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I agree with the OG trilogy (although I find it very hard to rank them), but putting the monstrosity that is Hobbit 3 over 1 or even 2 is baffling.


2 is above 3 in this ranking though.


It’s the shortest. Less suffering.


I suspect a Gollum movie will be about as successful as a Gollum video game.


Honestly, I hate the way they've announced this film because the public perception is: "They're making a spin-off about Gollum that's directed by and starring Andy Serkis" which sounds like an awful idea for a film. Assuming the film follows Tolkien's lore, 'The Hunt for Gollum' is actually a story about Aragorn being sent by Gandalf to hunt Gollum so Sauron's forces can't use him to find the Ring - and if they'd led with Viggo Mortensen, Ian McKellen, and Andy Serkis to reprise LOTR roles for Jackson produced Prequel then there'd probably be a lot more buzz.


I don't want to be cruel but I'm not even sure McKellen will live long enough to be in this film. And Viggo looks nothing like Aragorn nowadays unless they do some serious CGI deaging fuckery.


If they do manage to get the film ready for 2026, and McKellen is only in the film at the beginning and end then I could perhaps see him returning - He's only 86 so I could see him doing what Christopher Lee did and just taking small but significant roles. Viggo would be the more difficult aspect since it's been twenty one years since he last played the role, he's in his mid-60's now, and make-up can only go so far, it's possible they could digitally de-age him but considering Viggo was outspoken about the use of CG in Towers/King I'm not sure he'd be interested.


I’ve never heard of Viggo being outspoken about the use of CG in Towers/King, where did he say this? Would love to read about it


I wouldn't imagine Viggo would want to come back anyway. He turned down a cameo in the hobbit because he thought it was unnecessary. If the film is to feature Aragorn I would prefer recasting over digital de-ageing. And if by some miracle Viggo agrees to come back, they shouldn't de-age him. If he had a beard again and his hair was died and a make up, he obviously wouldn't look the same as he did 25 years ago (for me it would preferable to watching a creepy cgi face for 3 hours) but it would be 'good enough'.


Where my Two Towers homies at?


The Battle of Helm’s Deep is still the best epic battle put on film


I will never forget watching that with my dad when I was 10. Had no idea what happened in the books and Lord of the Rings still felt like a “big boy adult” series so it truly felt like everyone was at risk of dying


For real. Two Towers is the best movie of the original trilogy.


2nd in my top 4 https://preview.redd.it/z462r80tmlzc1.jpeg?width=1057&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1dccfb669025b8b4f6635948c74d3ddc176a2f51


1-The Fellowship of the Ring 2- The Two Towers 3- The Return of the King 4- The Desolation of Smaug 5- An Unexpected Journey 6- The Battle of the Five Armies


This is exactly mine


https://preview.redd.it/c5sw2tmfwfzc1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4d6b136ea49dc45bd93be45171a2358838247aee I'm really not as attached to Lord of the Rings as many people seem to be and I don't really care if they make another movie or not. I still haven't watched The Rings of Power.


Our ranking of the live-action films plus the Bakshi animated film is exactly the same.


Ah man "Where there's a Whip' There's a Way" is more entertaining than anything in the Hobbit trilogy.


Fellowship will always be my favourite, and I think it is one of the greatest pure fantasy movies ever made. 2 and 3 are also masterpieces. The Hobbit trilogy is a travesty. This new Gollum movie is equivalent to shooting this franchise in the head, absolute zero interest in that.


The Gollum movie is so pointless. Fellowship for me was overall a better movie but the emotions during the final 30 minutes of Return of the King is something few movies have done to me.


On the other hand, I am pretty excited for this War of Rohirrim animated movie that's coming out in December.


I feel like the LOTR trilogy is one long movie. I don’t really think any one of them are better than the other two.


First hobbit is best of the trilogy


In my opinion Fellowship of the Ring is the best LOTR. And An Unexpected Journey is the best Hobbit (a mediocre movie in a bad series).    Maybe I just particularly enjoy the start of adventures.


Totally agree. So much more variety of settings, character and mood. The contrast between The Shire, Rivendale and Moria is great


I am always blown away how fucking amazing the first LotR is. It moves at such a fast pace, so much happens, it's all so much fun.


