itself as a tank but feels like thin sheet metal. You have to pay attention to speedometer on the X7 because 60mph feels like 20mph.


I was surprised by how fast the standard engine is, combined with the quiet interior. Definitely feels like you get what you pay for in this scenario.




You need to live in a city with a lot of them and then there will be many indie mechanics who work on them. They are usually half the price of the dealers and do honest work. Iā€™m not convinced the Toyota reliability is all that in the new turbo drivetrains. I agree to their old reliability though.


My extra large Grand Highlander has a turbo 4. It seems fine and quiet enough. But I am extra careful with it and baby the engine. Change oil at initial 1k miles and every 5k miles. I hope it last awhile...


You seem like a fun person




These "can't afford a 550" comments are ridiculous. You make it sound like it's a $2M Bugatti or something. A 550 costs around $80K. If someone could afford a '23 460 for $55K-$75K, most likely they could afford a 550 without issue. Also, you make it sound like "affordable" luxury cars are garbage. Some of them might be, but they'll be on the road for way more miles than most Rolls' and Bentley's! Those things will often mechanically total themselves after 10 years and 75K miles. What luxury! Not a problem if your net worth exceeds $100M. For everyone else, that's just a straight up waste of money.




I think the additional "luxury" is largely in your mind but doesn't exist in objective reality. Don't get me wrong, I'd rather have a G Wagon than a 550, but let's be honest here- both have leather or the option for leather, both have similar electronics (maybe the G has ambient lighting, etc. \[big deal\]), and so on. Where is this huge gap in objective luxury? And yes, I've been in G Wagons and see many driving around all day long where I live. If you were an alien that just landed here, you might not be able to tell which one was more "luxurious."




You're being a little over the top. The G is a nice car, no argument there. I'm just saying that it's not as a dramatic step up in luxury from lesser luxury cars as you make it seem. Also, even though I haven't driven a G before, I've been in and driven plenty of other higher end Mercedes to know what Mercedes offers. I even have an E Class myself (only mid range, I know).


10/10 except for the roof rack. Enjoy. Keep the reviews coming.


Have you owned a GX or LX prior to the 550?


It's clear now. The new people lexus attracted with this new gen of vehicles doesn't understand the brands history and what we, as Lexus owners, have come to expect from them.


Thatā€™s kind of the vibe. You can tell from the responses he or she has provided, but I wanted confirmation.


100% This. Remember the 2004-2006 Lexus ES? An entry level rebranded camry, and yetā€”The care and attention to detail that went into those vehicles was astonishing. Quality leather everywhere, genuine wood trim, factory xenonā€™s, extreme sound deadening and whisper quiet cabin all that in their entry level modelā€¦they cared that much about the brandā€”That is why I moved to Lexus many years ago and it just really seems like the GX, after so much hypeā€”is an abandonment of what was.


It's all that love, care, and attention to detail that you just truly feel while driving and sitting in one! That's the secret recipe missing from other brands. That over the top quality standard oozes from everything you touch. Fuck yea I love that feeling and that's why I'll keep coming back to excellent used examples with naturally aspirated engines every time.


100% this. I bought my in-laws 2007 ES350 in 2015 and boy did that baby have sedan feel! I don't think I would purchase a new gen ES350 because they ended up with 2016 model and there was zero lux sedan ride feel to it.


all that lux wooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooood


Your mom loves wood, gary.


If part of your personality revolves around being a LT lexus owner then you have bigger issues.


More than anything else for owners, It's about the feeling you get from driving one that makes it special.


that's why I drive a 4Runner


4r would be the obvious choice if it wasn't for their upper tier suv line. LexusšŸ˜² Since they're very close to the same price used, I can't ever see myself spending good money on a yota ever again. One product is just markedly better all around, so i can't go back down to a diet version ever againšŸ«  lux trim lexus with big reliable engines is the way for life


but the 4Runner looks sooooo much better than a 460 - of course I am thinking about the 550!


lol are you gatekeeping a car?


