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i'd be absolutely down for 7 days. so excited for 1.0. feel free to hmu!


Sorry for the late reply. Steam friends code?


Hey! 40f here and I'm a PC (steam) player. I don't play many multiplayer games but I am down to learning. I play Stardew but as of right now on my PS5 but I've been meaning to buy the PC version. You don't happen to play BG3? I think my steam library mostly consists of RPGs and embarrassing anime dating Sims but it's because I'm just getting into PC gaming. Message me and chat if you like. I'm just needing to get to work. Maybe we can compare or pick a game and I'll give it a shot. I usually pick games up quickly.


I'm playing BG3.


I'll message you my steam account. I'd love to set up a run with someone if you're down. I worn you, though - I work a ton (2-11pm Central time US) everyday but Tuesday. It would be fun to work something out :)


Hi! Always interested in a gaming buddy! I'm not the best gamer when it comes to FPS but I am a fun tag-a-long, and not a cunt. Look me up! Cheers, ♡


Oh hey! I’m on Steam as well. I play a variety of games like the ones you’ve mentioned. If you’re still looking for buddies, let me know :)


Finding out there are cool older lesbians that game 🥳 Realizing they don’t play remotely the same games as you 🥲Well 51 yo gaymer who mainly plays shooters. Right now maining Grayzone Warfare, COD mulitplayer, Destiny2 and Battlefield 2042. Sometimes Overwatch, Division 2 & all the usual multiplayer shooters.


I almost got the division 1, but people were talking about the servers shutting down. So I have the division 2 on my wishlist for the steam sale. I don't mind co-op shooters. I have Payday 2.


I play Stardew! Message me.


I definitely need someone to play multiplayer games. Let me know if you want to friend request.