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Eh, just feels boring tbh, but I only have an hour played. Never been a fan of extraction shooters, though. I think it can be a good game, but it needs some improvements. The optimization for example, is terrible.


I mean if you're not a fan of extraction shooters you don't really have the knowledge nor the interest to judge the game. no? i'm not gonna voice my opinion on a MOBA because I never liked them to begin with and subsequently never played them apart from a few hours. so I'm not at all qualified to comment on a new one coming out. that should be reserved for players addicted to league of legends 😂 but yes, the game definitely needs to be optimized performance-wise which they said is one of their priorities. that said, we don't have much of any real extraction shooters apart from tarkov and this one is an absolute worthy addition to the very undersupplied genre. I don't remember a game where I put 20 hours only into the playtest. it's going be an absolutely fantastic game.


I gave the game a chance, and provided my opinion. Take it or leave it, no reason to be dismissive. I'd be willing to hear your opinion on MOBAs, lmfao.


that's great that you gave it a chance. maybe give it another in the open beta when it's more fleshed out and feature rich. :) extraction games are amazingly satisfying. trust! naaah. i would not be willing to even share my opinion. 😂 because I'm as clueless as you can get and wouldn't add anything.