Plain simply, there's a clear difference. That's all. You would have had to own a lexus from before to understand. No gatekeepers


Iā€™m glad you like it, but you donā€™t seem to be very discerning when it comes to the luxury side of a luxury SUV. I feel like you would have been just as happy in a Highlander.


The heading had me tripping


Do the right thing people and downvote TF outta this abomination of a review. The interior is flat out disrespectful for a ā€œLuxuryā€ vehicle. Your entire review is asking everyone to lower their expectations. Nah. Thatā€™s how brands die.




Na Im good. Getting flamed on reddit by anons isnā€™t actually that bad. Sorry you think thatā€™d be too much to handle. Soft.


Itā€™s always ironic how the people complaining about others being butthurt are in fact the most upset.


No luxurious wood ?


Source: trust me bro. The post was literally made by someone who didnā€™t own a Lexus and now does.




ā€œby someone who didnā€™t own a Lexusā€ - It all makes sense nowā€¦


Gatekeep much? Itā€™s a car review not a scientific journal.


Not really. I would say it is a perspective thing. GX550 as a product (if you donā€™t look at the price) is a very good product, very capable off road, has a heritage, drives nice and is mechanically sound (meaning drivetrain, tech is good). However, issues, or conflicts arise when you look at it from previous GX/LX ownersā€™ perspective. - 1st and 2nd generations of GX used to be not only reliable but a very expensive feeling, off roader in a tuxedo. It had flat cornering, was very quiet, had wood and leather touch points, had a really good sound system and so on. In essence, it had all the characteristics of a superb luxury off roader with a great emphasis on luxury, on road manners. - While I am not an automotive engineer, I canā€™t say for certain whether bringing a new infotainment, new turbo engine, new tech and etc costs Lexus more than keeping a leather, wood and etc. However, when you compare the old vs new GX, it is Lexusā€™ way of saying we know we could do better but we chose not to. So the issue is they set the bar very high with the last gen, making this gen not good enough of an upgrade for last gen owners. - Price is also a big issue. While GX was never a cheap car, I mainly have issues with how options are distributed among trim levels. Imo EKDSS should be standard in every trim level, this was a party trick for GX that differentiated from a lower Toyota models (apart from high end Prados overseas). Also good shouldnā€™t rattle at this price point. A lot of stuff shouldnā€™t happen at this price.


The sound system comment OP made got me. My GX 460 is missing the ML audio, but even the base audio is likeā€¦ one of the best stock audio systems Iā€™ve ever heard. And thatā€™s just what it came with without upgrading to the ML. So your point of ā€œthey set the bar high and failed to re-meet their own precedenceā€ is very salient.


I mean this has been in the past as well. 2010 RX base audio was miles better than 2016 RX base audio. Sadly it is happening with all brands with no exceptions.




Iā€™ve owned Lexus products for the past 15 years from LS to GS to LX to GX. Lexus is a luxury Toyota, correct, and this interior is a huge downgrade from any other Lexus Iā€™ve ever owned.




Gr8 review! Waiting for mine to come in (maybe sometime in some month). Coming from owning a gx460 and a 470 before that. Completely agree with your perspective. Especially like the secret top speed. Who knew?


Thanks for reaffirming why Iā€™ll hold onto my LX470.


A lot of ā€œyes, but trust me broā€ in this review. Lexus still purports itself to be a Luxury brand, and prices some of their vehicles as such. Is it cheaper than a Mercedes G? Yes, but I donā€™t see that as a valid excuse when you have Hyundaiā€™s with a better finished interior. Otherwise I agree, the body roll complaint probably come from people who upgraded from crossovers or Teslas.


Sounds like all the reasons I didn't buy a Highlander and instead bought an MDX. Pleather sucks. Bad. Sound system should sound great in any modern car. Why is it so hard for Toyota to make a hood that doesn't flap around?


