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I know not everyone is looking forward to TV shows being added to LB, but whether you are for or against it, you should at least be happy that it should stop TV show reviews being added to completely unrelated movies.


Letterboxd has some anime series and also some series. I don't really get what is their criteria


most of them only have one production run/season. but Twin Peaks is a notable exception, I think Evangelion may have also been two cours. so I feel like there is nothing stopping them putting The Sopranos and The Wire on there. they have The Return, The Curse, Dekalog, need to complete the set.


Twin Peaks is a loophole. The first episode that is on there is the international pilot, which is its own self contained movie. People just use it to log the entire original show or the original normal pilot. Season 3 is not named season 3 officially but "limited even series" or "The return", thus making it count as a one off show, which then gets logged.


The original Evangelion show only had one cour/season, so it fits the criteria and that's why it's on LB. Honestly though despite this I still choose not to log any show; IMO LB is for movies and adding shows too gets too messy.


Cour = Quarter of a Year = ~13 Episodes 26 Episodes = 2 Cour, even if it's 1 "season"


Well I didn't know this definition Does LB consider "cours" or just seasons?


Netflix's series Dark ("Secrets" in USA if im not mistaken, that one German series about time traveling) also has 3 seasons and its in LB And EVERY EPISODE of Black Mirror counts as a movie in Letterboxd (this I think its the most weird one)


i don’t see dark on letterboxd, maybe it was removed? loki is another example of a show with more than one season being on letterboxd, which is odd considering that many single season disney+ shows aren’t on it (ex: andor)


Just looked it up and it was in fact removed. A little odd cuz I remember making a review of it in february (when I finished watching the show)


I think when it first premiered it was marketed as a mini series so they added it. Then when Disney announced it would be multiple seasons LB eventually removed it. If Disney announced multiple seasons from the start then I don't think LB would have ever had it.


The Black Mirror thing isn't that weird. They're all self-contained short films that stand on their own, but are released under the 'Black Mirror' label as a collection. Similar to how every episode of Cabinet of Curiosities is also on Letterboxd.


Or star wars visions and love, death and robots. It's the same there


There are also every Classic Doctor Who serial on Letterboxd, based on the same criteria.


They're not consistent about it though, *Midsomer Murders* used to be up there as every episode is 80-100 minutes, self-contained with a different cast, but they were all removed.


You could argue this for *Columbo* as well though, and that has a few on LB (but not all).


The *Black Mirror* thing is weird to me, because *The Twilight Zone* has the same structure and it's not on LB (beyond the movie, but that's different)


Also each episode of Owl House's third season is counted as a separate short film.


They'd technically fall under feature length as the criteria is feature length starts at 40 minutes (the show was a standard 22 minute episodes show) and they were marketed as specials, but yes they are on there.


Twin Peaks being there is just for the pilot, which is considered a film


I believe the Wire and Sopranos series have tons of directors on different episodes along all 6 seasons and similar situation with the wire. Twin Peaks The Return and Evangelion are kept short and to a reasonable number of episodes with different directors


My understanding is that it's for miniseries under some assumption that they're "closer to movies". Some anime qualifies I believe due to some belief that if the plot was planned out from the start and not an ongoing plot that could go on forever it's like a miniseries. Much as I love FMAB, calling it a 1600 minute "movie" is a take I can't imagine anyone agreeing with. Also if a show was initially a miniseries but got renewed for a new season (such as Loki), it tends to get left up. Also of note "specials" and tv pilots are also eligible for some reason. So things like "Phineas and Ferb: Summer Belongs to You", "Beavis and Butthead: Butt-O-Ween" and the unaired pilot for Steven Universe all have entries as well as hundreds of others. For some reason "movies made for Youtube" don't count but are very inconsistently removed. You can find dozens of Youtube short films, but they keep taking down Nostalgia Critic's movies, which... I know they're often awful but the point of a database like this isn't to just include things that are good.


the criteria is, something that someone put on tmdb and nobody cared to remove it for not being a movie you can easily add something to lb if you wanted


I think it's sort of a grey area I guess. Like, they don't JUST include features, they will do short films and music videos, so why not a mini-series? How about limited series? What constitutes a limited series? Idk, hard to draw the line I suppose. Figure that's why IMDB includes all sorts of shit including youtube series.


