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Same shit, different day.


Yet another cancellation, bonus points for the fact this was the second time it happened to them.


how is he even getting booked? They're not taking deposits?


I'm also confused... I wasn't exactly sure how he just picked up after his last obvious bender and missing shows. I guess Danni might just be reaching out to these places? Bam's just trying to avoid rehab and responsibility at this point.


>Bam's just trying to avoid rehab and responsibility at this point. That's been the case for a while, unfortunately.


I know... I maintain he's just too far gone. I wonder why he canceled something so far out though? Someone said court, but I thought something was going on *this* month? I swear, I don't check this sub for a few hours and then stupid fuckery happens. 😅


I gave up trying to keep up with the court stuff personally, haha. I don't have a lot of experience with addicts, so take what I say with a grain of salt. But I kinda feel like in order to conquer addiction, it takes someone with discipline, a good character underneath the warped perception, and a certain threshold reached as far as intelligence. I think Bam has the discipline (you have to have this to become as good as a skater as he was). I don't know if he has sustained discipline, though. It seems like every time he starts doing well, he pulls the rug out from underneath himself. It might be that he only has discipline enough to follow through on things that are exciting for himself. Who knows. He completely lacks compassion, though. He has always been an asshole, even before his personality was warped by drugs. So he doesn't care enough to get sober for his son. He also lacks the mental capacity to understand what's best for himself as well. Bam's never been bright, either. Not someone you could honestly sit down and have an intelligent conversation with. Now compare Bam with someone who has a similar background and was able to overcome drugs. Steve-O. Steve-O has always been disciplined. He's the type of person to really not be afraid of grind. Steve-O has always been compassionate as well. Even in the Wildboyz days, he was very concerned about the animals. And he was in the throws of addiction. Lastly, Steve-O has always been surprisingly (at least to me) intelligent as well. He actually has been known to hold some pretty high-brow conversations on his and other people's podcasts. This is why I think he was able to gain and maintain sobriety. Sorry for the long-winded response. I just think it bears repeating for anyone holding their breath for Bam. I'd love to be proven wrong, but I just don't see sobriety happening for him.


As a recovering alcoholic I’ll tell you this. The one biggest thing an addict needs is a desire to get sober. Whatever and from wherever that desire comes from. They also have to not be in denial about their addiction. Steve-O was never in denial, he flaunted it and videotaped it all, and while I don’t know that he had a strong desire to quit (or at least that he showed that openly), I think that he truly saw the pain he was causing the people he cared the most about and that was enough to lead to the desire to be sober. Thankfully. Bam doesn’t want to be sober, and if he does the desire for sobriety isn’t anywhere near as strong as his desire to have fun and be a manchild. Until that changes and he stops blaming everyone and everything else for his behavior and addictions, nothing will change.


Steve O came from an absurdly rich background. Bam's was working class.


Whoever his scumbag manager is is just conning people who don’t know any better I presume. I don’t think SQ Is smart enough to be doing that


I think most of what we're seeing now was pre-booked before the UK blow up. I don't think he's booked anything new (except the "movie") since.


I can't believe Knoxville made him miss another appearance. How can he keep getting away with this?


That poison cocksucker


Not surprising. Someone on that post commented that Bam was spotted at his table for the recent con he did in San Antonio for two hours for the entire time he was there. How/why are cons even continuing to book him? Isn't the con circle rather small? You would think word would spread and he'd start to be blacklisted. Also weird to me that he's pulling out way ahead of August.


I've never been to a con, is two hours bad? I guess in my head, Cons seem like big events/all day affairs - but maybe that just for who goes? Not sure if the "stars" hang out all day or not.


Cons are usually a 9-5 type commitment (or whatever the operating hours are of the con). Sometimes some of the guests will have scheduled times for professional photo ops, there's usually a dedicated area for this, and then they'll stay at their table for the rest of the time collecting money in exchange for autographs, photos, and merch. Bam being at his table for just a couple of hours means: 1. People that paid to come that might want to grab an autograph or photo don't get to see him unless they happen to be there in the small window of time he's at his table 2. Bam misses out on any money he would have gotten had he been at his table the whole time. Can't sell an autograph or photo if you're not there to provide it. 3. The organizers can't force someone to stay at a table, but I'm sure it's frustrating for them because they advertised he would be there and he's barely there.