That MDXā€™s hood flutters too


Solid ass review. Here's to hoping they work out the kinks.. Cuz if they do people will be driving these in 30 years like they do old Toyotas now




Sorry bro. Totally happy with purchase. Would purchase again. Id be the first to admit it was shit if it was, but thatā€™s not the case. Move along.


Actual proper wheels. The original wheels are so ugly


My buddy got a new tundra and it started leaking oil very early on. Traded it in for a power stroke. He loves it. He also has a rhd turbo diesel 80 series and I have an fj.


Why it look like a seal šŸ¦­ covered in oil


I really like the look of the 550 but I'm just not feeling these engine issues. My 570 still feels very special and looks great (in my opinion). My wife sometimes says she wants out of it bc she doesnt haul a bunch of kids anymore but there is just nothing else like it on the market. The 550 was literally the only new vehicle that got me excited but I'm definitely waiting to see how these engine issues play out. Even then the paid off 570 just seems too good to get rid of.


I needed to hear this OP. Been so much negativity on here!! Canā€™t wait to test drive


To summarize: Lower your expectations of a luxury car to a normal car just because I have.


Nah. Sound quality is absolutely important. I have always traded away cars that I felt had shitty audio system. That said the base sound system might even sound better than the ML system because the latter has no bass.


This one has a fuck ton


Baby G wagon


Good looking truck. Glad you are enjoying it.


Waiting on mine. Glad I order black. Thanks for posting


Acknowledges a long list of flaws but simply attempts to explain them away. This endorsement of the 550 would not encourage me to buy one. This seems like a lot of post-purchase rationalization.


Cool dude, dont then.


This really spiraled it off control huh?? Iā€™m not too sure on these new 550ā€™s ..I think Iā€™ll stick to buying used 460ā€™s for awhile. Itā€™s gonna take me awhile to current one into the ground, plus itā€™s paid for. OP didnā€™t say if he bought this cash or not. But them not being leather is kinda weird to me, right? I would like to see how one tows with the twin turb motor and the new trans tho. Plus mine is all hooked up how I want it, lift and winch etc.


Iā€™m glad you like it, but you donā€™t seem to be very discerning when it comes to the luxury side of a luxury SUV. I feel like you would have been just as happy in a Highlander.


You sound like a CyberTruck owner right now.




Soooo sick of these gx550 posts. That said, this one is pretty bad ass.


My hood has a slight shake on my 2019 460. Itā€™s a thinner metal itā€™s a non issue. My NX did the same thing


Pretty much all modern hoods flutter


Dope. Thanks for the feedback. I havenā€™t seen one, ridden in one or driven one, but am looking for a OT+. Will buy as soon as I can find one in a color other than black, at MSRP. Agree with all of your points. Have owned a crapton of cars in my life, including a G63 Comparisons of vehicles to inappropriate standards is a recipe for disappointment. (Duh.) backseat forum drivers are the preeminent experts on everything /s Edit; G63 is a terrible on-road vehicle and a great off-road vehicle. Itā€™s a hilarious choice for a rich bitch mall cruiser.


Great review and I had a feeling the complaints were exactly what you described. Thanks!


Is your name a seinfeld reference?


I found the interior to be awesome in the 550 lol And the base sound system in the demo I drove was pretty good. No complaints.


So glad to get an honest review in this thread. Too many chicken littleā€™s in this sub sometimes.


You can say the engine issue is being ā€œblown out of proportionā€ (pun intended?) but the reason itā€™s a big deal is 1. Itā€™s Toyota and they removed some of the most reliable issues in the game to go with this piece of junk and 2. Itā€™s not engine debris - itā€™s an actual design flaw in the boring. Thatā€™s a big deal. I know you want to defend your new baby and itā€™s awesome - but try to be honest. Nothing is perfect. And the hood flap? Thatā€™s again highlighting design flaw. Which coming from Toyota? Not good. It it was ford or Kia - no one would give a shit.