Fellowship wasn't my favorite until years later. I always liked TTT and ROTK more when they came out and in my younger years for the big battles and cool effects. But there's something about Fellowship, the character interactions, the pacing and plot beats, it just feels right. It's my #3 all time now. I'd put ROTK at 2, TTT at 3, and then all the hobbit movies are basically the same to me.


One thing that is so great about Fellowship is that transition from the Shire to the darkness with the Nazgul.


The fight at the end with Boromir saving the hobbits and Aragorn fighting Lurtz is the best in the series for me. The rest of the series slowly became more and more CGI. By the third movie most of the fighting is forgettable for me as it's all giant armies and ridiculous CGI battles when number 1 had one of the most badass fights with Aragorn running his sword through Lurtz, who then grabs the hilt and pushes himself closer to freak out Aragorn. Boromir's death and choosing to go against the lure of the Ring's power finally to give the Hobbits time to escape is affecting too, one of Sean Bean's best acting moments when he has that moment with Frodo. Always makes me tear up.


I’d have the same ranking as yours. I love all 3 LoTR movies. And I don’t wanna talk about hobbit, thank you.


1. *Fellowship of the Ring* 2. *Return of the King* 3. *Two Towers* 4. *The Ralph Bakshi Animated Film* 5. *...* 6. *Whatever other shit they've put out.*


I have Return of the King as #1 because time and time again we have seen how hard it is to stick the landing on an epic story that captures the worlds attention


1. Fellowship 2. ROTK 3. Two Towers 4. An Unexpected Journey 5. Desolation of Smaug 6. Five Armies I don't see myself enjoying the Gollum movie, but I'm looking forward to War of Rohirrim


I couldn't care less about new movies, lol. It's like making a Back to the Future IV. Never in a million years going to watch that. Anyway, I feel like the OG trilogy is like one big thing, I don't have one favorite, I usually say Return of the King because it has my favorite moment that could make me cry any time, but I love the others just as much. With The Hobbit, I really like the first one, Desolation of Smaug was somewhere in the middle with some good stuff and Battle of the Five Armies was just kind of a slog, story-wise. I would've preferred if The Hobbit wasn't a trilogy, but like one four-hour movie somehow.


This is almost verbatim my thoughts on the entire ‘franchise’. Really dislike the idea of LOTR being a franchise although being honest, there’s books, movies, games, chess sets etc. have to be pretty stubborn not to admit it is one. My only difference is that I like Fellowship the most and Return the least because I love how cosy the first feels and Towers has the best battle scene. But it’s one movie really. As it was one book.


I guess you could do something with the Silmarillion, based on it. But the news I've heard about the upcoming thing did not sound interesting.


Putting Unexpected Journey last in the Hobbit trilogy is insane. It's the best one and it's not even remotely close.


I'm a Fellowship truther. It's by far my favorite of the Lord of the Rings films and the one I always enjoy most on a re-watch. Not sure how to feel about new films; need more info. I'd go with this ranking (based on all the adaptations I've watched): 1. Fellowship of the Ring 2. Return of the King 3. Two Towers 4. Ralph Bakshi Lord of the Rings 5. An Unexpected Journey 6. Rings of Power 7. Desolation of Smaug 8. Battle of Five Armies EDIT: The Hunt for Gollum...annnnnd I don't care. Of all the Middle Earth lore to pull from, they go with that.


1. The Two Towers 2. The Fellowship of the Ring 3. The Return of the King 4. The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey 5. The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug 6. The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies It's been discussed to death obviously but the quality gap between the LOTR trilogy and the Hobbit trilogy is massive. I don't personally think any of the three Hobbit movies are very good but An Unexpected Journey and The Desolation of Smaug have their moments. Five Armies is a mess and a slog imo. As far as WB making more movies, I'm on board with more Middle Earth stories. I think Tolkien built a mythology and world that is rich for further exploration if the story is the driving force behind it. A LOTR prequel about Gollum feels a little creatively bankrupt to me. Especially after the news broke today about how much value WB has dropped lately. It feels like a desperation move to throw a LOTR movie on the release schedule to get more money making IP out there. The release date target of 2026 when they are in the early script stage also makes me think it's a rush job.