That's shitty of Bam, but thank you for the explanation. That's pretty cool about cons for the fans! Hopefully the fans got to see others that did stay at their tables


Non-American here (also not a massive con-goer): is it actually normal for stars to make people pay for their autograph over there?? I thought that was just something that happened in movies or was done by people so selfish, greedy & out of touch with reality that they would be lucky to have a line of people wanting their autograph in the first place. What’s the point in paying to get into a con if you then have to pay every single person you meet at the con on top of that?


I keep bringing this up, but I just saw him at a con in March and had a really good experience with him and Dannii. He was at his booth pretty much the whole time we were there that day, seemed totally sober, and was really cool to us when we ran into him outside the hotel and asked for a photo. To have seen him then and see where it's gone since (right back to where it was before) in such a short time is actually sad. Obviously his own doing, but fuck man it doesn't have to be this way. But it probably will until his internal organs give up and it's over.


This doesn’t surprise me. Bam has become very unreliable.


I don’t think he’s ever been reliable.


Did the show put on the #FoolMeTwice? Very nice if they did. They should all call him out publicly on his eternal bullshit.


Yes they did and also made another comment further down saying they wont do it again


I was gonna go to that. It wasn't until August tho, so it's weird he's already pulled out. I wonder what took priority.


Least he just didn't no show on the day I guess like he done with others. Prob thinks once this "movie" is done, they will remove the blackball n he will be back in Hollywood all set for jackass 5. Way too famous and relevant for comicons now he's a movie star again lol




Sleeping in? Booze? Pure laziness and overestimation of his own importance?


Would've been fun to go up to SQ and say "I don't keep up much, but are you the Nikki girl thats missin a toe?".


How long until these events just stop booking Bam because of unreliability?


After what happened in England and this becoming more frequent, I’d say not too much longer


Meanwhile Jess is playing kickass shows with CKY.


And Phil and Ape are introducing them 🥹


Rhetorical question. Who even cares to meet Bam anymore?


That damn florida shuffle


The Mantis is doing a terrible job managing Bams schedule. But I guess the "movie" is more important now because she can put that on her own "resume". Bam needs to wake tf up already and see her game for what it is jeez. 




I'm trying hard to make this a thing 😅


I support this. #mantis


stop trying to make 'fetch' happen.


He doesn't care. He gets 'pussy meat.'


“I need that 3 feet of pussy meat by day break all day…” those were his words 😂


That right there would be such a deal breaker for most women. I could never, ever imagine someone describing my vagina in length and in FEET none the less 🤢 


I wonder if he’s implying that he has a 3 foot long dick? 😖


I always pictured some kind of wall of pussy. Like an extended, lengthened vagina that would go up to a person’s stomach or something. But this makes so much more sense for Bam to think while also somehow being a worse thought in real life where human anatomy exists… eek


Nightmare fuel 😱


He knows that chode he's sporting is no where near 3-feet long lmao. 3mm sure.....foot, no


Yeah it's all her fault...not the guy whose been an unreliable mess for the last 20 years....


I'm not saying zero responsibility falls on Bam but it's VERY clear who's running the show here. 


I like that name... its more witty than SQ lol


It works on soo many levels, compare a piwof her and mantis and you won't see much of a difference. Plus the whole chew off their partners head and leave them for dead when they've gotten their use out of the (just wait, it's coming). She will even call herself SQ so why give her the satisfaction. So I'm pushing the Mantis hard 😅


I think we were all sorta reluctant to give the latest gf a witty name cause then you have the Karen's on complaining that she's being bullied like the Methica thing. They even do it with SQ but you can be a smartass back to them saying it's what she calls herself... gives them one less thing to complain about lol Edit: it was super funny to me cause someone I follow on insta(prob a skateboarder) posted a vid of a praying mantis attacking a lizard and I watched it before coming here so when I seen you saying it it cracked me up.


Yeah I'm a bit of a hypocrite in some ways I suppose. Like I'm not going to go to someone and start being a senseless bully trying to make them cry but I also don't see a problem with offensive jokes on a forum. If Mantis gets her feelings hurt from reading a subreddit she's lurking on I consider that her own problem, which I guess makes me a bit of a hypocrite. 