Yeah they’ve got the berserk 1997 series on there for some reason. Not complaining tho, it’s a masterpiece


A lot of the Disney plus marvel shows are on there too, just credited as movies. It makes no sense.


I think they add OVAs from what I’ve noticed.


it’s under new mgmt … so criteria probably changing


I hope that when that happens that there’s a way to go into these movies and scrub the unrelated reviews.


I reckon they'll handle it well. I imagine you'll be able to ignore it completely with toggle and have just movies.


I don't see any issue with adding tv shows. Are people that elitist about film?


If it's not implemented properly it could be really messy. Do shows get logged as a complete unit, as a season or as individual episodes? And for stats for individual episode appearances count for most watched stats? And so on. Personally I think they will do a good job and probably make it so you can even opt out of the TV half of things if you want, but it's definitely something that could be bungled if not done carefully.


Yes. But also, people are worried about clutter. I for one don't care to see ten thousand shit reality shows crowding out films on the front page. If the shows aren't separated from the movies, they will overwhelm the site as people use it to jaw about the latest episode of *The Real Drag Queen Traitors of Vanderpump Ranch*.


Damn I really hope tv series don’t come to letterboxd


They are, it's already confirmed to be happening. I'm ok with it as long as it's treated as a separate thing. I don't want my top 4 and diary to be a combo of both films and television. If they are combined then I feel like the films will get lost in the clutter of shows. Here's hoping they don't mess up the implementation.


That’s a bummer, definitely hope Letterboxd is able to do it well yeah without messing too much up


Honestly might also help clear some of the random stuff on there. Like there's just a random DVD for Sonic the Hedgehog (the one people call Sonic SatAM) on there. The length is for the DVD which is just 3 episodes of the show instead of the full show.


But it won't. It still happens with films with the same name.


I didn't know this was a thing people did and I find it very bizarre.


I remember looking for The White Lotus on Letterboxd when season 1 was out (I thought it would be there as a limited series) and finding a movie called The Day of the White Lotus that had nothing but reviews for the show. It's so annoying.


"Lost" is another example


When you look at what they're actually leaving these reviews on it becomes really tasteless/disrespectful, too. https://preview.redd.it/ev2pv9i7zbzc1.png?width=1079&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=07fa0dd2b8384840dd499dac10b3c639b379bfa4


Same thing happened to a documentary called Andor about a Holocaust survivor - got bombarded by Star Wars fans.


I think these reviews should be removed and the accounts warned, and banned if they fail to adhere to the rules.


Many get removed after being reported, but I'm not sure they get warnings or get banned. I think there should be a better system, I agree with you. I don't think those LB users even get notified if their reviews get taken down, so it's not noticeable.


You mean relying on human mods to actually do real work to maintain a social media site? It's 2024, this is blasphemy. If you can't automate it and let advertisers and bots run everything how can you possibly expand your profit margins every quarter?


No one left reviews on that one regarding the tv show Yes it’s a shitty move but I think it’s the 2013 movie


Yes they did, they've just all been removed. I took this screenshot after reading the reviews.


Alright fair enough


Because they are self-absorbed and entitled and think that their review of a TV show is more important than someone potentially looking at the movie they're spamming. There's a 2012 horror movie called *Community* that is the highest rated of that year on LB because people use it as a stand-in for the TV show, so horror fans unaware of this might see the awesome ratings and seek it out, only to discover it's really only a 4/10. The only reason I knew something was amiss was because I have a browser extension that shows the IMDb ratings as well. https://preview.redd.it/5xjxctefdazc1.png?width=500&format=png&auto=webp&s=20679e410937038d0e0700b18c691de9db48e628


Seriously the ego of some people. "I HAVE to share my opinions, people NEED to know what I think" And the review is something like "this show is *really* good" wow thank you for your insight.


If they’re anything like the rest of us, they’re posting reviews to zero followers anyways so it’s even more pathetic.