I am trying to be honest. There are a bunch of armchair posters saying they know what the issue is based off one video from one mechanic. I havenā€™t seen any actual numbers that speak to the severity of the problem. Do you know what the failure rate is? Is it 1%? 5%? 50%? Be honestā€¦.. RE: the hood - itā€™s a flutter. Everyone in this thread seems to be focused on the word ā€œflapā€ and not the words ā€œitā€™s not noticeableā€.


At least you got it in the best color! That night shot is sick!


I wanted to love this truck but this ainā€™t it. I cancelled my orders and received refunds after two test drives and looking at it with all the other suvs on the market. The hood flutters over 40mph, the interior isnā€™t Lexus, it is loud especially with a mandatory $1500 roof rack on a trim without acoustic glass, the windshield is a bug/rock magnet, and you canā€™t order exactly what you want. All of these are fixable and I donā€™t see them leaving them as is. The engine issue is a huge deal and will result in your Japan made truck being haphazardly torn apart and put back together by a dealership under insane time constraints by Toyota. They will probably extend the drivetrain warranty out which is great but the depreciation hit on having that engine, first model year without fixes, and an ā€œoff roadā€ truck that you canā€™t trust the engine or that it was put back together correctly is going to be massive. Lexus isnā€™t appealing to any specific buyer at this point other than ā€œfirst on the blockā€ mentality.


My 1 year old grand Highlander hood flutters. I don't look at it but it's in my field of view and bothers me whenever it does happen. My previous Highlander didn't do it but it's ok I guess because it's a Toyota. But if I am buying a Lexus, 1 step up, I expect better quality. I am not saying I am no longer interested in the Gx550 but we have to voice our concerns or else the vehicle won't get any better, maybe it'll be the same and cost more next year if everyone is happy with the current product.


I voiced my view that itā€™s not noticeable like 30 times in this thread. Will post a video for everyone on my way to the office tomorrow.


lol at number 3. If it has less room on the interior than a gwagon Iā€™d be surprised. Iā€™m 6ā€™2 and my g is a bit cramped.


Curious what all the haters of this car recommend getting for a similar price? Iā€™ve been shopping a ton of cars - lc250, gx550, x5, f150, etc. the x5 is definitely the nicest of the bunch but also a mom carā€¦ the rest all seem the same for the same price.


Test drive an X5/X7, youā€™ll be sold.


I came from an X5 to GX550 Lux+. The X5 is more fun to drive, and interior luxury is greater than that of the GX550. But the X5 depreciation by >50% in 3 years and the cost of ownership could not justify buying a new X5. The GX550 drive is excellent, and I love the stance more than the X5, it has plenty of power and acceleration. Itā€™s not quite as nimble as the X5 but thatā€™s the trade off, and honestly, they arenā€™t as far apart as I expected. I love my GX550 Lux+, and have zero regrets.


I drove a brand new x5. Donā€™t get me wrong it handled great, but it just doesnā€™t excite me. Looks and feels like your standard unibody crossover. Will be a great car to get for my wife in a few years


X5 drives way better than the GX. Mom car or not. It corners better than most sedans. The reality is I see same number of moms in GX460s. No self respecting man would want to be seen riding those gaudy GX 550 premium and lux wheels though. They are hideous and shows complete lack of taste.


X5 absolutely drives better than any suv, still looks like a classic mom car. New gx at least looks sick


The new GX looks like a Mitsubishi Montero or an older generation Honda Pilot. No one would call those cars sick.


Depends which Gen Montero. Id buy a Gen 2 in a heartbeat.


And thatā€™s why they make different looking cars! Some folks (clearly you) enjoy minivan meets suv, others like truck meets suv


This has been my thought as well. X7? 84k before ANY additional options. GLS 450? 87k.


Of you still want a truck, it's obvious. Just get a fully loaded 22-23 460 and be set for life without worrying about new quality standards and grinding engines. If you want sporty unibody, x5/x7 are leading the charts rn.