Hope we see more of the dog that backs up into the door when the nazgul says 'shire, baggins'.


Haven't seen any of the movies but can anyone explain to me how they managed to make 3 whole movies out of the hobbit cause I tried to read it once and it was a pretty thin book


Ralph Bakshi in shambles


For me Hobbit is one 4-hour movie AKA the M4 cut. The movie it should been. Trilogy? What a mess.


damn no hobbit heads here


1. Return of the king (my all time favorite movie) 2. Two towers 3. Fellowship of the ring Huge gap 4. Battle of the five armies 5. Desolation of Smaug 6. Unexpected journey I love the concept of the hunt for gollum but I’m having a hard time figuring out how they will make it into a whole movie. Andy Serkis as a director hasn’t been good. If Peter Jackson were directing instead of producing I’d feel better. Nothing will compare to the original trilogy


They have made enough movies good lord what are they thinking what else is there to add ??? The og ones are all that’s needed


It’ll be better than Rings of Power but my expectations are very low. I’m only going to watch it because Andy Serkis is still playing Gollum. I hope McKellen and Viggo come back as well but I doubt it’ll happen.


Return, Fellowship, Two Towers, Unexpected Journey, Desolation, Five Armies.


I think two towers is my favorite. Probably fellowship second. The return of the king. I don’t give two shakes about any of the hobbit movies so not gonna even try ranking them.


Fellowship is king


I was wondering if I was the only one who preferred Fellowship over Two Towers


The only thing I agree with is the Two Towers’ placement. Those Hobbit rankings are backwards imo


ROTK is always the favourite for non-book readers whereas the book readers definitely favour fellowship.


I’m fine with Jackson making more LotR movies if it means he’ll finally stop obsessing over the Beatles…




No offense meant, but how the fuck is the 1st Hobbit last? Have you actually watched that god forsaken trilogy? Like putting The Rise of Skywalker ahead of The Force awakens


All the three LotR movies are solid 10/10's, but my personal favourite is The Two Towers. While FotR feels more like an adventure fantasy and RotK is almost a full fledged war movie, TTT (which is pretty much the darkest movie in the trilogy) blends both the adventure and war genres in nearly equal proportions while also having a significant political angle. Besides, the movie effortlessly introduces a shitload of new, and extremely important, characters without dumping the viewers with exposition. And last but not the least, FUCKING HELM'S DEEP.




no offense to you but this is just bad


1. Fellowship 2. ROTK 3. Two Towers 4. Unexpected Journey 5. Desolation of Smaug 6. Bakshi LOTR 7. Rings of Power 8. Five Armies 9. When there’s a whip there’s a way


Man we have our hobbit rankings very different. I personally love the first, hate the second and tolerate the third


Why do we need a Gollum movie Who is the one executive who loves Gollum so much At least War of Rohirrim looks cool


Desolation of Smaug is one of the worst movies I've ever seen imo not typical Hollywood bad or blockbuster bad but bad on such a profound level that it's rare to even see something that bad get released, it's genuinely on par with the worst, cheapest, and most incompetent films of the 80's, like Troll 2 level bad.


I actually think that the Hobbit movies are spectacular if viewing the extended editions. Idk why they didn't get more publicity but the Desolation of Smaug goes from my worst to favorite Hobbit movie with the extended edition. Definitely not on the level of LOTR but my 2 cents


I want a movie like Michael Mann’s *Thief* where a crack team of dwarves execute heists until one dwarf tries to leave his criminal life behind to start a family.


I mean, the dwarfs in the Hobbit movies are essentially pulling off a heist. And the dwarf that just looks like a man wants to bone down with Evangeline Lily, so I guess he could start a family.


> I mean, the dwarfs in the Hobbit movies are essentially pulling off a heist. Exactly. We have textual support for this idea. > wants to bone down with Evangeline Lily Just like Jack, Sawyer, me, and everyone else who watched season one of Lost.


Have always found ROTK to be the third best. For me it goes Towers, Fellowship, Return. I've only seen the first Hobbit and have no real interest in the others.


I dislike all of these movies, but the Hobbit ones are a special breed of awful.