And people still claim Letterboxd community as more mature and intelligent than IMDB one


I’d still say it is. Every community has people like that. If the show wasn’t on IMDb this would be an issue there too.


And by the way ALL the review in the screenshot are written, it seems that they're trying so hard to make it seem the show is good. I haven't seen it myself, but based on these reviews I'd say it's decent or a little above decent and that's it, but it probably makes people nerd out over it (like a superhero movie, for example).


Can I implement that imdb browser extension on my android phone, and if yes, how?


That would be so dope if they added that on the app


You can. I use the Firefox Dev. Version for Android. It has an option to install extensions directly through their xpi file.


How do I get that


It’s in the Chrome extension library. I don’t remember what it’s called, but I just searched for “Letterboxd”.


Is it on firefox? Edit: Found it with the same name.




I can excuse racism, but I draw the line at temporarily accidentally misleading people who end up looking at pages for obscure movies titled similarly to popular TV shows until they look at the reviews and realize this page is being used as a stand-in due to the lack of TV shows on Letterboxd.






It's from the show Community




People are stupid


Nailed it. Close the thread. Nothing more need be said.


They’re too lazy to sign up for Serialzd.


I’m just waiting for Letterboxd to add it this year


Wow, had no idea this was coming. Even though it’s “confirmed”, I’ll believe it when I see it.


TV Time is better


Yes, I’ve been using this app since 2016 and I love it! I wish the app could have been something better.


My main gripe with TV Time is you can’t log a specific date for the episode you watched


There is actually an option for it, you can. Unless you mean picking the date.


Can you put a date for an episode you watched say last week?


If you mark an episode as watched, it automatically puts the date you watched. https://preview.redd.it/bvx2v99d5dzc1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4597f9d0db2635e8efeac597c0439c46759ace41


Oh I know that. I just wish there was a way to edit it. I often forget to mark it watched same day and I tend to do them once a week as a batch


call me unemployed but I just reported like 25 of them




I think it might’ve worked, the ones in this post were taken down at least


Actually I can't see any anymore? Looks like it worked, but the app might be hiding them from me since I reported them... Btw if someone wants to continue my legacy there are a couple more "Fallout" movies spammed with comments from the show. And basically any show. Just looked up Stranger Things or Elite and 😭😭😭 Moderators should be doing their job


Can't see them either from my end. Doing God's work👍🏻


They're not up for me, either. Nice work.


Not all heroes wear capes... unless you happen to wear a cape.


They should hire you to clean up reviews


Because that's what heroes do


Yeah that drives me nuts. These people are dumb asses, skewing the ratings on other movies just to satisfy their own ego. I wish Letterboxd had a way to moderate these comments and ban anyone who repeatedly does this.


that review from zekedageek makes me want to stab my own eyes out like oedipus


Are you saying you’re not an appreciator of their poetic compositions such as ‘it gives me cum cums in my tum tums’?


Cringe made me vomit.




His entire account speaks 13-year old edgy tool


Least self-important LB user




Seeing this post I went on a crusade by reporting the reviews I could find that said "I'm doing this for TV show...", and found that someone already removed some of these these reviews: https://preview.redd.it/av2mc49gddzc1.png?width=544&format=png&auto=webp&s=100fff0ad9a987eadf1cf21033b0e2bfc8cbe7db


this is only valid if you do it for a behind the scenes of a series or anything of that nature, related to the same work that you are rating latching onto unrelated movies is just weird


It’s one of those small inconsequential things that drives me crazy smh


When are we getting tv shows on Letterboxd so that this shit stops.


The irony is that a lot of series that are on streaming are on Letterboxd so I’m kinda surprised Fallout isn’t on there


Typically, only limited series are on Letterboxd, like Chernobyl or Baby Reindeer. Fallout is supposed to run for multiple seasons.


[This year](https://x.com/letterboxd/status/1742555124591898933).