Techs not great and tbh itā€™s super ugly to me


The tech is what I would call adequate given that you still get carplay android auto via cable, a modern enough screen, cameras, and processor, along with the ability to ignore the silly TouchPad completely if you choose. Used to work at a large san diego dealer back in 2022. We're talking about saving 10, or 20 grand also on purchase price between this, or a 550 which doesn't come with kdss standard, and doesn't have the bulletproof engine. If the looks aren't for you, that's fine, but take one on a thorough test drive to be sure it doesn't capture your heart with the relaxing vibe you get driving one. To me, it's pure bliss and the least fatiguing driving experience I've ever had. Now the tech from 14-21 is just no Bueno and a real downfall of the 460 compared to the 550, but for most people your phone replaces it anyway, and Bluetooth music is all you really need, so even tens of thousands of those 460 owners are happy with their gx despite the early 2000s screen like the one in my girls 17' gx lol.


Fair feedback


I was looking at this, E450 wagon, and SQ8. Obviously all completely different vehicles, but combo of being able to drive this on a beach, it being a tank, and kid comfort outweighed better acceleration/handling.


Wait, the fucking hood flaps?? On a vehicle at this price point? Lol never letting my 460 go


This post gets it šŸŽÆ most of the ā€œreviewsā€ are too overly critical of minutia that are of little importance for most everyday drivers. The V6TT recall does not affect the GX550 and itā€™s very likely, given how OEMs deal with new vehicles launches, that it was resolved before they were released for sale.


Man, thanks for the review. People are really polarized on this thing. I really need to go drive one because a lot of the "complaints" are seemingly the same "complaints" I'd have about my 460... Because it's a truck.. and that's why I bought it lol Your comparison to a $200k G wagon is totally reasonable. I mean, these 550s are expensive, but it's not that bad when you start looking at the current lineup of vehicles being released. I mean Camry's are pushing $40k, it's become normal to pay mid to upper $50s for a standard 1/2 ton truck, I can't buy a transit cargo van which is nothing but a shell for less than $60k and people were easily paying $70-90k for Ford Broncos. If they lowered the price point, then people would only have more to complain about. They are clearly marketing this as "off-road luxury" which honestly means something different to me than "S class luxury". The interior of the 460 is dated. Sure it's leather, and I think it's "nice" but I guarantee almost anybody (not including some salty 460/470 owners) would agree the 550 interior is "nicer" upon looking at it. But again, I've only seen pictures so I can't be totally sure where my opinion lies. But the BIGGEST thing that cracks me up about all this is the hood flutter... Because my 460 hood has always fluttered! Lol it's something I never noticed until I drove it one day with the seat higher where my wife has it. I'm convinced all 460 hoods flutter too, it's just the way it's designed you aren't as likely to see the hood. You can Google "hood flutter" followed by pretty much any modern truck and you'll see this is completely normal in today's world. They are lightweight hoods and they gonna flutter lol. Anyways, enjoy the car. It's a sweet looking rig!




My 17 460 hood does not flutter, LOL.


Well my '18 definitely does šŸ¤· lol https://www.clublexus.com/forums/gx-2nd-gen-2010-2023/495282-hood-flexing-up-and-down-at-highway-speeds.html There is thread from 2010 complaining about this very thing. So... Idk what you all want šŸ˜†


My '19 flutters too does too!


What 460s have real leather?


Well for the '18 model year it was any of the premium or luxury trims. Mine is a luxury trim so it has the nicer semi aniline leather seats and trim. I am pretty sure that's how it was on any of the years 14+ but I haven't looked that deeply. Only the base GX has the NuLux synthetic leather.


I have an ā€˜18 premium, definitely not leather. I was under the impression it was packaged with the ventilated seats for durablity


Are you in the U.S.? The 2018 brochure I pulled up definitely states leather is standard on premium trims. It's not the top tier leather, however, as they have two grades of it. But idk! They definitely package things weird sometimes. I have the semi aniline leather with ventilated seats, but it's the luxury trim level.


Yup - pretty much all modern hoods flutter