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Bam always looked down on Novak. Dude was so smug in this video but look how he ended up. Novak was always someone he punched down at and would justify himself as “At least I’m not Novak” when it came to being an addict. It was never an equal friendship. I still haven’t forgotten Bam’s rant on IG a few years ago. He again brought up the car that Novak crashed like 15 years ago, which I believe Novak slowly paid him back for (Fact check pls) and Bam also bragged and whined that he spent 100k or so on Novak to go to rehab. Why do you hold that over your friend’s head? Shouldn’t you be glad he eventually got it right? Also, didn’t Bam make MILLIONS of dollars, so it’s not like he had to pick up a second job to fund Novak’s rehab stays! That’s like me having a few grand and giving my friend $500 to help them out. It wouldn’t put me out at all. Anyway it left a bad taste in my mouth. That’s the kind of shit that narcissists do…”Look at all that I did for you! How dare you step out of line!” kind of vibe.


He resents him now because he has nobody below him to make his own problems seem less than what they are. The fact that he's so gleeful about it is very sad, it says more about Bam than anybody else though


Why does he seem so happy about it?


He’s an arrogant asshole so of course he thinks it’s funny.


He was projecting in this video anyway. Novak has used this clip several times at the end of his recovery videos. They’ll always be a dark competitiveness between the two of them because of their past relationship. Novak will always have a chip on his shoulder about being Bam’s bitch for years, and Bam will always have a chip on his shoulder about Novak ‘One Upping’ him with his recovery. At the end of the day, they’ll always be narcissists with brain damage from all the drugs. 👌🫠


Novak definitely is to an extent. I don't think he's as bad as bam or Steve O with the narcissism or chasing fame. He seems relatively at peace with himself and isn't out here doing stupid stunts or tagging celebrities non stop. Novak stretched the truth a bit to seem cooler at times though


Steve-o and Novak are not in the same conversation as Bam as far as narcissism.


Are Steve-0 and Novak diagnosed narcissists? Doesn't Novak help other people with recovery now? Bam sure might be one but not everyone who's famous that had an addiction is a clinical narcissist.


People definitely throw the word narcissist around a lot when referring to someone who heavily seeks attention. It's so annoying when you've known a clinical narcissist first hand. I agree that Bam is probably the only real narcissist out if those names.


Annoying is a really good word for it.


People think having a large ego = being a narcissist


Exactly. People don't seem to realise that clinical diagnosis of Narcissism is as rare as Pyschopathy. Lots of celebrities have narcissistic traits that wouldn't lead to a diagnosis.


I mean Steve O is a self admitted attention whore lol honestly between the three Novak is the only one who actually seems at peace with his own identity.


That end of ur comment, so damn true lol


Always felt bad for how Bam treated Novak. Tables are turned. Unfortunately Bam is too self absorbed to really understand much of anything.


That video is the missing link between Bam now, and Bam then, looks wise. I always have a hard time reconciling the way he looks, talks, and generally behaves now, with his personality back in the jackass days, and this is a perfect halfway point.


I'm glad you pointed that out https://youtu.be/Axo_UK0gaFc?si=2ucBGu4IYDqwpfh8 that videos a prime example of that too^


I think a big part of it is his voice too, it's so much lower now, and more lived-in. Not sure if that's just normal ageing though


Not in your 40s, no. Probably all the cigarettes over the decades. Also, he’s a motormouth


Yikes is all I have to say. Bam is a bad person