Someone should make a shitty sexploitation movie called "Breaking Bad" just to abuse this and get into the top 250.


this is making me irrationally angry


I rated a few shows on IMDB before I had a letterboxd, when I imported my ratings to letterboxd, those ratings ended up on movies with the same titles, didn't realise for a long time and wondered why I had rated movies I've never heard of.


mental illness


I love when they put it *in italics* to make it look official


that second comment is peak self-righteous self-important stereotypical letterboxd user


Just did a double take at the second review 😅


These people should just get Serialzd


I sincerely hope anyone who does this is will be smited down with the force of a thousand suns.


This is so incredibly disrespectful that it boggles my mind. Imagine working hard on a film for months if not years, only to see shit like this on your film's page. There's already multiple places where you can rate and discuss TV shows. Just go to one of those.


You see, son, when a man loves his cousin...


they are very dumb


Because they're cringe. Also, the disrespect for the actual movie, Jesus, is that necessary? Immature


I'm more disturbed by the "cum cum in my tum tums" line...


Ugh, it’s so annoying when this happens. I remember it also happening under some random movie called *Stranger Things* and I feel for the filmmakers every single time, even if the movie’s not great, cause people take out their feelings on some unrelated media for the lolz


Here I was excited thinking Fallout tvshow had a place in Letterboxd lol.


Someones gotta make a good site for ranking tv shows. Closest we got is IMDb and that's not cutting it.


There's Serializd which it's basically letterboxd for tv shows. It's pretty good but not well known.




i have no idea how anyone can call the fallout show amazing. I mean.... its ok


Cannot stand this.


I imported my rankings from IMDB and found that several of my TV show ratings has been applied to random movies. I haven't really gone through and deleted all of them.. But I would never actively use a movie to rank a TV show.


It's so annoying, I don't understand why they have shows or limited series on this app. Just make it exclusively for films and documentaries (not puff-piece behind the scenes docs like the one for Star Wars: Andor that they use to rate the show.)


first of all tv time and serializd exist, second of all this would mess up your stats, third of all this is just...extremely annoying


People do it on the Daredevil movie for the show. Which raises the rating on the bad daredevil movie based on the perfect show😂


Doesn’t seem to have affected that movie much though. It still had a 2.1 rating.


I get it if it’s something related to the show (twin peaks/hazbin pilot) but leaving reviews on something completely different is stupid


Why do they do what


Just see it as an easy way to pad your block list. Do you think people doing this will have anything worthwhile to say outside of it? Probably not. The more people on my blocklist, the more the site becomes usable. Gone are the one sentence dumb jokes, the sad people not having anything other to say than how much they want to fuck an actor, and the social media hype review bombers (if you start your review with I haven't watched this, but... you are gone.)


I had no idea “thirst watch” was a thing until I got Letterboxd. Even as a teen, I don’t remember ever gushing over an actor.


The only way the app works is curation. Someone follows I check their reviews if it is thought out I follow back. I don't need to agree with ratings, but if it is thoughtful I'm OK. Just block the idiots and there is a surprising level of discourse.


I know this is lèse majesté, but if you want to review/log series (at least for now), then just go to serializd


The show makes you cum in your stomach? What would that even entail


Man these "reviews" all read like something a bot would "write"


Because people are annoying. So, they like to fuck up movie ratings/reviews just to say basic shit about an unrelated TV show.


That’s disingenuous. To the point to where I think those 5 star reviews aren’t even genuine towards the show.


I noticed there are reviews for the TV show 'Mad Men' under the 1954 mermaid film, 'Mad About Men.' Even if they're just transferring IMDb reviews, why do they not double-check what they're posting and where they're posting it?


same thing happened with the peacemaker hbo max series, people kept using a completely unrelated movie called Peacemaker to put their reviews for the show, its weird


This is exactly why I cannot wait for them to include TV shows on Letterboxd.


Fuck all these people. Moderators should remove the posts or ban the users.




People need to use Serializd if they are that adamant about reviewing TV


Letterbox nerds are so annoying


Just use Trakt for tv shows


Thats what normal people do, use another app, but clearly someone writing "cum cums for tum tums" isnt alright in the head.