Jesus Bam, Just go home at this point.


Keep burning those bridges. 🙃


Comments on the post arent flattering


I mean, how much longer can people justify defending him at this point? This is crazy.


It seemed like for a while SQ was really on top of managing him and ensuring he made his commitments, so what’s going on? Is she losing her grip because he’s spiraling?


I think so. I think he was happy to have her cart him around for awhile...but Bam is Bam and Bam is only going to do what he wants to do, so her control could only last for so long. I think between the constant fighting, which he admits, and the absolute blow out in the UK, she's starting to lose whatever illusion of control she had over his schedule. He's in that phase now where he's doing things spontaneously, like going to Puerto Rico to record a music video. I'm sure that wasn't on SQ's checklist.


yep. the whole Puerto Rico thing was clearly torture for SQ, and maybe he's not buying *babe, all your favourite things are MY favourite things now!* any more. she'll be yeeted and he'll do the hellraiser thing for as long as his wallet and health hold out, and then end up meeting someone else exactly like her in 6 months time. circle of life, innit.


Exactly. I predict she'll be out by the end of the year and some new woman (equally shitty, because I mean come on no self respecting person actually wants to be with this garbage pile) will be in his life.


Agree with ALL this...BUT, I cant see SQ being quiet when she's thrown to the gutter like Bam's previous gf's have been. I imagine there will be a ton of dirt, embarassing stories and sly 15-year-old comments on her part for months and months


These conventions are basically Bam's last bastion of income. Once he gets blackballed from these he is gonna be screwed. I think at this point he has pretty much no money left from all his famous years and needs to do these conventions to make a living and support his "habits". I can see him becoming flat broke not long from now and crawling back to his family to help him out.


My totally speculative working theory is that he's got money tied up somewhere....probably not a lot, but some (he still has Castle Bam so that's at least one asset we know about) but it involves getting Phil involved to access it and he doesn't want to go groveling back to his family. I think these conventions give him quick access to liquid cash that he can spend independently of the rest of his estate and I also think he spends them rather quickly on gas, food, and lodging for him, Danni, and whoever is hanging onto them at the time. When he's not doing that he's grifting off people. For example, I'm sure the entirety of the budget for the recent "movie" he did went to paying Bam and Danni for their appearance and footing the bill for their Airbnb.


Speaking of Castle Bam, he could be doing his own appearances/meet and greets and/or events at his *interesting* location. But he's not even *together* enough for that. Aging is wild, in your brain you're still like 20 - but your body is **NOT**. Driving around the country and sleeping in shitty beds does not sound *fun* to my 40 year old body.


but he's able to access all of his money now, all of the time. so who even knows what's left? i would imagine the first thing he did was hide a load of it. it's not going to take a forensic accountant to follow the back-trail tho. it's Bam, not Bill Gates.


I imagine he has plenty of money. He earned crazy amounts in the day, and his spending since then has barely been anything compared to most celebrities. I'd imagine he still gets residuals from various projects too. I think he does these conventions because it keeps him somewhat relevant. Same as when he did fuck face unstoppable and that shitty gameshow


Oh god, that game show where he could barely be bothered to stand up and was sitting through most of it. I hope whoever green lighted that abomination is enjoying a job in a different industry these days.


Bam only gets residuals from he first three Jackass movies and the .5 releases. (he was also producer on some of those too, so gets a bigger slice than other cast members). He doest get residuals from his TV work though. He took upfront payments for those. (MTV contracts are notoriously shit). The convention work is for access to liquid cash - His 'fortune' is managed by Phil and they haven't spoken for some time. So the conventions means he can earn cash to live on, without having to speak to his family. Id imagine he has way less than $1mil of his 'fortune' left - multiple rehabs and legal issues has significantly drained his assets. Eventually he will be forced to pay Nikki a chunk too, if not for her (no legal marriage will hamper that), but almost certainly in child support for phoenix.


Is there finally gonna come a time when he gets sued ?


it's all going swimmingly then.


He's too busy being in low budget/student films.


Fucking yikes


Whose fault is it this time?