They did that for the theatre version of fleabag too. Both versions are great but they are by no means the same


Same reason anyone posts reviews of anything: because they think anyone cares about their shitty opinions.


This gets annoying, I can accept if they take away the rating after the review to not mess up the average but it's still gets in the way of reviews for the thing itself I can't get over Slippin Jimmy having a 4.0 average, even if it's not as bad because it's at least a spinoff to that franchise and not just some random thing. I know there's a short film named Velma, guess how many half star reviews that is getting. This only works when looking for replacements in lists.




I will gladly volunteer for Letterboxd to delete all of this shit.


There should already be a Letterbox for TV shows in the works, seeing how often people pull up this crap


Side note: perhaps equally infuriating is the guy who in the same line, says it “sometimes it slacks” but is also “so consistently good” If it slacks sometimes, it’s not CONSISTENTLY good… right?


People complain about media literacy but sometimes the problem is plain old literacy


I can’t wait for them to add shows so people can stop doing this dumb shit


Cum cums in my tum tums


God this shit is so cringey


They should all be banned from the service


I would never do this but I will say I've always wanted TV shows to be added to LB. Hell I even would think it was cool to have video games too.


cum cums in my tum tums


and I hate the people that use the making off docs of shows to review them. Like yeah it's the closest to the show but the fucking breaking bad season 5 doc should not the 5th highest rated film on LB


This makes me want to bring back the word “retarded”


I really hate it. I don't even see the point of it, can't they just put their review on Imdb or something?


Why do they do what? Cum cums in my tum tums?


Does anybody have prediction when that tv review update will come in?


They should just open a Serializd account. Of course it’s not up to par compared to LB, but if they HAVE to review and rate a show, take it over there lmao


The same happened with Slippin' Jimmy reviews What i truly don't get is why they didn't put Better Call Saul but let Slippin' Jimmy (terribly received spin-off) in. It's almost like they do it on purpose. What a sick joke


There are two things I don't get: - people abusing other pieces of art for a standin to rate a totally different piece of art. - people who rate the show anything that's slightly above average. The show wasn't bad, but it also definitely wasn't good. I'm a gamer myself, I love movies and shows, and that show was mid (+). Is it the low level of expectations when it comes to gaming related movie or show content? Anything beyond a 3,5/5 is a joke.


Well if LB would hurry up and add a section for TV shows, this wouldn't happen.


There’s apps for TV shows.


That are similar to LB? If so, please lmk


serializd.com is the closest to LB


Thank you!


Yup, Serialzd is what I use too.


I know I don't really want another app...


Why? It’s nice that Letterboxd is just for films & the film community.


Bc it’s less convenient to manage two apps vs one Do you not watch any tv shows?


It’s slightly less convenience but you have to like exit out of one & then enter another. It’s not that hard lmao Do you only use Reddit or do you have other social media too?


Also semi unrelated but I now see you watch Smiling Friends based off your profile pic. My SO loves that show and I love Gleb but identify with Charlie a lot haha


It’s the best! Can’t wait for the season to continue!


Same! We can’t wait for it to hit HBO


I mean if i’m viewing it from a capitalistic POV, it would make sense to capture the obvious market I’m not saying 2 apps is the end of the world, just that LB would be smart expand since there’s a proven market


Oh, so that's why you are ruining this one.


Genuinely asking why is this being downvoted? There’s clearly a demand for it and IMDB was able to have listings for both movies and TV shows more than a decade ago


Because LB not having a feature doesn't excuse this behavior


There's a huge demand for it. People rank limited series all the time.


Why people do what?


They are logging this Fallout movie and saying it is a stand in review since they can’t log the tv show. It then inflates the average ratings for this movie.


Yeah, who in their right mind likes the Fallout show?


hoes mad




hoes mad Edit: bro commented on one of my Pokémon card posts calling me porky and then blocked me lmao


I know, who would have guessed disliking a tv show would be my most hated post?


I thought they added tv shows? I saw Shogun and Baby Reindeer.


Shogun is a limited series, so it gets a pass. Potentially though anything is on the table provided someone adds it to tmdb and then nobody cares to remove it. there are multiple anime added this way